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Cancer Free

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PET scan is not 100% accurate in deciding if you are cancer free. That is

why blood work is necessary to further confirm it. Other cancer markers tests

should include the following:





You should speak with your doctor to decide what tests are needed. If your

doctor does not know, find one who can help you. Most doctors who deal with

cancer treatments know what tests are needed for their patients.

Jim K

In a message dated 1/4/2009 12:45:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

jim.mcelroy10@... writes:

The problem is, nobody here can really advise you on what to do,

without breaking the law (I believe).

The medical view at this point is that there may still be cancer

cells floating around undetectable by the PET scan, and that more

chemo is warranted to kill those.

The alternative view is that there may still be cancer cells floating

around, and that although the chemo might kill them, it also might

not kill them, while simultaneously weakening your immune system

which WOULD be able to kill them otherwise.

In my case, I took the chance on the chemo side and lost. My initial

CT scans showed no cancer after surgery, but I took chemo just in

case. In 6 months, I had the cancer come back, plus the chemo almost

killed me half way through, plus I had permanent lifetime physical

damage from the chemo.

So in my case, the choice is now easy. Chemo won't work for me

anymore -- my cancer is now largely immune to it, and alternatives

are the only thing I have left.


> Hello all, I recently had a pet scan and my cancer is gone. I took 3

> treatments of chemo, and kept myself alkaline. Of course my doctor

> wants me to take more chemo... What do you guys think? I think not.

> Why treat something that isn't there? I also have a port in my right

> chest, and it is suppose to stay there for 2 years. I don't want

> anymore chemo, so couldn't I get that removed? My insurance will


> last 18 months anyway. So I am thinking that I should get it out.

> Everyone please let me know your thoughts. Thanks a


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Hello all, I recently had a pet scan and my cancer is gone. I took 3

treatments of chemo, and kept myself alkaline. Of course my doctor

wants me to take more chemo... What do you guys think? I think not.

Why treat something that isn't there? I also have a port in my right

chest, and it is suppose to stay there for 2 years. I don't want

anymore chemo, so couldn't I get that removed? My insurance will only

last 18 months anyway. So I am thinking that I should get it out.

Everyone please let me know your thoughts. Thanks a

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what kind of cancer did you have?


From: brainpause533

Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 9:34 AM

Subject: [ ] Cancer Free

Hello all, I recently had a pet scan and my cancer is gone. I took 3

treatments of chemo, and kept myself alkaline. Of course my doctor

wants me to take more chemo... What do you guys think? I think not.

Why treat something that isn't there? I also have a port in my right

chest, and it is suppose to stay there for 2 years. I don't want

anymore chemo, so couldn't I get that removed? My insurance will only

last 18 months anyway. So I am thinking that I should get it out.

Everyone please let me know your thoughts. Thanks a

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--Hi Johanne, I'm so sorry. I forgot to say what type of Cancer I had.

I had Follicular Lymphoma.


" Johanne Wayne " wrote:


> what kind of cancer did you have?

> From: brainpause533

> Hello all, I recently had a pet scan and my cancer is gone. I took 3

> treatments of chemo, and kept myself alkaline. Of course my doctor

> wants me to take more chemo... What do you guys think? I think not.

> Why treat something that isn't there? I also have a port in my right

> chest, and it is suppose to stay there for 2 years. I don't want

> anymore chemo, so couldn't I get that removed? My insurance will only

> last 18 months anyway. So I am thinking that I should get it out.

> Everyone please let me know your thoughts. Thanks a

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--- Thanks Arlyn, I forgot to say what type of cancer I had. I had

Follicular Lymphoma (Non-Hodgkins) Grade 3. I'm sure my oncologist

will recommend further Chemo. But it makes me feel so bad. And it also

keeps my immune system down. So I am not sure what I will do.

Thanks again


" Arlyn Grant " <arlynsg@...> wrote:

Hi a,

I'm certainly not qualified to answer your questions. Please talk to your

oncologist about this.

The chemo is not just to treat the cancer you can see, but to treat the cancer

you can't see. In other words, there may be minute cancer cells in your body

that the chemo is supposed to kill. Perhaps it is like antibiotics. You have

to take the full course of antibiotics in order to make sure the bug doesn't

come back. If you stop too soon, the bug comes back and perhaps even stronger.

I don't know if this applies to cancer or not, but it is just an analogy.

> The decisions are yours to make. Just make sure to get qualified

> opinions while making your decision.

> ar

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Can you define the time when you might consider it stopping when it's the right

time as oppose to stopping too soon? How long should one remain on chemo after

a PET shows no cancer? An Oncologists opinion would be extremely conservative.



From: Arlyn Grant

....The chemo is not just to treat the cancer you can see, but to treat the

cancer you can't see. In other words, there may be minute cancer cells in your

body that the chemo is supposed to kill....If you stop too soon, the bug comes

back and perhaps even stronger....

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Hi Dan,

I sure wish I knew. I didn't have chemo, so my knowledge is purely

based on what I've heard/read others say.

Hopefully, one of the health care practitioners that frequent this

group will be able to shed some light.



> Hi


> Can you define the time when you might consider it stopping when it's

the right time as oppose to stopping too soon? How long should one

remain on chemo after a PET shows no cancer? An Oncologists opinion

would be extremely conservative.


> Thanks

> dan

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Hi a!

I am so excited that your Pet scan is showing you good news..........for now....

Your job is to learn as you can to keep it that way. Jim here (and many of us)

have learned and learned and share liberally with each other what we find.....It

is a great group! I can tell you that there is more than keeping your body

alkaline although it is a great start!

If you are sharing with us that you are sick of chemo and want nothing to do

with it, then we all will support you. Some of us had it and almost died, some

of us toughed it out without it. That's not easy either.....

Just glean from all the wonderful people here. I have been here since 1993 and

am free of brain, breast, cervical, skin and ovarian cancer.....and I am only 43

years old! I fought the worst battle in my late 20s....

Bless you a!


From: brainpause533

Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2009 11:47 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Cancer Free

--Hi Johanne, I'm so sorry. I forgot to say what type of Cancer I had.

I had Follicular Lymphoma.


" Johanne Wayne " wrote:


> what kind of cancer did you have?

> From: brainpause533

> Hello all, I recently had a pet scan and my cancer is gone. I took 3

> treatments of chemo, and kept myself alkaline. Of course my doctor

> wants me to take more chemo... What do you guys think? I think not.

> Why treat something that isn't there? I also have a port in my right

> chest, and it is suppose to stay there for 2 years. I don't want

> anymore chemo, so couldn't I get that removed? My insurance will only

> last 18 months anyway. So I am thinking that I should get it out.

> Everyone please let me know your thoughts. Thanks a

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Hello Group,

I have had chemo too and a clear PET scan in the spring, but it seems

to be coming back in my bones. I haven't had another PET scan. Told

the doctor I didn't want another one for several months.

The reason cancer comes back after chemo is because it doesn't KILL

the cancer STEM cells. They basically hide in your body and come out

later when it's " safe " .

I have talked to my onco about this and he agrees with me. There is

some talk about cancer stem cells on the internet and they are

beginning to come to that conclusion.

People who get chemo in the early stage of cancer when it hasn't

spread can sometimes knock it out - but if it's stage IV it is

difficult to get rid of all of it.

That is why it's so important to do alot of natural things to keep it

at bay as best you can. I also believe that God has His hand in

healing people, because we have all heard of people who are in a late

stage of cancer that have been cured.

If anyone has an opinion on my opinion please feel free to share.

from Seattle, Wa


> Hello all, I recently had a pet scan and my cancer is gone. I took 3

> treatments of chemo, and kept myself alkaline. Of course my doctor

> wants me to take more chemo... What do you guys think? I think not.

> Why treat something that isn't there? I also have a port in my right

> chest, and it is suppose to stay there for 2 years. I don't want

> anymore chemo, so couldn't I get that removed? My insurance will only

> last 18 months anyway. So I am thinking that I should get it out.

> Everyone please let me know your thoughts. Thanks a


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a, I would certainly continue on with the Standard of treatment

they recommend, they have valid reasons why they have a certain

duration of treatment.

You don't know if you have cancer cells still lurking about, no one

does but there is a high chance you have, especially if it's


I have Follicular grade 1 stage 4

I was SO opposed to chemo that I ended up having association problems

with things, its not something I did lightly, but my choice was

either death or death and I didn't have time on my hands to play

around, my lymph nodes were growing so fast and had gone into my

bones, by time I did do something.

My type of lymphoma is incurable as it is not like normal cancer

cells, they do not rapidly divide, they are lazy (Indolent), my cells

have a protein (BCL2) that allows the cells to live longer than they

should, chemo was designed to work against rapidly dividing cells.

So my ideal treatment was supposed to be 6 rounds of RCHOP given

every 14 days, this is a quite aggressive approach, the reason it was

every 14 days is because they found that given any later, gave the

lymphoma cells the chance to become resistant to the chemo, it also

gave me a better chance of hearing I have NO EVIDENCE OF DISEASE.

Many have clean scans at the 4th round but continue on to eliminate

any more cells that could be lurking about, if they don't get every

last cell then it is FATED to come back.

That is why mine is incurable as it is impossible to get every last


And my scans can show clean and can still have active disease as

again you need rapidly dividing cells to suck up the tracer, I have

to stave myself of all carbs for 24hrs to get the best chance of it

showing up.

The more aggressive Lymphomas can be cured by Chemotherapy, but

Follicular indolent types have no chance, we can only hope for a long

time without symptoms of disease.

All the best


Taken from a web site...

Follicular lymphoma

This is the most common of the indolent lymphomas and accounts for

about 70% of them, and about 22% of all lymphomas in North America

and Europe. At the bottom of this page is an explanation of where the

name follicular comes from and what it looks like under the


Follicular lymphoma is divided into 3 grades. Grade 1, 2 or 3.

However Grade 3 is somewhat blurry because it can appear to the the

indolent form of follicular lymphoma or it can appear to be the more

aggressive form. The grade refers to the number of large cells that

appear under the microscope. Large cells tend to behave a bit more

aggressively than small cells. Although more large cells appear in

Grade 2, it is for all intents and purposes considered the same as

Grade 1 from a prognosis and treatment point of view. See more

information below about grade 3 follicular. If you are confused about

the difference between grade and stage you are not alone. Here are

links to the two definitions.

Check out this informative web site ..


Join this group and find out what they recommend with stopping

treatment. nhl/

Again I Hope this helps

a :0)


> Hello all, I recently had a pet scan and my cancer is gone. I took 3

> treatments of chemo, and kept myself alkaline. Of course my doctor

> wants me to take more chemo... What do you guys think? I think not.

> Why treat something that isn't there? I also have a port in my right

> chest, and it is suppose to stay there for 2 years. I don't want

> anymore chemo, so couldn't I get that removed? My insurance will


> last 18 months anyway. So I am thinking that I should get it out.

> Everyone please let me know your thoughts. Thanks a


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Hi Johanna, I have read so much on cancer that it is almost

overwhelming. There are so many diets, and other things I can't afford

at this time. I would love to find what diet will work for me. I

wanted to get the rave diet book, but have to wait on the funds to buy

it. Thanks for your words of encouragement. Sounds like you have been

through heck with cancer. I am glad to hear that you beat it. Did you

do chemo? Thanks much. a

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Never did chemo or radiation although they pushed hard....

My husband and I interviewed many people with the different conditions (brain,

cervical, breast, melanoma and ovarian) but everyone had a huge drop in their

quality of life. I succumbed to surgery for the ovary but that was it and they

froze me to get the breast tumor out (I was 9 months pregnant with our fourth at

the time). There were times where I wanted the gamma knife but my husband kept

telling me that we would find a better way. I was so angry with him for saying

this. I could not figure out how this was possible. Anyway, here we are 14.5

years later and my body is whole and I was able to be all I can be for our

children....they are now mid-late teen years and we have homeschooled them from

the beginning. This made it ideal for my healing. Besides sports teams (snacks

etc.) I did not have much peer pressure for the foods we ate. The children know

everything I do and appropriate much of it for themselves. If they can do it,

then everyone can.

Hang in there a. There are many of us that find healing around the world. We

just don't all live on the same street. And really, what is healing? Nobody can

say they have no cancer cells right? Some of us have figured out a way to boost

that immune system enough to keep those cancer cells at bay.....it takes lots of

work and unfortunately some money. (Something we did not have all the time).

Please keep sharing.......we are there for you!


From: brainpause533

Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 2:32 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Cancer Free

Hi Johanna, I have read so much on cancer that it is almost

overwhelming. There are so many diets, and other things I can't afford

at this time. I would love to find what diet will work for me. I

wanted to get the rave diet book, but have to wait on the funds to buy

it. Thanks for your words of encouragement. Sounds like you have been

through heck with cancer. I am glad to hear that you beat it. Did you

do chemo? Thanks much. a

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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 1/7/09 4:48:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

brainpause533@... writes:

> There are so many diets, and other things I can't afford

> at this time.

There is a place in Manhattan, Alternative Cancer Therapies run by a woman

named Ruth Sackman. It's free..or a donation.

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Please advise the contact information on Ruth Sackman (address, phone number

or website, etc).


In a message dated 2/10/2009 10:02:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

szukipoo@... writes:

In a message dated 1/7/09 4:48:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

_brainpause533@brainpaus_ (mailto:brainpause533@...) writes:

> There are so many diets, and other things I can't afford

> at this time.

There is a place in Manhattan, Alternative Cancer Therapies run by a woman

named Ruth Sackman. It's free..or a donation.

**************The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy

Awards. AOL Music takes you there.


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Hi Jim, You didn't put in a website. I appreciate your letting me know

about this. But I can't get in touch with Ruth without any idea of how.



> Please advise the contact information on Ruth Sackman (address,

phone number or website, etc).

> Jim


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On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:18 AM, brainpause533 <brainpause533@...>wrote:

> Hi Jim, You didn't put in a website. I appreciate your letting me know

> about this. But I can't get in touch with Ruth without any idea of how.

> a




> >

> > Please advise the contact information on Ruth Sackman (address,

> phone number or website, etc).

> > Jim

> >



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On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Dana Herbert <danaherbert@...>wrote:

> http://www.whale.to/cancer/fact.html





> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 9:18 AM, brainpause533 <brainpause533@...>wrote:


>> Hi Jim, You didn't put in a website. I appreciate your letting me know

>> about this. But I can't get in touch with Ruth without any idea of how.

>> a




>> >

>> > Please advise the contact information on Ruth Sackman (address,

>> phone number or website, etc).

>> > Jim

>> >





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Her two case studies are spot on.

You can all do this yourselves.

They also claim that small amounts of animal-based proteins and raw milk are


Power to the people.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:32 PM, Dana Herbert <danaherbert@...>wrote:

> http://www.fact-ltd.org/



> On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Dana Herbert <danaherbert@...>wrote:


>> http://www.whale.to/cancer/fact.html

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Here is her web page. http://www.fact-ltd.org/

She is a woman in her 90s. She is very knowledgable. I talked to her

on the phone a few years ago.


> Please advise the contact information on Ruth Sackman (address,

phone number

> or website, etc).

> Jim



> In a message dated 2/10/2009 10:02:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

> szukipoo@... writes:





> In a message dated 1/7/09 4:48:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> _brainpause533@brainpaus_ (mailto:brainpause533@...) writes:


> > There are so many diets, and other things I can't afford

> > at this time.


> There is a place in Manhattan, Alternative Cancer Therapies run by

a woman

> named Ruth Sackman. It's free..or a donation.






> **************The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the


> Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

> (http://music.aol.com/grammys?ncid=emlcntusmusi00000002)




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  • 1 year later...

Can you tell us how much of cell salts do you take and where to buy it and

your other herb supplements.



In a message dated 1/2/2011 7:00:27 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

home892002@... writes:

Hello everyone,

New to this group and would like to share my experience.

Some years ago, was diagnosed with " rapid growing tumor in the upper left

quadrant " . Weight had fallen to less than 90 lbs. Extreme pain, no energy,

no ability to function. Doctor said basically, no hope, too far advanced.

Saw three different doctors, same prognosis.

Chose no surgery, didn't want to die in a hospital. No drugs also.

Went home and put my faith in herbs to clean the blood, and the cell salts

that are for cancer. Cell salts were new to me then.

Cell Salts:

Calcium Fluoride 6x

Calcium Phosphate 6x

Kali Phosphate 6x

Kali Sulphate 6x

Silicea 6x


Red Clover



And some strong B+C vitamins.

There are many other blood cleaning herbs, these are the ones I used.

Cancer was in the lymph. First day, the pain got less. Within two weeks, I

knew I was healing. I use cell salts for everything that goes wrong. Along

with herbs. I also deny any illness that might be coming on, been saying

for so many years that I never get sick, that I never get sick. Mind is most

important in healing. What a person thinks, matters.

I couldn't find any reference to cell salts on this site, so offering the

information that I have.

Have experimented with cell salts and herbs for everything that anyone

will allow.

Must add, always use extreme caution when using medicinal herbs,

especially if you take any prescription or OTC drugs. The mix can be bad,


check for interactions. There is no danger of interactions with cell salts.

If we put all our information together, I think there is nothing that

cannot be healed. Will be reading your site often. Thank you.

With Gratitude,


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