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Broccoli sprouts

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I have a question. My broccoli seeds have sprouted. I set the pan in the sun

today and they are higher up and green now. They have not sprouted to the point

of eating yet. By which I mean not the normal 1-2 inches tall.

Now, some of them look like they have hairs for roots. I threw away a tiny bunch

of them today, thinking it was mold. Was it mold or is that the way b sprouts


And do they have an aroma? I took the top paper towel off today and they are

still growing on the bottom two paper towels.




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Dear Janine,

Just to share I have found by trial and error!

Use a magnifying glass to examine the roots and if you can see

mold(mycelium) strings like white threads your sprouts have spoiled. And

the femented odor comes later. Be sure you wash your jars or trays in

mild detergent each use.

I'm using sprouting trays I made recently from scrap wood and screen

cloth and so far I've had three batches of broccoli that are crisp and

crunchy with no mold. I didn't have any big pans to soak andrinse them in

so I got a couple of sweater boxes(sterilite brand) at Walmart and I'm

using them. Th covers are opaque so they keep the light out. I keep

them in the bathtub for convenience sake.

I also had great success with alfalfa and am now sprouting radish and

broccoli together(separated by a divider board in the tray) and they look


Also I sprouted some hard red wheat and put the first cutting in a

blender with a little water. I had a good drink without the expense of a


Good sprouting

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I dont know how I got this e-mail as I havnt been able to log on to this

group. Maybe you can shed some light on what I need to do......I have not

started sprouting as yet. I Have bought th large jars, (mine are large candle

holders from mexico). Am going to order some seeds today. Any suggestions for

what kind would be best to start with?

Thanks for the help


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Dear ,

They were bad. :(( Thank you for telling me what to look for. Bummer, back to

the drawing board. All my seed packets are from 1999. Well, I should say, seed

pouches. There's about 4 oz of seeds in each one.

Am I supposed to keep the light out once they have come out of their shells?

[casings, whatever, <g>]

How do you make yours with the screen cover?

If I plant them in dirt, can I still call them sprouts?

I am sprout challenged. :( lol

Gosh, I was so excited about the paper towel thing too. I must have put too much

water on them.

Maybe I'll try making gravy instead. lol



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When the little hairs come on the roots that is your

sprouts saying that they are thirsty (they are

branching out in search of water) and need more

water... this is not mold. But if it is not taken

care of, your sprouts will spoil. Some seeds require

more water than others. I always get this with my

cabbage sprouts. Rinse them more often and you will

be fine.

--- JaninePh <JaninePh@...> wrote:

> I have a question. My broccoli seeds have sprouted.

> I set the pan in the sun today and they are higher

> up and green now. They have not sprouted to the

> point of eating yet. By which I mean not the normal

> 1-2 inches tall.

> Now, some of them look like they have hairs for

> roots. I threw away a tiny bunch of them today,

> thinking it was mold. Was it mold or is that the way

> b sprouts grow?

> And do they have an aroma? I took the top paper

> towel off today and they are still growing on the

> bottom two paper towels.


> TIA,

> Janine

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> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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I keep on hearing about this paper towel method. All

I know is that sprouts need be rinsed to remove any

indigestible sugars/starches that come out of them.

This is what causes flatulence. If you are just

sprinkling them with water then this is not enough as

far as I am concerned. If you put your sprouts in a

jar and a screen or piece of cheesecloth on top, and

secure it by putting an elastic, then you are able to

thoroughly rinse your sprouts. At some point the

hulls will separate from the seed, and it is best to

try and remove the hulls as much as possible as this

is what usually molds first. If you fill your jar

will water the hull will float to the top, then you

can scoop as many as you can out. Don't go crazy

trying to remove every one. This is not possible, nor

is it necessary. Also sprouts expand a lot so please

do not put too many seeds in your jar when you start.

Hope that this helps.

--- JaninePh <JaninePh@...> wrote:

> Dear ,


> They were bad. :(( Thank you for telling me what to

> look for. Bummer, back to the drawing board. All my

> seed packets are from 1999. Well, I should say, seed

> pouches. There's about 4 oz of seeds in each one.

> Am I supposed to keep the light out once they have

> come out of their shells? [casings, whatever, <g>]


> How do you make yours with the screen cover?

> If I plant them in dirt, can I still call them

> sprouts?

> I am sprout challenged. :( lol


> Gosh, I was so excited about the paper towel thing

> too. I must have put too much water on them.

> Maybe I'll try making gravy instead. lol


> Janine

> www.HerbaTherapy.com

> join the newsletter for specials!

> HerbaTherapy/join



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

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Hello Mike,

You are in this group, I've gotten all your emails

this morning.

Happy Sprouting!


--- quality1mike@... wrote:

> Hello. I have received some e-mails this a.m. I Hve

> not been able to get

> into this group. Must be doing something wrong

> Mike



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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OK, somebody explain whats going on here. I have received e-mails all day,

good information, but I have yet to be able to get what I need to do from

to participate. I assume the messages I am getting, everyone else is

getting also. tells me that I have already signed in. I have not.

Any suggestions?



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Dear Janine,

If you plant your sprout seeds in dirt they are still sprouts and you

have to cut them

off to harvest them or you will have " dirty sprouts " ! Wheat grass grows

well in pans of dirt.

The sprouting frame is just a shallow wood frame,any convenient size

to fit your available pans,made from 1x2 1/2 inch wood nailed together

and ordinary nylon screen stapled to the bottom(or nailed with little

wood strips). Use your ingenuity or get someone to make them for you.

Two or three frames to start with.

First you soak the seeds for eight or twelve hours(depending on seed)

and then you spread the seed in the frame. Every 6 hours more or less

rinse them by dipping the frame up and down a few times in the

sink,bathtub or a pan of some sort. They will grow well if not too

cold(air temp no less than 60 degrees and water temp about 70-80 degrees)

and in about 4 to six days voila! sprouts.

Good sprouting,


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Hello Mike..

Evidently you were successful in getting into this group, because here you



Now let's talk about sprouts. The Sprout People, for whom the group is

named, is an excellent source of all sorts of seeds specially for sprouting

(as you might imagine).

There are others, and we can list some of them for you, if you like.

Important is to buy only *organic* seeds specifically packaged for

sprouting. Seeds from your local garden store are often treatd with

fertilizers, anti-pest stuff, and other chemicals; don't use them.

Try sending your questions and concerns one at a time. That makes it easier

(and clearer) to answer them.

Welcome again...


Re: broccoli sprouts

> I have been trying to get into this group with no success. Any suggestions

> Mike




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On 1/10/02 at 5:34 PM " quality1mike@... " <quality1mike@...> wrote:

>Any suggestions?

Do you have a ID and Password? You need both to be able to get to the

list web site to make any changes to your settings.

@(~~~>~~~ K. ~~~<~~~)@


Web Page Design <www.stoneforts.com/design.htm>

Stone Fort Rottweilers <www.stoneforts.com/>

List Owner: K9Nutrition, K9KidneyDiet, RawPetsFoodSaver,

CalypsoMail & Moderator: NaturalCat

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Mike, try sending an email to Member Services. Ask then to verify your

membership and they should send you an email with a verification number to

write back to.


Laurel Run Bird Farm (NJ)

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Thanks.....Was going to give up today. On a more positive note, I am getting

ready to order my first seeds tomorrow. Any suggestions on what to start out

with? For a container I bought two Glass " candle holders from mexico. They

are approx. 12 " tall, by 4 " in Dia.. What should I use as a screen? Also, I

have heard discussion about circulation. Is this a major concern?


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You can use old fashioned one quart(or larger) mason jars. Put

circles of screen mesh in place of the insert lid. Soak your seeds(two

tbs.). for 8 hours in tepid water and then rinse every four hours or

so(overnight is alright but get them rinsed first thing in morning. In

about 3 days you will have sprouts starting and in 6-7 days a jar full of

sprouts. Same for alfalfa,radish,fenugreek,etc. Beans are a litle

different but start with the cruciferous seeds.

Good sprouting,


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Dear Marilyn,

Broccoli sprouts seem to have more of the " sulphurophanes " . Maybe ten

times more than broccoli crowns or other cabbage and radish vegetables.

I don't know about their

" thyroid suppressing qualities " . What are they?

Anither question for you: What are you going to use four automatic

sprouters for?


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Guest guest

Dear Marilyn,

Broccoli sprouts seem to have more of the " sulphurophanes " . Maybe ten

times more than broccoli crowns or other cabbage and radish vegetables.

I don't know about their

" thyroid suppressing qualities " . What are they?

Anither question for you: What are you going to use four automatic

sprouters for?


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

aloha !

i was puzzled by this same thing when i first started sprouting....

root hairs...

keep rinsing...and munch on

bright blessings.


on 8/4/02 3:58 PM, cybless at lovejoy@... wrote:

> Can anyone shed some light on this? I have some fresh broccoli seeds

> which show a high genmination rate. However, as they sprout, the

> seeds are surrounded by a growing 'web' of very fine white strands or

> what may an almost mist-like fungus. Has anyone else had this

> experience? What do I have growing here? Can I eat these sprouts, or

> should I just dump the lot? Help, please.

> Thanks, Reysha S.




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Guest guest

I believe those are just tiny roots and nothing to worry about.

>Can anyone shed some light on this? I have some fresh broccoli seeds

>which show a high genmination rate. However, as they sprout, the

>seeds are surrounded by a growing 'web' of very fine white strands or

>what may an almost mist-like fungus. Has anyone else had this

>experience? What do I have growing here? Can I eat these sprouts, or

>should I just dump the lot? Help, please.

>Thanks, Reysha S.




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Guest guest

The roots are looking for water. Rince more often is

my suggestion. This is not mold.

--- Long <longc@...> wrote:

> I believe those are just tiny roots and nothing to

> worry about.



> >Can anyone shed some light on this? I have some

> fresh broccoli seeds

> >which show a high genmination rate. However, as

> they sprout, the

> >seeds are surrounded by a growing 'web' of very

> fine white strands or

> >what may an almost mist-like fungus. Has anyone

> else had this

> >experience? What do I have growing here? Can I eat

> these sprouts, or

> >should I just dump the lot? Help, please.

> >Thanks, Reysha S.

> >

> >

> >

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