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Suzanne Somers on Ray today

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Ray THURSDAY   CW/WGN   10:00 AM – 11:00 AM NOT

RATED    Talk Show. Actress Suzanne Somers discusses her

controversial comments about actor Swayze's cancer treatment;

tries to guess what animal she is touching.(CC)

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I actually made it a point to watch the show. I think Suzanne did a great

job under the circumstances. She is willing to go on these talk shows, even

though most of the hosts disagree with her, as Ray stated today with

her words and her expressions. had a difficult time even looking

Suzanne in the eye and I could tell that was extremely

uncomfortable.....most likely because she opposes Suzanne's stance. I like

Ray, but was VERY disappointed in her today. Suzanne pointed out

basically that everyone needs to know their options.....what the heck is so

bad about that and why should that make a talk show host squirm?? We have

become a society that is so brain washed and fearful that I believe the

answer to cancer could smack us directly in the face and many would call it

a scam and " unproven " .....like chemo/radiation is proven when it is nothing

but a huge lab rat experiment with humans.

I say " great job " Suzanne!! There is no way she can go into these interview

like a " bull " spouting out the agenda of the cancer industry......it takes

kindness, calmness and surity of oneself to get this message out. Suzanne

is a cancer suvivor, like myself and many others, and we KNOW the path (for

many of us both sides of the fence -- conventional and natural) and thus

should be on the platform speaking about it. Those that choose to learn

from other's experiences are truly the wise ones. Those who have NOT fought

this fight need to be quiet and listen because in reality the majority of

people actually have no idea what they would do when faced with a cancer

diagnosis, until they are actually placed on that path.

Suzanne is trying to get the truth out.....mainly that people have a choice

and there are other non-toxic answers. It is a must that she be confident,

yet not abrasive.....I believe she understands that. Yet with most talk

show hosts, it's all about being politically correct.....Suzanne has also

waged a political battle with the cancer industry and Big Pharma and it will

not go unnoticed. Again, while I may not agree with her in every area, I

definitely applaud her fortitude and persistance.

Be Well


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I'm new to this forum but I wanted to agree with Dr. Loretta. Suzanne should be

applauded for her efforts. But there should be doctors out there leading this

fight-not patients!

I also wanted to mention EFT as useful for emotional and physical symptoms

dealing with cancer (or anything really). I discovered it two months after my

diagnosis last year and found it amazingly helpful. www.emofree.com Emotional

Freedom Technique. I hope that's ok to post? thx, valerie

" Dr. Loretta Lanphier " wrote:


> I actually made it a point to watch the show. I think Suzanne did a great job

under the circumstances. She is willing to go on these talk shows, even though

most of the hosts disagree with her, as Ray stated today with her words

and her expressions. had a difficult time even looking Suzanne in the

eye and I could tell that was extremely uncomfortable.....most likely

because she opposes Suzanne's stance. I like Ray, but was VERY

disappointed in her today. Suzanne pointed out basically that everyone needs to

know their options.....<snip>

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I totally agree with this. I think talk show hosts are under pressure from their

producer/managers not to agree with alternative treatment due to to the fact

they may lose their sponsors or perspective sponsors. I am sure they could stand

to lose millions of dollars. Just my two cents.


I actually made it a point to watch the show. I think Suzanne did a great

job under the circumstances. She is willing to go on these talk shows, even

though most of the hosts disagree with her, as Ray stated today with her

words and her expressions. had a difficult time even looking Suzanne in

the eye and I could tell that was extremely uncomfortable. ....most

likely because she opposes Suzanne's stance. I like Ray, but was VERY

disappointed in her today......

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I totally agree with you Dr. Lanphier. Let's face it--Suzanne is opening the

door. It is the beginning of a great journey--and our group should be excited,

not critical. I applaud Suzanne. She is up against very powerful people; I saw

she is one tough cookie.


> From: Dr. Loretta Lanphier <drlanphier@...>

> Subject: RE: [ ] Suzanne Somers on Ray today


> Date: Friday, November 6, 2009, 7:39 AM

> I actually made it a point to watch

> the show.  I think Suzanne did a great

> job under the circumstances.  She is willing to go on

> these talk shows, even

> though most of the hosts disagree with her, as Ray

> stated today with

> her words and her expressions.  had a difficult

> time even looking

> Suzanne in the eye and I could tell that was

> extremely

> uncomfortable.....most likely because she opposes Suzanne's

> stance.  I like

> Ray, but was VERY disappointed in her today. 

> Suzanne pointed out

> basically that everyone needs to know their

> options.....what the heck is so

> bad about that and why should that make a talk show host

> squirm??  We have

> become a society that is so brain washed and fearful that I

> believe the

> answer to cancer could smack us directly in the face and

> many would call it

> a scam and " unproven " .....like chemo/radiation is proven

> when it is nothing

> but a huge lab rat experiment with humans.


> I say " great job " Suzanne!!  There is no way she can

> go into these interview

> like a " bull " spouting out the agenda of the cancer

> industry......it takes

> kindness, calmness and surity of oneself to get this

> message out.  Suzanne

> is a cancer suvivor, like myself and many others, and we

> KNOW the path  (for

> many of us both sides of the fence -- conventional and

> natural) and thus

> should be on the platform speaking about it.  Those

> that choose to learn

> from other's experiences are truly the wise ones. 

> Those who have NOT fought

> this fight need to be quiet and listen because in reality

> the majority of

> people actually have no idea what they would do when faced

> with a cancer

> diagnosis, until they are actually placed on that path.


> Suzanne is trying to get the truth out.....mainly that

> people have a choice

> and there are other non-toxic answers.  It is a must

> that she be confident,

> yet not abrasive.....I believe she understands that. 

> Yet with most talk

> show hosts, it's all about being politically

> correct.....Suzanne has also

> waged a political battle with the cancer industry and Big

> Pharma and it will

> not go unnoticed.  Again, while I may not agree with

> her in every area, I

> definitely applaud her fortitude and persistance.


> Be Well

> Dr.L








> ------------------------------------



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In a message dated 11/6/09 10:42:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,

drlanphier@... writes:

> had a difficult time even looking

> Suzanne in the eye and I could tell that was extremely

> uncomfortable.....most likely because she opposes Suzanne's stance. I like

> Ray, but was VERY disappointed in her today. Suzanne pointed out

> basically that everyone needs to know their options.....what the heck is

> so

> bad about that and why should that make a talk show host squirm??

Exactly...I would love to see Dr. Oz and Sommers on the same show.

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In a message dated 11/6/09 12:41:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

pjmacblondie@... writes:

> Let's face it--Suzanne is opening the door. It is the beginning of a

> great journey--and our group should be excited, not critical

I see your point. I had felt disappointed but listening to what you are

saying it makes sense. It's just so frustrating because millions of lives are

at stake.

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   Suzanne Somers has made great strides for us. I believe she was using

wisdom in not saying too much in the interview .This contrary to what the public

has been propagandized with.....When Suzanne said that the chemo did as more to

kill Swayze ;she was highly attacked . Do we really want to scare people

off before we have a chance to educate them . Hopefully  people who saw the

program will read the book . I thought it was well done .

From: szukipoo@... <szukipoo@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Suzanne Somers on Ray today

Date: Friday, November 6, 2009, 10:41 PM


In a message dated 11/6/09 12:41:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,

pjmacblondie writes:

> Let's face it--Suzanne is opening the door. It is the beginning of a

> great journey--and our group should be excited, not critical

I see your point. I had felt disappointed but listening to what you are

saying it makes sense. It's just so frustrating because millions of lives are

at stake.

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