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Nili, after checking with the Budwig 'experts', find out whether or not

digestive enzymes, which I take, conflict with the protocol.

Often people's digestive juices are less than needed and some supplementation is

needed. Betain Hydrochloride is helpful too. Again, be sure it does not

conflict with Budwig. You do not want to 'change' the program unless you

already are.

Be sure the Flax Oil is top quality and kept refrigerated after opening and as

Fresh as possible. In the past, Barleans has given discounts to anyone

diagnosed with cancer. They can also be found online.

While at it, and this should not conflict with Budwig, and something an 'expert'

on this list has suggested for Lung Cancer is the consuming of Sun Soup. Odd

name but it is the name of the doctor that discovered its benefit. I believe

the important ingredient is the Mung Bean. The recipe can be found on line.

Since it is all 'natural' food, why wouldn't one give it a try?

Good luck to you and your husband,

Joe C.

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I was diagnosed with nsclc (with mets) in Dec.08.  The raw food, juicing, BP

also gave me heartburn (and a lot of gas).  My regular doctor (never went back

to the onc) told me to eat Activia (the whole container) with my mixture.  I add

2 teaspoons to my FOCC - that helps a lot.

Best wishes


You wrote;

....My husband has been diagnosed with Non Small Cell Lung

Cancer at the end of August. Since his tumor has remained stable and exhibits no

growth, he is trying to control the cancer without chemo or radiation. He has

been on the Budwig Protocol for about 8 weeks and he also takes some other

supplements. He feels pretty good but his one huge problem is constant

heartburn. He has tried Apple Cider Vinegar and that has not worked. He has

tried l-limonene and it has not worked. I would love to hear any suggestions

from anyone out there who has dealt with this. He is trying to stay away form

conventional medications.

Thank you for any and all suggestions


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Heartburn shows a need of the digestive enzymes and the HCL/betine to

help digestion.

To try and alkalize heartburn is the wrong approach. Too much alkaline

in the stomach is the reason for the heartburn. The Hydrochloric acid in

the stomach is what is needed and is lacking because people eat all the

time in between meals and they exhaust this.

A test was done once on a group of students at a university and it was

proven that when you dont wait at least 4 or more hours between meals

your food does not completely digest. One group was given a snack in

between meals and the other was not. They were all fed the same

identical food. They were taken into a lad and sample of the stomach was

taken of all of them.

The group who had the snack still had breakfast in their stomach 12

hours later but the one who did not eat the snack had a clean stomach.

So this is the problem with most of the people these days.

I never eat between meals and I dont have heartburn. I used to eat in

between meals but when I got sick and was told that I could no longer do

it I got well.

I try to be careful of what I do eat and when I am done I wont eat again

in 30 minutes of more. I wait at least 4 to 5 hours before I eat again.

It has saved me from gas and bloating and all the misery of indigestion.


> I've had terrible heartburn this year and tried everything from


> to herbs. I finally found help...Aloe and tinture of licorace.



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mkathryn59@... writes:

> I wait at least 4 to 5 hours before I eat again.

> It has saved me from gas and bloating and all the misery of indigestion


If I waited 5 hrs I would pass out.

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I have had my share of heartburn and it was generally predicated on eating

sweets after a meal, no matter how good the meal. Of course nobody eats sweets

right? Remember I said Generally.

That being said it may be avoided a lot by using Betaine HCI

However for the time you are seriously suffering, a quick Bicarbonate of soda

drink , Baking Soda in -1/2 tsp in 4 OZ of water will generally nip it in the

bud within a minute. Don't fret over using Bicarb on such a temporary basis.

Then go get some digestive enzymes with Hydrochloric acid and you should do

better Of course no sweets right?

Joe C.

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Eat 2 pieces of celery, or 1 TBSP apple cider vinegar /with the mother.

Either works.


I have had my share of heartburn and it was generally predicated on eating

sweets after a meal, no matter how good the meal. Of course nobody eats sweets

right? Remember I said Generally.

That being said it may be avoided a lot by using Betaine HCI

However for the time you are seriously suffering, a quick Bicarbonate of soda

drink , Baking Soda in -1/2 tsp in 4 OZ of water will generally nip it in the

bud within a minute. Don't fret over using Bicarb on such a temporary basis.

Then go get some digestive enzymes with Hydrochloric acid and you should do

better Of course no sweets right?

Joe C.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I also suffered from heartburns specially at night when in bed. Doc gave me

antacids, made it worse. My chiro gave me Hydrochloric acid pill (HCL) it

worked. All the symptoms i had were eradicated when i took HCL.

I wish to let you know that using ACV, lemon, lime, etc., to make the body more

alkaline is not too good. They leach the magnesium, calcium from those safely

stored by the body. I learned about this from another poster many years ago.


> Hi,

> I am new to this group. My husband has been diagnosed with Non Small Cell

Lung Cancer at the end of August. Since his tumor has remained stable and

exhibits no growth, he is trying to control the cancer without chemo or

radiation. He has been on the Budwig Protocol for about 8 weeks and he also

takes some other supplements. He feels pretty good but his one huge problem is

constant heartburn. He has tried Apple Cider Vinegar and that has not worked.

He has tried l-limonene and it has not worked. I would love to hear any

suggestions from anyone out there who has dealt with this. He is trying to stay

away form conventional medications.

> Thank you for any and all suggestions

> Nili


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  • 2 months later...

Hubby has been eating properly (FOCC, barley power from greensupreme.net, liquid

chlorophyll, blackstrap molasses, liposomal Vit. C, Vit. D, quintessence

multivitamin, essiac, Ezekiel sprouted bread, Ezekiel sprouted pasta, seaweed

noodles, occasional grassfed organic beef liver, lots of vegetables raw and

cooked, quinoa, amaranth, low-sugar fruits - possibly a rare bit of some other

stuff) and recently, he has been having heartburn (like stuff coming inside his

throat).  He used to get it in the night but now, in the day as well.

Would anyone be able to shed any light?  We don't really have a doctor, so to


Thank you very much in advance.


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There are two things I can recommend for heartburn from my own husband's

experience. The first is to take Apple Cider Vinegar. As much as you need for

the heartburn to subside. The second is an Aloe formulated for stomach issues.

In addition he should be taking digestive enzymes that include Betaine Hcl with

every meal. My husband had heartburn for months that has now subsided. These

are the things that helped him.

Good Luck

From: Noto Chemo

Hubby has been eating properly (FOCC, barley power from greensupreme.net,

liquid chlorophyll, blackstrap molasses, liposomal Vit. C, Vit. D, quintessence

multivitamin, essiac, Ezekiel sprouted bread, Ezekiel sprouted pasta, seaweed

noodles, occasional grassfed organic beef liver, lots of vegetables raw and

cooked, quinoa, amaranth, low-sugar fruits - possibly a rare bit of some other

stuff) and recently, he has been having heartburn (like stuff coming inside his

throat). He used to get it in the night but now, in the day as well.

Would anyone be able to shed any light? We don't really have a doctor, so to


Thank you very much in advance.


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Hi list,

Approximately 50% of the American population suffers from hypochloridria

(low stomach acid) The symptoms of low acid are similar to those of high

acid production and even MD find it difficult to diagnose it. For those with

low stomach acid, vinegar (a weak acid) and they'll feel better. However if

the symptoms are due to high stomach acid adding vinegar will make things


The same reasoning applies to betaine HlC which breaks down into HCl ( HCl

is hydrochloric acid, the same the stomach makes to digest proteins, etc) in

the stomach. Incidentally if one decides to take the Betaine HCl and enzymes

make sure they are not taken together. There is no need to take vinegar and

betaine HlC. If the need for acid is low vinegar may do otherwise try the

betaine HCl. Take the digestive enzymes before meals and the betaina after


One can take enzymes regardless of whether he/she produces low or high acid.

The MD can test for low acid but rarely do. They make more money treating

the symptoms but they are doing unnecessary harm to people with low acid,

because the drugs further reduce the amount of acid. The symptoms do go away

(they also disappear when one dies!) but the intestinal infections, poor

absorption of B12, protein and minerals increase. That is what the best

medical system in the world is doing for us.




From: " Nili Gitig " <ngitig@...>

Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 4:46 AM

< >

Subject: Re: [ ] Heartburn

> There are two things I can recommend for heartburn from my own husband's

> experience. The first is to take Apple Cider Vinegar. As much as you

> need for the heartburn to subside. The second is an Aloe formulated for

> stomach issues. In addition he should be taking digestive enzymes that

> include Betaine Hcl with every meal. My husband had heartburn for months

> that has now subsided. These are the things that helped him.

> Good Luck



> From: Noto Chemo


> Hubby has been eating properly (FOCC, barley power from greensupreme.net,

> liquid chlorophyll, blackstrap molasses, liposomal Vit. C, Vit. D,

> quintessence multivitamin, essiac, Ezekiel sprouted bread, Ezekiel

> sprouted pasta, seaweed noodles, occasional grassfed organic beef liver,

> lots of vegetables raw and cooked, quinoa, amaranth, low-sugar fruits -

> possibly a rare bit of some other stuff) and recently, he has been having

> heartburn (like stuff coming inside his throat). He used to get it in the

> night but now, in the day as well.

> Would anyone be able to shed any light? We don't really have a doctor,

> so to speak.

> Thank you very much in advance.

> Siewleng





> ------------------------------------



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For acid reflux and heartburn i found Acidil by Boiron to be very effective. It

is a homeopathic medicine made of herbs and regulated still by FDA. I truly

found it very helpful. And get quick relief too.


> There are two things I can recommend for heartburn from my own husband's

experience. The first is to take Apple Cider Vinegar. As much as you need for

the heartburn to subside. The second is an Aloe formulated for stomach issues.

In addition he should be taking digestive enzymes that include Betaine Hcl with

every meal. My husband had heartburn for months that has now subsided. These

are the things that helped him.

> Good Luck



> From: Noto Chemo


> Hubby has been eating properly (FOCC, barley power from greensupreme.net,

liquid chlorophyll, blackstrap molasses, liposomal Vit. C, Vit. D, quintessence

multivitamin, essiac, Ezekiel sprouted bread, Ezekiel sprouted pasta, seaweed

noodles, occasional grassfed organic beef liver, lots of vegetables raw and

cooked, quinoa, amaranth, low-sugar fruits - possibly a rare bit of some other

stuff) and recently, he has been having heartburn (like stuff coming inside his

throat). He used to get it in the night but now, in the day as well.

> Would anyone be able to shed any light? We don't really have a doctor, so

to speak.

> Thank you very much in advance.

> Siewleng


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  • 7 months later...

Just a thought but, I suffered badly from heart burn/reflux for years, and

to cut a long story short i was found have anaemia due to Vitamin B12 and

folate deficiency, shortly after commencing treatment I notice that

I didn't suffer heartburn any longer, that was about 5 years ago now, I

can literally eat anything with no problems, and yes a good pro-biotic such

as Biocare Bio-Acidophilus is a good idea, like I said just a though. Tim

On 22 October 2010 12:40, Rouse <michael.hugh.rouse@...>wrote:

> Jay,


> You could also try getting a good pro biotic supplement from your local

> health food store. Also, DGL may be helpful as well. Good luck and I hope

> it subsides once election season is over.


> Mike



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Tim I had this problem and yes my thyroid and Ferritin levels were low and my

folate levels were below the normal range taking folate acid supplements. I

found out my body was not converting the folate acid. So my Dr. told me to take

Folacal it's all ready converted and my B-12 levels were low so I take B-12 5000

mcg-lozenges 2x's a week under my tongue.

My heartburn got much better yet it took me a dam long time to get my Iron and

Ferritin levels up.

Then my Heartburn came back after treating this for a long time and it was not

getting better. I asked my Dr. to check my Heart turns out I had two blockages

and need Heart Bypass surgery.




> > Jay,

> >

> > You could also try getting a good pro biotic

> supplement from your local

> > health food store.  Also, DGL may be helpful as

> well.  Good luck and I hope

> > it subsides once election season is over.

> >

> > Mike

> >

> >




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It's hard to say but I can tell you taking them meds long term is not good. I

was getting some help from using Apple Cider Vinegar.




> From: Primemuscle <Primemuscle@...>

> Subject: Heartburn


> Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 10:41 PM

> For the past couple of weeks I have

> had issues with heartburn. At first, I thought it might be

> caused by HCG, but now I realize it is more noticeable on

> the days that I inject Testosterone Cypionate. Has anyone

> else experienced heartburn as a result of test injections?


> Presently, I am taking Pepto Bismo and added calcium to my

> vitamin regime. However, nothing seems to help completely. I

> have noticed that the heartburn subsides a bit right after

> eating something. Additionally, I have started belching a

> bit.




> ------------------------------------



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It would seem that many,many people diagnosed as b12 deficient or indeed

with Pernicious Anaemia have a history of being treated for IBS symptoms or

heartburn/reflux for years and once they start treatment the

symptoms disappear along with the need for antacid meds.

One thing Phil, how did your doc find the heart blockages? I mean what

procedure's did he use? Tim.

On 22 October 2010 16:15, philip georgian <pmgamer18@...> wrote:



> Tim I had this problem and yes my thyroid and Ferritin levels were low and

> my folate levels were below the normal range taking folate acid supplements.

> I found out my body was not converting the folate acid. So my Dr. told me to

> take Folacal it's all ready converted and my B-12 levels were low so I take

> B-12 5000 mcg-lozenges 2x's a week under my tongue.


> My heartburn got much better yet it took me a dam long time to get my Iron

> and Ferritin levels up.


> Then my Heartburn came back after treating this for a long time and it was

> not getting better. I asked my Dr. to check my Heart turns out I had two

> blockages and need Heart Bypass surgery.


> Co-Moderator

> Phil



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To deal with BCBS he had to do a Stress test they put me on a tread mill then

shot me up of die and did a scan on my heart. Nothing showed up on this but

there was a dark area near the bottom of my heat he used this to get them to

approve doing a 24 bit scan on my heart this showed the 2 blockages.




> >

> >

> > Tim I had this problem and yes my thyroid and Ferritin

> levels were low and

> > my folate levels were below the normal range taking

> folate acid supplements.

> > I found out my body was not converting the folate

> acid. So my Dr. told me to

> > take Folacal it's all ready converted and my B-12

> levels were low so I take

> > B-12 5000 mcg-lozenges 2x's a week under my tongue.

> >

> > My heartburn got much better yet it took me a dam long

> time to get my Iron

> > and Ferritin levels up.

> >

> > Then my Heartburn came back after treating this for a

> long time and it was

> > not getting better. I asked my Dr. to check my Heart

> turns out I had two

> > blockages and need Heart Bypass surgery.

> >

> > Co-Moderator

> > Phil

> >

> >




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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the vinegar advice. I tried it and it helps. Lately, the heartburn

has subsided. Most days, have no problem at all. I may have just been

experiencing a chemical imbalance which has corrected itself.


> > From: Primemuscle <Primemuscle@...>

> > Subject: Heartburn

> >

> > Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 10:41 PM

> > For the past couple of weeks I have

> > had issues with heartburn. At first, I thought it might be

> > caused by HCG, but now I realize it is more noticeable on

> > the days that I inject Testosterone Cypionate. Has anyone

> > else experienced heartburn as a result of test injections?

> >

> > Presently, I am taking Pepto Bismo and added calcium to my

> > vitamin regime. However, nothing seems to help completely. I

> > have noticed that the heartburn subsides a bit right after

> > eating something. Additionally, I have started belching a

> > bit.

> >

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> >

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If this keeps up have your Heart checked I first did a stress test it showed

nothing so we did a 24 bit scan and it showed I had to 99% blockages going to my

heart. I ended up having heart bypass surgery. It all started with Heart burn.



> From: Primemuscle <Primemuscle@...>

> Subject: Re: Heartburn


> Date: Monday, November 15, 2010, 12:59 AM


> Thanks for the vinegar advice. I tried it and it helps.

> Lately, the heartburn has subsided. Most days, have no

> problem at all. I may have just been experiencing a chemical

> imbalance which has corrected itself.


> >

> > > From: Primemuscle <Primemuscle@...>

> > > Subject: Heartburn

> > >

> > > Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 10:41 PM

> > > For the past couple of weeks I have

> > > had issues with heartburn. At first, I thought it

> might be

> > > caused by HCG, but now I realize it is more

> noticeable on

> > > the days that I inject Testosterone Cypionate.

> Has anyone

> > > else experienced heartburn as a result of test

> injections?

> > >

> > > Presently, I am taking Pepto Bismo and added

> calcium to my

> > > vitamin regime. However, nothing seems to help

> completely. I

> > > have noticed that the heartburn subsides a bit

> right after

> > > eating something. Additionally, I have started

> belching a

> > > bit.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > >

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" Heartburn " could be a sign of cardiac disease, as Phil points out. It can

also be a sign of some gastrointestinal problems, some of which can be

serious. Gastric acid can damage your esophagus. It can also be a sign of

stomach problems such as excess acid production which may damage you. Or, it

could be a sign of something even more serious such as Celiac disease. It

might be a good idea to understand the cause of your problems.

On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 9:43 AM, philip georgian <pmgamer18@...>wrote:



> If this keeps up have your Heart checked I first did a stress test it

> showed nothing so we did a 24 bit scan and it showed I had to 99% blockages

> going to my heart. I ended up having heart bypass surgery. It all started

> with Heart burn.

> Co-Moderator

> Phil




> > From: Primemuscle <Primemuscle@... <Primemuscle%40hotmail.com>>

> > Subject: Re: Heartburn

> > < %40>

> > Date: Monday, November 15, 2010, 12:59 AM

> >

> > Thanks for the vinegar advice. I tried it and it helps.

> > Lately, the heartburn has subsided. Most days, have no

> > problem at all. I may have just been experiencing a chemical

> > imbalance which has corrected itself.

> >

> > >

> > > > From: Primemuscle <Primemuscle@...>

> > > > Subject: Heartburn

> > > > < %40>

> > > > Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 10:41 PM

> > > > For the past couple of weeks I have

> > > > had issues with heartburn. At first, I thought it

> > might be

> > > > caused by HCG, but now I realize it is more

> > noticeable on

> > > > the days that I inject Testosterone Cypionate.

> > Has anyone

> > > > else experienced heartburn as a result of test

> > injections?

> > > >

> > > > Presently, I am taking Pepto Bismo and added

> > calcium to my

> > > > vitamin regime. However, nothing seems to help

> > completely. I

> > > > have noticed that the heartburn subsides a bit

> > right after

> > > > eating something. Additionally, I have started

> > belching a

> > > > bit.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > ------------------------------------

> > > >

> > > >

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