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Hi , and welcome to our forum.

> My name is and this is the first time I have contacted this site.> I suspect I may be hypothyroid, though my GP denies this. I have many> symptoms of low thyroid - inability to lose weight, dry skin, lethargy> etc. Was diagnosed with oestrogen driven breast cancer in Sept 04 and> had chemo and radiotherapy. Not able to tolerate anti-oestrogen drugs> due to side effects, so not on any medication presently apart from> vitamins and supplements. Recently developed skin problems (rosacea)> which is making me miserable.

You have been through all this and now you probably have hypothyroidism too - life can be pretty rough at times. Hopefully, you will be able to get the help and support you need here. Have you thought about natural progesterone cream to help balance your hormones?> > My blood test results are: > serum free T4 level (XaERr) 11.90 pmol/L> serum TSH level (XaELV) 2.41 miu/L> serum free triiodothyronine level (XaERq) 4.68 pmol/L

Your blood results cold be better. People usually feel better if their TSH is around 1.0 or less, and both your Free T4 and Free T3 are on the low side. Did your GP test tol see if you have antibodies to your thyroid? If not, I would ask him for this test. If you have, this means the antibodies see your thyroid gland as the enemy and set about its destruction, so your thyroid is unable to excrete the thyroid hormones in the correct quantity your body requires. You could also ask him to check yourf ferritin level (stored iron) as low ferritin can give you all the symptoms of hypothyroidism and can actually be a cause.> > Can I have your opinions on the above results or has anyone any> experienced oestrogen driven breast cancer or had rosacea or> seborrhoeic dermatitis and can give any advice on how to reduce symptoms.

Go to our website www.tpa-uk.org.uk and click on 'Hypothyroidism' then click on 'Symptoms and Signs' - Cross off what you suffer.

Luv - Sheila

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I can't answer the rest, but my husband has been recently diagnosed

with rosacea. He was told that this was caused by working outside for years

without a hat- basically he is sesitive to sunlight. He was prescribed

oxttetracycline- the same antibiotic teenagers get for acne. Lo and behold

his face slowly cleared. The whole thing seems to be contradictory, but if

it works don't knock it!

Now this is winter so that may have a large part to play, but we are off to

the sum soon so I'll see what happens ( though he is packing a hat, wearing

it is another matter. He did a quick bit if internet research and found a

list of food to avoid, naturally all his favourites were there, do he had

done nothing about it- what! give up beer!


My name is Recently developed skin problems (rosacea)

which is making me miserable.

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  • 1 year later...

My sister has secondary bone cancer after being in remission for 8 years from

breast cancer. She has a monthly infusion of pamidronate and takes a 25mg of

Aromasin daily. She also takes 2 teaspoons of laterile daily. I would like her

to get her Vitamin D levels checked and thought that her oncologist would have

suggested that and also for her to be taking calcium and mineral suppliments.

Both my parents died of cancer at very young ages so I am desperate to find some

help for her. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank you

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Hi Cheryl,

I'm sorry to hear of your sister's diagnosis. I'm very glad she has a sister

who is interested in helping her.

Many oncologists ARE requesting that their patients have their Vitamin D levels

checked. But not all. Your sister can request that. Also, check out

http://www.breastcancerchoices.org for information about iodine.

Best of luck to you both.



> My sister has secondary bone cancer after being in remission for 8 years from

breast cancer. She has a monthly infusion of pamidronate and takes a 25mg of

Aromasin daily. She also takes 2 teaspoons of laterile daily. I would like her

to get her Vitamin D levels checked and thought that her oncologist would have

suggested that and also for her to be taking calcium and mineral suppliments.

Both my parents died of cancer at very young ages so I am desperate to find some

help for her. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thank you


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" Cheryl " <c.mcduff@...> wrote:

> My sister has secondary bone cancer

Do you mean bone mets from the breast cancer (as opposed to primary bone cancer

such as osteosarcoma)?

>to be taking calcium and mineral suppliments

I wouldn't take calcium or multimineral supplements (particularly if they

contain iron or copper) unless there's a particular need.

Are you looking for general info (for your sister) on diet?



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