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bad news

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Barb, You, your brother, and your family are in my prayers. I'm terribly sorry.

Anytime you need to talk, instant message me. It always looks like we're online

because we have high speed cable modem, so we are online 24/7. I'm not up as

late as I used to be since I'm working or in school in the mornings, but I am

usually at my desk around 1-2 a.m. Buzz me anytime.

Sending positive vibes your way. Be safe. {{{{big hug}}}} sheila

Barbara Schulz <beschulz@...> wrote:

I talked with my brother last night. His doctors have given him 2 - 4

weeks to live. Needless to say, my family is waiting for him to

return home from the hospital so we can all fly out there. I will be

there at least two weeks.

I prob. won't be posting much, but I'll check in from time to time.


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Even though I don't know you, you and your family have my prayers.


Barbara Schulz <beschulz@...> wrote:

I talked with my brother last night. His doctors have given him 2 - 4

weeks to live. Needless to say, my family is waiting for him to

return home from the hospital so we can all fly out there. I will be

there at least two weeks.

I prob. won't be posting much, but I'll check in from time to time.


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So sorry to hear this I lost a friend two years ago this month from

the same thing, she was only 40. This is one of the hardest to treat

because it just travels so fast. My girlfriend had a mole on her

ankle and it was already in her knee--and then traveled to her brain.

It was 4 years of trying to battle it with everything. Who would of

thought a little mole would do this?

I wish I could tell you not to give up but I know near the end no one

wants to hear someone say you could try this or that.

I am sure he has tried everything. My heart goes out to you and your

family!!!! tina

> I talked with my brother last night. His doctors have given him 2 -


> weeks to live. Needless to say, my family is waiting for him to

> return home from the hospital so we can all fly out there. I will


> there at least two weeks.


> I prob. won't be posting much, but I'll check in from time to time.


> Barb

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So sorry to hear your bad news but I am so glad you will get to spend two

weeks with him. That is so important to all of you. Don't forget to take care

of yourself too.


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I went through this with my dad - I know how hard it is.

My sympathies,

----Original Message Follows----

From: " Barbara Schulz " <beschulz@...>



Subject: bad news

Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 13:41:48 -0000

I talked with my brother last night. His doctors have given him 2 - 4


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Barb,, I am so sorry to hear about your brother.. That is very sad-- If you need

to talk about anything feel free to email me okay-- I will pray for you and your

family honey-- I am not sure what situation your brother is in, But I know my

aunt was told she has 2 months to live and that was over two years ago..

Everything thing in her body was slowing shutting down then finally all her

organs stoped working !!! She is still living.. Her liver busted and

everything.. Poor thing is in a lot of pain though-- She has to live with a

cathered in her all the time.. Well sweetie I am very sorry about your bro--

Maybe god will bring a mircle honey-- Keisha

Barbara Schulz <beschulz@...> wrote:I talked with my brother last night.

His doctors have given him 2 - 4

weeks to live. Needless to say, my family is waiting for him to

return home from the hospital so we can all fly out there. I will be

there at least two weeks.

I prob. won't be posting much, but I'll check in from time to time.


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Sorry to hear about your news Barb, thoughts and prayers go out to you.

Take Care,



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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Oh Ray! I just don't know what to say. This is just awful. Sending big hugs and all my love to you.


[ ] Bad News

Checked into the hospital yesterday because my doctors were unable to determine the cause of my fevers for the last 2+ weeks. They hooked my up to an IV for antibiotics, and ran a cat scan and a chest xray. The xray was to check for TB, which I do not have. The cat scan checked my liver and all nearby organs, abdomen, etc.

To make a long story short I have liver cancer. Foci (tumors) "too numerous to count."

So, no TX but (I hope) a transplant. I have read though, in my Hep C book by Harriet Washington, that if you have more than 2 or 3 tumors they will not do a transplant. Also, if you have had previous abdominal surgery (which I have, colon removal) you also are not a suitable candadate for a transplant.

I see my GI Dr at 9:15am tomorrow (yes, Saturday). Hopefully I will learn more then.

If anyhow has knowledge that would address my suitability as a liver transplant candidate, please share it with me.



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  • 5 months later...


It¹s hard to loose a trusted physician. Finding new doctors was one of the

hardest things for me to do when I moved to another state. I hope you find

a replacement that measures up to your current rheumy.


> I had an appointment with my rheumy today and got terrible news. He is

> leaving, relocating to somewhere in Georgia, for family reasons. He

> will be closer to his daughters in Georgia.


> The news saddened me, because I like him more than any other doctor

> I've ever been to. He is so compassionate and caring and accessible.

> I'll never find another rheumatologist like him. They are merging the

> practice into another one that is also associated with Wake Forest

> University. As hard as it is to get in to see a rheumatologist, I don't

> know how that is going to work.


> Today I saw a different Fellow, who said that there's a possibility

> that he'll stay on, once his Fellowship is over. I hope he does,

> because I did like him. He listened to what I had to say and answered

> all of my questions. I believe he will also be accessible, because he

> told me if I ever needed to come in between appointments to call him,

> not the schedulers. My next appointment is in four months to see him

> and the rheumy in the practice they're merging into.


> We'll see how it goes.


> Sue





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June, I consider that rheumatologist one of my earthly angels. I will

never find another doctor like him. Another thing I like about him is

his sense of humor. Yesterday when the nurse took me to an examining

room, we passed by him standing in the hall. I heard him say, " Let me

go in and say hello to my girlfriend. (I'm old enough to be his mother,

LOL.) He came in, shook my hand, and asked me how I was. He always made

me feel like his most important patient, and I'm sure he made most of

his patients feel the same. I wish I could clone him.


On Thursday, October 28, 2004, at 09:33 PM, June Dixon wrote:


> Sorry you are going to lose your rheumatologist, especially when you

> like him so much. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the Fellow you

> like will decide to stay.

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Sue, I'm sorry that your losing your rheumy, that is BAD NEWS! Maybe

he can refer you to someone that he highly recommends, I know it

won't be the same, we just have our favorites.

I really like my rheumy, he is a very nice gentle man. He comes in,

sits with you, and makes you feel important. He will explain to you

what's going on, and what he can do. He doesn't run you in like a

bunch of cattle going to a sale,:) I have to put my sense of humor

in once in awhile:)

There are a lot of us Okie girls on the board that go to Dr.C, and

all you ever hear is wonderful comments about him.

Don't give up though, you will find another kind doctor that will

take good care of you, T

> I had an appointment with my rheumy today and got terrible news. He


> leaving, relocating to somewhere in Georgia, for family reasons. He

> will be closer to his daughters in Georgia.


> The news saddened me, because I like him more than any other doctor

> I've ever been to. He is so compassionate and caring and


> I'll never find another rheumatologist like him. They are merging


> practice into another one that is also associated with Wake Forest

> University. As hard as it is to get in to see a rheumatologist, I


> know how that is going to work.


> Today I saw a different Fellow, who said that there's a possibility

> that he'll stay on, once his Fellowship is over. I hope he does,

> because I did like him. He listened to what I had to say and


> all of my questions. I believe he will also be accessible, because


> told me if I ever needed to come in between appointments to call


> not the schedulers. My next appointment is in four months to see


> and the rheumy in the practice they're merging into.


> We'll see how it goes.


> Sue

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  • 10 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Sorry to hear of your loss.




> I just got a call that the last Tool Maker I worked with died

> yesterday.

> A little back ground on this story in the middle 70's I was a Tool

> Make working in the Plastic Department. The Co. was trying to come

> up with a plastic tough enough to stamp out steel panels in a Die.

> We were working with a lot of volatile Chemicals mixing different

> plastic's together with out the proper protection. They were


> plastics with there bare hands and cleaning them with chemicals to

> get it off there hands. We were also cutting and grinding the

> plastic without proper venting so there was fiberglass dust in the

> air all day long. Here is what happened a lot of the men would get

> a bad rash so bad they could not work on the plastic. So the Co.

> would put them on sick leave rather then put then to work in a

> different department so they only got half there pay. As time


> on one after the other was getting sick we were in the Union and

> they got the Co. to make the place safe to work in but it was to

> late for us. I worked with 40 guys and 15 Pattern Makers in the

> same room. Today except for my self the last Tool Maker died of

> cancer yesterday. I never had a health problem in my life until I

> worked in this Department. I was a Machine Designer before


> a Tool Maker and knew about safety working with Chemicals so I

> always put on gloves when working with plastic mixing never let it

> get on my hands. I was called a pussy for doing this and now I am

> the only one left. I have seen my co-works get sick and be


> for it by the Co. then little by little they started dieing from

> Brain Tumors, Testis Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer and Colon

> Cancer. I was lucky I did everything I could to protect myself

> working in this department. But I still got sick I feel my low T

> and messed up Immune System is the cause of working in this

> Department. And to see the last guy go scares the shit out of me.

> Forget about suing them it has been tried by both the men and the

> Union and no one can prove that this is why all of the men got sick

> and died.

> Phil


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So sorry to hear of the loss of the last one out of 40 guys. You were smart to


gloves Phil. I sure hope that saves you from cancer!!!!


Philip Georgian <pmgamer18@...> wrote:

I just got a call that the last Tool Maker I worked with died


A little back ground on this story in the middle 70's I was a Tool

Make working in the Plastic Department. The Co. was trying to come

up with a plastic tough enough to stamp out steel panels in a Die.

We were working with a lot of volatile Chemicals mixing different

plastic's together with out the proper protection. They were mixing

plastics with there bare hands and cleaning them with chemicals to

get it off there hands. We were also cutting and grinding the

plastic without proper venting so there was fiberglass dust in the

air all day long. Here is what happened a lot of the men would get

a bad rash so bad they could not work on the plastic. So the Co.

would put them on sick leave rather then put then to work in a

different department so they only got half there pay. As time went

on one after the other was getting sick we were in the Union and

they got the Co. to make the place safe to work in but it was to

late for us. I worked with 40 guys and 15 Pattern Makers in the

same room. Today except for my self the last Tool Maker died of

cancer yesterday. I never had a health problem in my life until I

worked in this Department. I was a Machine Designer before becoming

a Tool Maker and knew about safety working with Chemicals so I

always put on gloves when working with plastic mixing never let it

get on my hands. I was called a pussy for doing this and now I am

the only one left. I have seen my co-works get sick and be harassed

for it by the Co. then little by little they started dieing from

Brain Tumors, Testis Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer and Colon

Cancer. I was lucky I did everything I could to protect myself

working in this department. But I still got sick I feel my low T

and messed up Immune System is the cause of working in this

Department. And to see the last guy go scares the shit out of me.

Forget about suing them it has been tried by both the men and the

Union and no one can prove that this is why all of the men got sick

and died.


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--- Hello Phil I know you are busy beside you just learned about

your co-worker departing from our world so Sorry to hear your lost

and why are you giving up on the lowsuit you the only person out of

fourty,comeon do something about it or atleast you can inform the

rest or the new workers there to use all precoutious measures. I as

Told you before had braintumor resected to this day no one knows how

it got there did dig all I can put my hands on but like the md all

the doctors said they don't know why people get them is this sounds

true so perhaps some one this group will insight me too. the brain

tumor is called astrocytoma for got the grade it was 15 years ago.

By the way how are you felling hope you are up and about. okay Peace.

In , Roy <chickenbirdtree@...>



> So sorry to hear of the loss of the last one out of 40 guys. You

were smart to use

> gloves Phil. I sure hope that saves you from cancer!!!!

> Roy


> Philip Georgian <pmgamer18@...> wrote:


> I just got a call that the last Tool Maker I worked with died

> yesterday.

> A little back ground on this story in the middle 70's I was a Tool

> Make working in the Plastic Department. The Co. was trying to


> up with a plastic tough enough to stamp out steel panels in a


> We were working with a lot of volatile Chemicals mixing different

> plastic's together with out the proper protection. They were


> plastics with there bare hands and cleaning them with chemicals to

> get it off there hands. We were also cutting and grinding the

> plastic without proper venting so there was fiberglass dust in the

> air all day long. Here is what happened a lot of the men would


> a bad rash so bad they could not work on the plastic. So the Co.

> would put them on sick leave rather then put then to work in a

> different department so they only got half there pay. As time


> on one after the other was getting sick we were in the Union and

> they got the Co. to make the place safe to work in but it was to

> late for us. I worked with 40 guys and 15 Pattern Makers in the

> same room. Today except for my self the last Tool Maker died of

> cancer yesterday. I never had a health problem in my life until I

> worked in this Department. I was a Machine Designer before


> a Tool Maker and knew about safety working with Chemicals so I

> always put on gloves when working with plastic mixing never let it

> get on my hands. I was called a pussy for doing this and now I am

> the only one left. I have seen my co-works get sick and be


> for it by the Co. then little by little they started dieing from

> Brain Tumors, Testis Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer and Colon

> Cancer. I was lucky I did everything I could to protect myself

> working in this department. But I still got sick I feel my low T

> and messed up Immune System is the cause of working in this

> Department. And to see the last guy go scares the shit out of


> Forget about suing them it has been tried by both the men and the

> Union and no one can prove that this is why all of the men got


> and died.

> Phil







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Thanks Roy and Jack the problem in that job has been fixed a long time ago. I

am still sick on my butt. I just hope on this round of meds I get over this



Jack <myhormonez@...> wrote:

--- Hello Phil I know you are busy beside you just learned about

your co-worker departing from our world so Sorry to hear your lost

and why are you giving up on the lowsuit you the only person out of

fourty,comeon do something about it or atleast you can inform the

rest or the new workers there to use all precoutious measures. I as

Told you before had braintumor resected to this day no one knows how

it got there did dig all I can put my hands on but like the md all

the doctors said they don't know why people get them is this sounds

true so perhaps some one this group will insight me too. the brain

tumor is called astrocytoma for got the grade it was 15 years ago.

By the way how are you felling hope you are up and about. okay Peace.

In , Roy



> So sorry to hear of the loss of the last one out of 40 guys. You

were smart to use

> gloves Phil. I sure hope that saves you from cancer!!!!

> Roy


> Philip Georgian



> I just got a call that the last Tool Maker I worked with died

> yesterday.

> A little back ground on this story in the middle 70's I was a Tool

> Make working in the Plastic Department. The Co. was trying to


> up with a plastic tough enough to stamp out steel panels in a


> We were working with a lot of volatile Chemicals mixing different

> plastic's together with out the proper protection. They were


> plastics with there bare hands and cleaning them with chemicals to

> get it off there hands. We were also cutting and grinding the

> plastic without proper venting so there was fiberglass dust in the

> air all day long. Here is what happened a lot of the men would


> a bad rash so bad they could not work on the plastic. So the Co.

> would put them on sick leave rather then put then to work in a

> different department so they only got half there pay. As time


> on one after the other was getting sick we were in the Union and

> they got the Co. to make the place safe to work in but it was to

> late for us. I worked with 40 guys and 15 Pattern Makers in the

> same room. Today except for my self the last Tool Maker died of

> cancer yesterday. I never had a health problem in my life until I

> worked in this Department. I was a Machine Designer before


> a Tool Maker and knew about safety working with Chemicals so I

> always put on gloves when working with plastic mixing never let it

> get on my hands. I was called a pussy for doing this and now I am

> the only one left. I have seen my co-works get sick and be


> for it by the Co. then little by little they started dieing from

> Brain Tumors, Testis Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer and Colon

> Cancer. I was lucky I did everything I could to protect myself

> working in this department. But I still got sick I feel my low T

> and messed up Immune System is the cause of working in this

> Department. And to see the last guy go scares the shit out of


> Forget about suing them it has been tried by both the men and the

> Union and no one can prove that this is why all of the men got


> and died.

> Phil







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--- hey phill keep your sprit up and as I know you are #1 big

contributer to this group and we need you here, I am sure there are

a lot ppl who got helped guided by you and thanks for all the things

you do for the group. So hey phill try doing your machine at home

atleast cardio well you know how you feel so. at any rate I wish you


In , philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>



> Thanks Roy and Jack the problem in that job has been fixed a long

time ago. I am still sick on my butt. I just hope on this round of

meds I get over this infection.

> Phil


> Jack <myhormonez@...> wrote:

> --- Hello Phil I know you are busy beside you just learned about

> your co-worker departing from our world so Sorry to hear your lost

> and why are you giving up on the lowsuit you the only person out


> fourty,comeon do something about it or atleast you can inform the

> rest or the new workers there to use all precoutious measures. I


> Told you before had braintumor resected to this day no one knows


> it got there did dig all I can put my hands on but like the md all

> the doctors said they don't know why people get them is this


> true so perhaps some one this group will insight me too. the brain

> tumor is called astrocytoma for got the grade it was 15 years ago.

> By the way how are you felling hope you are up and about. okay






> In , Roy

> wrote:

> >

> > So sorry to hear of the loss of the last one out of 40 guys. You

> were smart to use

> > gloves Phil. I sure hope that saves you from cancer!!!!

> > Roy

> >

> > Philip Georgian

> wrote:

> >

> > I just got a call that the last Tool Maker I worked with died

> > yesterday.

> > A little back ground on this story in the middle 70's I was a


> > Make working in the Plastic Department. The Co. was trying to

> come

> > up with a plastic tough enough to stamp out steel panels in a

> Die.

> > We were working with a lot of volatile Chemicals mixing


> > plastic's together with out the proper protection. They were

> mixing

> > plastics with there bare hands and cleaning them with chemicals


> > get it off there hands. We were also cutting and grinding the

> > plastic without proper venting so there was fiberglass dust in


> > air all day long. Here is what happened a lot of the men would

> get

> > a bad rash so bad they could not work on the plastic. So the Co.

> > would put them on sick leave rather then put then to work in a

> > different department so they only got half there pay. As time

> went

> > on one after the other was getting sick we were in the Union and

> > they got the Co. to make the place safe to work in but it was to

> > late for us. I worked with 40 guys and 15 Pattern Makers in the

> > same room. Today except for my self the last Tool Maker died of

> > cancer yesterday. I never had a health problem in my life until


> > worked in this Department. I was a Machine Designer before

> becoming

> > a Tool Maker and knew about safety working with Chemicals so I

> > always put on gloves when working with plastic mixing never let


> > get on my hands. I was called a pussy for doing this and now I


> > the only one left. I have seen my co-works get sick and be

> harassed

> > for it by the Co. then little by little they started dieing from

> > Brain Tumors, Testis Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer and Colon

> > Cancer. I was lucky I did everything I could to protect myself

> > working in this department. But I still got sick I feel my low T

> > and messed up Immune System is the cause of working in this

> > Department. And to see the last guy go scares the shit out of

> me.

> > Forget about suing them it has been tried by both the men and


> > Union and no one can prove that this is why all of the men got

> sick

> > and died.

> > Phil

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 8 months later...


I'm so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Many prayers for your sister

and you family.


Matt B <nerimski@...> wrote: My sister's

husband was out drinking with some friends when he apparently fell and hit his

head on the concrete. He was in a coma for a couple days from which he finally

came out of sustaining severe brain damage. It is said that he had a seizure but

it's hard to say. Nobody was aware he was epileptic but apparently he's had

falls before.



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Our thoughts and prayers are with your family now...Keep us posted as to how

everyone is doing...take care

May you have warm words on a cold evening,

a full moon on a dark night,

and a smooth road all the way to your door.

Re: [ ] Bad News


I'm so sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Many prayers for your sister

and you family.


Matt B <nerimski@...> wrote: My sister's husband was out drinking with

some friends when he apparently fell and hit his head on the concrete. He was in

a coma for a couple days from which he finally came out of sustaining severe

brain damage. It is said that he had a seizure but it's hard to say. Nobody was

aware he was epileptic but apparently he's had falls before.



Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help. Small


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  • 1 month later...

My sister's husband who fell and hit his head when he had a seizure is now fine.

It was thought that he had severe brain damage from when he cracked his skull.

After various hospitals and a very expensive medical bill, he seems to be fine.

He may still have some damage but just thought I would share the good news.


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  • 3 weeks later...

so so sorry...... will pray....... you stay strong for her...... hugs and

prayers, sally


> hi all, my mom has had hep C for the past 20 years, and recently she has been

diagnosed with hepatocelllular carcinoma. she is being evaluated for the liver


and hopefully she can be on the list and be treated as soon as possible. please

pray for


> at the mean time, i found this website for some medicine that might be

useful for


> www.zhope.com

> so, i would just like to share with you guys.....

> take care



> JC


> __________________________________________________


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thank you for website

--- julia chee <juliaclg@...> wrote:

> hi all, my mom has had hep C for the past 20 years, and recently she has

> been diagnosed with hepatocelllular carcinoma. she is being evaluated

> for the liver transplant, and hopefully she can be on the list and be

> treated as soon as possible. please pray for her

> at the mean time, i found this website for some medicine that might be

> useful for prevention

> www.zhope.com

> so, i would just like to share with you guys.....

> take care



> JC


> __________________________________________________


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i am sooooooooo not ready to lose her yet..... she has been sacrifying herself

for both me and my bro...... i want her to live a long and healthy life so that

i can pay her back for whatever she had done for us.... but i still cant afford

to do that....*sigh*

oh well....... one good thing about her is that she is very optimistic.....

hope that can help... in some way


Sally <nmilover@...> wrote:

so so sorry...... will pray....... you stay strong for her...... hugs

and prayers, sally


> hi all, my mom has had hep C for the past 20 years, and recently she has been

diagnosed with hepatocelllular carcinoma. she is being evaluated for the liver


and hopefully she can be on the list and be treated as soon as possible. please

pray for


> at the mean time, i found this website for some medicine that might be useful



> www.zhope.com

> so, i would just like to share with you guys.....

> take care



> JC


> __________________________________________________


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