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Re: My New Goal

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Sending warm hugs to you today.

You bring up an important point. With all the stress and pressure of

fighting cancer and making touch decisions, it's important to remember

to LIVE.



Arlyn Grant


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I wish you all the best.

You are right to take time out from this endless worry and constraints.

I do it from time to time, just to make me feel like I am OK.

Wishing you recovery and feeling good at your retreat.


>From: dorrnancy

....I am taking a day off, going to the gym and sitting in the hot tub

>and the dry sauna and doing pretty much NOTHING.


>I have days were I want to be CANCER-FREE and today is one of those

>days where I AM NOT GOING TO FIGHT IT.....

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Life was never meant to be so strict that none of the things that we think

pleasurable are to be forever discarded.

You did not get cancer because you had 'some' of anything and because none of us

have all the answers, many of our approaches are extreme. Then again when one

is afflicted with anything, simple or pointedly dangerous such as Cancer, we

then do need to attack it by allowing the body to heal by giving it what it

needs and depriving it of what is not necessarily good and most likely bad.

Face it, what you did today was not going out on a binge, going to a bar and

getting 'fall-down-drunk'.............it was just a break from your boring and

maybe overbearing approach. Only you know if that is the case.

Right now my dear and closest friend is suffering a number of ailments. Over

the years he has often said, " I would rather live the way I want rather than

deprive myself of the joy of eating whatever I want " . That after two By-pass

operations and two Angioplasty.

OK, he has survived doing all the things he always did and wants to do. His

temporary illnesses, seemingly corrected by surgery, was worth it to him.

However, now he has other issues such as digestion faults. This is different.

It is affecting how he feels most of the time and not just some Angina pain or

shortness of breath. This is affecting his favorite pastime..........eating.

He will first seek the Purple Pill and other 'magic' from the people in White

Coats but if they cannot help him he will either change his ways or wither away.

It doesn't matter whether or not he thinks he can 'put it in God's hands'

because the cemetery is full of people that did that or has someone found

another Methuselah that lived 900 years? I doubt that.

So, take your day or two off and relax. Break a rule. Enjoy yourself but

then get back to reality and get on course to win. You have lots of years

ahead and a lot of joy to experience but maybe not fanatically, just sound.

Joe C.

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Great post, Joe.

When I was first diagnosed and all the whirl-wind tests, operations, chemo,

etc. began to happen, all I could think about was that I just wanted MY LIFE

back. As I went through one month of horrendous chemotherapy and landed in

the hospital, all I wanted was MY LIFE back. Even as I began seeing my

alternative doc, all I wanted was MY LIFE back. Was that TOO MUCH TO ASK?

I felt like ALL MY TIME was spent on trying to get well. My natural

protocol was 24/7, never-ending and all the while I wondered IF I was doing

the right thing.

But you know what began to happen? I began to feel good. I began to look

good. I had energy that I hadn't experienced in years. I could actually RUN

on the treadmill....No, I actually WANTED to RUN on the treadmill. People

literally didn't know who I was because I had changed so much. I had

forgotten what it was like to be healthy and feel well. And, I STOPPED

wanting MY LIFE BACK. You know, the life that had made me sick to begin

with. I now had a NEW LIFE and it was wonderful!! The path that God had me

on was one I would have NEVER CHOSEN for myself, yet it has turned out to be

the best ever!

God literally took something that put me on my behind (cancer diagnosis) and

turned it into something beautiful. I'm no one special....the same thing

can and does happen for others.

So even though we THINK we would rather live the way we want, it's most

likely because we have forgotten what it really feels like to be HEALTHY &

WELL. The body learns to live with aches and pains (we are told by

conventional medicine this is " normal " ) because of the instant gratification

of food, drink, etc. However, nothing FEELS AS GOOD as BEING HEALTHY &

WELL.....absolutely nothing.

Be Well


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What would you recommend for a case where oxaliplatin wiped out most of

the nerves in my hands and feet and I feel like crap most of the time

no matter what I eat/drink or don't eat/drink?


> WELL.....absolutely nothing.


> Be Well

> Loretta


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I think I have seen this question asked before and unfortunately I don't

have any magic bullet other than recommendations that have already been

suggested. I guess you have researched laser therapy (also cold laser)

and/or pulsed magnetic field therapy? How about Poly MVA (not sure about

this but it might be worth the research). However, possibly as your body

gets more and more healthy you will begin to see some relief. I did a month

of chemotherapy and one of the things that I remember is that I could always

feel it in my eyes first! I was assured this was " normal. " To this day I

think it affected them because of sometimes bothersome bluriness.

Unfortuantely conventional medicine treatment never mentions how long-term

health may be affected. Many bragg about not having any ill effects from

chemotherpy but what I have seen happen is that as one gets older one begins

to experience health concerns that are really not considered the norm,

unless one had gone through chemo. Of course, most docs would never admit

that chemo had anything to do with it.

Be Well


-----Original Message-----


What would you recommend for a case where oxaliplatin wiped out most of

the nerves in my hands and feet and I feel like crap most of the time

no matter what I eat/drink or don't eat/drink?


> WELL.....absolutely nothing.


> Be Well

> Loretta


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Dear , it's so heart breaking to read you letter.I am so sorry to hear your

effort thus the enormous stress you go through trying to schedule medication

etc.However to have a peaceful mind why dont you try meditation as in buddhism.

(I am ot telling because I am a buddhist). But in fact it's mind healing. Try to

go to a local buddist temple once a week etc and let me know what you feel. you

no need to become buddhist to feel the nature that you have around you by

practicing meditation. Believe me you might not feel you ahev any sickness in

your body at leat while meditating.

Vishwjith / Sri Lanka


From: dorrnancy <dorrnancy@...>

Sent: Wednesday, January 7, 2009 6:38:34 AM

Subject: [ ] My New Goal

I am in rebellion today from my protocol. I haven't taken my

supplements except my Cesium today.

I am taking a day off, going to the gym and sitting in the hot tub

and the dry sauna and doing pretty much NOTHING.

I have days were I want to be CANCER-FREE and today is one of those


I had two pieces of raw cacao berry clarity chocolate today--7 grams

of sugar in them from malted grains. In between, I had some coconut

yams from the health food store and took myself out for a vegan whole

wheat Indian curry buritto. Yum!!

I want to be normal. I don't want to have cancer. And I am tired of

worrying about dying or the tumor growing.

I am going to the movies tonight and if I had an air popper I would

make me some popcorn and sneak it in.

I am going to realize that life is not ALL about this CANCER.

I am going to die one day and in-between now and my time of death, I

am going to learn for the first time in my life how to relax,

have fun and stop controlling and worrying about the minor details.

I am going to learn how to be lead by faith---not fear;

thoughtfulness- --not impulsiveness; action---not panic

I have decided that if I can not live my life with peace and calm,

then it is not a life worth living. Longevity and focusing solely on

being cancer-free will no longer be

my primary goal.

I am seeking inner peace and harmony with myself and others as my

primary reason d'etre. .

I am going to the retreat at www.cedarsprings. org to seek counseling

and to get closer to God and turn it all over to Him. My life is in

His hands, not mine.


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