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Re: Magnesium....the story begins

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Thank you for responding Mark and of course one cannot expect you to print your

books in full just to satisfy my request for evidence that these things work.

However, and people have commented on this approach before, we are becoming

accustomed to the 'monthly' revelation from some supplier of 'information' such

as Newsletters provide or information about a " New " product that a supplier

recommends for such and such.

If it wasn't sad, it would be comical when one sees that " new " product, usually

at $39.00 a month that will do wonders for us.

Hopefully you can appreciate any hesitancy displayed because of what many of us

get exposed to from Conventional as well as Alternative purveyors of cures. It

is the Health-Care version of Terror Threats and the only thing missing is the

Daily color scheme.......but give them time, they may come up with one.

Joe C.

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Joe you got me a bit wrong, it is a joy to share this stuff and will share more

and yes I understand your feelings and it is why I stick to nature and the

basics...magnesium is such a basic thing so is iodine and bicarbonate and

selenium and spirulina and the sun, good water. I am not much into products

meaning things made by man though sometimes someone comes a long and does

something different like add selenium to spirulina or something I have not tried

yet is a new selenium mixture......one of the reasons MMS is difficult for me to

swollow is that it is not native not nutrition. I am going to send into the

group an essay on something I dont talk much about because of legal problems and

that is hemp oil....it for sure would be in my top ten if it was easily

obtainable...the science is solid behind THC as you will see.


From: JCastron1

Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009

Thank you for responding Mark and of course one cannot expect you to print

your books in full just to satisfy my request for evidence that these things


However, and people have commented on this approach before, we are becoming

accustomed to the 'monthly' revelation from some supplier of 'information' such

as Newsletters provide or information about a " New " product that a supplier

recommends for such and such.

If it wasn't sad, it would be comical when one sees that " new " product,

usually at $39.00 a month that will do wonders for us.

Hopefully you can appreciate any hesitancy displayed because of what many of

us get exposed to from Conventional as well as Alternative purveyors of cures.

It is the Health-Care version of Terror Threats and the only thing missing is

the Daily color scheme.......but give them time, they may come up with one.

Joe C.

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Mark, it's good to see you posting again.

Can I just ask for clarification on the paragraph below? When you say

for the information to remain here, do you mean you would prefer the

posts not to be forwarded (e.g. to sick friends who don't belong to any

groups), or that it should not be passed on to other groups? Or websites?

Anyhow, may I have your permission to forward to two or three friends




> Also please understand that I have written not one but three books on

magnesium though I am putting it all together for my next edition of my

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy book in print. I have no problem sharing some of

this information freely in this group but would like that the information remain

here and not be spread around because it is either copywrited for my books or

will be present on my new www.magnesiumforlife.com site in about two weeks. Or

if someone does want to use it to please ask permission.




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Yes Rowena go ahead. I don't know why I said that, probably mostly because I am

not used to posting into groups myself anymore so forget I said that

ok.......just ask people to post with contact info at the bottom ie.....

And thanks for the welcome back, its been quite a while. Its a good thing though

that I resisted the temptation to sign back onto other groups as you can see

when I come into any place with my heart it takes a lot of energy.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association




From: Rowena

Mark, it's good to see you posting again.

Can I just ask for clarification on the paragraph below? When you say

for the information to remain here, do you mean you would prefer the

posts not to be forwarded (e.g. to sick friends who don't belong to any

groups), or that it should not be passed on to other groups? Or websites?

Anyhow, may I have your permission to forward to two or three friends




> Also please understand that I have written not one but three books on

magnesium though I am putting it all together for my next edition of my

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy book in print. I have no problem sharing some of

this information freely in this group but would like that the information remain

here and not be spread around because it is either copywrited for my books or

will be present on my new www.magnesiumforlife.com site in about two weeks. Or

if someone does want to use it to please ask permission.




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I'm glad that some people can ask questions and get answers!

It seems that the quesions that I've asked came out the wrong way or something

went wrong with my request.

I came to this group along with other groups hoping to get help somewhere along

the line. With no medical insurance

and living on Social Security it's not easy looking for a way to get healthy.

Hoping for a miracle somewhere.

A Dr's. visit on Thursday telling me that I should get a biopsy soon. No one

wants to help only if you have the money then

you'll be welcomed with open arms! Even in this group my questions have been

brushed aside like I have plenty of time

waiting for the hope of someone knowing of something that will heal our bodies

of cancer!

I don't know how else to ask for help for answers to heal cancer.

I asked for help from your Mark because you told me if I needed help to let you

know. I did but it seems I didn't ask you correctly.


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