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Swine Flu Treatment or Deterrent - MMS

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You've probably read about Swine Flu or N1H1 or possibly been infected with it

or someone you know has. Also, I'll bet you've heard about the vaccine for it

and the fact that there just doesn't always seem to be enough to go around. How

long will it be until another variant of influenza comes along that is resistant

to the current vaccine?

Miracle Mineral Solution, which has an unfortunately snake oil sounding name

appears to be the most effective and cost effective solution to this problem.

It's real name is Chlorine Dioxide and has been a known virus killer for more

than 50 years.

Suggested Procedure for Using MMS as a Flu Deterrent or Remedy:

(Source; www.jimhumble.biz) MMS can't be bought from this site. But you can buy

it here: http://www.mmsmiraclemineralsolution.co.uk

1. In a cup or glass mix 1 drop of MMS with 5 drops of unfiltered vinegar or

fresh lemon juice. Swirl and wait three minutes for activation to be completed.

2. .Add ½ glass of water or juice that does not have added ascorbic acid or

vitamin C (Vitamin C prevents proper functions of this solution). Drink this

whole amount as quickly as possible.

3. If you felt absolutely no change during this first hour, go ahead and go to 2

drops on the second hour. (Always use 5 drops of vinegar or lemon juice for each

drop of MMS, and of course, the three minute wait) Go to 3 drops on the third

hour if you have not felt any change in nausea) The nausea is not bad. It

indicates that the MMS is killing pathogens. But do not cause yourself nausea by

taking more. Over time increase to a maximum of 6 drops MMS with 30 drops of the

acid. If you weigh over 200 pounds then 10 drops might be the maximum.

Keep in mind that most people will not go over 3 or 4 drops an hour before they

begin to feel added nausea. Upon any sensation of nausea, they must reduce the

number of drops by at least one drop. Nausea occurs when MMS is killing germs

and viruses faster than your elimination system can handle the debris. There is

no benefit in tolerating nausea.

4. Continue taking MMS each hour for 12 hours. The flu should be gone by the end

of 12 hours; however, in any case, do not stop taking MMS until you are sure you

have recovered. If you still feel flu symptoms the next day be sure to continue

on the same hourly doses. Children can have the same treatment except be extra

cautious to prevent nausea or sick feeling. Do this by using smaller doses.

Increase by 1/2 drop each time and never go above 3 drops an hour.

5. Continue to take a six drop dose twice a day for the next week or two.

6. To prevent the flu and maintain you immune system in top condition take one 6

drop dose of MMS every day for adults and children should take a dose each day

depending upon their age or size. Use 1 drop for each 25 pounds of body weight,

and 1 drop for babies.

Just a reminder this is not qualified medical advice from me. It is sharing

information which I found online and think you might be interested in.



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