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Re: Any good Cancer Groups in northeast ohio

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Most libraries have info like that . I live in Northeast Ohio and most

hospitals have support groups also call United Way and ask your doctor

also. You didn't mention what kind of cancer but if you type that in

Google then support group and location there should be some hits.

Good luck!

Donna ACS

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Understand that those 'Survivor Groups' will be pretty much conventionally

oriented and if that is what you want, that may be exactly what you need.

I have a friend, a nurse at my Urologist's office, that heads up a group in

South Florida. She does give them some of the information, or at least she

says she does, that I send her about Alternative measures.

There are many books out there and the first one I ever read about Cancer was,

How to Fight Cancer and Win by L. Fischer and another Beating Cancer

with Nutrition by Quillin. There are many books out there and I

remember advising my Daughter-in-law to also get Iodine, why ;you need

it by Brownstein, MD--0 and his reasoning, to get her to begin 'thinking'


A book everyone should read, one that is older is, Questioning Chemotherapy by

Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.

I would also look for the article, which you should be able to find on line,

that a couple of Australian Oncologists wrote clearly stating, and they provide

research figures that, they, the medical professionals, need to do something

else because they claim, Chemotherapy isn't working. Of course there are

people surviving cancer both those that go conventionally and those that go

alternatively. There are also that survive doing nothing at all and then

there are 'Spontaneous Remissions' that offer no reason--it just happens.

Good luck in your quest for good health and remember, " Information is your best

friend " .

Joe C.

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" Meagen " <mschuette60@...> wrote:

> books or web sites that have different therapies people can investigate who

are suffering with cancer?

My top cancer resources:

**Beattie, Karon (2004b). Natural Cancer Treatments That Work.


**Boik, (1995). Cancer and Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science

and Clinical Research. Princeton, MN: Oregon Medical Press (www.ompress.com).

(reviewed at www.cancerguide.org/ungar_boik_rev.html)

**Boik, (2001). Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy. Princeton, MN: Oregon

Medical Press. can be downloaded from www.ompress.com

Chamberlain, (2008). _Cancer: The Complete Recovery Guide: Everything

That Everyone Should Know About Cancer and How to Recover From It_. Long Island

Press. www.fightingcancer.com

**Diamond, W. , W. Lee Cowden, & Burton Goldberg (1997). An Alternative

Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer (1st ed.). Tiburon, CA: Future Medicine

Publishing. [burtonGoldberg.com]. Probably the single best guide to alternative

treatment of cancer I've seen; it contains comprehensive descriptions of

successful cancer treatment plans/protocols of 23 cancer doctors (most in the


**Diamond, W. , W. Lee Cowden, & Burton Goldberg (2000). Cancer

Diagnosis.[burtonGoldberg.com] One of the best guides to alternative treatment

of cancer I've seen.

, Bill (2007). Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle, Non-toxic Healing

(3rd ed.). www.beating-cancer-gently.com

*Hess, J. (1999). Evaluating Alternative Cancer Therapies: Rutgers Univ.


*Lerner, (1994). Choices in Healing: Integrating the Best of

Conventional and Complementary Approaches to Cancer. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


*Moss, Ralph W. (1992). Cancer Therapy: The Independent Consumer's Guide to

Non-Toxic Treatment & Prevention. Brooklyn, NY: Equinox.

www.ralphmoss.com/html/books.shtml; excellent, balanced summaries of the

research on many different alternative treatments

*Tierra, (2004). Treating Cancer With Herbs: An Integrative Approach.

Lotus Press. reviewed at www.planetherbs.com/articles/reviewed_january.htm

*Yance, R., Jr., with Valentine, Arlene (1999). Herbal Medicine, Healing

& Cancer. Keats.


**www.annieappleseedproject.org (Ann Fonfa)

**BioImmune.com (formerly CancerOption.com)

CancerGuide: Steve Dunn's Cancer Information Page




www.cancerdecisions.com/archives.html (Ralph Moss newsletter)




excellent info but radically alternative/anti-establishment

Let me know if there's any specific info you're looking for.


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In addition to the excellent recommendations by Joe, a few more books

and some videos that are worth reading/watching:

" AntiCancer a New Way of Life " by Servan-Schreiber

" Foods That Fight Cancer " , by Beliveau and Denis Gingras

A audio + slides lecture by Dr. Servan-Schreiber on the

relationship between nutrition, lifestyle and cancer:


Since nutrition is a very key part of any cancer fighting strategy, the

following book (while not entirely about cancer and nutrition) is very

worthwhile as well:

" The China Study " by T. Colin

A really good video presentation given by T. Colin can be

found here:


The Vegetarian Society of Hawaii has many excellent videos on

nutrition and health. You can find a directory of them here:


The following 2 videos from vsh.org that I think you will find

particularly useful:



Here is some more info' about Ruth Heidrich, a lady who beat breast

cancer that had metastasized to one of her lungs and her bones (using

nutrition and lifestyle changes and no chemo' or radiation):


After you have digested that information, you may wish to look at some

specific anti-cancer protocols. There are a number of worthwhile

protocols to consider, with the Budwig Protocol being one that I believe

(from first hand experience) is worth considering. You can find

information about it in the files area of the discussion group:


Only you can make the decisions about what are the best approaches to

fighting cancer. Good information is essential to that end. Don't rush

(or allow yourself to be rushed) into any treatment regimen without

taking the time to do your research.

Kind regards,


On Wed, 11 Nov 2009 jcastron1@... wrote:

> There are many books out there and the first one I ever read about

> Cancer was, How to Fight Cancer and Win by L. Fischer and

> another Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Quillin. There are

> many books out there and I remember advising my

> Daughter-in-law to also get Iodine, why ;you need it by

> Brownstein, MD--0 and his reasoning, to get her to begin 'thinking'

> differently.


> A book everyone should read, one that is older is, Questioning

> Chemotherapy by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.


> I would also look for the article, which you should be able to find on

> line, that a couple of Australian Oncologists wrote clearly stating,

> and they provide research figures that, they, the medical

> professionals, need to do something else because they claim,

> Chemotherapy isn't working. Of course there are people surviving

> cancer both those that go conventionally and those that go

> alternatively. There are also that survive doing nothing at all and

> then there are 'Spontaneous Remissions' that offer no reason--it just

> happens.

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