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Re: Who recovers, who loses/

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Has your husband tried Budwig? I also have aggressive B cell Lymphoma, had

chemo once, had rituxan early last year, and this year I am all but cancer

free. I started the Budwig diet last Jan. when I found out the cancer had

returned. I didn't follow the diet 100%, but it still is working for me. I also

juice A LOT and drink kefir made from raw milk every day. I also added a raw

organic egg to my kefir when I was at my weakest-your husband may want to try

that to build up his strength. Starving himself won't make the cancer go away.

Sending healing prayers your husbands way,


You wrote:

THank you for your post. I have a fighter of a husband, who at the present

time is very sick. He has a a lot of pain. He has aggressive B-cell

lymphoma, for the second time. He had chemo the first time. I felt strongly,

through a lot of sincere prayer, that we needed to do this the natural way this

time. He has been juice fasting for 38 days now. He seems very weak. He has

been doing a ton of other herbal teas, colonics, energy work, cold sheet

treatments, etc.... I am weary of all this. We have 9 children. I am


I want to know about your clinic. You could email me privately if you

wish. I may need to do something more. I just don't know what.

THank you,


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Are you doing Budwig pure? No supplements?

> THank you for your post. I have a fighter of a husband, who at

the present

> time is very sick. He has a a lot of pain. He has aggressive B-


> lymphoma, for the second time. He had chemo the first time. I

felt strongly,

> through a lot of sincere prayer, that we needed to do this the

natural way this

> time. He has been juice fasting for 38 days now. He seems very

weak. He has

> been doing a ton of other herbal teas, colonics, energy work, cold


> treatments, etc.... I am weary of all this. We have 9 children.

I am worried.

> I want to know about your clinic. You could email me privately

if you

> wish. I may need to do something more. I just don't know what.


> THank you,

> Karyn


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No, not pure. But I am still seeing great results. I do take a few vitamins,

a lot of herbal teas, my raw milk kefir, a wide variety of spices including

turmeric, raw honey, etc.


Posted by: " jrrjim "

Cyndi: Are you doing Budwig pure? No supplements?

--- cyndikrall wrote:

> Karyn,

> Has your husband tried Budwig? I also have aggressive B cell

Lymphoma, had chemo once, had rituxan early last year, and this year I am all

but cancer free. I started the Budwig diet last Jan. when I found out the cancer

had returned. I didn't follow the diet 100%, but it still is working for me. I

also juice A LOT and drink kefir made from raw milk every day. I also added a

raw organic egg to my kefir when I was at my weakest-your husband may want to

try that to build up his strength. Starving himself won't make the cancer go


> Sending healing prayers your husbands way,

> Cyndi

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Raw honey??? Yikes!!!! That stuff is 1/3 glucose! (Cancer's favorite



> No, not pure. But I am still seeing great results. I do take a few


> a lot of herbal teas, my raw milk kefir, a wide variety of spices


> turmeric, raw honey, etc.


> Cyndi




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Raw honey has a lot of other health benefits. I was not promoting it as a

cure for cancer, mind you. I was merely sharing what I was doing. I guess I

should not admit I still eat some meat either, lol, but I do. I follow Budwig

*fairly* closely, but not perfectly. If I had found it before I did any sort

of chemo, I might have followed it exclusively from the beginning. I still

find Budwig to be enormously beneficial, even with my less-than-perfect regime.

I have declined any sort of chemo for a year now, and my cancer is still going

away. I only have Budwig to thank for that.

Everyone's mileage will vary...


Raw honey??? Yikes!!!! That stuff is 1/3 glucose! (Cancer's favorite


--- In _ @ @can_ (mailto: ) ,

cyndikrall@., cyndi


> No, not pure. But I am still seeing great results. I do take a few


> a lot of herbal teas, my raw milk kefir, a wide variety of spices


> turmeric, raw honey, etc.


> Cyndi

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Yea, well, Budwig said it was okay to eat some honey -- if you mix it

in with the FO/CC to slow its absorption.

And look where it got her -- she died.

(Just kidding -- she died at 90 something).


> Raw honey has a lot of other health benefits. I was not promoting

it as a

> cure for cancer, mind you. I was merely sharing what I was doing. I

guess I

> should not admit I still eat some meat either, lol, but I do. I

follow Budwig

> *fairly* closely, but not perfectly. If I had found it before I did

any sort

> of chemo, I might have followed it exclusively from the beginning.

I still

> find Budwig to be enormously beneficial, even with my less-than-

perfect regime.

> I have declined any sort of chemo for a year now, and my cancer is

still going

> away. I only have Budwig to thank for that.


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