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Re: melanoma/white spot in scar

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Hi Lory

Sorry to hear your doctor won't even take a look at your operation site.

A few years ago my DH was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma on his

back, and was supposed to go back to have it cut out.

Instead, I ordered some black salve from Centreforce in Queensland.

Actually, I ordered it from a vet but it came from the other place.

We put some on his back, and the cancer duly popped out in ten days or so.

However, against my advice, he had re-applied the salve thickly after a

few days and the resulting mess got knocked and took the top off the

emerging cancer or eschar, which is not really supposed to happen.

However, the rest of it also came out.

From time to time, though, he will feel itching in that area, and

around the edges of the scar there may be a little white bump; we apply

a little black salve and it comes away. Last time he felt an itching

and we applied it, the thing that came away was no bigger than a blackhead.

So if you can get hold of some black salve, such as Cansema, you may

well be able to treat it yourself and kill the thing, whether or not you

go for surgery afterwards. The people on this group know a couple of

suppliers over there (assuming your are in America!!)

A friend of mine had many cancers on her skin from a childhood spent in

the sun, including melanomas, and she treated them all herself. She

found the black salve left too big a scar for her face, so uses

something else now for those. But she successfully treated her own

breast cancer with black salve, and also the lymphatic problem she had

after a gynaecological cancer was operated on. Last I heard she had

gone to NZ to support her sister through DIY breast cancer treatment

with black salve.

Bevan Potter, the man who runs Centreforce, has his own story up on his

site somewhere if you can find it. He had skin cancer on his face and

after several operations and return of the cancer he used black salve

(Cansema) and treated it successfully. He did have to do it more than

once but in the end he beat it, and was so impressed he went into the

health supplies business selling various herbs and started producing

black salve himself.

Note that my friend applied the black salve to the lymph gland areas

serving the area where she had the gynae operation and the pain she was

having there went away. You might want to try the black salve on your

lymph nodes also, certainly before they stick any needles in you if you

permit them to.

You waited three years before - three weeks might see you out of the

woods, if my DH's and my friend's experience is anything to go by! Her

breast cancer was out in about 12 days, I think, though more painful

than the broken leg she sustained at the same time! DH experienced no

pain with his treatment.

Oh - another encouraging experience for you - another friend (who'd had

two mastectomies a year apart and also I think a gynae op) had a wart on

her finger, and was cutting it, but it didn't go away. She showed her

doctor, who said it was a cancer; she had an appointment with a really

horrible man who was going to do surgery immediately. She decided to

have a second opinion, and in the meantime I sent her some of my black

salve. In the meantime she found a really nice Dr who treats cancer

with light. He was going to give her the treatment, but she begged him

to delay while she let the black salve work, so he did. She was booked

to go away before the ten days was up for the treatment, saw the light

doctor, and he was amazed to see the cancer had almost come out. He

took what was left out for her, and she left in a day or so. Her own GP

was also astounded.

All the best,



> Here's my question and I hope someone will have the answer. When they removed

the mole the incision was about 1 inch long. Again this was back at the

beginning of August of this year. This Saturday I noticed that right in the

middle of my scar there is a white spot. It's raised, sort of hard feeling

...really looks kind of like a pimple, but hard. In short, my doctor won't take a

look and says that I need to go for the surgery and to go see the surgeon.




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Hi Rowena,

I thank you so very much for your time and information. You and others have

convinced me that I need to find black salve. I'm going to share this with my

Naturopath today to see if he's heard of it and what his thoughts are on it.

Thank you, thank you!! (((HUGS))) Lory

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Any naturopath worth their salt will have heard of it. Some may have experience

with it.



> Hi Rowena,


> I thank you so very much for your time and information. You and others have

convinced me that I need to find black salve. I'm going to share this with my

Naturopath today to see if he's heard of it and what his thoughts are on it.

Thank you, thank you!! (((HUGS))) Lory



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