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Hi Geri

Thank you for the cat story, it was very amusing., I told my daughters

boyfriend who is completing his PHD in Computer Technology he laughed

out loud and said there's one for the book. Its amazing that you have

Osteoporosis after hormones therapy. My Rheumatologist said I should be

taking a hormone pill. I disagreed with him as hormones had increased

the incidents of migraine for me in the past; so he shook my hand and

cordially wished me luck. When I saw my x-rays I thought it might be a

good idea to start taking hormones, but then again they didn't seem to

work for you. I'm in a dilemma, migraines or osteoporosis. I will

probably have to decide soon, meanwhile I hope you have a good day.



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I talked to one of the two Hepatologists I see about the osteoporosis

thing. He said that if I hadn't been taking hormones for so many years I'd

be in considerably worse shape (!) He's positive that the bone density

loss is because of the Prednisone. He's going to call my Las Vegas doctor

and tell him to give me a prescription for Fosomax (I think that's what

it's called.) It should stop or at least slow down the progress.

For years I had raging headaches. Actually, they were worse for me before

I started taking hormones. I think they were a result of being underweight

and lots of negative stress in my life. I pity anyone who has headache

problems. They can take over your whole life and it's hard to even think

when your head is hurting all the time. Once I read that if you massage

the fatty part of the base of your thumb, inside your hand, it will relieve

a headache. Believe it or not, it seems to work. I think it's one of the

body's pressure points.

The not so good news was that apparently my LV doctor had his wires crossed

and he shouldn't have been trying to take me off Prednisone. The

out-of-town doctor, who is actually the " expert " (he's the one from

Australia) said that I should expect to take at least 5 mgs. of pred daily

for the rest of my life and that he NEVER takes anyone off corticosteroids

until they've taken them at least two years. I've only taken them for 1

1/2 years, but now it looks like me and pred will be partners for life.

About the " mouse " , I received the new (and free) replacement from Microsoft

today. That was really nice of them since the Intellimouse sells for

around $60.00 retail. Now I have to figure out how to keep Angie from

trying to kill the new mouse!

It might be a good idea to have a bone density test if you haven't had one

for a year or more. I'm not sure, but I think that osteoporosis is mostly

irreversible. However, Fosomax can halp and also I think that I read that

the drug they're using for women with breast cancer has the serendipitous

benefit of also slowing or halting osteoporosis. Even if you don't take

hormones, you can take Fosomax and be sure to take at least 1200 mgs. of

calcium and vitamin D, too. Also, drink milk if you can stand it. I hate

the stuff.

Take care,


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Jody,

Thanks for the information. When i was on hormone replacement therapy

to help with menopause, my migraines increased significantly. I ended

up with a migraine once or twice weekly. So i stopped taking them after

6months. I want to try the calcium, vitamin and exersize before i try

hormones again. Perhaps it will help but if it doesn't i will take

hormones, and hopefully migraines won't be an issue.

My local GP is pretty good, he does care, and takes time to listen, but

he's very busy and doesn't read the specialists report until i visit

him. He is the doctor who looks at the whole picture for me, and i must

have faith in him. What happens in America do you have a doctor who

collates all the information for you? Hope you are keeping well.

Have a good day



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I found a doctor who does look at the whole body. I also carry my own

records. So each time I go to a specialist I wont hear " I haven't

received the GI doc's records. " After they recover from the shock of

me giving it to them they usualy take a minute and go through it.. Ive

been in medicine for over 15 yrs. I know how these buggers think and I

know what they say when the patients aren't there.. so I usually just

ask my questions, I have even been known to bring in medical journal

literature to prove my point. they usually stop the patronizing after

that. hehehe

What I tell all patients I come intouch with is..its your

body..research whats happening and be as informed as possible..oh god

im lecturing again..hehehe sorry


--- brenda maguire <bmag21@...> wrote:

> From: =?iso-8859-1?q?brenda=20maguire?=

> <bmag21@...>


> Hi Jody,


> Thanks for the information. When i was on hormone

> replacement therapy

> to help with menopause, my migraines increased

> significantly. I ended

> up with a migraine once or twice weekly. So i

> stopped taking them after

> 6months. I want to try the calcium, vitamin and

> exersize before i try

> hormones again. Perhaps it will help but if it

> doesn't i will take

> hormones, and hopefully migraines won't be an issue.



> My local GP is pretty good, he does care, and takes

> time to listen, but

> he's very busy and doesn't read the specialists

> report until i visit

> him. He is the doctor who looks at the whole picture

> for me, and i must

> have faith in him. What happens in America do you

> have a doctor who

> collates all the information for you? Hope you are

> keeping well.


> Have a good day





> _____________________________________________________________


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  • 3 months later...

Crystal. Yes my hormones have been unbalanced, & it does make the candida

grow!! i had my reg. Dr. do a blood test to check my hormones which my

internet Dr. has been saying was off & sure enough my estrogen was a 37 & it

should be 150 & progesterone has been off . he has me using a pro-gest creme

twice daily 1/4 tsp. plus my reg. Dr. had me double on my hormone patches. i

am 57 & i have been using hormone patches 0.05 & i do feel better, my candida

count is low for the last 3 months. Have a good day! Mogdrmom

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In regarding to parasites, we cleaned them out as we were getting rid of the

candida. my Dr. says a person should cleanse themselves every yr. from

parasites. A lot of people worm their animals yearly, so should we, & never

let an animal lick you, they could be tranferring parasites to you!

Have a good day everyone, we've really getting some good questions here

lately! Mogdrmom

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Dear Crystal,

Yes, I have had this problem and I am concerned as I try to use common

sense in everything I do. I've heard that hormones can keep candid going.

I do have a low hormone problem. Then there is the immune factor. If you

don't eat right how is your immune factor suppose to right its self. I do

feel we should discuss this problem. Then I heard that parasights can cause

candid. Lots of questions here.



> From: Tallmommy@...


> Has anyone experienced hormone imbalances as a result (or alongside) with

> candidia overgrowth? Yesterday my MD prescribed a trial of a natural


> replacement because my a.m. axillary temp is low and because I'm not

> responding to Nystaten as much as he had hoped. He's also having me drink

> licorice tea and using sea salt liberally to boost adrenal gland function

> (low b.p. and weight loss). He suspects that my last pg with the twins


> have lowered some hormone production. I'm wondering if an alteration in

> hormone production can cause candidia overgrowth or if the candidia can


> hormone production (the chicken and the egg thing!) Has anyone


> this? He suggested doing a 24 hour urine collection to check all hormone

> levels. I find this fascinating, expecially since none of the other MDs


> seen in the past year have thought of checking this..

> Crystal


> > _


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Crystal and Myro:

The main problem is a dysfunctional immune system caused in part by hormonal

imbalances and inferior cell-to-cell communication due to interferance by

envoronmental toxin overload and lack of proper nutrients in our foods.

I.E., the cells aren't being told exactly and accurately what to do.

Since 1981, our immune systems have diminished in effectiveness (as measured

by Natural Killer cell assays in the blood) by at least 25% and are

continuing to fall by about 2.5 to 3% per year.

There are safe, effective remedies available.



>From: " Myra " <jdrsr@...>


>Dear Crystal,


>Yes, I have had this problem and I am concerned as I try to use common

>sense in everything I do. I've heard that hormones can keep candid going.

>I do have a low hormone problem. Then there is the immune factor. If you

>don't eat right how is your immune factor suppose to right its self. I do

>feel we should discuss this problem. Then I heard that parasights can cause

>candid. Lots of questions here.



> hormones



>> From: Tallmommy@...


>> Has anyone experienced hormone imbalances as a result (or alongside) with

>> candidia overgrowth? Yesterday my MD prescribed a trial of a natural


>> replacement because my a.m. axillary temp is low and because I'm not

>> responding to Nystaten as much as he had hoped. He's also having me drink

>> licorice tea and using sea salt liberally to boost adrenal gland function

>> (low b.p. and weight loss). He suspects that my last pg with the twins


>> have lowered some hormone production. I'm wondering if an alteration in

>> hormone production can cause candidia overgrowth or if the candidia can


>> hormone production (the chicken and the egg thing!) Has anyone


>> this? He suggested doing a 24 hour urine collection to check all hormone

>> levels. I find this fascinating, expecially since none of the other MDs


>> seen in the past year have thought of checking this..

>> Crystal


>> > _


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Crystal, Myro and Russ,

The immune system is the only thing that will deliver good health. Our

immune systems need help in today's environment. Attached is an article on

the immune system.

http://www.otrecure.com/study4.html Human Immunity

If you are really interested there is a host of information on candida

issues at this address


Hope you don't think I am a total nut, but I am very happy with the results

I have had with this product and share it with everybody who is interested.

Especially with those I know it will help.


> >

> >

> >> From: Tallmommy@...

> >>

> >> Has anyone experienced hormone imbalances as a result (or alongside)


> >> candidia overgrowth? Yesterday my MD prescribed a trial of a natural

> >thyroid

> >> replacement because my a.m. axillary temp is low and because I'm not

> >> responding to Nystaten as much as he had hoped. He's also having me


> >> licorice tea and using sea salt liberally to boost adrenal gland


> >> (low b.p. and weight loss). He suspects that my last pg with the twins

> >may

> >> have lowered some hormone production. I'm wondering if an alteration


> >> hormone production can cause candidia overgrowth or if the candidia can

> >alter

> >> hormone production (the chicken and the egg thing!) Has anyone

> >experienced

> >> this? He suggested doing a 24 hour urine collection to check all


> >> levels. I find this fascinating, expecially since none of the other


> >I've

> >> seen in the past year have thought of checking this..

> >> Crystal

> >>

> >> > _

> >>

> >> Subscription URL: /subscribe.cgi/candidiasis

> >>

> >>

> >> Send blank message to this e-mail address if you want to:

> >>

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> >>

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> >> candidiasis-normalonelist

> >>

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> >> candidiasis-subscribeonelist

> >>

> >>

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Hello Group

Sorry for not writing but I spent last night in the emergency room. I got to

where I couldn't even keep water down.

To make a long story short I am very sick and I have to drink seven up

because my body needs the glucose to help keep it going. They gave me a

prescription to hopefully help me keep somehting down. The 7 up is great but

it is ruining the candida diet. The pills make me drowsy but being in such

bad shape I will take them. My skin is starting to itch all over again from

the 7 up.

I see a specialist next Wednesday and then go from there. I will keep you

posted but probably won't write much on a daily basis.

Thanks so much for all the support and care you have all sent me


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Dear ,

We all care sweety. Hang in there. I will pray for you. Do let us know

how you are doing ok.



Re: hormones

> From: 1005@...


> Hello Group


> Sorry for not writing but I spent last night in the emergency room. I got


> where I couldn't even keep water down..


> To make a long story short I am very sick and I have to drink seven up

> because my body needs the glucose to help keep it going. They gave me a

> prescription to hopefully help me keep somehting down. The 7 up is great


> it is ruining the candida diet. The pills make me drowsy but being in


> bad shape I will take them. My skin is starting to itch all over again


> the 7 up..


> I see a specialist next Wednesday and then go from there. I will keep you

> posted but probably won't write much on a daily basis..


> Thanks so much for all the support and care you have all sent me

> brenda


> > _


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In a message dated 11/3/99 11:03:23 PM Central Standard Time,

Tallmommy@... writes:

<< He suggested doing a 24 hour urine collection to check all hormone

levels. I find this fascinating, expecially since none of the other MDs


seen in the past year have thought of checking this.



I have read that saliva testing is the best way to check this. Most MD's

don't do it but they can write the perscription and the insurance will pay

thru Great smokey labs.

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I just wanted to say thank you for all the kind and warm hearted letters

wishing me well. I have never been this sick in my whole life and to be

honest I was getting scared. I also felt like a failure for having to go off

the candida diet but I wanted to get my body stronger.

Your support means so much and it is part of what keeps me going on.

Thank you all so much


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>===== Original Message From candidiasisonelist =====


Don't worry too much about the candida diet---focus now on getting healthy.

Your body has been through a considerable trauma so try to gain strength. You

can fight candida again once your are strong enough. I am very sorry that you

are going through this. You are in all of our thoughts. Take good care.


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Lauri how did you get sick I mean did you get sick from the cleansing?

RE: hormones

>From: lpforr <lpforr@...>


>>===== Original Message From candidiasisonelist =====




>Don't worry too much about the candida diet---focus now on getting healthy.

>Your body has been through a considerable trauma so try to gain strength.


>can fight candida again once your are strong enough. I am very sorry that


>are going through this. You are in all of our thoughts. Take good care.






>Subscription URL: /subscribe.cgi/candidiasis



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  • 4 weeks later...

I know that we have mentioned that progesterone (which is highly recommended

by Dr. Lee) is known to stimulate the thyroid.

I want to mention that being hyper does not guarantee osteoporosis...or bone

mass loss. I have been hyper on and off for the past five years and although

I am in my late fifties, I have higher than normal bone density. So please

check it out..have yourself tested before you begin the HRT.

If osteoporosis runs in your family or if your bone density test shows a

loss, then I too recommend taking natural progesterone and yam or soy

products. They can be found in the health food store. Read Dr. Lee's

books. They are very informative. He also has a great website.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear a,

That is all he told me on the hormones and eating. That is the only carbo

he told me I could have with the candida and diabetes. Oh he did add a

quarter cup of carbos because my blood sugar was going between 19 and 54. I

bake them in the oven and serve with real butter and salt and pepper. I

will fix fish or chicken, have the yam and greens and my quarter cup of

rice. Myra


From: a Perza <chestnutt@...>


could you kindly explain how you eat them. I only do yams mixed with

onion and potatoes.. (oil and spices) baked in the oven. Veggies I eat

as salad. I am very boring when it comes to food so any help here on how

you do the yams and the veggis would be greatly appreciated.

A lot of my friends have asked me to look into my hormones. They are

probably way out of wack.. Hey.. everything else was so why should they

be any different!!

thanx for your help..


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>A lot of my friends have asked me to look into my hormones. They are

>probably way out of wack..


Unfortunately, this whole yeast business does a number on your hormones,

causing a huge number of other symptoms to come about. I would not recommend

taking hormones or fooling around with them...it's a very delicate matter that

could potentially get worse if you fiddle with them. Treat the candida first,

and the hormones will hopefully take care of themselves. I also went to a

Chinese medicine practitioner (I know I've mentioned this before, sorry) who

found some other imbalances (possibly as a result of the candida?) that were

affecting my hormones. Consultations are relatively cheap (compared to NDs),

so you might want to give that a shot!

Ali ;)


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a: I have been working on my hormones for the last year. I have been

told if they are not balanced the yeast can grow more. i am on a patch,

(which the Dr. doubled this month) & am also taking pro-gest creme twice a

day, DHEA also. i am improving, my Dr. is using a new lab. that will make me

a natural hormone patch soon. Just thought i would let you know! Have a

good night everyone! Mogdrmom

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Did you know that eating the Mexican Wild Yam will provide the naturally

occurring plant sterols that the body needs to manufacture its own DHEA and

from this create and balance it's own hormones?


Re: hormones

>From: MogdrMom@...


>a: I have been working on my hormones for the last year. I have been

>told if they are not balanced the yeast can grow more. i am on a patch,

>(which the Dr. doubled this month) & am also taking pro-gest creme twice a

>day, DHEA also. i am improving, my Dr. is using a new lab. that will make


>a natural hormone patch soon. Just thought i would let you know! Have a

>good night everyone! Mogdrmom


>>Send blank message to candidiasis-unsubscribeonelist if you want to



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I do not mess with my hormones with drugs. Read Dr. Vicki Hufnagels book No

more Hysterectomy's. I never had a Hysterectomy but read her book because

it is about womens bodies. I do the natural thing with the yams and greens

like my Doctor said. Myra

RE: hormones

From: Foley <foleyag@...>

>A lot of my friends have asked me to look into my hormones. They are

>probably way out of wack...


Unfortunately, this whole yeast business does a number on your hormones,

causing a huge number of other symptoms to come about. I would not recommend

taking hormones or fooling around with them...it's a very delicate matter


could potentially get worse if you fiddle with them. Treat the candida


and the hormones will hopefully take care of themselves. I also went to a

Chinese medicine practitioner (I know I've mentioned this before, sorry) who

found some other imbalances (possibly as a result of the candida?) that were

affecting my hormones. Consultations are relatively cheap (compared to NDs),

so you might want to give that a shot!

Ali ;)


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Dear Russ,

I think that this is what my Doctor was getting at. I don't know why eating

the greens makes a difference, but I do notice a big difference right away

eating the two together.


Re: hormones

>From: MogdrMom@...


>a: I have been working on my hormones for the last year. I have been

>told if they are not balanced the yeast can grow more. i am on a patch,

>(which the Dr. doubled this month) & am also taking pro-gest creme twice a

>day, DHEA also. i am improving, my Dr. is using a new lab. that will make


>a natural hormone patch soon. Just thought i would let you know! Have a

>good night everyone! Mogdrmom


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest


Nice name,,,kiddo!! That sounds very interesting.I have saved your letter in

my filing cabinet,,,,,the book sounds good...hmmmmmm. I have not had my

female hormones checked at all,since my hyst.As a matter of fact,I did not

have them checked,pre-hyst,either.


48 years old




Estratest and Prometrium and Estrace

Uterine fibroids

5 dogs

1 cat

2 guinea pigs

1 bird


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  • 6 months later...

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