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In Memory of Dr. Hulda Regehr

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Dr. Hulda , the researcher and author of " The Cure for All Cancers " and

" The Cure for All Diseases, " passed away last week. I came upon her books and

research completely by accident one day while helping a friend move...and after

reading it, it changed my perspective on health and healing forever. For those

of you desperately looking for a cure to your cancers and other diseases, please

have a look into her research. She is the only researcher I know of that allowed

her books to be reprinted and given to anyone as long as credit was given to the

author. I have reprinted a tribute to her from one of her colleagues,

Amrein, and explains what made her so special. Rest peacefully Dr. , you

are now at home, we will indeed miss you.

In Memory of Dr. Hulda

by P. Amrein

Dr. passed away last Thursday, 3 September, as a result of complications

from a spinal cord injury.

The first time I heard of Dr. Hulda was in 1995, when I came across her

book about cancer. This sparked my interest and gave my whole life a new

perspective. I met Dr. personally in the summer of 1996. She immediately

came across as an energetic woman whose only interest is her work and her

patients. Dr. would work every minute that she did not spend with her

grandchildren, either at the clinic or doing more research at home.

What amazed me about Dr. was her complete disinterest in material things.

Often enough I was a bit worried when I saw her driving around in her old

clunker. She just had no needs that went beyond just the basic needs. That

mindset led Dr. to share her research freely with the whole world. Except

for the books themselves, Dr. never had any commercial interests, but

published her findings in her books for everyone to use. She even allowed anyone

to freely make copies of her books, if they were not sold. I remember a time

when someone illegally published one of her books in Mexico and when she was

asked if she did not want to do something about that, she said: " oh well, at

least the public can read my books " .

Dr. 's interest in her research became apparent the many times I saw her

speak in public. Even to audiences who had little knowledge of her findings, she

would prefer to speak about her latest research, rather than give a general

overview. Her research took her down many avenues: she can be called a true

pioneer in a number of areas. Her frequency approach to cancer was unique, but

in the last couple of years low intensity electric field treatments for cancer

have been rather well studied and shown to work. Though parasites were an issue

in holistic medicine among the bio-resonance testers especially, it was Dr.

who made this a major topic starting with the publication of her first

book in 1993. She also focused on the importance of dental health, as well as

environmental factors. Those topics had already been recognized as important in

holistic medicine, but her major contribution was the proposition of a complete

protocol that included all the important factors, namely environmental factors,

dental health, nutrition, herbal approaches and cleansing, and frequencies.

Dr. has not only given my life a new slant, but has touched the lives of

hundreds of thousands around the globe who have been able to help themselves

with the knowledge that she has brought forth. Dr. has suffered severe

attacks from adversaries and Government and has nevertheless carried on, for the

benefit of health and mankind. I feel that the world loses a great find, and so

do I. We are thankful for Dr. 's dedication and contribution and she will

always be in our hearts. Thank you, Dr. , for everything!

We will continue our efforts in her spirit and keep bringing her wisdom to the


According to her wishes, Dr. will be cremated and her ashes given to the

Pacific Ocean, which she so loved, in a private ceremony.

Condolence cards can be sent to:

New Century Press

1055 Bay Blvd #B

Chula Vista, CA 91911


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