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Papain injections on tumors

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> Take a look at item #11.

> The website is:

> http://www.organicoasis.com/health/papayapowder/papayapowder.html


> I wonder if this guy is just a Simonnici (baking soda)

> copy-cat. Maybe not. he was the one that established papain can be injected in

the spine, which btw, was not forbidden > by the FDA.



> ====


> Organic Oasis

> 2610 Spenard Rd Suite B

> Anchorage, Alaska 99503

> Phone: (907) 277-7882

> Fax: (907) 277-7881

> Store Hours: Monday 11a - 8p,   Tuesday - Friday

> 11a - 9p,   Saturday 11a - 8p,   Sunday 1p - 6p (later> for live







> Mature Green Papaya Powder (MGPP) as developed with a

> special process by the late researcher, Dr. Kurt Koesel of

> Hawaii, contains an excellent source of vitamins, minerals

> and enzymes. MGPP contains more Vitamin A than carrots, more

> Vitamin C than oranges, abundant B factors and Vitamin E.

> MGPP also contains a complex of enzymes that help digest

> impacted proteins, carbohydrates and fats.



> Papain is the principal and most active enzyme in MGPP.

> Papain possesses a very powerful digestive action superior

> to pepsin and pancreatin. Changes in intestinal alkalinity

> or acidity do not interfere with the unique digestive

> activity of Papain. Papain breaks down animal flesh, thereby

> rendering nutrients available to the digestive process. This

> emphasizes the need for papain in the diet of meat eaters as

> well as vegetarians.


> Papain, one of the most powerful plant proteolytic enzymes,

> is a catalytic agent that acts in protein digestion in an

> acid, alkaline or neutral medium. This is of vital

> importance for those with enzyme deficiency problems as well

> as for those with low hydrochloric acid output in the

> stomach. Remember, the pepsin produced in the stomach

> required for protein digestion is activated only in a acid

> medium. This requires a healthy output of hydrochloric acid.

> which is insufficient in most people. Due to the powerful

> proteolytic action of papain, a more active protein

> digestant than pepsin, a major digestive problem for most

> people will be helped by the daily ingestion of MGPP.



> A major problem in our diets today is that we only

> partially digest the protein foods we consume. This is due

> in part to the insufficient hydrochloric acid output by the

> stomach. These partially digested proteins help contributeto

> muco-protein build up in the body. This is due to the

> undigested protein molecules making their way into the

> system and eventually finding their way into the

> interstitial spaces and accumulating there as muco-protein,

> which is a polysaccharide-protein combination. This

> muco-protein is also known as trapped plasma protein. The

> proteolytic action of papain can digest the protein we

> consume so that the accumulation of trapped plasma protein

> can be prevented.



> MGPP, which possesses antiseptic qualities, helps prevent

> the abnormal proliferation of undesirable bacteria in the

> intestines. The pH of the intestines is then kept normalized

> with the addition of acidophilus and bifidus, which aids in

> normalizing the intestinal flora.



> Papain, found abundantly in MGPP, acts as a powerful mucus

> and pus solvent. Papain helps to cleanse the tissues and

> intestinal walls of all waste matter, especially in the form

> of excessive mucus and dead tissue. Papain in the whole

> papaya or in the MGPP is harmless to living tissue and is a

> must for maintenance of health in the intestinal tract.



> In scientific studies using Papain as a digestant, it has

> been established that proteins are “actually chemically

> transformed into all the various amino acids that are so

> vital to human nutrition.†Papain has the properties to

> transform albumanoids into peptones in either an acid,

> alkaline or neutral medium, making it superior to pepsin.



> Arginine, one of the essential amino acids, is not normally

> produced within the body, but must be obtained as a

> component of a few foods such as eggs and brewer’s yeast.

> These foods must be eaten with some regularity if the

> reproductive organs are to function properly. However, when

> Papain is allowed to act upon many kinds of proteins it has

> the singular distinctive power of converting a portion of

> the protein mass to arginine, even in the intestine.



> This unique ability of Papain to break down protein and to

> convert a portion of it into arginine is extremely important

> because arginine in its natural form has been found to

> influence the production of the human growth hormone (HGH).

> HGH is produced in the pituitary gland and is directly

> responsible for DNA and RNA replication as well as synthesis

> of liver, muscle, cartilage, and adipose tissues. Arginine

> ingested in connection with exercise has been found to raise

> the production of HGH significantly. This HGH helps to

> increase muscle tone and decrease the amount of body fat.

> Arginine has also been found to inhibit the growth of human

> breast cancer cells in test tube studies.



> The Papain in MGPP works to break down various protein rich

> foods so that the individual amino acids are produced and

> auto-intoxicating or other undesirable undigested substances

> are avoided. High blood pressure, constipation, arthritis,

> epilepsy and diabetes are only a few of the ailments

> aggravated by incomplete protein digestion. While the

> presence of Papain may not always prevent these

> abnormalities, it has the power to help regulate these

> abnormalities through proper digestion.



> The MGPP contains several enzymes in addition to the Papain

> used for protein digestion. Carbohydrate and fat digestion

> can be accomplished by the enzymes found in the MGPP. These

> papaya enzymes have the ability to infiltrate the tissues.

> By this means, it can help dissolve injured and hardened

> tissues, thus tending to alleviate hardening of the

> arteries.



> 11. (This is not in reference to MGPP-only to the latex-but

> is noteworthy research on other uses for Papain.) Dr. Manual

> Gomez de la Maza, Professor of Medicine at the University of

> Havana, established that, “the milky sap of the papaya

> tree fruit digested the necrose cartilage squeezed between

> the spinal vertebra.†He also developed a protocol against

> tumors, including malignancies. In his books he described

> how it was possible to remove any tumor without surgery. The

> method consisted of injecting fresh papaya latex into the

> tumor and then after waiting 15 minutes, pumping out the

> resulting foul smelling mass, thus reducing the tumor size

> in a matter of minutes. The Papain rich papaya latex has the

> property of digesting fibrin which makes up the mass of

> neoplasms, such as warts, fibromas and cancerous tumors. It

> also digests the fibrin which makes up the bulk of the

> callouses and corns on the feet and also the necrose tissue

> squeezed between the

> vertebra in back injuries such as a “slipped disc.â€

> Thank you, Dr. Manual Gomez de la Maza, for this valuable

> information.



> Papaya is the only known food containing Papain, the active

> principal enzyme in MGPP. Remember, it digests protein

> thoroughly and frees the amino acids for quick absorption by

> the body. Since it acts impartially in acid, neutral and

> alkaline mediums, it is extremely valuable for the aged or

> anyone who has weak digestion due to enzyme deficiencies

> developed over the years. These 12 points establish MGPP as

> a superior food, ensuring proper digestive activity. Mature

> Green Papaya Powder is a true super food.





> © 1998-2009 Organic Oasis   Contact Us


> //



> 2610 Spenard Rd. Suite B · Anchorage, AK 99503 · phone:

> (907) 277-7882 · fax: (907) 277-7881

> Store Hours:  Monday 11a-8p · Tuesday-Friday 11a-9p ·

> Saturday 11a-8p · Sunday 1p-6p (later for live

> performances)



> Home > 

> Health Info > 

> Mature Green Papaya Powder > 


> //






> //






> From: Zanaglen@... <Zanaglen@...>

> Subject: - Papain injections

> @...

> Date: Friday, January 16, 2009, 1:00 PM




> ,


> Can you send me a link for this?


> Thanks so much,

> Glen from Illinois






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