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I'll tell you a rather amusing story.  My husband's psa was above normal and our

internist wanted  him to go to the best urologist in town.  When my hubby went,

when he came out he had a plastic bag with him and when i asked what that was he

said this uro wanted to do biopsy.  So i said, you return that you are not

having any of that nonsense.  I gave him graviola, pau d arco, saw palmetto. He

took this for six months. Every one and a half month his  psa went down by 1 to

1.5 points.  After six months i took him to Dr. Bard of NYC for colored doppler

ultrasound, he advocates HAIFU if there is cancer.  He said, yes 2 tumors but

non-cancerous.  He gave him a bottle of supplements he himself put together,

selenium - methyl type -  and asked hubby to stop all supplements.  However, i

gave him moringa leaves tea with: turmeric - root and powder, cinnamon stem and

powder, cayenne pepper powder,  lemongrass, and of course no meat, dairy or

sugar in

his diet.  He also took alpha lipoic acid.  One year later, when he went for

check up, the tumors were blue which indicated it is dead or dying.  One tumor

has disappeared.  We shall go this December for another checkup.  Please pray

all will be gone and prostate clean.


Meanwhile, our internist was insisting that hubby get his biopsy with his friend

the best  uro.  Eventually when he saw we weren't going to do as he suggested he

fired us!!!  What do you know, when i went to an integrative doctor, he casually

mentioned that the uro being recommended now is doing HAIFU in Mexico.  Hahaha,

an alternative procedure.




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Remember, he probably gets referral $$ from the sturgeon.  Also, they only


alopathic (chemicals) works. The same people who give you thimerisol/mercury


My barber had his taken out.  I suspect some of these prostate cancers will kill

us in 50 more years, but likely old age will take us first.

I am waiting for the day they just remove healthy ones for preventative


I used Mannatech products to reduce the heat and swelling mine had.  (The body

heals with the right foods)


From: Bag <@...>

Subject: [ ] Prostate

Date: Thursday, September 3, 2009, 9:23 AM


I'll tell you a rather amusing story.  My husband's psa was

above normal and our internist wanted  him to go to the best urologist in town. 

When my hubby went, when he came out he had a plastic bag with him and when i

asked what that was he said this uro wanted to do biopsy.  So i said, you return

that you are not having any of that nonsense.  I gave him graviola, pau d arco,

saw palmetto. He took this for six months. Every one and a half month his  psa

went down by 1 to 1.5 points.  After six months i took him to Dr. Bard of NYC

for colored doppler ultrasound, he advocates HAIFU if there is cancer.  He said,

yes 2 tumors but non-cancerous.  He gave him a bottle of supplements he himself

put together, selenium - methyl type -  and asked hubby to stop all

supplements.  However, i gave him moringa leaves tea with: turmeric - root and

powder, cinnamon stem and powder, cayenne pepper powder,  lemongrass, and of

course no meat,

dairy or sugar in

his diet.  He also took alpha lipoic acid.  One year later, when he went for

check up, the tumors were blue which indicated it is dead or dying.  One tumor

has disappeared.  We shall go this December for another checkup.  Please pray

all will be gone and prostate clean.


Meanwhile, our internist was insisting that hubby get his biopsy with his friend

the best  uro.  Eventually when he saw we weren't going to do as he suggested he

fired us!!!  What do you know, when i went to an integrative doctor, he casually

mentioned that the uro being recommended now is doing HAIFU in Mexico.  Hahaha,

an alternative procedure.




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I avoided the suggested biopsy

used the Apricot pits and finally heavy doses of Ambratose (Mannetech) and

wasted a lot of money doing it. The Apricot pits don't cost too much but the

Mannetech stuff...yikes........but my PSA still averages anywhere from 6 - 10

and it is evident neither of these did anything for me but my Free PSA, a more

exact test, for anyone with a PSA ranging between 4 - 10 has improved and I give

credit to New Chapter's Prostate Formula and my now use of Zyflamend to control

inflammation. I also am dealing with Bladder Cancer and thanks to the

suggestions of a list expert have that under control for five years.

Be sure to request a 'Free PSA' test if your PSA falls between 4 - 10.

Joe c.

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Hi, , thanks for your note and sharing.

What is the brand name and dosage of extracts of stinging nettles are you


Thanks again.


In a message dated 9/4/2009 8:15:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

Cuns-Rial@... writes:

Hi Jim I use a combination of Prostate SLX and Zyflamend from New

Chapter. All the symptoms associated with hyperplasia diminish greatly.

I do not pay attention to the PSA, but,nevertheless it dropped from 5+

to 4+ in just three months. I have found that for me, avoidance of

coffee, MSG, beef are important. I take calcium glucarate and melatonin

to remove excess estrogen.

Highly concentrated extracts of stinging nettles are highly efective to

reduce the action of the enzyme aromatase and I take one bottle every

two three months.

Good luck


_jpking@..._ (mailto:jpking@...) wrote:

> How to reduce PSA in a natural way?

> I tried to use Avodart. It works. My PSA dropped from 1.2 to 0.3 within


> year. However, it has negative side effects: enlarged breast with very

> sensitive nipple. So, I stopped taking it for two months. My PSA went up


> 1.0.

> Does any one know what natural supplements to take to reduce PSA? Are

> there any natural substitute for Avodart?

> Thanks.

> Jim



> In a message dated 9/3/2009 3:38:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> _bobsellie@..._ (mailto:bobsellie@...) writes:





> That is the same thing that my Uro said. He poo-poo the idea of me


> to Germany, but he'd gladly take me to Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean



> Bob



> In a message dated 9/3/2009 10:24:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> __ (DOT) _ti_ (mailto:_@...) _

(mailto:_@..._ (mailto:@...) ) writes:


> I'll tell you a rather amusing story. My husband's psa was above normal

> and our internist wanted him to go to the best urologist in town. When


> hubby went, when he came out he had a plastic bag with him and when i

> asked

> what that was he said this uro wanted to do biopsy. So i said, you


> that you are not having any of that nonsense. I gave him graviola, pau d

> arco, saw palmetto. He took this for six months. Every one and a half

> month

> his psa went down by 1 to 1.5 points. After six months i took him to Dr.

> Bard of NYC for colored doppler ultrasound, he advocates HAIFU if there


> cancer. He said, yes 2 tumors but non-cancerous. He gave him a bottle of

> supplements he himself put together, selenium - methyl type - and asked

> hubby to stop all supplements. However, i gave him moringa leaves tea

> with:

> turmeric - root and powder, cinnamon stem and powder, cayenne pepper

> powder, lemongrass, and of course no meat, dairy or sugar in

> his diet. He also took alpha lipoic acid. One year later, when he went

> for check up, the tumors were blue which indicated it is dead or dying.

> One

> tumor has disappeared. We shall go this December for another checkup.

> Please pray all will be gone and prostate clean.


> Meanwhile, our internist was insisting that hubby get his biopsy with


> friend the best uro. Eventually when he saw we weren't going to do as he

> suggested he fired us!!! What do you know, when i went to an integrative

> doctor, he casually mentioned that the uro being recommended now is


> HAIFU in Mexico. Hahaha, an alternative procedure.




> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]






> ************ ************<WBR>**A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above.

See you

> steps!



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> =JulystepsfooterNO1



> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]




> ------------ ---- ---- -


> Groups Links






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Hi, Joe, thanks for your note. Yes, I agree with you that we should avoid

biopsy. I am going to have a color Doppler ultra sound examination by a very

good doctor in NYC to determine if there is any sign of cancer.

In a message dated 9/3/2009 10:39:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

jcastron1@... writes:

I avoided the suggested biopsy

used the Apricot pits and finally heavy doses of Ambratose (Mannetech) and

wasted a lot of money doing it. The Apricot pits don't cost too much but

the Mannetech stuff...yikes.used the Apricot pits and finally heavy doses

of Ambratose (Mannetech) and wasted a lot of money doing it. The Apricot

pits don't cost too much but the Mannetech stuff...yikes.<WBR>.......but my

PSA still averages anywhere from 6 - 10 and it is evident neither of these

did anything for me but my Free PSA, a more exact test, for anyone with a PSA

ranging between 4 - 10 has improved and I give credit to New Chapter's


Be sure to request a 'Free PSA' test if your PSA falls between 4 - 10.

Joe c.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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I use the nettles extract from Swanson and take 4 daily 2 am and 2 pm


Cuns-Rial@... wrote:

> Hi Jim I use a combination of Prostate SLX and Zyflamend from New

> Chapter. All the symptoms associated with hyperplasia diminish greatly.

> I do not pay attention to the PSA, but,nevertheless it dropped from 5+

> to 4+ in just three months. I have found that for me, avoidance of

> coffee, MSG, beef are important. I take calcium glucarate and melatonin

> to remove excess estrogen.

> Highly concentrated extracts of stinging nettles are highly efective to

> reduce the action of the enzyme aromatase and I take one bottle every

> two three months.


> Good luck

> ND


> jpking@... wrote:


>> How to reduce PSA in a natural way?

>> I tried to use Avodart. It works. My PSA dropped from 1.2 to 0.3 within one

>> year. However, it has negative side effects: enlarged breast with very

>> sensitive nipple. So, I stopped taking it for two months. My PSA went up to

>> 1.0.

>> Does any one know what natural supplements to take to reduce PSA? Are

>> there any natural substitute for Avodart?

>> Thanks.

>> Jim



>> In a message dated 9/3/2009 3:38:09 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

>> bobsellie@... writes:





>> That is the same thing that my Uro said. He poo-poo the idea of me coming

>> to Germany, but he'd gladly take me to Canada, Mexico or the Caribbean for


>> Bob



>> In a message dated 9/3/2009 10:24:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

>> _@..._ (mailto:@...) writes:


>> I'll tell you a rather amusing story. My husband's psa was above normal

>> and our internist wanted him to go to the best urologist in town. When my

>> hubby went, when he came out he had a plastic bag with him and when i

>> asked

>> what that was he said this uro wanted to do biopsy. So i said, you return

>> that you are not having any of that nonsense. I gave him graviola, pau d

>> arco, saw palmetto. He took this for six months. Every one and a half

>> month

>> his psa went down by 1 to 1.5 points. After six months i took him to Dr.

>> Bard of NYC for colored doppler ultrasound, he advocates HAIFU if there is

>> cancer. He said, yes 2 tumors but non-cancerous. He gave him a bottle of

>> supplements he himself put together, selenium - methyl type - and asked

>> hubby to stop all supplements. However, i gave him moringa leaves tea

>> with:

>> turmeric - root and powder, cinnamon stem and powder, cayenne pepper

>> powder, lemongrass, and of course no meat, dairy or sugar in

>> his diet. He also took alpha lipoic acid. One year later, when he went

>> for check up, the tumors were blue which indicated it is dead or dying.

>> One

>> tumor has disappeared. We shall go this December for another checkup.

>> Please pray all will be gone and prostate clean.


>> Meanwhile, our internist was insisting that hubby get his biopsy with his

>> friend the best uro. Eventually when he saw we weren't going to do as he

>> suggested he fired us!!! What do you know, when i went to an integrative

>> doctor, he casually mentioned that the uro being recommended now is doing

>> HAIFU in Mexico. Hahaha, an alternative procedure.




>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]






>> **************A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in just 2 easy

>> steps!



www.freecreditreport.com/pm/default.aspx?sc=668072 & hmpgID=115 & bcd

>> =JulystepsfooterNO115)




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  • 4 weeks later...

When i have had a psa test the doc said not to masturbate for fuck a couple of

days prior tothe test.


From: stan <lakeerie332000@...>

Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:45:27 PM

Subject: prostate


psa will test crazy [i think] if you disturb the prostate by masterbating- -or

having prostate test shortly be-for the blood work--

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