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MUST READ Research: health hazards of cell phones, Wi-Fi, Cordless

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FYI so you can make more informed choices and decisions regarding your use of

technology.  The link to this informaton is below.  I encourage you to take the

time to read this thoroughly in its entirety and to pass along to everyone you



P.S. In Memoriam to my friend Margaret who died last week from cancer caused by

radiation exposure, according to her doctors. She told me on her diagnosis she

had never had a CT scan or mammogram and only a few X-rays throughout her entire

life.  However, since her retirement, for the past several years she had spent

hours each day on her computer and cell phone and was used to sitting in her

home-office surrounded by equipment emitting radiation 24 hours per day unaware

of the dangers.


European Parliament Recommends Stricter Safety Limits for Cell Phones

This article appeared on Marketwire on September 18, 2008.

The European Parliament, voting 522 to 16, passed a landmark resolution on

September 4, 2008 to recommend tighter safety standards for cell phone and

cordless telephone use.

From the article: " In light of the growing body of scientific evidence

implicating cell phone use with brain tumors, the Parliament says, 'The limits

on exposure to electromagnetic fields [EMFs]

which have been set for the general public are obsolete.'

" Noting the already lowered exposure limits of some European countries the EU

Parliament is now

calling on the EU Council to amend Recommendation 1999/519/EC for all equipment


emissions in the 0.1 MHz to 300 GHz frequency range. This would include cell

phones as well as

other wireless devices. Wireless technologies that rely on microwave radiation

to send emails

and voice communication are thousands of times stronger than levels reported to

cause some

health impacts. " (emphasis added)


BioInitiative Report from the

University of Albany, New York

" A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for

Electromagnetic Fields

(ELF and RF) "

Last updated May 24, 2010

Twenty scientists and researchers from around the world reviewed over 2,000

studies on EMFs. They

found a link between EMFs, cancer and other health problems.

From their August 31, 2007 press release:

" An international working group of scientists, researchers and public health


professionals (The BioInitiative Working Group) has released its report on


fields (EMF) and health. They document serious scientific concerns about current


regulating how much EMF is allowable from power lines, cell phones, and many

other sources of

EMF exposure in daily life.

" The report concludes the existing standards for public safety are inadequate to


public health. "

Edited by Carpenter, Ph.D., Director of the

Institute for Health and the Environment at the

University at Albany of the State University of New York (SUNY)

in Albany, New York and Sage of Sage Consulting in Santa Barbara,


From the article: " People should avoid using Wi-Fi wherever possible because of


risks it may pose to health, the German government has said.

" Its surprise ruling -- the most damning made by any government on the

fast-growing technology -- will shake the industry...

" And Germany's official radiation protection body also advises its

citizens to use landlines instead of mobile phones, and warns of

'electrosmog' from a wide range of other everyday products, from baby

monitors to electric blankets.

" The Environment Ministry recommended that people should keep their

exposure to radiation from Wi-Fi 'as low as possible' by choosing

'conventional wired connections'. It added that it is 'actively

informing people about possibilities for reducing personal exposure'.

" Florian Emrich, for (the German Federal Office for

Radiation Protection), says Wi-Fi should be avoided 'because

people receive exposures from many sources and because it is a new

technology and all the research into its health effects has not yet

been carried out'. "

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