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Re: Koch's glyoxilide

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Yes, we know about Koch's product, glyoxylide and methylglyoxal. The

Koch family will say no one knows for sure but as a Homeopathic

Physician he would use a homeopathic version most likely.

There is a chemical version which seems to work also. Check out what Dr.Ray in

India has done...and continues to study...


3230343.pdf+Dr.Ray,+Methylglyoxal & hl=en & ct=clnk & cd=2 & gl=us>

Here's a list of some of the studies she's been doing. She's been

studying the effects of Methylglyoxal for years...

http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Manju+Ray%2C+Univ.+of+Calcutta & btnG=Search & h\

l=en & lr=

In vivo assessment of toxicity and pharmacokinetics of methylglyoxal

Augmentation of the curative effect of methylglyoxal on cancer-bearing

mice by ascorbic acid and creatine

Manju Ghosha

<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WXH-4GX64MK-2 & _user=\

10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVer\

sion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=dfc669504ba98cfa5f9dafb0c388b2ed#aff1>,

I've used it for years with our patients as part of a wholistic approach

combined with Immunotherapy including Ozone MAHT,

Photophoresis/Dendtritic Cell Therapy to help the body " see " Cancer or

Infected Cells, a good metabolic and nutrition program, medical

hyperthermia, Quantum Informational Medicine, etc.

Hope this is useful...

Carolyn Bormann, N.D

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Thank you for the references. From one of them I extracted this quote:

" These studies indicated that methylglyoxal had no apparent deleterious effect

on some vital organs of these animals. A detailed pharmacokinetic study was done

with mouse after oral administration of methylglyoxal. The effect of

methylglyoxal alone and in combination with creatine and ascorbic acid on

cancer-bearing animals had been investigated by measuring the increase in life

span and tumor cell growth inhibition. The results indicated that anticancer

effect of methylglyoxal was significantly augmented by ascorbic acid and further

augmented by ascorbic acid and creatine. Nearly 80% of the animals treated with

methylglyoxal plus ascorbic acid plus creatine were completely cured and devoid

of any malignant cells within the peritoneal cavity. " - this is very positive

When I recently raised this subject recently made the point that

methylglyoxal was in fact quite dangerous to take - and difficult to make in a

pure way.

However, a homoeopathic solution might be interesting - can you recommend a

product and source?

" Carolyn Bormann, N.D. " <drcnb@...> wrote:


Yes, we know about Koch's product, glyoxylide and methylglyoxal. The

Koch family will say no one knows for sure but as a Homeopathic

Physician he would use a homeopathic version most likely.

There is a chemical version which seems to work also. Check out what Dr.Ray in

India has done...and continues to study...


3230343.pdf+Dr.Ray,+Methylglyoxal & hl=en & ct=clnk & cd=2 & gl=us>

Here's a list of some of the studies she's been doing. She's been

studying the effects of Methylglyoxal for years...

http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Manju+Ray%2C+Univ.+of+Calcutta & btnG=Search & h\

l=en & lr=

In vivo assessment of toxicity and pharmacokinetics of methylglyoxal

Augmentation of the curative effect of methylglyoxal on cancer-bearing

mice by ascorbic acid and creatine

Manju Ghosha

<http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL & _udi=B6WXH-4GX64MK-2 & _user=\

10 & _rdoc=1 & _fmt= & _orig=search & _sort=d & view=c & _acct=C000050221 & _version=1 & _urlVer\

sion=0 & _userid=10 & md5=dfc669504ba98cfa5f9dafb0c388b2ed#aff1>,

I've used it for years with our patients as part of a wholistic approach

combined with Immunotherapy including Ozone MAHT,

Photophoresis/Dendtritic Cell Therapy to help the body " see " Cancer or

Infected Cells, a good metabolic and nutrition program, medical

hyperthermia, Quantum Informational Medicine, etc.

Hope this is useful...

Carolyn Bormann, N.D




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