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Nebulization is Transdermal

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No I don't do it for myself but its something I recommend for lung cancer

patients or anyone who has serious problems with their lungs.

Much of my work is about transdermal medicine and one of the great advantages of

magnesium, sodium bicarbonate and iodine (all emergency room and intensive care

medicines) is that they can be injected, taken orally and transdermally making

them very flexible as far as modes of administration. The effects are similar

physiologically no matter how you apply but avenues of administration have a

great impact on what tissues get affected the most and how much gets absorbed.

Very difficult for example to take magnesium orally because medical dosages

provoke loose stools and injection is expensive though perfect for emergency


Applying via a nebulizer is transdermal but instead of the skin being used its

the inner skin (the lungs) which are directly affected. You would have to read

one of three books I have on magnesium to study the incredibly broad range of

effects. If used in a nebulizer that would not replace application to the skin

(best of all modes) or oral intake or in emergency situations application via

IV. Same is true for iodine...its function is more for its broadband

antipathogen effect and again oral intake is important though it is most famous

for its transdermal use. Iodine is very important factor in breast, thyroid,

prostate and ovarian cancer because these tissues need and concentrate iodine

much more than other tissues in the body. Also flouride is much more toxic and

cancer provoking to an iodine deficient person.

Most people are deficient in magnesium and iodine....and even in bicarbonate so

taking each is like taking a breath of air when sophicating or more like a glass

of water when one comes out of the desert after a few days..... There are

several prominant doctors using iodine for cancer treatment and it does resolve

skin cancer via transdermal application but I am the only doc who puts magnesium

chloride as the number one most important item in his cancer protocol. I would

put bicarbonate number two and iodine number three and all are inexpensive and

can be purchaced easily and legally as long as you don't inject. NO MATTER WHAT


MEDICINES just as it makes sense to continue breathing and drinking water for

they are all basic to life and healthy physiology.

Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

Director International Medical Veritas Association

Re: [ ] Re: Lugol's

Do you inhale these different meds thru your nebulizer Mark? What does

inhaling magensium and iodine do for you?


Mark Sircus Ac., OMD wrote:

> Well I nebulize iodine, sodium bicarbonate and even the magnesium

chloride...one at a time of course...you have to use the purest quality stuff on

the magnesium chloride (Ancient Minerals ...I even dilute this and put it in my

eyes) and iodine (Nascent Iodine, I think the Lugols is a bit harsh for this)

...quality/purity is important with these finer applications...... all you do is

put some drops in the water or saline holding basket....experiment..start with

lower concentration and work up to high....but dont be shy about the

concentration...the iodine disapperas quite quickly....all good for treating the

lungs and lung cancer etc.....you can do the same with glutathione...and just

now was talking to a doctor friend of mine in Moscow and he is using a vaporizer

to put hydrogen peroxide and even Oxytocin into the air with what he says is

amazing result.....


> I am in Brazil by the way....


> Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

> Director International Medical Veritas Association





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