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2008 Testimonials-Budwig Protocol Overcoming Cancer

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For Anyone who is Interested,

To follow-up on my previous posts, below are a few of the

FlaxseedOil2 members' messages during 2008 about healing from cancer

with the Budwig Protocol. More testimonials are in the FlaxseedOil2

files. The Budwig Protocol is a full plan of nutrition, sun therapy

and stress reduction and has saved many lives. The messages below

were posted to the group on the dates shown. Some messages

include 'BP' meaning Budwig Protocol. To join the group &

automatically receive an Introduction to the Budwig plan, click


1] Nov. 30, 2008 - NHL Follicular lymphoma, stage 4 - Halima wrote:

" diagnosed on Sep 2006...offered chemo. I refused. I decided to

follow [budwig]...On Jan 2007 I did ultrasound and blood tests. my

largest lymph node around the liver was 54mm. August 2007 I did

ultrasound again: My largest lymph node is 30 mm - 20% smaller... "

After straying from the diet for a while, then getting back on it,

Halima wrote: " The ultrasound shows that the spleen is reduced from

192 mm to 187 mm, the liver is reduced from 185 mm to 166 mm. The

lymph nodes remain the same. "

2] On Nov. 24, 2008 - Lung Cancer - Denis wrote:

....My Mom went to her oncologist after her monthly chest x-ray. My

Mom had a tumor in her lung which apparently disappeared! !! She was

diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in March and she went through

some gruelling chemo for the following 3/4 months. She has been on

the Budwig diet since mid-September and has had these wonderful

results...Believe me! The protocol is DEFINITELY worth

following! ...My Mom hasn't been on chemo since September, so the

disappearance has to be due to the BP.

3] Oct 17, 2008 - estrogen positive breast cancer w/mets --

wrote; " It is so different working with this diet, so

positive...I hadn't seen my oncologist in over a year and, when I

finally saw him two weeks ago he couldnt figure out why my tumor

marker had gone down with no chemo or radiation. "

4] Oct. 8, 2008 - Liver Cancer - wrote:

" I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B, then liver cirrhosis, then primary

liver cancer all in about 2 months (April-May 2008)....I read about

BP and started implementing around 05/15 and signed up on this group.

I had 2 tumors...Members here...gave me the information and courage

to opt for BP. For primary liver cancer, the main marker in the blood

in AFP (Alpha Feto Protein). Normal (reference) range is less than 9

ng/mL. These are my AFP numbers: 05/03: 400.1.....9/29: 51.7

I can only say one thing: may God richly reward Johanna Budwig!!

....I declined all cancer related treatments.

5] Sept. 2008 - Advanced breast cancer w/mets -- Wanda wrote:

" I then quit chemo, as the tumors in my chest were growing again, I

started Budwig in July 07. My remaining cancer is healing, my hand

and arm are seeing a little more function & much less pain...Budwig

has been a huge success for me. "

Oct. 23, '08 - " I don't post much anymore, because my life is getting

back to " normal " ...BP has helped me tremendously. It saved my life

from an aggressive form of metastatic breast cancer after

chemotherapy was no longer helping. "

6] Sept 16, 2008 - B-cell Lymphoma - Durrant wrote:

" I've had great success at reversing my follicular center B cell

lymphoma via: getting rid of the mercury in my mouth and chelating

the remainder in my body & doing as much of the BP as I can &

additional supplements. I've had no treatment since diagnosis in

March 2005. Within 4 weeks of starting just the FOCC (at first), the

3 cm lymph nodes in my groin fully regressed & have not enlarged

since. I still have enlarged nodes in the neck.

7] Sept 7, 2008 - Breast cancer with Mets to the Bones - Janice wrote:

I have been on the Budwig Protocol for over 1 1/2 years...When I

first got on the protocol, I had very little use of my arms because

of the bone mets, I was, for the most part spending the majority of

my days in bed. I now have full use of my arms, the tumors in my

breasts are to the point of being negligible and I'm currently living

a very active life. [Posted to Cancer Cured]

July 10, '07 - " I have had no surgery...no allopathic medicine

whatsoever. The tumors in my breasts (both sides), have reduced by 70-

80% over the last four months on the BP. I have regained 60-70% range

of motion in my left arm (which was practically none). My right arm

is at about 90%...I had about 50% range before BP.

8] August 10, 2008 - wrote:

" Just a note to let you know I am doing well (stage IV endometrial

w/numerous lung mets; stopped chemo in 2004; on BP ever since)-

Dr.'s can't believe I'm still here! Thank you Dr. B!! A faithful BP

follower! "

9] June 16, 2008 - adenocarcinoma - Ursula wrote:

" I have been on the Budwig diet going on 18 months. I was diagnosed

with adenocarcinoma in the uterus and was advised on a complete

hysterectomy with removal of some lymph nodes. I refused surgery. The

complications scared me more than the cancer. I feel well with no

further symptoms. So I just keep doing the diet & magnetic pulse

therapy. Also...am taking vitalzyme, an enzyme

10] May 2, 2008 - Sarcoma and lung mets - Kathy wrote:

" I just returned from my Dr. appt to review my recent scan results.

I am happy to report that there is no evidence of recurrent disease.

I am a Sarcoma patient. I had a Peripheral Nerve Sheath tumor removed

from my upper thigh in Oct 2006. There were no mets at the time of

surgery but at my one year scan, a 4-6mm lung nodule was found. I

started Budwig afterwards. After 2 scans full of bad news, it was so

good to hear that they see no evidence that there is any active

cancer in my body right now! I'm ready to celebrate!!!

11] April 10, 2008 - Prostate Health - Post #1 - wrote: " I had

a Biopsy in 2006 which read 7.8. My urologist told me that

supplements and vitamins were not going to help. I...then switched to

the Budwig diet. Since I went on the diet my PSA has come down to

6.9. "

Post #2 - Artie wrote:...my PSA came down within 9 months from 6.9 to

under 3. But most importantly is the FREE PSA PERCENTAGE...a more

reliable marker than PSA alone...normal range is 25% [and above].

Mine was 11%. Within 9 months on BP it shot up to 38%, which is where

it remains a year later.[A score over 25% means less risk of cancer.]

12] April 9, 2008 - Multiple Myeloma - tta wrote:

....my husband has Multiple Myeloma...a very aggresive cancer. He is

doing very well on Budwig protocol, lived already beyond dr's

expectation. However, he is not doing chemo. He had a stem cell

transplant in 2005, but that did not put him in remission. He started

Budwig protocol in 2006, and since then he's been doing only that.

8/16/07-: at Mayo for 3-month visit...tests show no trace of cancer.

History: June 12,'07 - ta wrote:

- diagnosed with MM stage III B (Kidney failure) in spring 2005

- treated by Mayo doctor with steroids (dexamethasone) for 4 months

to restore kidney function. Had stem cell transplant- extremely sick

during transplant, almost dead with infections including septicemia.

Jan. 2006 while in hospital again, diagnosed with amyloidosis in his

lung, another deadly disease. Declared terminal...6 month or less to

live -came home extremely sick, unable to eat, sleep, depressed,

developed shingles...Found Budwig books on Internet & later

FlaxseedOil2 group. Started protocol partially,not being able to eat

normal portions. Gradually went on protocol 100%.

13] March 25, 2008 - Colon Ca w/Liver Mets - Sid wrote: " My dad...was

diagnosed in December 2006 and was given 6 to 12 months...Resection

was not an option for him either because of the advanced stage (3

lobes affected) and his age... It is now 15 months since dx and dad

is still with us. He is not in perfect condition but I can tell you

he has no pain at all and is mobile. He did no chemo, took no drugs

at all (no painkillers etc). He only did Budwig Protocol

[Dec. 2008, After two years, Sid's dad is still with his family.]

14] Feb. 19, 2008, Rectal Cancer - Dawn wrote:

" I am a Stage IIIC Rectal Cancer survivor and am praising God and the

Budwig diet! I began the Budwig diet about two months ago when a

PET/CT scan showed a reoccurance of my rectal cancer. When I went to

my surgeon at the Mayo Clinic in January, they confirmed there was

cancer in the lymph node they biopsied. They stated they were sure it

was in the entire clump of lymph nodes in the area and wanted me to

have chemo followed by radiation and surgery. They also stated there

were EXTENSIVE dead cancer cells in the lymph node...I KNEW the dead

cancer cells were from the Budwig diet! I continued with the BP and

also had magnacharge treatments from my ND. Today my ND performed a

scan and my cancer numbers have dropped GREATLY. The cancer is still

there, but in just two months, it has been reduced by 90%! "

15] Jan. 23, 2008 -Husband's cancer, arthritis, heart problems -


" My husband and I have been following the Budwig protocol for nearly

four years now. I do not have cancer but my husband has/had male

breast cancer, diabetes type 2, arthritis, high blood pressure and

heart problems. He had radical mastectomy surgery in June 2004 and

the cancer had infiltrated the chest wall and progressed to his lymph

glands. He refused chemo therapy, hormone treatment and all 'anti

cancer' drugs offered and has relied almost exclusively on Budwig

since diagnosis. ...he has never suffered a days' illness or pain and

his diabetes is under control (he stopped taking medication for this

two years ago but continues with beta blockers for the time

being...) ...he appears to be in good health for a 75 year old.

16] Jan. 12, 2008 - Annette, Jodee's daughter - Lymphoma & bone cancer

" Annette's newest test shows even more improvement. She still has

some active cancer in the center of the bones but he said it is still

dying out. No lymph nodes are active. We are still doing the same

things, nothing different.

On Sept. 30, 2007, Jodee wrote: " Got the P.E.T. Infusion reports on

Annette...The tumors on her liver, in her chest, stomach, all gone.

Dead. Her bone cancer is still decreasing. Dr Suarez said...he has

never seen a patient with advanced cancer react like this, from a

diet. All of her blood work is normal. This is the first time in 4

years that this has happened. I again thank Dr Budwig...

Remember M.D. . A cancer hospital in Houston, Texas sent her

home in April to die. To anyone, keep doing the protocol. It works. "

17] Jan 23, 2008 - Regarding her husband, Jeanne wrote:

'since BP, his lymphoma/leukemia has remained stable....'

Previously, on Sept. 19, 2007, she wrote:

" We are also fighting Leukemia/anemia. My husband has much improved

since starting BP about 4 months ago....He also has atrial

fibrillation and just this last week he registered a normal sinus



Best wishes to all,

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Well Gang,


I just couldn't resist posting on this even though I said I wouldn't be posting

for the next month.


I am SURE that everyone is eating organic, hormone-free dairy, right? I don't

eat dairy and don't plan on doing so, but just thought I'd put my 2 cents worth



My oncologist told me to stay away from: Flax seeds and flax oil, black cohosh,

red clover and ginseng because of their estrogenic properties. I have estrogen

dependent breast cancer with mets to the lungs. This is kind of interesting that




My naturopath didn't believe that the flaxseeds were bad but did believe the

flax seed oil wasn't good for breast cancer. I just ordered some Superseed from

Garden of Life at www.iherb.com. It contains flax seed and chia powders with an

awesome sprout complex.


I am definitely not going to go on the Budwig Protocol, as I am following a 100%

raw foods diet and Cesium therapy. I am now going on Phase 1.5 of the

Cousens Rainbow Diet. I am adding a small amount of fruit sugar from Miracle

Reds and BerryGreen powders for a total of 2 grams of sugar a day in a green

smoothie. On www.cancertutor.com, he states that when you are on Cesium

Chloride, you are allowed a bit more sugar in the diet because the Cesium blocks

it from getting to the cancer cells. Some one on this site sent info about Jerry

Brunetti's protocol and then by following his info I go more information about

another guy who used the green powders in a smoothie. The BerryGreen is

fermented, which is allowed on Phase 1.5. I am adding these products because of

all the powerful stuff in them. Buy them cheap at www.iherb.com. An apple

contains 11 grams of sugars, so I think I'm doing pretty well.


I have refined Jerry Brunetti's 's Anti-cancer tea and I have re-named it

" 's Anti-tumor Tea " as I am convinced that it can blast the damn things

right out of your body. I can't use the red clover blossoms in Winter's

tea, but I have made a very potent one myself which I think is even more

powerful. I am perfecting the recipe and will post it soon.


I know I will get some feedback from posting this, but my girlfriend found out

about a techique called, " Cyberknife, " which targets radiation on inoperable

tumors. O.K., so I know I come off sometimes like the Queen of Alternatives, but

hey, when your life and a$$ are on the line, you kind of change your thinking,

huh? (Hey, maybe one day I'll have to resort to eating dairy right?). I have a 1

1/2 hour session with a radiation oncologist on Tuesday. I was quite impressed

with how much time he was giving me, especially since my regular oncologist

spent like maybe 15 minutes with me in my last meeting. Everytime I try to get

her to talk with me, she's like, " Oh, we'll talk about that in mid-January. "

Well, my internal medicine doctor has decided that it is perfectly o.k. to

bypass her and go straight to the radiology oncologist.


I used radiation on my sternum following a bone marrow transplant in 1995. I am

still here. I was on my way out with this huge tumor, which had eaten my sternum

away. So, who knows?


Dairy? Flax seed oil? Radiation?


CANCER IS A CRAP SHOOT. Folks, do what you want to do, because it is all

experimentation, which is perfectly fine. Hey, if it saves your life, who cares?


I happen to LOVE dairy products. I just am not going to eat them at this point.

Best wishes to all those who have gained remissions. I am sure you loved eating

it all the way to kicking those little snots out of your body.


I got my infrared sauna set up tonight. I am waiting for the rest of my ozone

machine parts to show up and  I just ordered a ozone nebulizer.







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