Guest guest Posted April 30, 2003 Report Share Posted April 30, 2003 though it is still experimental and in my eyes very expensive and not very wll with aftercare but I know a woman who got her rectalcancer much smaller with the cLT-treatment and additional diet and nutrional supplements. her tumor came back in three months wihtourt any regular treatment from 10-12 cm to 1-2 cm. After that she got radiation when she got problems again en last sunday they operated her succesfully form the necrotic tumorrests. In the Netherlands and I guess also in the USA and everyhwere is a combination of radiation and afterwards surgery succesfull. for operable rectumcancer the chance for a regression is less then 5% and mostly you need no permanent stoma. But this is only for operable rectumcancer. When you have metastes this doesn't work I think. But then there are alternatives like Radio Frequency Ablation for your livermetastases etc. Gr. kees braam webmaster rectal cancer > Does anyone have any advice regarding alternative treatment for rectal cancer? (Aside from the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.) Anyone a survivor? > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 30, 2003 Report Share Posted April 30, 2003 though it is still experimental and in my eyes very expensive and not very wll with aftercare but I know a woman who got her rectalcancer much smaller with the cLT-treatment and additional diet and nutrional supplements. her tumor came back in three months wihtourt any regular treatment from 10-12 cm to 1-2 cm. After that she got radiation when she got problems again en last sunday they operated her succesfully form the necrotic tumorrests. In the Netherlands and I guess also in the USA and everyhwere is a combination of radiation and afterwards surgery succesfull. for operable rectumcancer the chance for a regression is less then 5% and mostly you need no permanent stoma. But this is only for operable rectumcancer. When you have metastes this doesn't work I think. But then there are alternatives like Radio Frequency Ablation for your livermetastases etc. Gr. kees braam webmaster rectal cancer > Does anyone have any advice regarding alternative treatment for rectal cancer? (Aside from the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.) Anyone a survivor? > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 30, 2003 Report Share Posted April 30, 2003 Try a search in the archives > Does anyone have any advice regarding alternative treatment for rectal cancer? (Aside from the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.) Anyone a survivor? > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 30, 2003 Report Share Posted April 30, 2003 Try a search in the archives > Does anyone have any advice regarding alternative treatment for rectal cancer? (Aside from the flaxseed oil and cottage cheese.) Anyone a survivor? > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Hi , I am so sorry. If anyone can get this monster and stop it, it's YOU . Please keep us posted with all the steps along the way. You are an inspiration to all of us..the great work that you do, your compassion...and your vast knowledge. We can all take this journey with you. I know that I would like to. Hugs, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 vgammill writes: > In about two weeks I plan to go to China for about a month What will you be doing there? Is there a special treatment? Did Magel go there also? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 vgammill writes: > I requested a CEA (blood tumor marker test) Would you explain about this test please? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Hi , I just wrote to Madeleen to let her know. Have you been in contact with her about this? Just wondering. As I said on the other list, please keep us posted and let us know what you are doing and how it's working for you. We all look to you for guidance. You are really an amazing person and I know that things will work out well for you. Hugs, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 In a message dated 11/3/09 5:04:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, hallvtox@... writes: > Consider a chronic dental infection probably at the front of the mouth > as a likely supect. Can be found with a Thermal Imaging camera or a > Cavitat ultrasound scan. Never seen any such tumour without a dental > infection How interesting. Do you think Farrah Fawcett had an infection? Would a traditional dentist be able to find it? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 I just wanted to wish you luck. It sounds like you are covering all your bases. I was recently treated for breast cancer using hyperthermia. I just had my six month follow up- there is no blood flow to area where cancer was, and the dead tissue is shrinking at a great pace. The doctor I see recommends serrapeptase (silk worm enzymes) to help with elimination of dead tissue. Sending good thoughts your way. Tara. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 tarapine writes: > The doctor I see recommends serrapeptase (silk worm enzymes) to help with elimination of dead tissue. Sending good thoughts your way. Tara. That's veyr interesting Tara. Which doctor do you see? What else does he recommend? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Wow what a mouth full and good luck and when are you starting to give yourself strong bicarbonate treatments meaning oral, transdermal and most to the point, strong enemas with the bicarbonate? You could do the same with iodine as well and actually paint those hemorrhoids that are not memorrhoids. I certainly think if you go the mainstream route and try to particle beam those nasty tumors to death it will be the death of you too. And its crazy to wait you can start so easily what will probably make all the difference in the world.....and of course I recommend a full and potent protocol behind these two mentioned items including drowning yourself in magnesium chloride. Loved what you said by the way asked what they do to protect immune function (nothing), to protect against multiple drug resistance (nothing), to protect against lymphedema (nothing), to protect against impotency (nothing), and to protect against anal canal fibrosis (nothing). Halfway through the treatment they will see if I am in danger of dying from hemolytic uremia. Really I think I will have to use this somewhere in my writing, you want your name attached to it or not? Mark Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Thanks for the good thoughts, Tara, they seem to be working..!!! At 10:33 AM 11/3/2009, you wrote: >[snip]... Sending good thoughts your way. Tara. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Good luck to you and I hope all works out well for you! Donna ACS > > > List: > > It has just been confirmed that I have rectal cancer. I highly > suspected it for some time, but my HMO misdiagnosed it for six months > claiming that it was nothing but internal hemorrhoids...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Mark, you are welcome to quote anything I say, and do give me credit unless it sounds completely foolish, then blame Dick Cheney or Monsanto. I do have mag chloride in the Jacuzzi at our retreat center. It is part of our balneotherapy. My tumor has invaded the muscles of the anal sphincter, but I still have bowel control. I could lose it very, very quickly. I don't have the luxury of twiddling my thumbs waiting for nature to come to the rescue. I have to stop it in it tracks and then reduce tumor mass. Healing it entirely naturally is very, very possible but also likely to cost me bowel control. Conventional medicine can be very innovative. It was conventional medicine that brought us the tobacco smoke enema. See: Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind to use cannabis smoke in a butt-bong, but I have a policy of not doing anything I wouldn't want to see on youtube. Mark, not all mainstream medicine is bad. I have seen lives saved with monoclonal antibodies, and if you have been around for a while you know that alternative medicine is not right for everyone. I never second guess the decisions of others. I have helped others find virtually any kind of treatment there is. I do draw the line at cherry bombs though. At 10:50 AM 11/3/2009, you wrote: > >Wow what a mouth full and good luck and when are you >starting to give yourself strong bicarbonate treatments meaning >oral, transdermal and most to the point, strong enemas with the >bicarbonate? You could do the same with iodine as well and actually >paint those hemorrhoids that are not memorrhoids. I certainly think >if you go the mainstream route and try to particle beam those nasty >tumors to death it will be the death of you too. > >And its crazy to wait you can start so easily what will probably >make all the difference in the world.....and of course I recommend a >full and potent protocol behind these two mentioned items including >drowning yourself in magnesium chloride. > >Loved what you said by the way > >asked what they do to protect immune >function (nothing), to protect against multiple drug resistance >(nothing), to protect against lymphedema (nothing), to protect >against impotency (nothing), and to protect against anal canal >fibrosis (nothing). Halfway through the treatment they will see if I >am in danger of dying from hemolytic uremia. > >Really I think I will have to use this somewhere in my writing, you >want your name attached to it or not? > >Mark > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Thank you, . I do intend to be public and transparent about what I do. The key to beating cancer is rarely the tool that is used but the analytical process that helps you select the right tool. I don't mind having all my decision-making processes open to scrutiny. At 12:45 PM 11/3/2009, you wrote: > >Hi , > >As I said on the other list, please keep us posted and let us know what you >are doing and how it's working for you. We all look to you for guidance. >You are really an amazing person and I know that things will work out well >for you. > >Hugs, > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 ... I am so sorry you have this 'beast' we call cancer. But, yes, I am so glad you are well-informed and have access to remedies. You stay strong, my friend. My well wishes and prayers are with you & your family. Please keep us posted, ok? God Bless !! VGammill wrote: > > List: > > It has just been confirmed that I have rectal cancer. I highly > suspected it for some time, but my HMO misdiagnosed it...... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Consider a chronic dental infection probably at the front of the mouth as a likely supect. Can be found with a Thermal Imaging camera or a Cavitat ultrasound scan. Never seen any such tumour without a dental infection. You can get on top of the tumour without treating the infection but unless the infection is treated the tumour is likely to return. This has been our experience as dentists in this field for over 40 years. If you have a digital opg x-ray send it to me, perhaps we can see something (no charge of course) Graeme Munro-Hall BDS UK e-mail hallvtox@... PS You trusted an HMO??? VGammill wrote: > > > List: > > It has just been confirmed that I have rectal cancer. I highly > suspected it for some time, but my HMO misdiagnosed it for six months > claiming that it was nothing but internal hemorrhoids. I have easy > access to virtually anything I need for medical purposes, but I > thought I was being prudent by letting my HMO take care of anything > that insurance covered. It has been quite an experience. I had a CT > scan done in Mexico which my US HMO refused to look at because it > wasn't done at the HMO. I had the radiology report from Mexico which > they refused to look at because it was in Spanish. They didn't see > fit to do a simple digital exam to feel the invasive 5.5 cm tumor > because their gastroenterologist did a colonoscopy in April and told > me I have hemorrhoids and to come back in ten years. I requested a > CEA (blood tumor marker test) but they turned me down because they > say this test is for assessment and not diagnosis. If I were anyone > else I would be outraged, but my opinion of US conventional medicine > was already so low, that all I can do is shake my head. > > Every one of my HMO docs was really nice as they told me they did not > do this and they couldn't do that. A couple of days ago I received a > 25 item questionnaire from my HMO asking me to rate my last visit to > my primary physician. Every one of the questions pertained to > doctor-patient interactions, e.g., Did he/she give you enough > time? Did they listen to you carefully? Did they try to answer all > your questions? Was the receptionist cheerful? I had to rate my > physician extremely high on everything according to this > questionnaire, but if they had asked questions about competence I > would have had to flunk him. One of my board members informed me > that although the HMO is a non-profit, the physicians that work for > them are for-profit, thus all the money they save from not doing > tests goes into their own pockets. I'll look further into this. > > Now I have been sent to the HMO oncologist who recommends chemo and > external beam radiation. I asked what they do to protect immune > function (nothing), to protect against multiple drug resistance > (nothing), to protect against lymphedema (nothing), to protect > against impotency (nothing), and to protect against anal canal > fibrosis (nothing). Halfway through the treatment they will see if I > am in danger of dying from hemolytic uremia. If so they are willing > to consider reducing the dose. > > I asked the oncologist about doing medical treatments in China > including neutron beam (what's that?), BSD-2000 hyperthermia (what's > that?), photodynamic therapy (what's that?), fulguration (what's > that?), sub-unit vaccines for SCC (what's that?), but he offered me > plenty of pain killers and stool softeners. > > I told the HMO oncologist that I immediately started myself on rectal > Newcastle virus (what's that?), on dithiodinicotinic acid (what's > that?) on CaPterin (what's that?), on GcMAF (what's that?), on > Miltefosine (what's that?), on benzaldehyde (what's that?), on > artemether (what's that?), on hyperthermia with Lonidamine and > dipyridamole (what's that?) and on cimetidine to help prevent > metastasis (he didn't respond), and reticuloendothelial detox (what's > that?). I invited him to my seminars. I am probably making early > headway as the bleeding has stopped. > > The nature of this cancer had eluded me for some time as I have no > known risk factors. I have no stress, no emotional trauma, I don't > smoke, never any STDs, I'm exclusively heterosexual, my diet isn't > the worst. There is plenty of cancer in my family though. Squamous > cell carcinoma (SCC) of the rectum is rare and often starts from an > unknown primary such as a head and neck cancer. > > If there was ever a person on this planet not to feel sorry for, it > is me. I have access to almost everything and can make about > anything, and of all the things I could worry about at least I don't > have to worry about me suing myself. Does this mean I'm out of the > woods even before I start? Not by a long shot. One of the biggest > and most common mistakes in alternative medicine is to assume that a > particular treatment/strategy/combination is going to work. The keys > to beating cancer usually revolve around collecting and weighing > credible information, careful assessment and analysis, avoiding > missteps that can't be corrected, timely action, patience. So far > there has been only one area in which I could have improved: I should > have made a much greater nuisance of myself at the HMO. > > Has any of my thinking changed since being formally diagnosed? There > has been a bit of a sense of relief that I now have a clear target to > address. > > In about two weeks I plan to go to China for about a month. I will > conduct my regular seminars and treatment program this coming week, > November 8th-14th. On November 15 I will watch the LA Lakers beat > Houston -- but without any beer and pizza. (Who knew that life would > be this hard..!!!) Then it is off to China. > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 even with invasion to the muscles I would still paint with iodine daily and jump on the bicarbonate. Whats your resistance to using emergency room medicines? Mark From: VGammill Mark, you are welcome to quote anything I say, and do give me credit unless it sounds completely foolish, then blame Dick Cheney or Monsanto. I do have mag chloride in the Jacuzzi at our retreat center. It is part of our balneotherapy. My tumor has invaded the muscles of the anal sphincter, but I still have bowel control. I could lose it very, very quickly. I don't have the luxury of twiddling my thumbs waiting for nature to come to the rescue. I have to stop it in it tracks and then reduce tumor mass. Healing it entirely naturally is very, very possible but also likely to cost me bowel control. Conventional medicine can be very innovative. It was conventional medicine that brought us the tobacco smoke enema. See: Don't think it hasn't crossed my mind to use cannabis smoke in a butt-bong, but I have a policy of not doing anything I wouldn't want to see on youtube. Mark, not all mainstream medicine is bad. I have seen lives saved with monoclonal antibodies, and if you have been around for a while you know that alternative medicine is not right for everyone. I never second guess the decisions of others. I have helped others find virtually any kind of treatment there is. I do draw the line at cherry bombs though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 , you're great. All the very best to you. Bill Corley Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Would love to have been a fly on the wall while you asked your questions. Too bad there was no hidden camera filming the entire thing - would have been nice to send THAT in to Larry King and further the discussion of the incompetence of the onc world. I wish you the best success as you unfortunately join the rest of us already at the party.  Debbie List: It has just been confirmed that I have rectal cancer...... Every one of my HMO docs was really nice as they told me they did not do this and they couldn't do that..... Now I have been sent to the HMO oncologist who recommends chemo and external beam radiation. I asked what they do to protect immune function (nothing), to protect against multiple drug resistance (nothing), to protect against lymphedema (nothing), to protect against impotency (nothing), and to protect against anal canal fibrosis (nothing). Halfway through the treatment they will see if I am in danger of dying from hemolytic uremia. If so they are willing to consider reducing the dose. I asked the oncologist about doing medical treatments in China including neutron beam (what's that?), BSD-2000 hyperthermia (what's that?), photodynamic therapy (what's that?), fulguration (what's that?), sub-unit vaccines for SCC (what's that?), but he offered me plenty of pain killers and stool softeners. I told the HMO oncologist that I immediately started myself on rectal Newcastle virus (what's that?), on dithiodinicotinic acid (what's that?) on CaPterin (what's that?), on GcMAF (what's that?), on Miltefosine (what's that?), on benzaldehyde (what's that?), on artemether (what's that?), on hyperthermia with Lonidamine and dipyridamole (what's that?) and on cimetidine to help prevent metastasis (he didn't respond), and reticuloendothelial detox (what's that?). I invited him to my seminars. I am probably making early headway as the bleeding has stopped............... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Wow . What a shock. I wish you all the best as you take this journey. Keep in touch when you are in China. If anyone knows how to beat this, you do. > > List: > > It has just been confirmed that I have rectal cancer. I highly > suspected it for some time, but my HMO misdiagnosed it for six months > claiming that it was nothing but internal hemorrhoids. I have easy > access to virtually anything I need for medical purposes, but I > thought I was being prudent by letting my HMO take care of anything > that insurance covered. It has been quite an experience. I had a CT > scan done in Mexico which my US HMO refused to look at because it > wasn't done at the HMO. I had the radiology report from Mexico which > they refused to look at because it was in Spanish. They didn't see > fit to do a simple digital exam to feel the invasive 5.5 cm tumor > because their gastroenterologist did a colonoscopy in April and told > me I have hemorrhoids and to come back in ten years. I requested a > CEA (blood tumor marker test) but they turned me down because they > say this test is for assessment and not diagnosis. If I were anyone > else I would be outraged, but my opinion of US conventional medicine > was already so low, that all I can do is shake my head. > > Every one of my HMO docs was really nice as they told me they did not > do this and they couldn't do that. A couple of days ago I received a > 25 item questionnaire from my HMO asking me to rate my last visit to > my primary physician. Every one of the questions pertained to > doctor-patient interactions, e.g., Did he/she give you enough > time? Did they listen to you carefully? Did they try to answer all > your questions? Was the receptionist cheerful? I had to rate my > physician extremely high on everything according to this > questionnaire, but if they had asked questions about competence I > would have had to flunk him. One of my board members informed me > that although the HMO is a non-profit, the physicians that work for > them are for-profit, thus all the money they save from not doing > tests goes into their own pockets. I'll look further into this. > > Now I have been sent to the HMO oncologist who recommends chemo and > external beam radiation. I asked what they do to protect immune > function (nothing), to protect against multiple drug resistance > (nothing), to protect against lymphedema (nothing), to protect > against impotency (nothing), and to protect against anal canal > fibrosis (nothing). Halfway through the treatment they will see if I > am in danger of dying from hemolytic uremia. If so they are willing > to consider reducing the dose. > > I asked the oncologist about doing medical treatments in China > including neutron beam (what's that?), BSD-2000 hyperthermia (what's > that?), photodynamic therapy (what's that?), fulguration (what's > that?), sub-unit vaccines for SCC (what's that?), but he offered me > plenty of pain killers and stool softeners. > > I told the HMO oncologist that I immediately started myself on rectal > Newcastle virus (what's that?), on dithiodinicotinic acid (what's > that?) on CaPterin (what's that?), on GcMAF (what's that?), on > Miltefosine (what's that?), on benzaldehyde (what's that?), on > artemether (what's that?), on hyperthermia with Lonidamine and > dipyridamole (what's that?) and on cimetidine to help prevent > metastasis (he didn't respond), and reticuloendothelial detox (what's > that?). I invited him to my seminars. I am probably making early > headway as the bleeding has stopped. > > The nature of this cancer had eluded me for some time as I have no > known risk factors. I have no stress, no emotional trauma, I don't > smoke, never any STDs, I'm exclusively heterosexual, my diet isn't > the worst. There is plenty of cancer in my family though. Squamous > cell carcinoma (SCC) of the rectum is rare and often starts from an > unknown primary such as a head and neck cancer. > > If there was ever a person on this planet not to feel sorry for, it > is me. I have access to almost everything and can make about > anything, and of all the things I could worry about at least I don't > have to worry about me suing myself. Does this mean I'm out of the > woods even before I start? Not by a long shot. One of the biggest > and most common mistakes in alternative medicine is to assume that a > particular treatment/strategy/combination is going to work. The keys > to beating cancer usually revolve around collecting and weighing > credible information, careful assessment and analysis, avoiding > missteps that can't be corrected, timely action, patience. So far > there has been only one area in which I could have improved: I should > have made a much greater nuisance of myself at the HMO. > > Has any of my thinking changed since being formally diagnosed? There > has been a bit of a sense of relief that I now have a clear target to address. > > In about two weeks I plan to go to China for about a month. I will > conduct my regular seminars and treatment program this coming week, > November 8th-14th. On November 15 I will watch the LA Lakers beat > Houston -- but without any beer and pizza. (Who knew that life would > be this hard..!!!) Then it is off to China. > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Dear , I am so sorry to hear that you have cancer, but I must say that you have an amazing outlook and I admire you even more, if that's possible. I know that with your knowledge, you will find a treatment that works. Please keep us updated as to what you are doing and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.  Best,       Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 ,  Are you going to do the chemo and external beem radiation? If so, what are you going to do to protect immune function, multiple drug resistance, etc? Thanks, Robyn VGammill wrote: > > List: > > It has just been confirmed that I have rectal cancer... > > Now I have been sent to the HMO oncologist who recommends chemo and > external beam radiation. I asked what they do to protect immune > function (nothing), to protect against multiple drug resistance > (nothing), to protect against lymphedema (nothing), to protect > against impotency (nothing), and to protect against anal canal > fibrosis (nothing). Halfway through the treatment they will see if I am in danger of dying from hemolytic uremia. If so they are willing > to consider reducing the dose.......... > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted November 3, 2009 Report Share Posted November 3, 2009 Oh , not you too! Oh my, this is not supposed to happen... you give so much to others so freely... and now this disease is threatening to mess up your own life. Well we surely will all be praying for you. First dear Mike Golden losing his wife and dropping all contact, and now you are going to China. What a very sad day. In fact, I was seriously thinking about coming to your clinic for possible treatment for myself, for possible colon cancer... such a coincidence... I don't know yet, I have some testing to do, but have peculiar symptoms that may be worrisome. Your enumeration of all the treatments you could use for yourself, and the testing that the allopathic doctor had never heard of, is quite encouraging for the rest of us who might need your expertise. But first you must heal thyself and with the help of those crafty Chinese you very well may pull it off. Please keep us informed, if you can, and let us follow your progress. You may bring back some wonderful new treatments that could be used in Mexico here. I'm in Imperial Beach right near the border, I could help you set up an office and you could be the model for the cure of colon cancer. Let's hold that thought. You will come back much improved and on the road to full recovery. Stay in touch with Dr. Sircus and take your baking soda. You absolutely must get well. We will insist to the gods that your health is not negotiable. Stay strong, keep your chins up, and stay with us! Marji Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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