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Re: Liver Flush Interpretation

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You should repeat the cleanse every two weeks until nothing comes out. Chaff is

not white foam. Chaff would look like sand from the beach. The white foam is

an indication of an imbalance in intestinal bacteria. You will need to

supplement with probiotics when during and especially after doing these



From: crsegal (DOT)

I just completed my first liver flush. It went smoothly but I only got out about

one dozen pea sized green stones and a handful of tan pea sized stones. Nothing

big or spectacular. In one bm I did have a large amount of what looked like

white foam. Is that chaff? Does this mean that my liver is basically clean or

that I am so conjested nothing came out. I would love an interpretation.


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Thanks for the interpretation Rose. I had been drinking a large glass

of raw goat milk kefir for about four months prior to the cleanse. Is

that not working? Could it mean that I have candida?



> ,

> You should repeat the cleanse every two weeks until nothing comes

out. Chaff is not white foam. Chaff would look like sand from the

beach. The white foam is an indication of an imbalance in intestinal

bacteria. You will need to supplement with probiotics when during and

especially after doing these cleanses.


> Rose


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Can you share the liver flush program with us. What is the best program

to do. I read several.




From: [mailto: ]

On Behalf Of crsegal

Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:38 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Liver Flush Interpretation

Thanks for the interpretation Rose. I had been drinking a large glass

of raw goat milk kefir for about four months prior to the cleanse. Is

that not working? Could it mean that I have candida?



> ,

> You should repeat the cleanse every two weeks until nothing comes

out. Chaff is not white foam. Chaff would look like sand from the

beach. The white foam is an indication of an imbalance in intestinal

bacteria. You will need to supplement with probiotics when during and

especially after doing these cleanses.


> Rose


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Could also be parasite or fat metabolism issues. Or liver or gallbladder issues

which is why you're doing the cleanses! I would try a good brand probiotic

formula found in the refridgerated section at your local health food store and

see if this doesn't clear it up.Hugs,


From: crsegal

Thanks for the interpretation Rose. I had been drinking a large glass of raw

goat milk kefir for about four months prior to the cleanse. Is that not working?

Could it mean that I have candida?


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Rose -

Thanks again for your help! It is so appreciated. I followed s

Mortiz cleanse and he doesn't recommend a parasite cleanse first.

Therefore, I didn't do one. I wasn't sure if there were any because I

wasn't sure what they look like. Should I do a parasite cleanse before

my next liver cleanse?



> ,

> Could also be parasite or fat metabolism issues. Or liver or

gallbladder issues which is why you're doing the cleanses! I would try

a good brand probiotic formula found in the refridgerated section at

your local health food store and see if this doesn't clear it up.Hugs,

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Suzanna -

I followed s Mortiz liver flush protocol. Are you familar with

it? If not, I can type it out for you. One of the best books I own

is Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation by s Mortiz. It

is definately worth the investment.

Suzanna " wrote:

>Can you share the liver flush program with us. What is the best

program to do. I read several.

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Hi Suzanna,

Here is the one I swear by:

Liver Cleanse


4 Tblspn Oral Epsom Salts

3 Cups Cold Water

½ Cup Olive Oil

½ Cup Fresh Squeezed Grapefruit Juice

Procedure :

For 5 days preceding the liver/gallbladder flush, drink as much organic apple

juiceas you can stand...and eat organic apples!First day:

9:00 am: Eat a light breakfast of maybe fruit or oatmeal no milk or butter;and

some apple juice

Approx 1:00 have a light lunch--salad and fruit maybe.

Do not eat after 2:00 pm…you can drink water and apple juice up until about 5 pm

4:00 pm: Mix 4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts in 3 cups of cold water in one

jar, and refrigerate

6:00 pm: Drink 1/4 of the cold Epsom salts mix

8:00 pm: Drink 1/4 of the Epsom salts mix

9:45 pm: Pour 1/2 cup olive oil into a second jar; squeeze out 1/2 cup

grapefruit juice and add to the olive oil. Close the jar lid and shake hard

until watery.

Drink the potion. Lie down immediately. Lie still on your back or right side and

go to sleep.Second day:

Get up and drink 1/4 of the Epsom salts mix and some apple juice. Lie down for

one hour.

After two hours, drink last ¼ of the Epsom salts mix. If hungry, eat a banana

or an orange...and have some tea.....Many stones will be seen in the toilet upon

the first bowel movement after a liver cleanse.

Repeat every two weeks until no more stones are seen.Repeat twice a year in

spring and fall.



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It can't hurt to do a parasite cleanse. Good for you! It is such a great

feeling to clean up you body like that. Alot of people are afraid or just don't

take the time and make the commitment. I give you alot of credit for doing




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I am not familiar with that, but had read about Hulda 's liver flush.

Thanks very much. I need to do it. A long time ago me and my brother had

hepatitis A, we got it from school in our country. I thought this would be very

helpful.Oh, do we have to do other cleansing before the live, or we can directly

start this one.

Thanks for the info,


RE: [ ] Re: Liver Flush Interpretation

Hi Suzanna,

Here is the one I swear by:

Liver Cleanse


4 Tblspn Oral Epsom Salts

3 Cups Cold Water

½ Cup Olive Oil

½ Cup Fresh Squeezed Grapefruit Juice

Procedure :

For 5 days preceding the liver/gallbladder flush, drink as much organic apple

juiceas you can stand...and eat organic apples!First day:

9:00 am: Eat a light breakfast of maybe fruit or oatmeal no milk or butter;and

some apple juice

Approx 1:00 have a light lunch--salad and fruit maybe.

Do not eat after 2:00 pm...you can drink water and apple juice up until about 5


4:00 pm: Mix 4 tablespoons of oral Epsom salts in 3 cups of cold water in one

jar, and refrigerate

6:00 pm: Drink 1/4 of the cold Epsom salts mix

8:00 pm: Drink 1/4 of the Epsom salts mix

9:45 pm: Pour 1/2 cup olive oil into a second jar; squeeze out 1/2 cup

grapefruit juice and add to the olive oil. Close the jar lid and shake hard

until watery.

Drink the potion. Lie down immediately. Lie still on your back or right side and

go to sleep.Second day:

Get up and drink 1/4 of the Epsom salts mix and some apple juice. Lie down for

one hour.

After two hours, drink last ¼ of the Epsom salts mix. If hungry, eat a banana

or an orange...and have some tea.....Many stones will be seen in the toilet upon

the first bowel movement after a liver cleanse.

Repeat every two weeks until no more stones are seen.Repeat twice a year in

spring and fall.




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You don't have to do the other cleanses before this one but you do need to be

mindful that your bowels are moving. You do not want to be constipated and do

this cleanse. It will make for a very uncomfortable experience. You need to be

able to eliminate!



From: aram

I am not familiar with that, but had read about Hulda 's liver flush.

Thanks very much. I need to do it. A long time ago me and my brother had

hepatitis A, we got it from school in our country. I thought this would be very

helpful.Oh, do we have to do other cleansing before the live, or we can directly

start this one.

Thanks for the info, Suzanna

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Once again thank you Rose for the information! The cleanse you typed

out is the same one I followed. It wasn't too bad. I was just anxious

because it was my first time. I guess I will look into parasite


Can I ask you one more question. How do you feel about eating fats the

week of the cleanse? I cut them out about four days before but my body

doesn't do well on a vegan type type. The combination of the apple

juice plus all those vegetables made me really gassy. That may of

gotten in the way of this cleanse - not getting too much out.


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I tried Hulga 's Flush back in 1999 and have never done it since.

I just did it as a maintenance thing....

It was quite sucessfull...at least 40 small sized stones (green)

I was amazed...but the smell of Olive Oil now sickens me and

have never gone back....that's a pity...now I just eat less

saturated fats and take PB8, a probiotic every day....


Gypsy Rose wrote:


> ,

> It can't hurt to do a parasite cleanse. Good for you! It is such a

great feeling to clean up you body like that. Alot of people are

afraid or just don't take the time and make the commitment. I give

you alot of credit for doing this!

> Hugs,

> Rose


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I tend to eat pretty healthy most always so, I don't wind up doing anything

special on the days prior to cleansing. I do have a problem with slow

metabolism despite anything that I do in the way of diet and exercise so, most

importantly for me is to be sure that my bowels are definitely moving prior to

and on the day of the cleanse.

As far as eating fats, as long as you're talking about good fats, I don't see

how that would get in the way of a successful cleanse. However, eating fatty

foods (bad fat) I would definitely avoid.



From: crsegal

Once again thank you Rose for the information! The cleanse you typed out is the

same one I followed. It wasn't too bad. I was just anxious because it was my

first time. I guess I will look into parasite cleanses. Can I ask you one more

question. How do you feel about eating fats the week of the cleanse? I cut them

out about four days before but my body doesn't do well on a vegan type type. The

combination of the apple juice plus all those vegetables made me really gassy.

That may of gotten in the way of this cleanse - not getting too much out.


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Hi Rose:

Yes...I was talking about good fats. I cleaned up my diet over a

year ago when my husband got sick with a brain tumor. We only eat

grassfed meats and raw milk and fresh/organic vegetables & fruits. I

can tell you it made a huge difference in both of us. I would NEVER

go back to eating how I did before.

Gypsy Rose wrote:

> ,

> I tend to eat pretty healthy most always so, I don't wind up doing

anything special on the days prior to cleansing. I do have a problem

with slow metabolism despite anything that I do in the way of diet

and exercise so, most importantly for me is to be sure that my bowels

are definitely moving prior to and on the day of the cleanse.

> As far as eating fats, as long as you're talking about good fats, I

don't see how that would get in the way of a successful cleanse.

However, eating fatty foods (bad fat) I would definitely avoid.

> Hugs, Rose

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If you're following the Mortiz cleanse, he recommends avoiding meats and

animal proteins the week of the actual cleanse. Meat takes up to 72

hours to digest, in addition if possible avoid vitamins and unnecessary

meds as to give your a liver a break. Being a vegan, the only thing I

have to abstain is some supplements for the week. Hes not a big fan of

supplements, but I do personally add some because I dont always eat the

way I should each day.

all the best,


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