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>From: " deannaMulaly " <deannamulaly@...>

>I'm sure someone here takes Lugol's - I hope you can help me.

>I'm taking it now and have had mild stomach upset.

>I'm wondering how you take it to avoid that - do

>you divide doses or take it with food or more liquid?


>I am supplementing with magnesium as I read that is important.

Do you take it in juice or milk? Milk seems to hide the flavor pretty well.

I've never had an upset stomach from it.

However, avoidance of the tast and stomach troubles is the reason Iodoral

was created, as it is Lugol's in pill form.



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Thanks Skipper.

Coincidentally, I did take it in milk this morning and I agree that it

does hide the flavor (although the taste isn't half as bad as I

expected it to be).

Maybe it was also a coincidence that my stomach was upset, because I

took another dose and had no problem.

Do you usually take your whole daily dose at once?

I do have the book Iodine Why You Need It..., however it doesn't seem

to address this.

Thanks again,



> Do you take it in juice or milk? Milk seems to hide the flavor

pretty well.


> I've never had an upset stomach from it.


> However, avoidance of the tast and stomach troubles is the reason


> was created, as it is Lugol's in pill form.


> Skipper


> _________________________________________________________________

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>From: " deannaMulaly " <deannamulaly@...>

>Do you usually take your whole daily dose at once?

I usually do. But, that doesn't mean that's the best way.



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  • 3 weeks later...

>From: " vcoppola7 " <vcoppola7@...>

>Is Lugol's available only by prescription?

Currently you can get it at jcrows.com in undiluted strength, but if the DEA

rule goes through that's been mentioned on this list, they might have to

dilute it down to sell it.

One ounce lasts quite a long time for oral use. 2 drops equals about 12.5

mg, which is equivalent to one iodoral pill.



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  • 1 year later...
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> Bee, Thank you for this advice. I take it quite to

> heart hearing about your experience. My mother lost

> her thyroid to over activity. And her mother lost

> hers, so more reason for me to be very very careful.

> Yes, thanks so much.

==>Bridget, you are so very welcome for the advice. I certainly

learned the hard way.


> > ==>Bridget, be careful taking Lugol's iodine. You

> > get enough iodine

> > on this program and the body only requires " trace

> > amounts " . Too much

> > iodine is just as damaging to the thyroid as too

> > little. That's how

> > I lost my thryoid 20 years ago; I overdosed on

> > Lugol's and also took

> > dessicated thyroid (per my doctor of course), but

> > little did I know

> > at the time the damage that was being done.

> > >


> I appreciate your input on this as well as the

> rejuvelac and the drinking water questions.

> Experiencing less bloating having started making the

> dietary changes you recommend. It's just the

> beginning and I have lots more to read and learn. So

> glad I found your group!

==>I'm glad you found us too my friend! We are all better

off " taking charge of our own health! " Onward and upward!

Luv, Bee

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Jill do you use any Magnesium. It is necessary in over 300 enzyme reactions. I use the Mg Oil (you can find the link to where to purchase on my thyroid nutrient page www.naturalthryoidchoices.com ). I love my Mg Oil. It makes my whole body relax and gives me more stamina for workouts.


Re: lugol'sThanks, and Sandi, that was a very fast answer! I'm sorry to hear about your loss of the thyroid gland, creates so many problems.I'm planning to continue to increase the dosage to 100, but taking my time. I have some kind of neuromuscular problem, called by many names: lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. Also it has been called "I don't know, so please just go home". :-)So far the improvements have been the physical ones I mentioned, but I'm hoping for lessening of the cognitive problems, also. I've been disabled for 8 years, but ill for more than 25. Just today reading some of the postings,

I think I might add manganese to the list of supplements. But carefully.Thanks for your prompt replies.Jill------------------------------------

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Thanks . I found out she weighs 99 lbs. so I will tell them

to give her 4 drops of 5% (she doesn't do capsules well), along with

the vit C and salt.



> Each drop of 5% Lugols solution is 6.25 mgs.





> Lugol's



> >4 drops equals 25 mg, yes?

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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My kids take Iodoral and we crush it and put it in applesauce. They take a

bunch of pills. Some Omega 3 Fatty Acids like Flax Seed Oil and DHA oils

would be good for her too. My kids are on Nordic Naturals Strawberry DHA

for children




>> >4 drops equals 25 mg, yes?

>> >

>> >

>> > ------------------------------------

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

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In a message dated 6/24/2008 10:06:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, JanieBea@... writes:

4 drops equals 25 mg, yes?

yesGas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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  • 1 year later...

Lugol's from aquaria suppliers often contains bromine/bromide which

is an undesirable halogen/halide. You might call the manufacturer

for clarification.

At 08:14 PM 10/8/2009, Slavek wrote:


> BTW, I have bought 11.68% lugol from an aquaristic supply house for

>C$12 per once. How about that for a deal? You just have to get around

>and possibly learn how to thin and mix the stuff to get the final

>concentration you want for your supplementation.

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Whether the aquaristic Lugol has bromine in it or not is something I

will try to find out, but I seriously doubt it.

Slavec I seriously doubt it also...but the why about bromide...did you know that

they used to put iodine in bread but someone decided to have that stopped and we

have bromide in white flour instead. Why, because our government and the people

on top (same group) make a lot of money poisoning people....take flouride or

aspartame and mercury in vaccines and on and on and on....Its the name of the

game in modern civilization....terrible...

For those who want to take iodine as part of a protocol for cancer I would not

fool around I would go for the best for oral consumption not the cheapest. Even

the new weaker lugols is harsh for oral use....


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Hi Marc.

The point of illegal is quite specific not only to the product, but also

to the purpose of intended use. This is exactly why some products albeit

illegal for lets say human medical purposes are OK for lets say

electroplating. Lets say tetracycline is prescription at $16 per week

per person. But it is also over the counter at $13 per cow per week at

farm supply stores sometimes with a free syringe as a bonus. Yet it is

the same tetracycline.

Lets say DMSO is a hard to get prescription item in Canada for humans,

but an over the counter item in farm supply stores. Yet it is the same


Whether the aquaristic Lugol has bromine in it or not is something I

will try to find out, but I seriously doubt it. The product states only

iodine, iodide and water. The concentration is not meant for human

consumption for the simple reason that one drop is on the high side of a

reasonable daily supplementation dose. Therefore, it has to be thinned

to more practical concentration. But it is still a deal financially.

And indeed, it is stated in a lot of references that iodine does

displace bromine from tissues. Yet, why to put it in the body in the

first place along with the iodine? Bromine is probably needed by the

body also to some extent, but it is definitely a big nono in excess.

BTW, iodine supplements are very common in Europe for hormonal control

in common dosing between 15 - 50 mg/D, but doses up to 200 mg are also

used in whatever cases. My mother for example had been on 50 mg/D for 3

months some 3 years ago and on 13 mg/D ever since. She is 83 and the

last time she fell off the roof while fixing it was 6 years ago. What a

woman :-)

Anyway, iodine IMHO is one of the elements we sorely lack in our diets

in North America.

With kind regards, Slavek.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD wrote:


> Thats really stupid if it really does have bromide since iodine forces

> bromide out of the thyroid. I recommend Lugols only for transdermal

> use and that percentage of lugols was made illegal two years ago

> so........because it was being used by illegal drug people...


> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

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Go to the iodine list. The moderator there says to take half tsp of celtic sea

salt daily to help remove bromide from the body. phine

> >

> > BTW, I have bought 11.68% lugol from an aquaristic supply house for

> >C$12 per once. How about that for a deal? You just have to get around

> >and possibly learn how to thin and mix the stuff to get the final

> >concentration you want for your supplementation.


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Hmm, Kent it is indeed.

With kind regards, Slavek.

thresaaguayo28 wrote:




> I have a salt water aquarium and use Kent Marine Lugol's solution.

> It's only ingredients are deionized water, potassium iodide, and

> iodine. It nowhere on the bottle mentions bromide or fluorine. So that

> might be a better option.


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OMD= Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I believe...best to everyone. Ray H

In a message dated 10/10/2009 6:29:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

johnmagal@... writes:


please let us know what OMD stands for. Wikipedia doesn't

have an entry for that



" Mark Sircus Ac., OMD " wrote:


> Yes this is the wonderful iodine I use and recommend. Its gentle and

safe even for little children and when used in cancer treatment you can dose

every two or three hours. The main iodine doctors use isodora I think its

called and they take the dosages up to the sky. The brand name though of the

one I use is Nascent but its the same. You can also nebulize this form of

iodine easily into the lungs. I use it instead of antibiotics for my kids

since it is a broad anitpathogen agent of the most primordial kind.


> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

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please let us know what OMD stands for. Wikipedia doesn't

have an entry for that



" Mark Sircus Ac., OMD " wrote:


> Yes this is the wonderful iodine I use and recommend. Its gentle and safe even

for little children and when used in cancer treatment you can dose every two or

three hours. The main iodine doctors use isodora I think its called and they

take the dosages up to the sky. The brand name though of the one I use is

Nascent but its the same. You can also nebulize this form of iodine easily into

the lungs. I use it instead of antibiotics for my kids since it is a broad

anitpathogen agent of the most primordial kind.


> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

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Yes OMD is waht Ray says.

Dr. Mark

OMD= Doctor of Oriental Medicine, I believe...best to everyone. Ray H

In a message dated 10/10/2009 6:29:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

johnmagal@... writes:


please let us know what OMD stands for. Wikipedia doesn't

have an entry for that



" Mark Sircus Ac., OMD " wrote:


> Yes this is the wonderful iodine I use and recommend. Its gentle and

safe even for little children and when used in cancer treatment you can dose

every two or three hours. The main iodine doctors use isodora I think its

called and they take the dosages up to the sky. The brand name though of the

one I use is Nascent but its the same. You can also nebulize this form of

iodine easily into the lungs. I use it instead of antibiotics for my kids

since it is a broad anitpathogen agent of the most primordial kind.


> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

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Well I nebulize iodine, sodium bicarbonate and even the magnesium chloride...one

at a time of course...you have to use the purest quality stuff on the magnesium

chloride (Ancient Minerals ...I even dilute this and put it in my eyes) and

iodine (Nascent Iodine, I think the Lugols is a bit harsh for this)

...quality/purity is important with these finer applications...... all you do is

put some drops in the water or saline holding basket....experiment..start with

lower concentration and work up to high....but dont be shy about the

concentration...the iodine disapperas quite quickly....all good for treating the

lungs and lung cancer etc.....you can do the same with glutathione...and just

now was talking to a doctor friend of mine in Moscow and he is using a vaporizer

to put hydrogen peroxide and even Oxytocin into the air with what he says is

amazing result.....

I am in Brazil by the way....

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association

[ ] Re: Lugol's

Mark, How exactly I can neubilize?

Thank you!

You wrote:

>You can also nebulize this form of iodine easily into the lungs. >

> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD


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Do you inhale these different meds thru your nebulizer Mark? What does

inhaling magensium and iodine do for you?


Mark Sircus Ac., OMD wrote:

> Well I nebulize iodine, sodium bicarbonate and even the magnesium

chloride...one at a time of course...you have to use the purest quality stuff on

the magnesium chloride (Ancient Minerals ...I even dilute this and put it in my

eyes) and iodine (Nascent Iodine, I think the Lugols is a bit harsh for this)

...quality/purity is important with these finer applications...... all you do is

put some drops in the water or saline holding basket....experiment..start with

lower concentration and work up to high....but dont be shy about the

concentration...the iodine disapperas quite quickly....all good for treating the

lungs and lung cancer etc.....you can do the same with glutathione...and just

now was talking to a doctor friend of mine in Moscow and he is using a vaporizer

to put hydrogen peroxide and even Oxytocin into the air with what he says is

amazing result.....


> I am in Brazil by the way....


> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

> Director International Medical Veritas Association





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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest


I just posted this info when you said you didn't have a dropper.

The metric system is standardized to have 20 drops / ml. So .3 ml would be 6

drops. .9 ml would be 18 drops.

It is 5% Lugol's isn't it? At 6.25 mg / drop, 6 drops is 37.5 mg. .9 ml or 18

drops is 112.5 mg.

It doesn't make sense to give a dosage AND say poison. We all know it isn't

poison except if it's in an alcohol base - which isn't Lugol's. Lugol's is

water based.



> Hello:




> On my bottle of Lugol's it says - Usual dose 0.3 mL 3 times daily. = .9 mL.


> Could someone tell me what that would amount to?


> It also says POISON and there is a skull and crossed bones on the bottle.


> Thanks,


> Bonnie


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