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Re: Sodium -- good, bad or ugly in alternative cancer treatment?

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Hi Jim,

That's a great question and I think you are right that with cancer it

isn't good to generally take in a lot of sodium and better to

increase potassium levels. I myself don't recommend drinking baking

soda daily in high amounts for a systemic effect against cancer

(such as for the alkalizing effect) as some do (i.e. Mark S.). I

suggest taking it orally only if you can directly contact the cancer

in the process. Otherwise you need to get it to the cancer in a high

concentration of 5% directly via injection, etc. for it to have a

significant cancer killing effect. Doing it this way, the sodium

input will be minimally negative in my opinion compared to destroying

the cancer via the relatively short term process of therapy, weeks or


I'm not familiar with potassium bicarbonate but it may work just the

same and I would think this could be just as effective however you

most likely can't find it in any grocery store nor buy a box of it

for less than a dollar (do you know where to find this?). The baking

soda is so widely available it's a shame most with cancers that it

could easily get rid of never have heard of using it or don't have

any idea how. This is a great group for many topics with cancer, but

that is the primary reasons I started a group specifically

about using the sodium bicarbonate as a direct cancer therapy, to

raise awareness and refine the method.




> I read a lot of talk about sodium bicarbonate around here. What

> about the issues of ingesting all of that sodium?


> Gerson thought that sodium was really bad, didn't he? I remember

> reading something about cells reversing their polarity due to


> which aided in them being / becoming cancerous. He tried to re-

> reverse this field by cutting out all sodium, and using a lot of

> potassium.


> The Hoxsey formula was / is also administered with a severely


> restricted diet.


> Granted -- you need SOME sodium in your diet. Otherwise your whole

> muscular system would go into violent spasms, including your heart

> muscle. The final injection in lethal injection executions is

> usually potassium chloride, which causes the heart to flip out,


> stop, due to the induced massive imbalance between sodium and

> potassium and the resulting electrical disruption.


> Personally, I have no idea about this issue. But wouldn't it be a

> lot safer to use potassium bicarbonate if one is taking sodium

> bicarbonate to throw the body alkaline?


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It looks to me like potassium bicarbonate is best obtained through wine

making supply stores, some of which are on the web.

Apparently potassium bicarbonate is the chemical of choice for putting

out fires, and it is twice as effective as sodium bicarbonate.

My concern is only in lowering body PH, not in trying to eliminate

tumors directly, as Dr. Simoncini does in Italy with baking soda. I

have no idea how potassium bicarbonate would work for that.


> I'm not familiar with potassium bicarbonate but it may work just the

> same and I would think this could be just as effective however you

> most likely can't find it in any grocery store nor buy a box of it

> for less than a dollar (do you know where to find this?). The baking

> soda is so widely available it's a shame most with cancers that it

> could easily get rid of never have heard of using it or don't have

> any idea how. This is a great group for many topics with cancer, but

> that is the primary reasons I started a group specifically

> about using the sodium bicarbonate as a direct cancer therapy, to

> raise awareness and refine the method.


> Blessings,


> Hope


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Doing some surfing I saw K3CO2 (potassium bicarbonate) is actually

more effective directly on fungus and mold than sodium bicarbonate

(by breaking down the cell or spore wall) regarding horticulture. If

cancer is fungus and Dr. Simoncini is correct, maybe this would be

better than sodium bicarbonate as a treatment... Why not?

Here is an intersting clip on Potassium bicarbonate in humans:

....interestingly potassium bicarbonate also reduces nitrogen

secretion as well as magnesium excretion. The combined benefits of

potassium bicarbonate of enhancing calcium, magnesium and protein

retention, while enhancing water excretion, are metabolically

beneficial. Indeed, there is considerable evidence to suggest that

potassium bicarbonate supplementation may well help...

This is from:



- " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote:

> It looks to me like potassium bicarbonate is best obtained through

wine making supply stores, some of which are on the web.

> Apparently potassium bicarbonate is the chemical of choice for

putting out fires, and it is twice as effective as sodium bicarbonate.

> My concern is only in lowering body PH, not in trying to eliminate

> tumors directly, as Dr. Simoncini does in Italy with baking soda.

I have no idea how potassium bicarbonate would work for that.

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I used to take Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) regularly for cancer.

However, to maintain a good mineral balance, I used 2 parts baking soda

to 1 part Potassioum Chloride, and added some lemon juice (fresh).

This is a fairly standard " recipe " that I obtained from the internet.

Potassium Chloride is readily available at Health Food stores. Many

people use it as a salt substitute, the clerk said. Reading these good

posts about bkg soda and potassium chloride make me think I should

return to drinking it again.


> I'm not familiar with potassium bicarbonate but it may work just the

> same and I would think this could be just as effective however you

> most likely can't find it in any grocery store nor buy a box of it

> for less than a dollar (do you know where to find this?). The baking

> soda is so widely available it's a shame most with cancers that it

> could easily get rid of never have heard of using it or don't have

> any idea how. This is a great group for many topics with cancer, but

> that is the primary reasons I started a group specifically

> about using the sodium bicarbonate as a direct cancer therapy, to

> raise awareness and refine the method.


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Do you just mix this up in a big glass of water Wanda? Do you feel it helped

you? Seems like it would be awful salty to try and get down.


-- [ ] Re: Sodium -- good, bad or ugly in alternative cancer



I used to take Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) regularly for cancer.

However, to maintain a good mineral balance, I used 2 parts baking soda

to 1 part Potassioum Chloride, and added some lemon juice (fresh).

This is a fairly standard " recipe " that I obtained from the internet.

Potassium Chloride is readily available at Health Food stores. Many

people use it as a salt substitute, the clerk said. Reading these good

posts about bkg soda and potassium chloride make me think I should

return to drinking it again.


> I'm not familiar with potassium bicarbonate but it may work just the

> same and I would think this could be just as effective however you

> most likely can't find it in any grocery store nor buy a box of it

> for less than a dollar (do you know where to find this?). The baking

> soda is so widely available it's a shame most with cancers that it

> could easily get rid of never have heard of using it or don't have

> any idea how. This is a great group for many topics with cancer, but

> that is the primary reasons I started a group specifically

> about using the sodium bicarbonate as a direct cancer therapy, to

> raise awareness and refine the method.



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Hi Wanda,

Are you saying baking soda can cure cancer!!!!

If so how often do you have to take it.

I have just read about it being injected into the space around the

lungs when cancer cells are present to kill it. What do you know about this.

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Yes, I took about a teaspoon of baking soda + 1/2 teaspoon potassium in

about 5 ounces of water with a splash of lemon once a day. (Twice a

day is better.) It's not that salty, really. More bland than salty.

The lemon helps a lot. I was combining it with the Budwig Protocol and

aditional detoxing, and I've been progressing very well. I've stopped

the baking soda mixture in recent months, but think I should return to




> Do you just mix this up in a big glass of water Wanda? Do you feel it


> you? Seems like it would be awful salty to try and get down.


> ~Amber


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Thank you Wanda. I'll give this a try for a while.


-- [ ] Re: Sodium -- good, bad or ugly in alternative cancer



Yes, I took about a teaspoon of baking soda + 1/2 teaspoon potassium in

about 5 ounces of water with a splash of lemon once a day. (Twice a

day is better.) It's not that salty, really. More bland than salty.

The lemon helps a lot. I was combining it with the Budwig Protocol and

aditional detoxing, and I've been progressing very well. I've stopped

the baking soda mixture in recent months, but think I should return to




> Do you just mix this up in a big glass of water Wanda? Do you feel it


> you? Seems like it would be awful salty to try and get down.


> ~Amber



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NO, I'm not saying baking soda can cure cancer. I used it as one

small part of a multi-pronged cancer protocol. I am following the

Budwig Protocol, and I also do a few additional things like the Far

Infra-red sauna nightly, coffee enema daily, LDN (a mild prescription

drug which helps to prevent metastasis), and for a long while I was

taking baking soda and potassium to help correct my mineral balance

(1 teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon potassium chloride in a few

ounces of water with a few drops of fresh lemon juice, once or twice

a day between meals). I quit the baking soda because I wasn't sure

that it was necessary in addition to all the other things I am doing

(and I got lazy).



> Are you saying baking soda can cure cancer!!!!

> If so how often do you have to take it.


> I have just read about it being injected into the space around the

> lungs when cancer cells are present to kill it. What do you know

about this.

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