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Magnesium....the story begins

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Well Joe hello and no problem with your question or way of asking.

I will forward to the group my writings on magnesium and cancer but before I do

please let me be perfectly clear. I am a protocol man to the hilt meaning I do

not believe in single shot cancer cures, not even a little even though I

personally know of a case, for example, when someone I know reversed his bone

cancer that had come from his prostate cancer with sodium bicarbonate alone. I

make that very clear in my sodium bicarbonate book. Mageisum chloride is though

my clear choice for the number one slot, not because it will cure cancer but

because its insane to even try without its muscle.

I am saying this on the level of it would be insane to treat ones cancer and

remain dehyradated during the duration or as stupid of a thing as trying to

treat a person who is not breathing - meaning someone who is already dead.

Magneisum is involved in hundreds of physiological process so its essential and

most people who are suffering from any kind of chronic disease are deficient to

a high degree. I recommend the chloride form over the sulfate form except when

it comes to injections for it is more absorbable and retainable by the body and

much better for direct skin application. It is also slightly less toxic.....and

available in exceptionally pure form than the Epsom salts.

Also please understand that I have written not one but three books on magnesium

though I am putting it all together for my next edition of my Transdermal

Magnesium Therapy book in print. I have no problem sharing some of this

information freely in this group but would like that the information remain here

and not be spread around because it is either copywrited for my books or will be

present on my new www.magnesiumforlife.com site in about two weeks. Or if

someone does want to use it to please ask permission.

And yes your dad was a smart one for the use of magneisum in sport medicine is

wonderful....personally for me I started using it just around the time when I

started playing tennis after fifteen years of not doing that and I would come

off the courts suffering, would come home to a magneisum massage and would get

off the table feeling wonderful.....four years later this last month I was

suffering from a bout of sciatica and again magneisum massage saved the day.....

and I do recommend this form of treatment to everyone treating serious

conditions.... touch....yes touch and love are super important in recovery and

treatment and I have of course, as you might have guessed written a book about

that also. Its called Soft Medicine.. http://publications.imva.info/ ...and it

also gets into some deep stuff about emotional and spiritual issies and even

sexual stuff especially as that relates to prostate cancer.....

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association

PS. Many years ago I was a real internet group participant and learned a lot

about everything, including myself via that but about three years ago I went on

no mail on all my groups for several reasons. One was to allow me to super

concentrate on my work but the other was because of the many conflicts and

restrictions or whatever. I signed back into this group on a lark. Someone had

invited me into a professional chiropractic group so when I signed onto the

group I saw all my old groups and had not participated in a cancer group druing

all this time when I was developing my cancer protocol and publishing three

books on cancer with another one on the way about prostate and breast cancer.

Anyway my point here is I am delighted about the interactions happening here and

even enjoyed eating my hat in public. So I appreciate the question but....never

been called a horse before...hahahah....am much more like a bear...........so

let me go dig out my magnesium and cancer work.....and then will send some other

chapters..hope the format comes in correctly....

Re: [ ] Miracle Mineral Solution- mark

Hello Mark:

Many of us have been around the list for quite some time and when we see a

preponderance of e-mails devoted to a particular protocol, it makes sense to go

directly to the horse's mouth for more clarification.

It is also difficult to avoid sounding negative and sometimes hostile even

though not intentioned. That being said, and because we are now regularly

reading so many posts, from one or two individuals, alluding to benefits that

are not clear to me, I seek clarification. Note I said " not clear to me " because

it may be clear to everyone else. ??

Perhaps I am missing something, however, I am looking for evidence we have

successes here above and beyond Magnesium seemingly beneficial for aches and

pains, something for which it has been used for more than my long years. Of

course going back far enough I remember my father, a fight manager and trainer

using Epsom Salts for bruises, sprains, and even soaking for infections. It has

been my main-stay for these reasons for more than 60 years.

These uses, however, are not cancer or serious lung infections.

I am asking for more evidence than I have seen in broad-informational e-mails

and while I hesitate to act as 'list detective', let me ask as Joe detective,

that being my background therefore a natural way to approach things as I am sure

you can understand. Who better than a Practitioner, such as you are, to

understand the need for more concrete evidence?

I look forward to your response to help all of understand what we are reading.

Joe C.

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