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Sodium Bicarbonate

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I was delighted to see this come in my box a few moments ago


It is from Vernon, a gentleman that I met just over a year ago when I was racing

to finish my bicarbonate book. As you will see in the news item he had prostate

cancer that had spread to the bones and was about to do cesium chloride tx but

it got lost in the mail so he did the bicarbonate treatment and his full

testimony and treatment diary is in my bicarbonate book. Two weeks on intense

bicarb and he was cancer free and I am delighted to see him still kicking up

dust on our planet.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD


Re: [ ] Swine Flu Treatment or Deterrent - MMS

Slavek wrote: " It is just that it does not appear to me, from what I have

seen "


I am just curious Slavek, when you say what you have seen, what you have

actually seen? Are you talking about your own experience? Clinical experience?

Converstations with doctors who use iodine or what? Have you tried all the

different iodines and different dosages?

Iodine by the way is extremely fast acting and takes out most bacteria, virus

and fungi on contact....yes sure it takes at least a minute on contact though

when taken orally for systemic effect its different.


From: slavek krepelka

Hi Denis,

Please do not get me wrong. I wholly agree to what you state below about

iodine. I have been through it including the bromine based bread yeast


It is just that it does not appear to me, from what I have seen, that

iodine " binge " on the heals of an infection will have much effect, if

any. It is a little longer lasting issue, replenishing the iodine. Only

then can one expect good results.

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  • 2 weeks later...


sorry if I may seem ignorant (in case this question has been covered before) -

would an oral intake of sodium bicarbonate be in any way beneficial for my mum

(secondary liver cancer) or would it require injections directly into the





> I was delighted to see this come in my box a few moments ago



> It is from Vernon, a gentleman that I met just over a year ago when I was

racing to finish my bicarbonate book. As you will see in the news item he had

prostate cancer that had spread to the bones and was about to do cesium chloride

tx but it got lost in the mail so he did the bicarbonate treatment and his full

testimony and treatment diary is in my bicarbonate book. Two weeks on intense

bicarb and he was cancer free and I am delighted to see him still kicking up

dust on our planet.


> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

> http://publications.imva.info/

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Oral and transdermal can do the job...as long as you dont try to do the job just

with the bicarbonate.

Dr. Mark

From: thesprout@...

sorry if I may seem ignorant (in case this question has been covered before) -

would an oral intake of sodium bicarbonate be in any way beneficial for my mum

(secondary liver cancer) or would it require injections directly into the




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Thanks for your reply.

I found the following on " cancertutor " :

For mouth, stomach, intestinal, rectal, oral cancers (if not infiltrated), they

should take:

1st Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water in the morning and 1 in the evening,

2nd Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water at any time of day,

3rd Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water at any time of day.

The baking soda should NOT be used after the 3rd week, switch over to a

different treatment for at least a month.

How should she apply the baking soda transdermally? Directly onto the tumour?

Is it necessary to take vitamin c an hour after the oral application?

Once again, thanks for your help.



> Oral and transdermal can do the job...as long as you dont try to do the job

just with the bicarbonate.


> Dr. Mark




> From: thesprout@...

> sorry if I may seem ignorant (in case this question has been covered before)

- would an oral intake of sodium bicarbonate be in any way beneficial for my mum

(secondary liver cancer) or would it require injections directly into the



> Thanks

> tami


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Dear Dr. Sircus,

I am new to this site having just been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. My

Dr. is going to want to rush me in for surgery as soon as the results from the

MRI monday are in. If the cancer is in my lymph nodes is there still time to get

rid of it? I know I need to read your book quickly, wish I could talk with

someone due to not much time and so much information out there. Thank you for

the work you're doing and for your courage. Regards,

From: " Mark Sircus Ac., OMD "

Oral and transdermal can do the job...as long as you dont try to do the job just

with the bicarbonate.

Dr. Mark

From: thesprout@btinterne t.com

sorry if I may seem ignorant (in case this question has been covered before) -

would an oral intake of sodium bicarbonate be in any way beneficial for my mum

(secondary liver cancer) or would it require injections directly into the




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Yes , most of my personal experience is actually with Palliative Care,

people on the very edge and already dumped by the system I doubt if you are

there yet so clearly yes there is time but of course it means going all out.

My number in Brazil is 55 83-3252-2195 and I will be here most of the day

you can also reach me at my personal email at director@... and yes read

the bicarbonate book and even my soft medicine book and my cancer site...the

cancer book is very long so no time for that.............and do some deep

breathing and call me.

Dr. Sircus

From: s

Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 2:50 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Sodium Bicarbonate

Dear Dr. Sircus,

I am new to this site having just been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer.

My Dr. is going to want to rush me in for surgery as soon as the results from

the MRI monday are in. If the cancer is in my lymph nodes is there still time to

get rid of it? I know I need to read your book quickly, wish I could talk with

someone due to not much time and so much information out there. Thank you for

the work you're doing and for your courage. Regards,

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I would say that is pretty meaningless information as is cancertutor total

presentation on this subject...badly fragmented and partial.

Dr. Mark

From: thesprout@...

Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 2:36 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Sodium Bicarbonate

Thanks for your reply.

I found the following on " cancertutor " :

For mouth, stomach, intestinal, rectal, oral cancers (if not infiltrated),

they should take:

1st Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water in the morning and 1 in the evening,

2nd Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water at any time of day,

3rd Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water at any time of day.

The baking soda should NOT be used after the 3rd week, switch over to a

different treatment for at least a month.

How should she apply the baking soda transdermally? Directly onto the tumour?

Is it necessary to take vitamin c an hour after the oral application?

Once again, thanks for your help.


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Hi Dr. Mark,

ok..that's fair enough. Would you mind giving me a general guideline as to how

to apply the b.s orally/transdermally in patients with liver/pancreas mets. Are

there any side effects.

Once again, thanks for your help.


" Mark Sircus Ac., OMD " wrote:


> I would say that is pretty meaningless information as is cancertutor total

presentation on this subject...badly fragmented and partial.



> From: thesprout@...


> Thanks for your reply.

> I found the following on " cancertutor " :

> For mouth, stomach, intestinal, rectal, oral cancers (if not infiltrated),

they should take:

> 1st Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water in the morning and 1 in the


> 2nd Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water at any time of day,

> 3rd Week: 1 TEAspoon with glass of water at any time of day.


> The baking soda should NOT be used after the 3rd week, switch over to a

different treatment for at least a month.

> How should she apply the baking soda transdermally? Directly onto the

tumour? Is it necessary to take vitamin c an hour after the oral application?

> Once again, thanks for your help.

> Tami


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dr. Sircus,

I don't want to take your time and attention away from more serious problems,

but I have ordered and am awaiting your book. Just one question now please: is

a sodium bicarbonate enema (need proportions too) advisable for irritable bowel


I'm having a sigmoidoscopy next month, but meanwhile IBS is suspected and I'd

like to get a head start on a treatment. Thanks in advance.


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Yes sure Marji, I would use bicarbonate in enemas and very importantly get this

most wonderful calcium bentonite clay and mix it up ten parts water to one part

clay and drink some each morning. You take the mixture you made the day before,

making enough for a week or so, and mix that with good water and first thing in

the morning down it.

The company you can call and they will give you instructions to dosages but its

one of the purest substances I every ate and cleans the bowels and heals with

the raw power of mother earth in her finest. Goes down very easily you would not

believe but you will understand why animals will eat earth when sick. But

nothing they eat can compare. Call or write you can see her full product

info at

http://naturalallopathic.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content & view=article & id=99\

:calcium-bentonite-oral & catid=41:product-endorsements & Itemid=117

is really wonderful and will help you and when I first got a hold of her

clay and used it, it inspired me to write a chapter called THE SCIENCE OF THE

PURE. The only other thing like it I have ever experienced is the magneisum

chloride I endorce and its pure from sitting underground for 250 million years.

This clay therapy is also very inexpensive, a one pound jar will last you a year

and is very healing and cleaning.

As far as the bicarbonate for enemas, I had a guy in Hawaii with massive cancer

in his intestines and he used to pump in a full cup and unbelievable stuff would

come out and he is still alive and its been a year and a half. For your

situation I would start out probably around one eighth of a cup max the first

time around; you can always increase depending on your level of comfort etc. I

never actually thought of the purity of bicarbonate but it also seems very pure

to me.

And you are not taking my time away from serious stuff; your situation and

question is as serious as it gets for me. Thanks for asking.

Dr. Sircus

From: Marjij

Dr. Sircus,

I don't want to take your time and attention away from more serious

problems.... Just one question now please: is a sodium bicarbonate enema (need

proportions too) advisable for irritable bowel syndrome?

I'm having a sigmoidoscopy next month, but meanwhile IBS is suspected and I'd

like to get a head start on a treatment. Thanks in advance.

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Where do you get the magnesium chloride and do you put it in enemas and how

much? How much orally?

I guess you just regular old baking soda for the sodium bicarbonate?

Thanks,  Robyn

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