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Re: Johanne, how to test type?

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I am sorry for telling you this in a way. This is metabolic typing. Most on our

list are not into food like this. I chose to really investigate in the foods

affecting my body to gain strength and fight the cancers. So I became a

clinician to be able to administer many tests myself to me, my husband, and our

children. It developed into a practice over the years slowly because I still

homeschool our 4 teens. That is a priority to me.

Our list favors Budwig and other protocols that also are a blessing for some.

For me, I chose to make food a science and metabolic typing is a science.....if

you want to learn more about it buy the book " The Metabolic Typing Diet " by

Wolcott. He is a wonderful man and a mentor of mine.

Through metabolic typing, I was trained as a clinician to interpret the testing

which is kind of expensive which is why so many do not want to do it. I

personally would not live without it. It balances the parasympathetic and

sympathetic nervous system. If your nervous system is not functioning right,

then you suffer and can perish. You can manipulate this with foods and

supplements. I also do food allergy testing. Inflammation is the name of the

game here and if you find out what you are allergic to, then you help your

digestive system rest, heal and absorb nutrients much better. Metabolic typing

paired with another homeostatic control mechanism which is called functional

diagnostic nutrition. This way helps you balance your hormones with

bio-identical hormones. When we fight cancer, our adrenal glands get so depleted

because the body is fighting all the time. FDN helps you replenish those

hormones so you can have more fight! Very important when you deal with a serious


Buy the book and you will learn wonderful things in it. There is a little test

in there that will help you figure out what type you are leaning to. It may help

you so much.

Bless you,


From: brainpause533

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 12:17 PM

Subject: [ ] Johanne, how to test type?

--- Johanne, how do you test to see which type you are? I don't know

which I am. So I don't know which to take magnesium or calcium.

" Johanne Wayne " <thewfamily@...> wrote:

Well, for me since I am a sympathetic dominant type, I take lots of

magnesium and potassium. I take Ionic Fizz Magnesium because it gets

right in my bloodstream and I take double dose. Then I make sure I

take 300 mg potassium divided in the day to calm and uncramp my body.

It may not be the same for a Parasympathetic type because magnesium

acidifies their system. They tend to need lots of calcium. My husband

and four children are Parasympathetics and that was tested in our home....

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Thank you for your information. I will certainly buy the book. I have

Follicular Lymphoma. There is no cure. My pet scan results were clear

of cancer, however I still have at least 3 treatments to make sure it

does not come back. Of course, it will if I don't eat & drink the diet

that's right for me. Thanks again.


" Johanne Wayne " <thewfamily> wrote:

....Our list favors Budwig and other protocols that also are a blessing

for some. For me, I chose to make food a science and metabolic typing

is a science.....if you want to learn more about it buy the book " The

Metabolic Typing Diet " by Wolcott. He is a wonderful man and a

mentor of mine......

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I don't say this much but in my experience, you NEED to do the chemo. Our

daughter had lymphoma and we were able to avoid the chemo (I believe God healed

her) but in 15 years of practice, I never have seen a person with your condition

do well without chemo. It is one of the few cancers that respond well to it.

You will need to baby your digestive system. Chemo destroys it. So to learn

nutrition is the first thing and to learn to restore your digestion to absorb

your nutrients will be just as important.

Email me with questions. I know you will get excited.

Bless you,


From: brainpause533

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 2:25 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Johanne, how to test type?


Thank you for your information. I will certainly buy the book. I have

Follicular Lymphoma. There is no cure. My pet scan results were clear

of cancer, however I still have at least 3 treatments to make sure it

does not come back. Of course, it will if I don't eat & drink the diet

that's right for me. Thanks again.


" Johanne Wayne " <thewfamily> wrote:

....Our list favors Budwig and other protocols that also are a blessing

for some. For me, I chose to make food a science and metabolic typing

is a science.....if you want to learn more about it buy the book " The

Metabolic Typing Diet " by Wolcott. He is a wonderful man and a

mentor of mine......

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I noted in Bill 's book that the Budwig diet will not really

work while doing Chemo. I am trying to eat only fresh veggies, and a

few fruits. Some say eat only lemons, green apples (Granny) and not so

sweet strawberries. I have eaten grapes, and green apples, and

cantalope. Cantalope is a sweet fruit. So I am really confused. I also

eat sweet potatoes. I do not eat white potatoes. I also eat tomatoes

in my salads. And mushrooms. I have made and am drinking Kombucha tea.

I drink only a small amount daily. I am using supplements from

Longevity. A man read an article I wrote in a trucker magazine and

emailed me and sent me all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Including

what's called oxytoddy which has Aloe and H202. It is suppose to help

with oxygenating my cells. I am hoping I am eating and drinking all of

the right things. I don't have a juicer, as at this time, I can't

afford one. If you know of a good one that isn't very expensive,

please let me know. I know I need to juice. Is V8 juice okay? That is

all my late brother in law could drink since he was a diabetic. He

died of complications. He didn't take care of himself at all. I plan

on fasting tonight and tomorrow since I will be getting Chemo

tomorrow. When I got my pet scan the last time, I was working on

staying alkaline. Could that have anything to do with it being

negative for cancer? Or do you think the chemo did it all? I have only

had 3 treatments. I am taking COQ-10 capsules to help protect my heart

from one type of chemo they are giving me. It can damage the heart. I

read that those capsules will protect my heart during that type of chemo.

I also drink Green Tea. I use Stevia for sweetner. Can I drink Coffee?

I read that I should only drink Decaf. I can do that. I drink tons of

water with lemon in it. I also use baking soda & water to help keep me

alkaline. I don't know if what I am doing is right. But hopefully when

I find out what I need nutrionally, I can do good at keeping my cancer

at bay. Thanks for writing back.


" Johanne Wayne " <thewfamily@...>wrote:

> a,

> I don't say this much but in my experience, you NEED to do the

chemo. Our daughter had lymphoma and we were able to avoid the chemo

(I believe God healed her) but in 15 years of practice, I never have

seen a person with your condition do well without chemo. It is one of

the few cancers that respond well to it......



> From: brainpause533

I have Follicular Lymphoma. There is no cure.

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a, just buy one at a garage sale....actually, if you visit estate sales,

Champion juicers are often there at just a few dollars. But really, a cheap

juicer will be fine until you can afford a better one. That is how we did it.

V8 is NOT ok for many reasons. Tomatoes is the only food that thickens your

blood consistently. Long story but if you google lectins, you will learn a

little. V8 is also veggies that have been sprayed with pesticides. The latter

attracts parasites and also disrupts your hormones and is so toxic on your body.

You have to baby your lymph.

Being alkaline is the way to go. The only thing is that sometimes, if you are

Parasympathetic, extra protein will make you alkaline (I know, I did not believe

it until I tested my clients) and veggies sometimes makes you alkaline. Again,

you know, just rent the book The Metabolic Typing Book at the library and learn.

It won't cost you a penny to do that.

As far as your heart, it may get damaged but take Co-Q 10 and see what your body

does with it. I have many clients that have 20-30 % of their heart hurt, in fact

that is why they stop chemo. It also hurts your lungs....Do the best you can....

Coffee will acidify you so much and Decaf is processed with formaldehyde. So, if

you want to be embalmed before your time, it is your choice. (I love coffee

being French but formaldehyde, no)

By yourself some pH paper at the pharmacy. You will need to start testing your

pH two hours after you eat with your urine and saliva.

But, let me warn you......that is not the only thing....it is lifestyle that

will help you....Just do little changes at a time and you will see a difference

over time.

Hang in there a.

I will pray for you.


From: brainpause533

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 3:19 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Johanne, how to test type?

I noted in Bill 's book that the Budwig diet will not really

work while doing Chemo. I am trying to eat only fresh veggies, and a

few fruits. Some say eat only lemons, green apples (Granny) and not so

sweet strawberries. I have eaten grapes, and green apples, and

cantalope. Cantalope is a sweet fruit. So I am really confused. I also

eat sweet potatoes. I do not eat white potatoes. I also eat tomatoes

in my salads. And mushrooms. I have made and am drinking Kombucha tea.

I drink only a small amount daily. I am using supplements from

Longevity. A man read an article I wrote in a trucker magazine and

emailed me and sent me all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Including

what's called oxytoddy which has Aloe and H202. It is suppose to help

with oxygenating my cells. I am hoping I am eating and drinking all of

the right things. I don't have a juicer, as at this time, I can't

afford one. If you know of a good one that isn't very expensive,

please let me know. I know I need to juice. Is V8 juice okay? That is

all my late brother in law could drink since he was a diabetic. He

died of complications. He didn't take care of himself at all. I plan

on fasting tonight and tomorrow since I will be getting Chemo

tomorrow. When I got my pet scan the last time, I was working on

staying alkaline. Could that have anything to do with it being

negative for cancer? Or do you think the chemo did it all? I have only

had 3 treatments. I am taking COQ-10 capsules to help protect my heart

from one type of chemo they are giving me. It can damage the heart. I

read that those capsules will protect my heart during that type of chemo.

I also drink Green Tea. I use Stevia for sweetner. Can I drink Coffee?

I read that I should only drink Decaf. I can do that. I drink tons of

water with lemon in it. I also use baking soda & water to help keep me

alkaline. I don't know if what I am doing is right. But hopefully when

I find out what I need nutrionally, I can do good at keeping my cancer

at bay. Thanks for writing back.


" Johanne Wayne " <thewfamily@...>wrote:

> a,

> I don't say this much but in my experience, you NEED to do the

chemo. Our daughter had lymphoma and we were able to avoid the chemo

(I believe God healed her) but in 15 years of practice, I never have

seen a person with your condition do well without chemo. It is one of

the few cancers that respond well to it......



> From: brainpause533

I have Follicular Lymphoma. There is no cure.

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thewfamily@... writes:

> ......I just finished my certification in Neurogistics which is balancing

> the neurotransmitters in the brain with amino acids. It takes care of a host

> of disorders and does not use drugs!

I would like to know more. I feel that I need this kind of balancing.

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Johanne, Prior to my diagnosis, I was a Dr. Pepper-holic, and ate all

the wrong foods. I have come a long way with my diet. I eat only fresh

veggies, and fruits. I ate catfish the other night. Hope that was

okay. I have the strips. But have only checked my urine in the morning

just after I get up. So by checking my pH after meals, I can see if

protein will make me alkaline or not. How long after a meal do I wait

to check it? I will check out the book as soon as I can. It is after 5

pm here and the library is closed. And my treatment tomorrow will last

until 7:30 pm or later. So I will have to get the book on Wed. Thanks

for your info. I will drink no more coffee. I sure am going to miss

it.. lol. I can do without it though. You are so knowlegible about

cancer. I really appreciate your help.


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Hello Johanne, I agree with the nervous system imbalances and also

believe this is critical for bringing up the immune system with diet

etc. I have also seen a significant autonomic nervous system

imbalance trend with watching your CBC blood tests trend (not short

term). A high percentage of Neutrophils/Granulocytes >70% with an

associated lower than normal Lymphocyte percentage <30% will equate

with a sympathetic dominant physiology typically seen with most solid

tumor cancers. When a person has the reverse which is <60%

Neutrophils/Granulocytes and >40% Lymphocytes will equate with some

lymphomas and leukemias as a parasympathetic chronic trend.

Johanne, have you ever watched the CBC this way or seen the

sympathetic trend with solid cancer tumors vs. parasympathetic

dominance with blood or lymph cancers?



" Johanne Wayne " <thewfamily@...> wrote:

....the book " The Metabolic Typing Diet " by Wolcott....

> It balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. If your

nervous system is not functioning right, then you suffer and can perish. You can

manipulate this with foods and supplements....

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Have not! I am so interested in this. Can you teach me more in depth?

My brain tumor was hormonal/nervous system-related. This would be a great marker

for me to hang onto!

Please teach me......I just finished my certification in Neurogistics which is

balancing the neurotransmitters in the brain with amino acids. It takes care of

a host of disorders and does not use drugs!

There is so much out there.



From: absprofessor

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 5:44 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Johanne, how to test type?

Hello Johanne, I agree with the nervous system imbalances and also

believe this is critical for bringing up the immune system with diet

etc. I have also seen a significant autonomic nervous system

imbalance trend with watching your CBC blood tests trend (not short

term). A high percentage of Neutrophils/Granulocytes >70% with an

associated lower than normal Lymphocyte percentage <30% will equate

with a sympathetic dominant physiology typically seen with most solid

tumor cancers. When a person has the reverse which is <60%

Neutrophils/Granulocytes and >40% Lymphocytes will equate with some

lymphomas and leukemias as a parasympathetic chronic trend.

Johanne, have you ever watched the CBC this way or seen the

sympathetic trend with solid cancer tumors vs. parasympathetic

dominance with blood or lymph cancers?



" Johanne Wayne " <thewfamily@...> wrote:

....the book " The Metabolic Typing Diet " by Wolcott....

> It balances the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. If your

nervous system is not functioning right, then you suffer and can perish. You can

manipulate this with foods and supplements....

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Dear a,

I don't ever want to think or say I am knowledgeable about cancer. I probably

can say that I am knowledgeable about the lifestyle to deal with cancer. It is

such a monster that changes faces that I can never say I know so much......That

is when my guard will be down and that means danger!

Let me know what you learn in this book. We can dialogue. I know there are

others that at least will be interested in reading our dialogue even if they are

not in diet at all. It is always good to know.



From: brainpause533

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 4:36 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Johanne, how to test type?

Johanne, Prior to my diagnosis, I was a Dr. Pepper-holic, and ate all

the wrong foods. I have come a long way with my diet. I eat only fresh

veggies, and fruits. I ate catfish the other night. Hope that was

okay. I have the strips. But have only checked my urine in the morning

just after I get up. So by checking my pH after meals, I can see if

protein will make me alkaline or not. How long after a meal do I wait

to check it? I will check out the book as soon as I can. It is after 5

pm here and the library is closed. And my treatment tomorrow will last

until 7:30 pm or later. So I will have to get the book on Wed. Thanks

for your info. I will drink no more coffee. I sure am going to miss

it.. lol. I can do without it though. You are so knowlegible about

cancer. I really appreciate your help.


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Just email me privately and I can explain this more to you. I just want you to

make sure this is what you want.


Bless you,


From: szukipoo@...

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 9:19 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: Johanne, how to test type?

thewfamily@... writes:

> ......I just finished my certification in Neurogistics which is balancing

> the neurotransmitters in the brain with amino acids. It takes care of a host

> of disorders and does not use drugs!

I would like to know more. I feel that I need this kind of balancing.

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Hello Johanne, Well, the autonomic nervous system runs everything in

your body including your immune system. When your nervous system is

chronically in sympathetic dominance (stress mode fight or flight)

over time it increases your granulocytes (Neutrophils - bacteria

killers) which over produce. However, without any significant

bacterial infection to deal with these cells begin to cause tissue

damage and inflammation in the body. This oxidative stress in the

digestive system as well as other places in the body begins to

produce inflammation. Most inflammatory conditions even with the

nervous system such as MS are due to this chronic systemic imbalance

and over production of granulocytes in the tissues and blood

stimulated by the autonomic nervous system being out of balance.

Regarding cancers, the other effect of the sympathetic imbalance is

that the lymphocytes (cancer and virus fighters) are suppressed when

the body is in sympathetic dominance. Over time the immune system

gets weakened to the point where the number of lymphocytes is not

enough and the body is too stressed and depleted to keep

opportunistic infections away and cancer can begin to grow or spread.

To verify this, simply get a copy of you past blood CBC tests and

look at the numbers of the lymphocytes and neutrophils. If you have

enough tests, you could even make a graph to see how the percentage

and absolute counts have changed relative to the natural therapies

you have done. This can be a way to tell if you are making progress

with what you are doing. I recommend looking at the test at least

once a month if not sooner charting how it is changing. If you see

your numbers as indicated below are not in a healthy cancer fighting

range, you need to work more on your nervous system to bring it more

parasympathetic (for solid tumor cancers).

If everyone on this list would post their CBC Lymphocyte and

Neutrophil numbers, you would see the validity of this evaluation

method. The doctors will tell you all your values are within normal

range, but that large range is simply where all the other unhealthy

and pre-cancerous patients tests fall into. Statistics are that one

in three will develop cancer in their lifetime (and in 10 years they

say one in two " 50% " ). Why would I want to be in the same broad

range as 30% - 50% of the people that get cancer? I don't.

I believe one major factor as you have mentioned is the balance of

the nervous system for fighting cancer. Everyone with a low

percentage of lymphocytes (<30%) and low absolute lymphocyte count

(<1800) should be following your diet and supplements to reduce

sympathetic dominance. There are also a variety of therapies that

can also help, but daily the diet and supplements are a huge factor

and easy to do. Eventually when the nervous system begins to become

balanced, you will see a rise in the lymphocytes. Get them above 30%

and your body can begin to fight the cancer or prevent it from coming

back. When I work with a cancer patient that has had cancer in the

past, I'm not satisfied with their health until I see their immune

system is strong enough to keep the cancer from returning. Watching

the CBC lab test is so easy and relatively inexpensive; everyone

should learn to follow this test.

For those with cancer, I have also started a baking soda cancer cure

group that you may want to also check out to specifically

discuss Dr. Simoncini's method.



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Thanks so much Hope.

I will go back to review my blood tests.

I always want to learn more ways to identify trouble in the horizon and you just

blessed my day.


From: absprofessor

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:48 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Johanne, how to test type?

Hello Johanne, Well, the autonomic nervous system runs everything in

your body including your immune system. When your nervous system is

chronically in sympathetic dominance (stress mode fight or flight)

over time it increases your granulocytes (Neutrophils - bacteria

killers) which over produce. However, without any significant

bacterial infection to deal with these cells begin to cause tissue

damage and inflammation in the body. This oxidative stress in the

digestive system as well as other places in the body begins to

produce inflammation. Most inflammatory conditions even with the

nervous system such as MS are due to this chronic systemic imbalance

and over production of granulocytes in the tissues and blood

stimulated by the autonomic nervous system being out of balance.

Regarding cancers, the other effect of the sympathetic imbalance is

that the lymphocytes (cancer and virus fighters) are suppressed when

the body is in sympathetic dominance. Over time the immune system

gets weakened to the point where the number of lymphocytes is not

enough and the body is too stressed and depleted to keep

opportunistic infections away and cancer can begin to grow or spread.

To verify this, simply get a copy of you past blood CBC tests and

look at the numbers of the lymphocytes and neutrophils. If you have

enough tests, you could even make a graph to see how the percentage

and absolute counts have changed relative to the natural therapies

you have done. This can be a way to tell if you are making progress

with what you are doing. I recommend looking at the test at least

once a month if not sooner charting how it is changing. If you see

your numbers as indicated below are not in a healthy cancer fighting

range, you need to work more on your nervous system to bring it more

parasympathetic (for solid tumor cancers).

If everyone on this list would post their CBC Lymphocyte and

Neutrophil numbers, you would see the validity of this evaluation

method. The doctors will tell you all your values are within normal

range, but that large range is simply where all the other unhealthy

and pre-cancerous patients tests fall into. Statistics are that one

in three will develop cancer in their lifetime (and in 10 years they

say one in two " 50% " ). Why would I want to be in the same broad

range as 30% - 50% of the people that get cancer? I don't.

I believe one major factor as you have mentioned is the balance of

the nervous system for fighting cancer. Everyone with a low

percentage of lymphocytes (<30%) and low absolute lymphocyte count

(<1800) should be following your diet and supplements to reduce

sympathetic dominance. There are also a variety of therapies that

can also help, but daily the diet and supplements are a huge factor

and easy to do. Eventually when the nervous system begins to become

balanced, you will see a rise in the lymphocytes. Get them above 30%

and your body can begin to fight the cancer or prevent it from coming

back. When I work with a cancer patient that has had cancer in the

past, I'm not satisfied with their health until I see their immune

system is strong enough to keep the cancer from returning. Watching

the CBC lab test is so easy and relatively inexpensive; everyone

should learn to follow this test.

For those with cancer, I have also started a baking soda cancer cure

group that you may want to also check out to specifically

discuss Dr. Simoncini's method.



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Hello absprofessor,

Gtranulocytes have been determined to be powerful cancer fighters as

demonstrated in the work of Dr. Cui.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 4:48:47 PM, you wrote:

a> Hello Johanne, Well, the autonomic nervous system runs everything in

a> your body including your immune system. When your nervous system is

a> chronically in sympathetic dominance (stress mode fight or flight)

a> over time it increases your granulocytes (Neutrophils - bacteria

a> killers) which over produce. However, without any significant

a> bacterial infection to deal with these cells begin to cause tissue

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Hello Mike, not exactly sure what your point is... My point is if

you have cancer and your trend is an increasing percentage of

Granulocytes and a decreasing number and percentage of Lymphocytes

it simply means your immune system's ability to fight cancer is

going down and the cancer will overtake you eventually if you don't

turn it around and keep it in the healthy range.

I have seen many die from cancer with a normal level of Granulocytes

and a normal total WBC count (Lymphocytes will never be in the

normal range, usually very low). You will not die from cancer nor

get cancer with a steady history of a normal level near 1900 along

with a normal ratio of Lymphocytes to Granulocytes near 35%/60% this

is not a theory but a consistent finding. If Granulocytes have a

role in fighting cancers it would be minimal based upon the above

clinical facts looking at the immune system's overall function in

being able to fight cancer.



> Hello absprofessor,


> Gtranulocytes have been determined to be powerful cancer fighters

> as demonstrated in the work of Dr. Cui.


> Mike

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Hello absprofessor,

And yet, it is not minimal. Granulocytes may be the power players

with regard to cancer. This was not anticipated until fairly

recently. Again, I'll refer you to Dr. Cui's work on cancer immunity.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 8:09:42 PM, you wrote:

a> is not a theory but a consistent finding. If Granulocytes have a

a> role in fighting cancers it would be minimal based upon the above

a> clinical facts looking at the immune system's overall function in

a> being able to fight cancer.

a> Sincerely,

a> Hope

>> Hello absprofessor,


>> Gtranulocytes have been determined to be powerful cancer fighters

>> as demonstrated in the work of Dr. Cui.


>> Mike


Best regards,

Mike mailto:goldenmike@...

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Hello Mike, your doctor's research may be great but irrelevant to my

point. Consistent clinical results is where the rubber meets the

road by helping cancer patients determine where their immune system

is at watching their white blood cell counts and beating their

cancer by improving it :-)



Mike wrote:

> Hello absprofessor,

> And yet, it is not minimal. Granulocytes may be the power players

> with regard to cancer. This was not anticipated until fairly

> recently. Again, I'll refer you to Dr. Cui's work on cancer

> immunity.

Hope wrote:

> If you have cancer and your trend is an increasing percentage of

> Granulocytes and a decreasing number and percentage of Lymphocytes

> it simply means your immune system's ability to fight cancer is

> going down and the cancer will overtake you eventually if you don't

> turn it around and keep it in the healthy range.

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Hello absprofessor,

The relationship between the immune system and ratios of white cell

types is far more complicated than that.

Sympathetic stimulation increases granulocyte counts. Parasympathetic

stimulation increases lymphocyte counts. One of the complications is

that this situation changes hour to hour, maybe even minute to

minute. The act of undergoing phlebotomy alone and the anticipation

of the exam itself is enough to contribute to a change in ratios.

The reasons that a majority of people show a sympathetic dominant

pattern in white cell ratios probably includes the following : 1.)

They are sick, which is why blood is being taken in the first

place, and therefore stressed. 2.) Medical investigations are

" scarey " and painful, particularly phlebotomy.

Even if the white cell ratios could be determined to acurately reflect

a long term situation, the direct relationship to cancer is

ambiguous. That's why I pointed out that granulocytes are important

in cancer suppression. Ironically they are the cellular element that

is increased when " stressed out " .

The situation is much more complex than can be realized by looking at

ratios. Cancer cells can be viewed as a microcosmic demonstration of

natural selection. They are neither good nor bad, they are just

successful or unsuccessful. If the cell is not successful it is

rapidly killed by the immune system. If the cell is successful it

survives long enough to undergo mitosis and pass on it's successful

traits to both daughter cells. These traits include various

biochemical " tricks " to hide from and literally incativate the immune

system. Substances such as nagalase are dumped into the general

circulation to inhibit activation of immune response. " Normal " white

cell ratios are not helpful under these conditions.

Further, white cells eventually experience a type of fatigue which

eventually causes them to be ineffective. Certain drugs (cimetadine)

and natural substance (glucans, etc.) can revive them to a certain

extent. Again, the ratio is not effected, just the robustness.

The point of all this is that establishing " normal " leukocyte ratios

does not serve as a yardstick to measure cancer recovery.

Having said this, I will agree that it is generally prudent to

maintain a sympathetic/parasympathetic balance in any sort of

illness. This is relevant to inflammatory responses, cortisol

levels, etc (as per the work of Hans Selye).


Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 8:43:33 PM, you wrote:

a> Hello Mike, your doctor's research may be great but irrelevant to my

a> point. Consistent clinical results is where the rubber meets the

a> road by helping cancer patients determine where their immune system

a> is at watching their white blood cell counts and beating their

a> cancer by improving it :-)

a> Sincerely,

a> Hope

a> Mike wrote:

>> Hello absprofessor,

>> And yet, it is not minimal. Granulocytes may be the power players

>> with regard to cancer. This was not anticipated until fairly

>> recently. Again, I'll refer you to Dr. Cui's work on cancer

>> immunity.


a> Hope wrote:

>> If you have cancer and your trend is an increasing percentage of

>> Granulocytes and a decreasing number and percentage of Lymphocytes

>> it simply means your immune system's ability to fight cancer is

>> going down and the cancer will overtake you eventually if you don't

>> turn it around and keep it in the healthy range.


Best regards,

Mike mailto:goldenmike@...

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> I believe one major factor as you have mentioned is the balance of

> the nervous system for fighting cancer. Everyone with a low

> percentage of lymphocytes (<30%) and low absolute lymphocyte count

> (<1800) should be following your diet and supplements to reduce

> sympathetic dominance. There are also a variety of therapies that

> can also help, but daily the diet and supplements are a huge factor

> and easy to do. Eventually when the nervous system begins to become

> balanced, you will see a rise in the lymphocytes.

How does one balance the nervous system? What diet and supplements do

you mean? What are the variety of therapies you mention?

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