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" Best " source of Curcumin?

I buy one made for Swansons and it is priced right and almost the same formula

as one offered by Life Extension. I like it because it has 900mgs of

Curcumoids per capsule along with 5 mgs of Piperine. It is a Standardized

herbal product.

I have checked out others and this one is what I selected. When I ran it by

his only comment was, " it looks interesting " and unless one analyzes

something, how would one know?

Consumer Reports once did a study of Vitamin content of various products and

some did not contain what the label claimed. (sigh) Let the buyer beware.

Check out some prices and do the math. See how much per mg and find the best

price. It is not the lowest cost herbal product but has a lot going for it.

PubMed is full of references about it.

Joe C.

Now it's one more check of the Inbox and I'm off to bed.............it's already

tomorrow. Good night.

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I may have to rethink this subject. Guess this is why God made the whole herb.

I have always heard that New Chapter was a good brand. I am taking

Thorne Meriva right now.

I learned in my Jr. College course on herbs that it is always best to

take the whole herb because of the synergistic effect. I understand

for the cancer patient (that's me too) that high amounts of curcumin are


Well, I am going to have to mull this over in my mind and study it more.

What do all those science minded people think about the below article?

from Seattle

Supercritical Extraction—Quality Over Quantity

When sorting through the many so-called turmeric and curcumin extract products

on the market, it is not uncommon to find more than a few which proudly boast

" 95 percent curcumin. "

This is not necessarily a false claim. But what you're not being told is that,

in order to extract such a high level of curcumin, many companies use unhealthy

chemical solvents.

Although this process is less expensive and results in a higher yield, the

quality of that yield is damaged by heat, oxygen and solvent stress. In addition

to this dumbing down of the extract, an amount of 95 percent curcumin does not

accurately represent the original ratio of the constituents in turmeric, thereby

producing an extract which can be biologically unstable.

Finally, the chemical solvents used—such as acetone, a common ingredient in nail

polish remover and hexane, a component commonly used in dry cleaning fluid—leave

behind residues. Basically, the consumer of such products would be taking an

anti-carcinogenic herb extract laced with carcinogens. How's that for driving

with the brakes on?

Extracting the fat soluble (or lipophilic) components of any plant is not an

easy process for the simple fact that fat will not allow itself to be dissolved

by water. Most producers of turmeric extract take the easy way out in the use of

chemical solvents to dissolve the once-potent oils.

But New Chapter, refusing to sacrifice this quality and potency, employs a

patent-pending " dual extraction " process to produce Turmericforce..

The first and most important part of this process is " supercritical " extraction,

a technique which safely extracts the lipophilic constituents, which are the

most delicate, volatile and arguably the most beneficial. While the chemical

solvent method damages these substances, supercritical extraction is able to

circumvent their resistance to liquid extraction by compressing carbon dioxide

gas to the point where it has the density of a liquid but still remains gaseous.

In this state, it is able to penetrate the herb and extract the delicate

constituents while leaving their character and potency intact.

In the second step, the residue containing the remaining water-soluble

(hydrophilic) constituents is extracted with water and alcohol. When this is

complete, Turmericforce is reconstituted to closely match the ratio present in

the original plant. In this way, the final product delivers not only the barely

altered potency of turmeric, but maintains its intelligence and character,

qualities which are a top priority for New Chapter.

Tumerones Increase the Bioavailability of Curcumin

One ingredient you'll see on the Turmericforce label, and most likely not on

those of other turmeric extracts, is " 45 percent tumerones. " According to

Flavex, New Chapter's supercritical extraction partners located in Germany, more

than 50 percent of the oil extracted via supercritical extraction is composed of

tumerones, one of the most beneficial of turmeric's lipophlic substances.

This claim is missing on the very products which boast high levels of curcumin.

This is because, in their attempt to isolate a single curcuminoid, using an

unhealthy solvent in the process, tumerones, as well as other beneficial oils,

are destroyed. This results in any level of curcumin becoming less effective

than it could be, as tumerones, curcumin and the other constituents all must be

present, in the correct ratios and potency, to express the full spectrum of the

herb and deliver its medicinal power.

" We believe very strongly that the sole focus on curcumin is a huge mistake

because there's a lot of biological activity in the tumerones, which are in the

lipophilic section, " says Schulick. " There is evidence dating back as much as 40

years ago which suggests that the oils of turmeric combined with the

water-soluble constituents of turmeric make the curcuminoids far more

bioavailable. "\

bnewsletters/mar08/timelesstumericarticle..htm+cucurmin+extract+solvents & cd=6 & hl\

=en & ct=clnk & gl=us


> Will the group share information as to where one can purchase the best

Curcumin for breast/lung cancer use.


> Thanks,


> Chas


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LOL we have the same quandary

Let me know what you think after you ponder it.


> >

> > Will the group share information as to where one can purchase the best

Curcumin for breast/lung cancer use.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Chas

> >


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I'd be sure to take a brand that contains (bio)piperine (which makes it 2000%

more bioavailable).

As w/many herbs, it's important to use a good brand, such as

Turmeric Extract (www.sourcenaturals.com/products/GP1301/Source Naturals) or


Liposomal curcumin is available from www.letstalkhealth.com

The best brand of whole TURMERIC I know of is


However, I'd definitely use CURCUMIN, because you can't consume nearly enough

turmeric to get an optimal dose of curcumin.


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Sometimes I say, " I hope one of the lists experts weighs in on a

subject..............Leonard is one I wait to see.

He is thorough in his research and fact base. A very valuable member of the


Joe C.

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I once  googled dosage of curcumin and came across some sources that said it

would take more than a pound of the powder to get an overdose.  I don't know if

this claim is true though.


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OK, I've done it. I broke the rules last night by posting more than six posts

in one day. This is a new day but that's it for me.

I wonder what a pound of Curcumin would cost? I suspect too much for most.

Pacific Botanicals, a good source (for me) of herbs has Turmeric Powder at $8.00

and the powder at $11.00 and that is the Rhizome.

This is where I get my Organic Pau d' arco, Stinging Nettles and Burdock Root to

brew for my wife's Lymphodema.

Good night/morning all. Thanks for all I've learned.

Joe C.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

I've looked to the website in detail but can't find the details of the

formulation and the published study details (just reference to scientific

litterature). Could you post exact composition from the label ?

Thank you

From: Priscilla Gargalis

Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:44 PM

Subject: [ ] Curcumin

Hello all,

I've been reading your posts re: curcumin.� I was recently told of a product

that was developed after a study done at UCLA.� It is a " lipidated " �form of

curcumin which reportedly has 4X better absorption than any other

form.�There's a research paper on this. You may be able to get it on the

website of the company that sells the product.� www.phytosensia.com

I just started my husband on this product, it is called Longvida.�


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Is there a specific way to take curcumin that increases the effectiveness? Does

one just purchase it in the bulk section of the natural food store?

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Guest guest

 Your can buy curcumim in capsules  . but I prefer to use turmeric  1/2 tsp

with a sprikle of black pepper.  3X to $x a day  in a cup of water . You can

add ginger to it to improve the taste and get the added benefits ginger . You

can drink it hot or cold .

From: SightSeeing <pamphetteplace@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: curcumin

Date: Monday, May 3, 2010, 12:24 PM


Is there a specific way to take curcumin that increases the effectiveness? Does

one just purchase it in the bulk section of the natural food store?

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TY for your reply, might I ask why do you perfer tumeric?



joe dennis wrote:

> Your can buy curcumim in capsules. but I prefer to use turmeric  1/2 tsp with

a sprikle of black pepper.  3X to $x a day  in a cup of water . You can add

ginger to it to improve the taste and get the added benefits ginger . You can

drink it hot or cold .

> Is there a specific way to take curcumin that increases the effectiveness?

Does one just purchase it in the bulk section of the natural food store?

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Guest guest

It has been pretty well established that it is the Curcumin that is the element

that is effective and there is not enough, for many situations, in Turmeric or I

should say, in equal amounts of product. In my case and I hear it from

others, that 7-9 g of Curcumin is the recommended dose. Additionally we keep

hearing that Piperine is necessary if one is to get the benefits of Curcumin

because of its inherent Low Bioavailability. The following PubMed site gives

an explanation:


Joe C.

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