Guest guest Posted December 8, 2007 Report Share Posted December 8, 2007 Hi Group, I am a regular recipient of Grouppe Kurosawa Natural Medicines Newsletter. This past few days the subject is methyl jasmonate which is available from many plants. In a jasmin website, it said the Jasmin plant leaves and flowers contain potent jasmonates. However, jasmin leaves and flowers also contains benzoates when i looked it up, so maybe using the jasmin flower directly isn't a very smart idea. I am not a chemist, i am just guessing that benzyls/benzoates are not too good. But i know some benzoates from plants are used as food preservatives, i just don't know if that is good or bad. Maybe we have a chemist in the group who can google jasmonate from jasmin plant and let us know. The methyl jasmonate is isolated by labs from plants. As you will see at the end of the blog, jasmin essential oil couldn't be used. Below is a very very interesting healing for cancers specially leukemia. ============================================= --- FeedBlitz <feedblitz@...> wrote: > From: FeedBlitz <feedblitz@...> > <@...> > Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:51:27 -0500 > Subject: Grouppe Kurosawa Natural Medicines Public > Blog - The Medicinal Use of Methyl Jasmonate > > ** " Grouppe Kurosawa Natural Medicines Public Blog " > - 1 new article - > > > - The Medicinal Use of Methyl Jasmonate > - More Recent Articles > - Search Grouppe Kurosawa Natural Medicines Public > Blog > > * The Medicinal Use of Methyl Jasmonate - >\ f-methyl-jasmonate > > This essay is reposted from our subscription blog in > the public interest. > > One of the members found an inexpensive source of > MJ. Unfortunately, it isn't as inexpensive as it > sounds. This company does not manufacture this > product. They simply repackage it and sell to the > general public. That's fine...I have no complaints. > > I do not believe that MJ needs to be taken daily nor > should it. The effective dose of MJ, which cannot be > taken orally, is 3mM. This " acute " dose will kill > virtually every cancer or leukemia cell in the body. > Of course, we will use MJ with other products that > will further increase its effectiveness. > > I believe we can use MJ in an aerosol form 5 times a > month and that should be sufficient. Remember, we do > not want to induce a massive necrosis in the body, > but we need some cancer and leukemia cell necrosis > in order to activate both the innate and adaptive > immune responses. MJ, unlike virtually any other > compound, serves two purposes. It directly induces > apoptosis and necrosis in malignant cells, and it > activates both innate and adpative immunity against > the remaining cancer/leukemia cells. Realistically, > you can't ask for a better anti-cancer/leukemia > agent. > > $12.50 seems inexpensive for 250 mgs of MJ, but at 2 > grams five times a month this equates to $500.00 a > month. I can purchase it in bulk and sell it for > $170.00 a month, a significant cost savings. > > > > Nevertheless, 250 mgs of MJ could be quite > beneficial if applied topically in DMSO to a > specific cancer, such as breast cancer. A MJ/DMSO > gel could also be applied up the nose for the > treatment of brain cancer. > > For systemic cancers, MJ, a water insoluble > compound, could be added to the surface of very hot > water. Since it is volatile, it will rapidly enter > the air. Gently put the MJ on the surface of a bowl > of hot water, put your face over it and wrap your > head and the bowl in a towel. Breathe deeply with > both your nose and mouth. Any compound that enters > the lungs will rapidly be introduced into the blood. > (see following blog essay on the use of a personal > steamer as a tool to administer MJ). > > MJ does not have to be taken for the rest of your > life. A three month treatment " may " be enough. Once > the innate and adaptive immune responses are > activated, they should be able to control the cancer > on their own. Never forget the story of the cancer > resistant mice. They have super activated innate > immune responses which makes them " immune " to any > and all cancers. > > I will sell ten grams of MJ for $170. This is a one > month supply. If I receive orders for at least $2000 > of MJ, I will order it. Otherwise, I will not. I > cannot afford to order products that people do not > want. > > Orders should be sent via PayPal to > smartin@.... Simply notate MJ and > the cost, $170 per month. If I do not receive the > appropriate orders for MJ within the next 30 days or > so, I will refund your money. > ======================================= > > HERE IS SOME MORE INFORMATION ON METHYL JASMONATE > > Tuesday, December 04, 2007 The Powerful Anti-Cancer and Anti-Leukemia Properties of Methyl Jasmonate This essay is republished from our subscription blog in the public interest. As discussed in a previous essay, one of the " wonders " of methyl jasmonate as a anti-cancer agent is its ability to rapidly induce necrosis. MJ accomplishes this goal by interfering the integrity of the mitochondrial membrane of cancer but not normal cells. This results in the release of cytochrome C and the initiation of the apoptosis death process. MJ also inhibits ATP synthesis resulting in necrosis. Although apoptosis can take 24 hours to promote death, it is inhibited by a host of different genetic defects, such as those in the p53 tumor suppressor gene. Necrosis can be initiated in seconds and is COMPLETELY independent of defects in apoptosis inducing genes. & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=17549642 & itool=pubmed_docsum Chemotherapy and radiation damage DNA in both cancer and normal cells. This damage activates the p53 pathway and apoptosis is initiated. Unfortunately, over half of all cancers and leukemias have inactivating mutations in the p53 gene. Under these circumstances, the cancer cells are resistant to both chemo drugs and radiation. & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=17230559 & itool=pubmed_docsum The following study, which can be read online, is an excellent example of how methyl jasmonate could potentially replace all forms of toxic chemotherapy and radiation. Further, MJ is completely non-toxic to normal cells. In this study, two clones of a highly malignant B cell lymphoma were selected for their p53 status. One line harbored a normal p53 gene while the other expressed a mutated, inactive p53 protein. The cells were treated independently with MJ, a chemo drug or a drug that was a mimic of radiation. These treatments independently killed the lymphoma cells harboring the normal p53 protein by initiating apoptosis. However, the cells harboring the mutant p53 protein were NOT killed by the chemo drug or radiation mimic. However, MJ did kill these highly malignant, resistant cells by blocking oxidative phosphorylation thereby drastically reducing ATP levels. Within seconds of a severe ATP depletion, membrane pumps, which require ATP for activity, fail causing the cells to swell and literally explode. & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=16170329 & itool=pubmed_docsum Chronic lymphocytic leukemia is a very common, slow growing cancer which is resistant to apoptosis. However, a subpopulation of fast growing CLL cells is known to harbor the mutant p53 gene. This mutation is predictive of the clinical course of the disease. & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=17707839 & itool=pubmed_docsum MJ selectively kills CLL cells in the presence of normal lymphocytes. It does so by depolarizing the mitochondrial membranes of leukemic but not normal cells. Since the activity of MJ is independent of p53 status, it is an excellent treatment vehicle for p53 resistant leukemia cells. & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=15753398 & itool=pubmed_docsum This study of the effects of MJ on acute myeloid leukemia is very interesting. AML is one of the worst forms of leukemia, because it is largely resistant to chemo drugs and other forms of therapy. AML blasts are immature myeloid cells. Experimentally, these cells can be induced to differentiate into completely normal, functional myeloid cells by a number of different chemicals. Unfortunately, many of these chemicals are too toxic to be used clinically. MJ stopped the growth of these blast cells and promoted their differentiation to completely normal cells. And it did so at the incredibly low dose of 0.4mM. & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=15229618 & itool=pubmed_docsum MJ kills lymphoma and leukemia cells without harming normal immune functioning. Since MJ induces necrosis, an inflammatory process which activates both innate and adaptive immunity by the release of HMGB1, MJ acts as an indirect immune adjuvant as well. & cmd=Retrieve & dopt=Abstract & list_uids=15272298 & itool=pubmed_docsum And it turns highly malignant AML blasts into normal cells. Amazing. Stay tuned... Grouppe Kurosawa, Medicine in the Public Interest posted by Dr. Steve at 10:02 AM 2 Comments: Anonymous said... Hi Steve, What about methyl jasmonate from rosemary and jasmine essential oils? Is there enough methyl jasmonate to have an effect? What about extracting the methyl jasmonate from the oils with DMSO or isopropyl alcohol? & Cmd=ShowDetailView & TermToSear\ ch=17638373 & ordinalpos=1 & itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.\ Pubmed_RVDocSum thanks 7:44 PM Dr. Steve said... That was our first source. Unforunately the oils do not contain enough MJ to be clinically useful 8:10 AM Post a Comment << Home About Me Name: Location: El Verano, California, United States AA degree, College of Marin. Psychology BA degree, College. Psychology Ph.D Candidate, Harvard University (Left for lack of financial support) BA degree, University of California, Santa Cruz. Biology C.Phil. University of California, Berkeley. Immunology Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley. Immunology Academic Awards American Heart Association Undergraduate Award ARCS, Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Fullbright Fellowship, London, Great Britain. London School of Economics Many Scholarship/Teaching awards at UC Berkeley. View my complete profile Previous Posts The Anti-Cancer Properties of Methyl Jamonates. Pa... Flax Lignans Used to Treat HIV Infections How Tissue Necrosis Activates Both Innate and Adap... New Grouppe Kurosawa HIV Treatment News from South... Concentrated Flax Lignan Ordering Information A New Superconcentrated Flax Lignan Product is Now... Marijuana is Directly Toxic to a Host of Different... Can Flax Lignans Control Hepatitis C Infections? Can Flax Lignans Control Influenza Infections Incl... Can Flax Lignans Control the Spread of HIV Infecti... > • Email to a friend • Related • • > > * More Recent Articles > > - The Powerful Anti-Cancer and Anti-Leukemia > Properties of Methyl Jasmonate > - The Anti-Cancer Properties of Methyl Jamonates. > Part One > - Flax Lignans Used to Treat HIV Infections > - How Tissue Necrosis Activates Both Innate and > Adaptive Immunity > - New Grouppe Kurosawa HIV Treatment News from South > Africa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 Has anyone tried this drug and is it available in the US? ************** Great Deals on Dell Laptops. Starting at $499. (\;211531132;330 70124;e) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 , Very promising " new " cancer cure. I was very impressed. The most powerful products seem to be the StemDetox and the Cell drops and not that expensive, given the ingredients. StemDetox has a whopping 35 ingredients, of which I will list a few here. It would save money by purchasing one product instead of multiple ones. I did a price comparison with for the 12 ingredients below, which is only 1/3 of what you would get in the StemDetox (it was too much to list the whole thing). These 12 ingredients came to $126 on, but the StemDetox costs $106 and you get 35 ingredients in all. Also, you're not having to take a gazillion pills every day. To purchase go to NAC 1000mg Curcumin 400mg B12 500mcg Rhodia 200mg Grapeseed 200mg ALC 300mg ALA 300mg Brown seaweed 750 mg Milk Thistle 500mg CoQ10 100mg Selenium 200mg Pau d'arco 400 mg I am going to place my order soon for both products. Thanks, for letting us know about this. BioWorld is a Christian company and seems very reliable. A possible new cancer cure...CellAdam Is Successful, Natural, Ethical Product Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 The email on the site doesn't work at all. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 dorrnancy@... writes: > 12 ingredients below, which is only 1/3 of what you would get in the > StemDetox (it was too much to list the whole thing). These 12 ingredients came to > $126 on, but the StemDetox costs $106 and you get 35 ingredients > in all. Also, you're not having to take a gazillion pills every day. To > purchase go to > I looked at the celladam site and didn't see a list of what it's made of..where did you get this list? Can you possibly send me the entire list? Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 dorrnancy@... writes: > the Cell drops How do you get hte celladams drops? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 7, 2009 Report Share Posted February 7, 2009 Szukipoo: I couldn't find the ingredients for CellAdam drops on the website, but did find the ingredients for the StemXCell: and the Stemdetox: I did some research on alternative and natural ingredients to build stem cells and came up with some amazing information. I even found a vaccine down in Mexico with a 60% success rate as well. We might be able to find a better product if we keep researching this, poo. Check out these links. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 8, 2009 Report Share Posted February 8, 2009 dorrnancy writes: > but did find the ingredients for the StemXCell: > and the Stemdetox: > > > I can't open these ..would you mind a copy and paste of the ingredients of each? Thank you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2009 Report Share Posted February 9, 2009 -Have you read this? karla Stem cells and tumor risk Adult stem cells do not increase tumor risk One question that is regularly asked in connection with stem cell therapy is whether stem cells increase the risk of cancer. This is a justified concern if a therapy involves embryonic stem cells because these cells actually do divide at an extremely fast rate, and they have already been shown to have cancer-causing potential in animals and humans. However, therapy with embryonic stem cells is strictly prohibited in Germany. At the XCell-Center, we only use the patient's own stem cells for therapy. The following applies to therapy with adult stem cells: Adult stem cells, which are transplanted immediately after their removal and concentration for therapeutic purposes, do not increase the risk of tumor unless the patient already has cancer. This was also the conclusion drawn by the German Bundestag's Scientific Service in April 2007 after the evaluation of scientific studies*. Here are the facts based on the current information status: Fact 1: No indications of higher tumor formation have been found to exist over the last 40 years in the therapy of leukemia and lymphoma, which also involves the use of adult stem cells. Fact 2: The behavior of adult stem cells depends to a great extent on their environment. There is no evidence to date that adult stem cells promote tumor formation in the human body. There is one exception. The growth of an existing tumor can be promoted by the insertion of adult stem cells, and tissue that is damaged by irradiation can harden into cancerous tissue after the injection of adult stem cells. Fact 3: Adult stem cells only tend to form cancerous stem cells if they are allowed to multiply in a culture dish over a lengthy period of time, because the probability of genetic defect clusters increases in proportion to the number of cell divisions. Summary: In accordance with the latest scientific findings, the therapy performed at the XCell-Center does not cause tumors because the stem cells are not allowed to multiply for any length of time outside the body. They are transplanted back into the body immediately after purification. The XCell-Center doesn't treat patients with tumors. Proceed to " The entire process of our stem cell -- In , Dorr <dorrnancy@...> wrote: > > Szukipoo: > > I couldn't find the ingredients for CellAdam drops on the website, but did find the ingredients for the StemXCell: products/stemxcell and the Stemdetox: products/stemdetox > > I did some research on alternative and natural ingredients to build stem cells and came up with some amazing information. I even found a vaccine down in Mexico with a 60% success rate as well. We might be able to find a better product if we keep researching this, poo. Check out these links. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2009 Report Share Posted February 9, 2009 On the text of the news item it said sunflower extract and another one. I believe those two are the only ingredients. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 9, 2009 Report Share Posted February 9, 2009 The press release stated: " The ingredients simply include a fatty acid complex extracted from soy and sunflower. " I know there could be more but the main ones i believe are the above. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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