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Can someone give me complete info on Avemar?

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Hi guys,

I am helping this girl that is considering Avemar. Since I primarily

deal with nutrition plus key supplements, I have not used this on me or

anyone else.

Can someone enlighten me?



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It is an immune booster. It is fairly expensive. As with most

things, the question arises whether this immune booster is better

than the other immune boosters in terms of its cost / value ratio.

What else is there -- Hmmm...

beta glucan

various mushroom mixtures and/or straight mushrooms such as ABM





> Hi guys,


> I am helping this girl that is considering Avemar. Since I


> deal with nutrition plus key supplements, I have not used this on

me or

> anyone else.


> Can someone enlighten me?


> Thanks,

> Johanne


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  • 1 month later...

my notes:

Avemar †" fermented wheat-germ extract; particularly effective

w/melanoma (including stage-3 melanoma), colorectal (even stage 4),

head & neck, and oral-cavity (OCC) squamous cell carcinoma (SCC); also

effective w/ovarian? and pancreatic cancer, NSCLC, Burkitt’s lymphoma,

lupus and BC (ER+ and ER-). Also very effective w/liver metastasis.

“observational data about the favorable use of Avemar†w/NHL, myeloma,

melanoma, lung, pancreatic, colon, ovarian, stomach, & thyroid cancer;

helped a case of osteosarcoma. Induces apoptosis in ER+ BC and HL-60

promyelocytic leukemia; effective w/myeloid but ineffective

w/nonmyeloid leukemia; more effective than and synergistic

w/Tamoxifen; about as effective as Aromitase. Reduces side effects of

and doesn’t interfere w/chemo. Dissolve Avemar in water and take 2hrs

apart from all other supplements and 1 hr away from food; synergistic

w/vit. C (but still take them at least 1 hr apart). Not

dose-dependent; not helpful to exceed recommended dosage;

antiangiogenic; antimetastatic; COX-2 inhibitor; recommended for BC by

Ralph Moss 4/08; Schachter, M.D. uses it and spoke very highly

of it at www.AnnieAppleSeedProject.org conference 1/08

“looks to me like the beneficial components in Avemar are the

quinones from the fermentation of wheat germ. Another product that

works via quinones is Cantron (Protocel)†Golden, D.C.

goldenmike@... 2008; " quinones...is...likely what makes

Avemar effective. Coenzyme Q10 would nullify this effect and is likely

the target of these exogenous quinones " Golden, 9/18/08

“Avemar works through suppression of cellular respiration by

naturally occurring quinones. This would be at odds with the

mechanism of the Budwig diet [FSO/CC] which seeks to boost cellular

respiration†Mike Golden, 12/15/08

Avé is excellent brand of Avemar; $200/month; it won best new product

of the year at Natural Products Expo East 2007. For info,


For research and purchasing info:




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