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Hi .... I lost my mom in 2001. We had a love hate relationship all my life

and she was quite abusive towards me and it was quite obvious I was NOT

her favorite. She was mean and self centered and even with all that.....

she was my mommy. I took care of her during the last years. She was

abusive, mean and awful. I stayed in hospice with her until the end. At

the very end, she said to me.... I know I never showed you any love. I

know I was not a good mother to you. I did not really love you. BUT, I

want you to know I do love you and I always knew YOU would be the only one

who would ever help me .... she thanked me and within a day or so she

passed. I cry almost every day still ..... since 2001..... she was my mom

and I talked to her every day......... I know I feel ........ and it will

never or has not for me gotten any easier....but that is life... and

death....... I feel your pain....... Love and hugs, sally

--- julia chee <juliaclg@...> wrote:

> i am sooooooooo not ready to lose her yet..... she has been sacrifying

> herself for both me and my bro...... i want her to live a long and

> healthy life so that i can pay her back for whatever she had done for

> us.... but i still cant afford to do that....*sigh*

> oh well....... one good thing about her is that she is very

> optimistic..... hope that can help... in some way


> jc


> Sally <nmilover@...> wrote:

> so so sorry...... will pray....... you stay strong for

> her...... hugs and prayers, sally



> >

> > hi all, my mom has had hep C for the past 20 years, and recently she

> has been

> diagnosed with hepatocelllular carcinoma. she is being evaluated for the

> liver transplant,

> and hopefully she can be on the list and be treated as soon as possible.

> please pray for

> her

> > at the mean time, i found this website for some medicine that might be

> useful for

> prevention

> > www.zhope.com

> > so, i would just like to share with you guys.....

> > take care

> >

> >

> > JC

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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  • 3 months later...
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Oh Peggy, I'm so sorry to hear this, I know this is coming at a terrible time for you! I sure home something works out, perhaps can reduce his time off to just a couple days, or as others have, you may need to find a family member to join you instead?? It's so sad the way companies are these days.. Didn't they give him a choice of either cancelling the time off OR being let go? Again, I'm really sorry you have to deal with this, and btw: would you be given COBRA insurance? Take care, Ken.Peggy Greene <jpgunlimited@...> wrote: got an email today that they are laying him off (getting rid of him) because he is taking leave because of my surgery. His 2-week leave was approved a few weeks ago. Now he got an email today that they want him out tomorrow because he is leaving. If he is let go his insurance ends tomorrow and then we don't have the double coverage for my surgery next Thursday. He has not been with the company long enough to qualify for the family medical leave act, but he has taken the notice to the union to see if anything can be done to keep his job. Thanks, Peggy

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I have no one else in my family that can come. My daughters are finishing up school. My oldest brother is taking care of his father-in-law. My middle brother is taking care of my mom. My youngest brother had a stroke and has the mentality of a 7-year-old. I don't even have someone to take me to the hospital if my husband doesn't come home. It's 3 1/2 hours away from here. I would be scared too death in the hospital alone anyway because there would be no one to fight for me when I'm still out of it from the anesthesia. My husband will know what I need and will be able to get it for me. And if the nurses don't respond to me he'll go down to the desk and drag one back to the room!


Re: [ ] bad news

Oh Peggy, I'm so sorry to hear this, I know this is coming at a terrible time for you!

I sure home something works out, perhaps can reduce his time off to just a couple days, or as others have, you may need to find a family member to join you instead?? It's so sad the way companies are these days.. Didn't they give him a choice of either cancelling the time off OR being let go?

Again, I'm really sorry you have to deal with this, and btw: would you be given COBRA insurance?

Take care, Ken.Peggy Greene <jpgunlimitedec (DOT) rr.com> wrote:

got an email today that they are laying him off (getting rid of him) because he is taking leave because of my surgery. His 2-week

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?Check out new cars at Autos.

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Peggy, that really stinks, and it's really wrong of an employer to do that, whether it's legal or not.

I'm really sorry, and hope it gets worked out.


[ ] bad news

got an email today that they are laying him off (getting rid of him) because he is taking leave because of my surgery. His 2-week leave was approved a few weeks ago. Now he got an email today that they want him out tomorrow because he is leaving. If he is let go his insurance ends tomorrow and then we don't have the double coverage for my surgery next Thursday. He has not been with the company long enough to qualify for the family medical leave act, but he has taken the notice to the union to see if anything can be done to keep his job.



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I may be doing my surgery alone, because I don't think my husband

can get the time off. He most definately won't get the entire time

off, and I'm not sure if he will get enough to even stay a couple of

nights. While it's not definately not the most ideal situation, I

think there are quite a few people who have done it alone, for

various reasons.

I'm so sorry to hear how your husband's work is treating him for

asking for the leave. That's just wrong.

> got an email today that they are laying him off (getting

rid of him) because he is taking leave because of my surgery. His 2-


> -------------------------------------------------------------------


> Ahhh...imagining that irresistible " new car " smell?

> Check out new cars at Autos.


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Oh Peggy what awful news. I had always thought that health insurance

was good for 30 days after you left employment, I don't know if it

is like that in every state & for every type insurance but here in PA

I know Blue Cross & Blue Shield were like that. Maybe things have

changed. I sure hope your hubby can work things out. You are sure

going to need someone to help you for awhile after this surgery.




> got an email today that they are laying him off (getting rid

of him) because he is taking leave because of my surgery. His 2-week

leave was approved a few weeks ago. Now he got an email today that

they want him out tomorrow because he is leaving. If he is let go

his insurance ends tomorrow and then we don't have the double

coverage for my surgery next Thursday. He has not been with the

company long enough to qualify for the family medical leave act, but

he has taken the notice to the union to see if anything can be done

to keep his job.


> Thanks,

> Peggy


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Oh Peggy what awful news. I had always thought that health insurance

was good for 30 days after you left employment, I don't know if it

is like that in every state & for every type insurance but here in PA

I know Blue Cross & Blue Shield were like that. Maybe things have

changed. I sure hope your hubby can work things out. You are sure

going to need someone to help you for awhile after this surgery.




> got an email today that they are laying him off (getting rid

of him) because he is taking leave because of my surgery. His 2-week

leave was approved a few weeks ago. Now he got an email today that

they want him out tomorrow because he is leaving. If he is let go

his insurance ends tomorrow and then we don't have the double

coverage for my surgery next Thursday. He has not been with the

company long enough to qualify for the family medical leave act, but

he has taken the notice to the union to see if anything can be done

to keep his job.


> Thanks,

> Peggy


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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hello ,

I notice that someone else has suggested that you look at the

FlaxSeedOil2 web site. I have followed the group for a few years and have seen

many who were given a short time to live go into remission. I have also seen

where some who went into remission started cheating and had a return of

their cancer. Returning to the protocol in many cases returned them to

remission. The three main parts are the diet, sun exposure and stress

reduction. Joining the group gives you access to the files which contain the

information you need to get going. File 6 contains testimonials for many kinds

of cancers.

Another source of information is to type in Cliff Beckwith cancer

tapes. He is the gentleman who, I believe started this group years ago. He

died a few years ago and it has continued under the very competent

leadership of Olson who clarifies

questions and also has space on youtube which explains how to do the

cottage cheese and flax seed oil. I do hope this information might give you a

place to start.

It is a very caring and supportive group just like .

Blessing to you. cherie

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   I just got back from the doctors who told me that chemo is not working and

that I have no other options.  I am just turning 31 and I have a very rare,

aggressive form of thyroid cancer that has metastasized.  I have been looking

into alternatives but have not followed a consistent protocol as of yet.  I am

not sure what direction to take and I am afraid it might be too late. I have

huge tumors and swelling in the neck and now I am having extreme difficulty

swallowing. I know that if I can't shrink these tumors relatively quickly, I am

in trouble. Any suggestions. Does anyone know a practioner that might help me in

the Massachussetts area?


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Hi ,

My prayers are with you.

Hopefully some people here will be able to help you.

Don't give up!


   I just got back from the doctors who told me that chemo is not working and

that I have no other options.  I am just turning 31 and I have a very rare,

aggressive form of thyroid cancer that has metastasized.  I have been looking

into alternatives but have not followed a consistent protocol as of yet.  I am

not sure what direction to take and I am afraid it might be too late. I have

huge tumors and swelling in the neck and now I am having extreme difficulty

swallowing. I know that if I can't shrink these tumors relatively quickly, I am

in trouble. Any suggestions. Does anyone know a practioner that might help me in

the Massachussetts area?


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Hi ,

Sorry for your news. Have you checked out the Budwig protocol yet? I have been

following that for a couple of months and notice a difference in my breast

cancer. Following is a link to the group, where you can lots of information.


Hoping for better things for you.


I just got back from the doctors who told me that chemo is not working and that

I have no other options.  I am just turning 31 and I have a very rare,

aggressive form of thyroid cancer that has metastasized.  I have been looking

into alternatives but have not followed a consistent protocol as of yet.  I am

not sure what direction to take and I am afraid it might be too late. I have

huge tumors and swelling in the neck and now I am having extreme difficulty

swallowing. I know that if I can't shrink these tumors relatively quickly, I am

in trouble. Any suggestions. Does anyone know a practioner that might help me in

the Massachussetts area?


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