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Best cancer clinics for advanced breast cancer?

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Hello folks.

What cancer clinics in the continental USA (and elsewhere) are having the

greatest amount of reported success in treating advanced breast cancer (possibly

even with metastasis)?

Do we have any idea?

....locations including, but not limited to...

Arizona (sdale-Phoenix-Mesa area)

California/Mexico border


Florida (southern)

Nevada (Las Vegas area)


Washington (Seattle area)





Thank you very much.

peace and healing,

Glen from Illinois, USA

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San Diego International Immunological Center ( " San Diego Clinic " [sDC])

Filiberto Muñoz, M.D., immunologist & medical dir.

Gammill ScD, vgammill@..., clinical research consultant

Tijuana (1 block from US border)

858-523-9144; fax -0919; staff@...





" best reached through [CSNO (see above)]. Patients that go through

[CSNO] have an advantage in prices, meds and services…send contact

information and a case overview to

staff@... " (Gammill); " outpatient…Costs…much less

than other clinics "

" best successes are breast, prostate and colon cancer "


infrared whole-body hyperthermia; IV vits. C, K3, & selenium,

chronomodulated IPT with " sensitizers… strategies for the inhibition

of drug resistance " , antineoplastons, UVBI, vaccines (NCV, Springer),

Coley's toxins, biologic response modifiers, IV immune modulation

(glandulars & liver peptides), cytokines, mistletoe, factor AF-2,

clodronate, alkyl-phospholipids, cone therapy. " Many other meds and

strategies [used] in conjunction with CSNO " . Treatment is highly


International BioCare (IBC) Hospital & Medical Ctr. (formerly American


Tijuana, Mexico; 800-785-0490 (hospital)/52-664-681-31-71 (Fax

-64-35); 800-701-7345 (info)

www.biocarehospital.com; doctor@...; inpatient & outpatient

www.tldp.com/issue/186/Carole%20Conquers%20Cancer.htm (patient report)

in practice 30 yrs; RalphMoss.com rated it #1 hospital in Tijuana

Most successful with prostate, breast, lung, colon, stomach, and

brain cancer, melanoma, & CFS; " we do the worst with extensive liver

metastases " www.annieappleseedproject.org/inbiocarhosm.html

" In 1987...of its first 5,000 cases...of which more than 90% were

terminal...5-yr survival rate of about 20% w/few or no symptoms "

(Diamond et al., 2000, p. 245). They now report a 25% 5-yr survival

rate. " 95% of patients…have some kind of positive response "

" one of the broadest lines of alternative therapies available in any

Mexican clinic " (Lerner, 1994, pp. 593-4)--perfusion hyperthermia; IV

laetrile, vitamins & minerals; dendritic cell vaccine, live-cell

therapy, tumor liquefaction, tumor blockers, butyrates; oxygen

therapies (BiOx, HBO, ozone); UVBI, extracorporeal photopheresis, ACN

bioelectricity, enzymes, herbs, Ukrain; DMSO, SOD, catalase,

gerovital, chelation, detox; psychological support; surgery. Low-dose

chemo & radiation when necessary.

Hufeland Klinik for Holistic Immunotherapy

Dr. s M. Demuth, Chief Physician

Loffeisteizer Str. 1-3, D-97980 Bad Mergentheim, Germany

49-7931-7082 or 7931-5360; ask for Mrs. e Woeppel or Johanna


Fax: 49 7931-8185 or 7931-46244; Hhmgh@...


Most effective w/melanoma; brain tumors; sarcomas; and breast,

prostate, colon, & kidney cancers.

fever therapy (similar to Coley's toxins), hyperthermia (local & whole

body), sometimes w/IPT; Issels, IV vitamins, mistletoe, Carnivora,

electrogalvanic electricity, eumetabolic therapy, PDT, light therapy,

thyroid peptides, enzymes, multistep oxygen therapy (ozone, peroxide),

serums, antigens, interferon, mind-body therapies, surgery, (rarely)


As of 9/01, NFAM.org (and Moss) seemed to think it was the best clinic

in Germany: " best protocol, least expensive " . " Ralph Moss....found

that [Hufeland]...had excellent documentation to prove [their] success

with advanced...cancer " . Madeleen Herreschoff from CANHELP.com also

spoke very highly of Hufeland and Dr. Demuth.

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So the best alternative clinic in Tijuana has a 25% survival rate for

terminal cancer patients?

This is scarier than crap for me because the doc said I was terminal,

and I only have enough money to treat myself.

Could I possibly do better than one of these places using LDN,

artemix, oleander, etc...?

And what about the Budwig claims of huge success, far surpassing 25%?

A major factor in my not following Budwig completely is that I read

repeatedly that Budwig takes several months to kick in, and the docs

only gave me " several months " . I wanted something much more

aggressive, hence went to the cytotoxic substances. As stated in

previous posts, I also have poor food absorption due to an

illeostomy, which makes me very hesitant to give up supplements.

Why doesn't someone set up a Budwig clinic in Tijuana?

Why isn't more hyperthermia offered in Tijuana? There seem to be

reports emerging from Germany that it is very successful there.

What about the Hoxsey clinic in Tijuana? What is their success rate?

What about the Wigmore institute in San Diego. What is their success



> International BioCare (IBC) Hospital & Medical Ctr. (formerly


> Biologics)

> Tijuana, Mexico; 800-785-0490 (hospital)/52-664-681-31-71 (Fax

> -64-35); 800-701-7345 (info)

> www.biocarehospital.com; doctor@...; inpatient & outpatient

> www.tldp.com/issue/186/Carole%20Conquers%20Cancer.htm (patient


> in practice 30 yrs; RalphMoss.com rated it #1 hospital in Tijuana

> Most successful with prostate, breast, lung, colon, stomach,


> brain cancer, melanoma, & CFS; " we do the worst with extensive liver

> metastases " www.annieappleseedproject.org/inbiocarhosm.html

> " In 1987...of its first 5,000 cases...of which more than 90%


> terminal...5-yr survival rate of about 20% w/few or no symptoms "

> (Diamond et al., 2000, p. 245). They now report a 25% 5-yr survival

> rate. " 95% of patients…have some kind of positive response "

> " one of the broadest lines of alternative therapies available

in any

> Mexican clinic " (Lerner, 1994, pp. 593-4)--perfusion hyperthermia;


> laetrile, vitamins & minerals; dendritic cell vaccine, live-cell

> therapy, tumor liquefaction, tumor blockers, butyrates; oxygen

> therapies (BiOx, HBO, ozone); UVBI, extracorporeal photopheresis,


> bioelectricity, enzymes, herbs, Ukrain; DMSO, SOD, catalase,

> gerovital, chelation, detox; psychological support; surgery. Low-


> chemo & radiation when necessary.


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-My impression is that monitoring the success rate of these clinics

is not an easy task.....


[Please click on these links to access information]



Review of the Best Case Series Methodology: Best Case Series Results

of East-West Cancer Center

Cancer Outcomes at the Hufeland (Complementary/Alternative Medicine)

Klinik: A Best-Case Series Review

Purpose: A best-case series review is an efficient tool with which to

screen complex complementary and alternative treatments for cancer as

candidates for further study. Study Design: The National Cancer

Institute and other agencies have adopted the best-case series method

to evaluate cancer treatments involving complementary and alternative

medicine (CAM) for further study. The authors conducted a best-case

series review of the Hufeland Klinik. Established in 1985 in Bad

Mergentheim, Germany, this facility treats more than 500 cancer

patients per year. Hufeland treatment includes dietary modification,

injections, ozone therapy, active fever therapy, psychotherapy, and

sometimes hormone therapy and/or low-dose chemotherapy. The goal of

the treatment is to prolong survival and to maintain good quality of

life. Methods: The clinic provided summaries of 27 cases in which

patients with longer than expected survival had agreed to make their

medical records available for review. The review involved pathologic

confirmation of disease and radiologic confirmation of complete

response (CR) or partial response (PR) not attributable to

conventional treatment. Results: Based on the summaries and an

exhaustive 2-year search for medical records, slides, and imaging

data, 12 of 27 cases were selected for full review, and 5 (3 CRs and

2 PRs) were judged best cases. Conclusion: Most patients with common

cancers receive conventional treatment before coming to Hufeland, and

many are treated with chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy while

there. Hence, only a few could be considered for review. With 5 of 12

patients showing a treatment response, the authors conclude that the

Hufeland treatment merits further study. They also recommend the

development of criteria with which to evaluate best-case series

reviews of complex CAM treatments for patients with advanced cancer.

-- In , " jrrjim " <jim.mcelroy10@...> wrote:


> So the best alternative clinic in Tijuana has a 25% survival rate

for terminal cancer patients?


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Statistics from small clinics are meaningless. Lets say a clinic

handles one new breast cancer per month.

Important variables include the stage of cancer, the grade of cancer,

the hormone receptor status, the HER2neu status, the drug resistance

status, the potential length of stay, the ability to pay for the

recommended treatments, treatment desires of the patient, and the

ability of patients to return for follow up. Thus every patient is

going to be different and there would be no good way to give

meaningful numbers.

Clinics can create their own statistics by just saying anything they

choose, or they can create them by prescreening patients and taking

only the easier ones. I don't think that any outsider, and that

includes Ralph Moss, has any idea of the relative merits of the

Mexican and European clinics, their therapies, their staffs, or the

behind-the-scene politics. Most of the best clinicians and the best

strategies fly under the radar -- the nail that sticks up gets

hammered down. The larger and best known clinics are those that have

learned to avoid problems with local government controllers by

setting up their own conveyor belts and providing uncreative and

unprovocative therapies.

At 11:03 AM 1/7/2009, you wrote:

>-My impression is that monitoring the success rate of these clinics

>is not an easy task.....


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