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Re: Magnesium Oil-flakes-Prices

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After one checks around and compares prices, and wants to use Magnesium Oil

instead of Epsom Salts, to check into Swansons Vitamins and their 'Genuine

Zechstein Sea' Magnesium Oil. I would not propose anyone use Swansons if I

had an interest in the company or they referred people to my services of which I

offer none.

Swansons claims the same source, The Ancient Zechstein Sea, as other brands but

at a greatly reduced price. For example; the 8 oz bottle of Magnesium Oil is

$6.74 and the 64 oz is $29.99.

I know the Moderators frown on any commercialism in posts but I think that

applies only if there is an 'interest' or 'connection's to a product or company.

I would not have bothered if the difference in price was small but this is not

small. By the way I checked into another 'recommended' brand and the 8 oz

bottle was $29 and the 64 oz a whopping, or should I say Whipping $119.

Quite a difference considering they both claim an Ancient Zechstein Sea source.

I did buy some from Swansons because I am a frequent Epsom Salts user and my

personal verdict is still out even though I think I am experiencing some ache

and pain relief.

Joe C.

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Maybe Dr. Sircus can enlighten us on the usage of nigari as someone on

curezone.com posted? Seems like this might be the most cost effective for those

of us on a budget.

" Mag. Chloride is also nigari which is used to coagulate tofu. You can order it

in bulk for a couple of places on the internet fairly cheaply. I've made mag.

oil by supersaturating water with nigari. I ordered Mag. oil and my homemade

looks and feels the same.

Just heat water and start adding lots of mag. chloride to it....can't recall my

exact recipe but it's like 1qt water plus 1 cup mag chloride crystals.

Nigari is also wonderful to have around instead of Epsom salt. Mark Sircus said

it will absorb much better into the skin than Mg sulfate (Epsom salt. It sure

does for me ...I need much less of it in a bath. "

jcastron1 wrote:


> After one checks around and compares prices, and wants to use Magnesium Oil

instead of Epsom Salts, to check into Swansons Vitamins and their 'Genuine

Zechstein Sea' Magnesium Oil. I would not propose anyone use Swansons if I

had an interest in the company or they referred people to my services of which I

offer none.


> Swansons claims the same source, The Ancient Zechstein Sea, as other brands

but at a greatly reduced price. For example; the 8 oz bottle of Magnesium Oil

is $6.74 and the 64 oz is $29.99.


> I know the Moderators frown on any commercialism in posts but I think that

applies only if there is an 'interest' or 'connection's to a product or company.

I would not have bothered if the difference in price was small but this is not

small. By the way I checked into another 'recommended' brand and the 8 oz

bottle was $29 and the 64 oz a whopping, or should I say Whipping $119.

Quite a difference considering they both claim an Ancient Zechstein Sea source.


> I did buy some from Swansons because I am a frequent Epsom Salts user and my

personal verdict is still out even though I think I am experiencing some ache

and pain relief.


> Joe C.

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I stumbled upon another supplier of Magnesium Oil and yet another high-priced

product called Dermag.


This site was interesting because it features a readable book by a Female

Doctor, a Board Certified Family Physician and it is always good to see

physicians leaning towards Alternative measures. The site also takes you to

a downloadable book by a Biochemist hawking the benefits of Magnesium Chloride.

Aside from the expensive product, the information seems to be informative and

again, it is good to see credentialed persons adding to our knowledge base.

Remember that expression: " Information is your best friend " Think how

reading can bring you up to speed and you can know what the 'experts' know by

doing your own research. Of course one must always consider the agenda of the

person you are reading.

At least I can use my Epsom salts for my palm trees.

I think I have exhausted my comments on the cost, both low and high, of

Magnesium Oil from Ancient Zechstein Sea.


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Hi Joe,

Regarding the agenda of those hawking various supplments... the headline

of the web site you gave a link to: " Magnesium - For a Magnesium Starved

World " is a beautiful example of an expert with an agenda.

Re: the recent discussion regarding the need for magnesium supplements -

it's a curious discussion, especially when magnesium is very plentiful

in many whole foods. For example, leafy green vegetables contain

substantial amounts of magnesium, as chlorophyll, the blue-green pigment

pigment in leaves has a magnesium ion as part of its structure. Also,

many seeds (pumpkin, squash, sunflower, flax seeds, etc.) are rich in

magnesium. A search through the USDA food database shows that there are

many foods that are rich in magnesium as well as many other valuable

nutrients. It is _much_ better to eat healthy, minimally processed

whole foods instead of supplements.

Your admonishment " Information is your best friend " and that people

should do their own reading is a good one to take to heart. There is a

lot of good information out there, but there are also a lot of web sites

and articles with agendas that slant the information in a way that is

designed to have a person reach for their wallet or credit card.

Kind regards,



On Sun, 8 Nov 2009 jcastron1@... wrote:

> I stumbled upon another supplier of Magnesium Oil and yet another high-priced

product called Dermag.


> http://www.magnesiumdirect.com/zechsteinseabed.aspx


> This site was interesting because it features a readable book by a

> Female Doctor, a Board Certified Family Physician and it is always

> good to see physicians leaning towards Alternative measures. The site

> also takes you to a downloadable book by a Biochemist hawking the

> benefits of Magnesium Chloride. Aside from the expensive product, the

> information seems to be informative and again, it is good to see

> credentialed persons adding to our knowledge base. Remember that

> expression: " Information is your best friend " Think how reading can

> bring you up to speed and you can know what the 'experts' know by

> doing your own research. Of course one must always consider the

> agenda of the person you are reading.


> At least I can use my Epsom salts for my palm trees.


> I think I have exhausted my comments on the cost, both low and high,

> of Magnesium Oil from Ancient Zechstein Sea.


> Joe


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Are there sales sites that are not pushing their agenda? Every month there are

a couple of sites that come up with a few articles on some 'hot' supplement only

to be followed by the part where you buy it.

Food would be the ideal supply, however, apparently supplementing with Magnesium

makes sense. As for those 'pushing the expensive product over a less expensive

on? Nothing new there.

Curcumin for another would be difficult to consume enough of the Curry doctored

food to get the high amounts that people, like me, have been advised to

consume...........and not by anyone selling the stuff. How refreshing.

We have to wee through the marketing and even then cannot be sure we get the

truth and nothing but the truth.

I look at them all and then try to use what we have learned to weed out the

hype. I've been studying for more than 60 years and still get sucked in from

time to time. Fortunately we have a couple of people on the list that are well

informed one being an accredited scientist. There are substances with known

benefits for particular cancers and I do not allow my understanding of getting a

food source to stop me from using something that shows efficacy for Bladder


We must be vigilant and my sole purpose for posting the Magnesium Oil from

Swansons was to buffer the recommended one that is almost four times the cost.

When my father, a fight trainer and gym owner recommended Epsom Salts to someone

'hurting', there is no amount of food that could supply the relief soaking the

affected/infected part needed.

Thanks for reminding us good food can supply many needed nutrients.

Joe C.

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We take magnesium in oil form?

Thanks,  Robyn

From: " jcastron1 "

....We must be vigilant and my sole purpose for posting the Magnesium Oil from

Swansons was to buffer the recommended one that is almost four times the


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It is called " oil " but it is just slippery and is not oil. The prices for the

Magnesium Oil is also cheaper. Some use the flakes in baths and some make

Magnesium Oil from the Flakes. Have at it.

Joe C.

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