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Burzynski Movie-San Francisco,CA-Sat.Nov.13,2010

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October 13, 2010

As many of you may know October is " Breast Cancer Awareness month " . This

gives everyone an opportunity to sell a lot of pink ribbons, pink hair dye

and other random meaningless pink items to make us all aware of Breast

Cancer, as if we needed a reminder.

However, this gives us all an opportunity to spread the word about

Burzynski and Antineoplastons. A comment about Burzynski and this film was


recently on an article written by Jeanne Rizzo, the CEO of the Breast

Cancer Fund. Read the _comment here._

(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/social/anpfilm?action=comments) Read the

_original article here._



If you would like to do your part, take the time to find at least one blog

that discusses Breast Cancer Awareness and add a comment with a link to

this film. _Click here for a sample list of search results for blogs._

(http://www.google.com/search?client=safari & rls=en & q=blog+breast+cancer+awarenes\

s & i

e=UTF-8 & oe=UTF-8)

Since this is after all a civil rights issue, addressing these issues

begin at the grass roots level. We are lucky to live in a time where

information can spread rapidly—where we can express our own voice.

We had written in the past about opening up new Congressional Hearings

into the matter of the FDA suddenly placing a blanket requirement forcing all

new brain cancer patients who wish to be treated with Antineoplastons in

Burzynski's FDA-approved clinical trials to first fail chemotherapy and

radiation before being allowed into these trials. Many of these types of


are those that have never been cured by chemotherapy and radiation... and

Antineoplastons holds the first cures in medical history.


) .


November 13, 2010 at 6:30 pm - Rudramandir, 830 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA

_click here for more info and tickets_


Some of Burzynski's past cancer survivors from the film and others will

participate in a Q & A after the film.

This is the first of many screenings to be held in the San Francisco area.

We will announce them soon.


_Burzynski Movie_ (https://www.burzynskimovie.com/)

DVD is available _directly from the producers_

(http://www.burzynskimovie.com/index.php?option=com_virtuemart & Itemid=69 & vmcchk=\

1 & Itemid=69) , on



TF8 & s=dvd & qid=1280936367 & sr=8-1) , or by _check or money order._




_Click here to view an extended clip from the film with 15-year brain

cancer survivor Kunnari_ (

) .
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