Guest guest Posted March 15, 2008 Report Share Posted March 15, 2008 Here's some more material on prostate cancer that may be of interest. Best, RB Posted: March 19, 2006 Pepper Component Hot Enough To Trigger Suicide In Prostate Cancer Cells Capsaicin, the stuff that turns up the heat in jalapeños, not only causes the tongue to burn, it also drives prostate cancer cells to kill themselves, according to studies published in the March 15 issue of Cancer Research. According to a team of researchers from the Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, in collaboration with colleagues from UCLA, the pepper component caused human prostate cancer cells to undergo programmed cell death or apoptosis. Capsaicin induced approximately 80 percent of prostate cancer cells growing in mice to follow the molecular pathways leading to apoptosis. Prostate cancer tumors treated with capsaicin were about one-fifth the size of tumors in non-treated mice. " Capsaicin had a profound anti-proliferative effect on human prostate cancer cells in culture, " said Sören Lehmann, M.D., Ph.D., visiting scientist at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the UCLA School of Medicine. " It also dramatically slowed the development of prostate tumors formed by those human cell lines grown in mouse models. " Lehmann estimated that the dose of pepper extract fed orally to the mice was equivalent to giving 400 milligrams of capsaicin three times a week to a 200 pound man, roughly equivalent to between three and eight fresh habañera peppers – depending on the pepper's capsaicin content. Habañeras are the highest rated pepper for capsaicin content according to the Scoville heat index. Habañero peppers, which are native to the Yucatan, typically contain up to 300,000 Scoville units. The more popular Jalapeño variety from Oaxaca, Mexico, and the southwest United States, contains 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units. As described in their study, the scientists observed that capsaicin inhibited the activity of NF-kappa Beta, a molecular mechanism that participates in the pathways leading to apoptosis in many cell types. Apoptosis is a normal cellular event in many tissues that maintains a balance between newer replacement cells and aged or worn cells. In contrast, cancer cells seek to be immortal and often dodge apoptosis by mutating or deregulating the genes that participate in programmed cell death. " When we noticed that capsaicin affected NF-kappa Beta, that was an indication that we might expect some of the apoptotic proteins to be affected, " said the study's senior author, Koeffler, M.D., director of Hematology and Oncology, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, and professor at UCLA. The pepper extract also curbed the growth of prostate cancer cells through regulation of androgen receptors, the steroid activated proteins that control expression of specific growth relating genes. In prostate cancer cells whose growth is dependent on testosterone, the predominant male sex steroid, capsaicin reduced cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. Increased concentrations of capsaicin caused more prostate cancer cells to freeze in a non-proliferative state, called G0/G1. Prostate cancer cells that are androgen independent reacted to capsaicin in a similar manner. Capsaicin reduced the amount of androgen receptor that the tumor cells produced, but did not interfere with normal movement of androgen receptor into the nucleus of the cancer cells where the steroid receptor acts to regulate androgen target genes such as prostate specific antigen (PSA). Capsaicin also interfered with the action of androgen receptors even in cells that were modified to produce excess numbers of androgen receptors. The hot pepper component also reduced cancer cell production of PSA, a protein that often is produced in high quantities by prostate tumors and can signal the presence of prostate cancer in men. PSA content in the blood of men is used as a diagnostic prostate cancer screening measure. PSA is regulated by androgens, and capsaicin limited androgen-induced increases of PSA in the cancer cell lines. More men in the United States develop prostate cancer than any other type of malignancy. Every year, more than 232,000 new cases of prostate cancer are diagnosed in the U.S., and more than 680,000 develop the disease worldwide. Approximately 30,000 men die from prostate cancer in the U.S. each year, which is about 13 percent of all new cases. Worldwide, there are 221,000 deaths – approximately 31 per cent – among men with prostate cancer. Lehman conducted the studies in Koeffler's laboratory in collaboration with UCLA cancer researchers Akio Mori, O', Takishi Kumagai, n Desmond, Milena Pervan, and McBride. Mosahiro Kizaki, a former post-doctoral fellow in Koeffler's laboratory who initiated the capsaicin studies, is currently at the Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan. ============================================== A CLASSICAL EXAMPLE OF MEDICAL QUACKERY: THE NON SPECIFICITY OF " PROSTATE SPECIFIC " ANTIGEN A CLASSICAL EXAMPLE OF MEDICAL QUACKERY 21st CENTURY STYLE: THE NON SPECIFICITY OF " PROSTATE SPECIFIC " ANTIGEN By H Duffy Sr, DC A CLASSICAL EXAMPLE OF MEDICAL QUACKERY 21st CENTURY STYLE: THE NON SPECIFICITY OF " PROSTATE SPECIFIC " ANTIGEN By H Duffy Sr, DC Rewritten September 6, 2004 On Saturday, June 15, 2002 a long time patient came in for his regular checkup and treatment via AK. He is now 77 and has been a patient for almost 30 years. He was preparing for a senior citizen race walking event. On a recent visit to His MD, he was examined in orthodox fashion and found to have an elevated PSA for which an incredibly expensive drug was prescribed. It cost over $1000 for 90 pills. Three of the pills immediately made him sick so he stopped taking the drug after his first three doses. Of course, he only paid five of the $1000 plus dollars it cost - we the taxpayers paid the rest - thanks to the socially disastrous efforts of LBJ - the father of MEDICARE.* [see short story at the end of the Prostate article]. HERE ARE THE FACTS ON PROSTATE SPECIFIC ANTIGEN, THE PSA NOTORIOUS PSA TEST WITH ITS DISASTROUS RESULTS, NOW CONFESSED BY ITS CHIEF PROTAGONIST DR STAMEY OF U OF CAL......PASS THEM AROUND!!! 1. PSA means Prostate Specific Antigen. 2. PSA is NOT specific and has LITTLE to do with the prostate specifically. 3. PSA is found in females with breast, lung and uterine cancers. [whoops!] In fact, the highest levels of PSA have been found in females RECOVERING from breast cancers. [J Nat'l Cancer Inst Oct 6, 1999, Fortier, AH et al] Surprise, surprise, the ladies that made the best recoveries were the ones with the highest PSA levels!! 4. PSA appears to be an anti-angiogenic molecule. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, one of the features of cancer is that it has an enormous appetite and therefore needs a huge blood supply to feed it, so wherever you see cancer growing, you will see angio-genesis taking place - the creation of new vascular tissue. [That's why shark cartilage became popular.] 5. PSA appears to inhibit the usual increases in circulation necessary to feed the cancer and to support its rapid growth and proliferation. 6. MD of NYC reports patients who have shown PSA levels of a hundred or more for long periods of time who are doing just fine as they recover from their cancers - he opines that increased PSA levels indicates a GOOD response by the body, NOT a BAD response. [audio tapes 12 and 17 spring 1999 lecture, ACAM - see ordering info below]. Dr uses the nutritional protocol that he learned from his teacher, the orthodontist and scientist, Dr Kelley of Grapevine, Texas, who is one of my three nominees for the Nobel prize in medicine [along with J Goodheart DC and Pershing Isaacs MD]. also reports a well recovered cancer patient with a CEA of 350,000, the highest in medical history. See the article on this site entitled, The AMAS test, to learn about the CEA which is another cancer marker. When a tumor breaks down it dumps CEA into the blood stream which can be measured. WARNING AND CAUTION NOTE!! BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT BLOOD TEST LEVELS AND TUMOR SIZES, MORE IS OFTEN NOT WORSE, AND BIGGER, [TUMOR], IS OFTEN NOT WORSE!!! The healing process often causes tumors to encapsulate and get a little bigger rather than smaller, although the growth is stopped and they are walled off!! 7. So giving a toxic drug for a " specific " antigen which is not at all " specific " is just one more in a long line of examples of medical quackery being propagated by present establishment sources. It's sort of like giving a deadly drug for a non infectious, non transmissible disease [AIDS] allegedly caused by an unproved virus [HIV]. It can also be compared to injecting newborn babies with foreign proteins and heavy metal poisons to " protect " them from adult diseases found mainly in intravenous dope addicts [recreational drug users]. Note that I use the old familiar term for these human wastrels - " dope addicts " rather than " substance abusers " - dope addict is more apropos. Sort of like calling a bum a bum, rather than a homeless person. Using the euphemism " homeless person " might make you feel better but hey, life is not fair, some people are bums. Face it. Others are criminals. Face it. Not facing it results in what we're discussing here. Highly educated people committing crimes against humanity and getting away with it largely because we indulge the use of politically correct language. If we were in the habit of calling bums what they are, and dope addicts what they are, we might not find it so difficult to call an MD a quack and a criminal and begin to take steps to put them where they belong, behind bars, not out on the street preying on the innocent and the ignorant. The very highly educated, brilliant doctor, Stamey published the original study on PSA in the New England Journal Of Medicine in 1987. He concluded, based upon his knowledge, experience and training along with the study result that the worse the Prostate cancer, the higher the PSA. Exactly the opposite is true! Dr Stamey is an honest fellow though, he recently was quoted as saying " I removed a couple of hundred prostates I wish I hadn't. " [F.B.Dunn, J Natl Cancer Inst Vol 94, No6, pp 415-16 Mar 20, 2002] The activities of Dr Stamey raise several questions: 1. Do you think that Dr Stamey should be held accountable for those unnecessary surgeries? 2. What do you think would happen to the tobacco industry executives or the auto industry executives or the toy industry executives if they were caught killing, maiming or harming so many people - especially innocent children like those suffering from quack vaccine induced disabilities and death? 3. Do you think the deaths of prostate cancer patients resulting from misdiagnosis and maltreatment became part of the statistics used to place the practice of orthodox medicine in third place on the list of causes of unnecessary deaths in the USA? 4. Are you beginning to get the right idea about the dreadful effects orthodox medicine in the 21st century? 5. Why is it that many people are serving prison sentences for shaken baby syndrome [many of whom are victims of medical misdiagnosis] and doctors are quick to charge lay people with neglect and abuse but we see no doctors serving time for the same reasons? Since 328 people are killed every day by orthodox medical activity, why do we not see a lot of doctors in jail? Isn't it time we began holding them responsible in the same manner they hold lay people responsible? I'll say it once again, CONSENSUS-DRIVEN, ORTHODOX MEDICINE IS CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR, IT IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH AND IT IS THE ROOT SOURCE OF ALL OF THE MEDICAL QUACKERY OF THE 21st CENTURY. It is also the greatest threat to life and limb and health in all recorded history. Do you REALLY think that orthodox medicine is only number three in the cause of deaths in the USA? If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you! Most of the deaths caused by orthodox medical doctors go unreported and unrecognized for what they are. The reported figures are only the tiny tip of a very large iceberg. This underreporting is especially true of vaccine reactions. Especially in infants and young school aged children. And we want to trust these people and accept what they have to say about VACCINES and HRT [hormone replacement therapy] etc.??? We want to trust these consensus driven quacks to inject our neonates with poisons? We want to accept the dribble and gobbledook nonsense they continue to propagate about vaccines, phantom diseases, phantom viruses, bacteria and prions as the CAUSES rather than the RESULTS of most disease processes??? CRISIS MEDICINE, ON THE OTHER HAND, IS A BLESSING TO HUMANITY - IT WILL SAVE YOUR LIFE IN AN EMERGENCY, RESCUE YOU FROM CONGENITALLY INFLICTED PROBLEMS, AND SPARE YOU MOST OF THE UNNECESSARY PAIN AND SUFFERING FROM TRAUMA AND ACCIDENTS - don't confuse one with the other, don't throw the baby out with the bath water. WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE A SWOLLEN PROSTATE THAT INTERFERES WITH URINATION: 1. Find a doctor who will teach you how to catheterize yourself. 2. Catheterize yourself three times a day to prevent buildup of urine in the bladder. 3. This has been reported to have successfully corrected an enlarged prostate recommended for surgery. Self catheterization gives the prostate a rest, allowing it to recover. Saw Palmetto taken on a daily basis helps the situation. 4. Urine buildup in the bladder can be dangerous, be sure that your doctor monitors your progress. PASS THIS ON TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE, ESPECIALLY YOUR LEGISLATORS. ORDER THE GONZALEZ AUDIO TAPES FROM: Crum Professional Audio Recording 4905 Marshall Creek Dr. La Verne CA 91750 800-430-4727 Dr. 's talks are available from the ACAM Ft. Lauderdale meeting. Two tapes are available: a formal lecture tape # 12 and a workshop on a continuation of the same topic, tape # 17. The order code is 02-102, # 12 & 17. The cost is $11.00 ea. Total $22.00 plus $2.00 shipping, total $24.00. You can place the order by e-mail, fax, or by phone. Payment is by either credit card. Visa, Master Card, or AMEX. Or you may send a check to Crum made out to PAR. ============================================== Pumpkin Seed is very good to normalize Prostate values. ============================================== pipsissewa, oregon grape root, dandelion root and leaf, couch grass, yarrow, saw palmetto, pygeum, stinging nettles (whole plant) and corn silk (must be fresh) make sure the diet has supplemental zinc in the form of zinc picolinate for best absorption. I've read where adding dong quai, though touted mostly as a women's 'ginseng' is quite helpful for men's problems as well. suggest that you check out james greens' 'the male herbal'. don't have my herb pharm catalog, but i really like their products (nci) when i'm unable to make my own. you might want to check out their website, i believe that they have a urinary combo that may help. diane [Alternative_Medicine_Forum] Re: prostate treatment The news that chemical castration is no good is no surpise; it's not even news, except to onclogists, that they got the treatment backwards. As Dr. Lee pointed out for years, prostate treatment with progesterone and testosterone,the exact opposite of chemical castration, reverses BPH and slows or stops prostate cancer growth. The study abstract, " Diabetes and cardiovascular disease during androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. " (J Clin Oncol. 2006 Sep) Duncan Crow. > > A treatment mainstay for prostate cancer puts men at increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular disease, according to a large observational study published in the Sept. 20 Journal of Clinical Oncology. > > " Men with prostate cancer have high five-year survival rates, but they also have higher rates of non-cancer mortality than healthy men, " says study author Keating, MD, MPH, assistant professor of health care policy and of medicine at Harvard Medical School. " This study shows that a common hormonal treatment for prostate cancer may put men at significant risk for other serious diseases. Patients and physicians need to be aware of the elevated risk as they make treatment decisions. " ============================================== Some veggies may stop prostate cancer Source: UPI PITTSBURGH (UPI) -- A University of Pittsburgh study suggests chemicals in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, appear to stop prostate cancer cells from growing in mice. Researchers at the school's cancer institute said the chemicals in vegetables such as broccoli, watercress, cabbage and cauliflower, inhibited growth of human prostate cancer cells in the mice by affecting the expression of proteins. " The contribution of diet and nutrition to cancer risk, prevention and treatment have been a major focus of research in recent years because certain nutrients in vegetables and dietary agents appear to protect the body against diseases such as cancer, " said Shivendra Singh, lead investigator and professor of pharmacology and urology. " From epidemiologic data, we know increased consumption of vegetables reduces the risk for certain types of cancer, but now we are beginning to understand the mechanisms by which certain edible vegetables ... help our bodies fight cancer and other diseases. " The study was presented Wednesday in Washington, during the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. Copyright 2006 by United Press International --------- Posted by: " jpking@... " jpking@... jpking2158 Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:56 am (PDT) Please help. I need to know the contact information of two professionals who use alternative medicines to treat prostate cancer successfully. 1. In U.S.A 2. In Florida. Thanks. Jim Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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