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Re: Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

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Dear Ar, I fully agreed with your comments.

We are all different in different ways: genes, cells systems, immune

systems, body chemistry, etc.

We must address all causes and issues to determine the best alternative

treatments for each of us. One thing I will recommend: Consult one or two

good medical doctors who practice holistic treatments in cancers. Don't be

your own doctor and formulate the treatments without proper knowledge and



In a message dated 11/25/2009 10:34:42 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,

arlynsg@... writes:

A cautionary tale:

I was a RAW FOOD VEGETARIAN for seven years prior to my cancer diagnosis.

This diet, though being fabulous, did NOT keep me from developing cancer.

Be smart when determining how you will fight your cancer and realize that

not all treatments work for everyone. Putting all your eggs in one basket

won't do anyone any good - especially you.

If the raw food vegetarian diet worked for everyone, then we would have

never met because I never would have developed cancer.


> >

> > How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

> > The relationship between unhealthy eating and the development of


> > is undeniable. When most people get a cancer diagnosis their doctors


> > quick to prescribe drugs and harsh treatments such as radiation,

> > chemotherapy, and surgery....

> > _http://www.naturalnhttp://www.natuhttp://www.naturhttp://www.n_


> >


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Ar's " A cautionary tale " is very telling and we all need to absorb what is

being said here. Everyone agrees the value of good food consumption and she is

not saying this is not good. In fact I tell people that point out someone with

a 'cold' or 'the flu-like symptoms' that eat well as being a failure, that

perhaps the person would have a worse condition if they had not eaten well. We

just do not know.

One thing that makes sense and that is, if a person eats well and develops a

serious illness, a change in their diet is probably not going to help them as

much as someone eating poorly.

Ar is also right about Nothing Works for all people all the time just as nothing

causes cancer all the time. Not every smoker gets lung cancer and not everyone

that drinks overly hot beverages regularly gets Esophageal cancer. The

'always' and 'every times' along with 'never' and especially, 'The Only Cure

For Cancer is...' do not have a place in our discussion, however, we can all

agree eating better, not smoking and eliminating as many 'detrimental' things as

possible, makes sense. I'll use 'possible' because it is almost impossible to

avoid everything that is potentially harmful.................and then there is

stress.......and I'll stop there before I get stressed.

Joe C.

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Arlynsg it interesting you mention Soya products soya Beans have isoflavones

in them they mimic testosterone but don't act like testosterone, taking the

testosterone place on the prostate cancer receptor blocking the cancer from

getting any more like testosterone. I have soy mike with isoflavones in it,

every day in a cup of green tea and papaya leaf I do put art/sweetener and

a tea spoon of bicarb soda in it. It quite good Ray


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of shaman_urban

Sent: Sunday, 29 November 2009 1:24 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

About raw food and cancer.

You said you were raw foodist vegetarian. I am curious .. Did you ate soya

products ? Milk products ? Was your diet all organic ?


" arlynsg " wrote:

A cautionary tale:

I was a RAW FOOD VEGETARIAN for seven years prior to my cancer diagnosis.

This diet, though being fabulous, did NOT keep me from developing cancer.

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I believe  you have made a mistake soya is an estrogen mimicer  ,not

testosterone .

From: arlynsg <arlynsg@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009, 11:26 PM



That IS interesting about soy. I'm severely allergic to it, so I never eat it.

But for breast cancer, isoflavens are generally regarded as bad.



> A cautionary tale:


> I was a RAW FOOD VEGETARIAN for seven years prior to my cancer diagnosis.

> This diet, though being fabulous, did NOT keep me from developing cancer.







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Ar I'm sorry your severely allergic to soy, but you may find this even

more interesting I once ask Why don't doctor treat patients using

isoflavones to treat both breast cancer and prostrate cancer I use it and it

works for me on my advance prostate cancer . I have been trying to get a

good answer on this from doctors and other forums for a while now. You see

both breast cancer and prostrate cancer are gland cancers. and both are a

sex hormone dependent cancer, and most times both cancers are

adenocarcinoma. I know that two of the four isoflavones, blocks the sex

hormone receptor on adenocarcinoma, so why don't they use it, it boils down

to one thing poor research with lab animals back in the 1940 and 1950. that

has carried on up to now.

I got this next bit From the book Foods that fight cancer by

Beliveau phD & Denis Gengras phD page 107

The anti-cancer properties soybeans

Hormone -dependent cancers such as breast cancer and prostate cancer are the

primary causes of death from cancer in Western society;

they are however, rare in Asian populations.

The omnipresence of soy and soy products in Asian diet and there

quasi-absence in our own suggest that the huge difference observed in

western and Eastern cancer rate might be genistein to reduce response to

hormones, including the over stimulation of cell growth in specific organs

or tissues.



From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of arlynsg

Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 2:27 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story


That IS interesting about soy. I'm severely allergic to it, so I never eat


But for breast cancer, isoflavens are generally regarded as bad.



> A cautionary tale:


> I was a RAW FOOD VEGETARIAN for seven years prior to my cancer diagnosis.

> This diet, though being fabulous, did NOT keep me from developing cancer.







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Sorry ar I haven't made a mistake. There are four isoflavones in soy the

isoflavones that mimics Estrogen is Genistein it prevents the estrogen from

binding to it cancer receptor site by taking its place. and the

isoflavones that mimics testosterone is 17B-Estradiol it also prevents the

testosterone from binding to it cancer receptor site by taking its place

cheers Ray


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of joe dennis

Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:34 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

I believe you have made a mistake soya is an estrogen mimicer ,not

testosterone .

From: arlynsg <arlynsg123mail (DOT) <mailto:arlynsg%40123mail.org> org>

Subject: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

@ <mailto: %40>

Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009, 11:26 PM


That IS interesting about soy. I'm severely allergic to it, so I never eat


But for breast cancer, isoflavens are generally regarded as bad.



> A cautionary tale:


> I was a RAW FOOD VEGETARIAN for seven years prior to my cancer diagnosis.

> This diet, though being fabulous, did NOT keep me from developing cancer.







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Arlynsg you I know you said that you had Raw food for seven years prior to

your cancer diagnosis. Can you please tell me what was in your diet I'm

asking this because I read that sugar can feed cancer but I've also read

that fruit sugar is one of the worst simple sugars when it comes to cancer

I know you said you that it did NOT keep me from developing cancer. Do you

think it slowed it down a bit? Ray


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of joe dennis

Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:34 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

I believe you have made a mistake soya is an estrogen mimicer ,not

testosterone .

From: arlynsg <arlynsg123mail (DOT) <mailto:arlynsg%40123mail.org> org>

Subject: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

@ <mailto: %40>

Date: Saturday, November 28, 2009, 11:26 PM


That IS interesting about soy. I'm severely allergic to it, so I never eat


But for breast cancer, isoflavens are generally regarded as bad.



> A cautionary tale:


> I was a RAW FOOD VEGETARIAN for seven years prior to my cancer diagnosis.

> This diet, though being fabulous, did NOT keep me from developing cancer.







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Ar wrote, in part: " They also eat a generally better diet than the western

diet. Their soy consumption is actually moderate - and fermented. However, their

iodine consumption through fish is large. "

The above probably takes care of the Japanese and other race issues as regards

diet and wellness issues.

The Japanese as others, live a completely different, or once did, lifestyle than

Westerners however, with high stress levels pushed on them through their

educational pursuits.

We eat a heavily Omega 6 diet while their fish consumption negates that with

Omega 3s. Then Ar shows the 'Fermented' issue re Soy and the Iodine

consumption via fish. I think they also consume a lot of kelp.

Over the past few years one element of soy has been heralded and that is

Genestein which some say is beneficial in certain cancer situations.

I keep thinking of my daughter-in-law a veggie that consumed lots of soy

products, all the 'fake' meat substitutes and her quick-growing breast cancer.

However that's just one case I can point to and that's what most of us do


Joe C.

Joe C.

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17 Beta Estradiol is still a phytoesterogen that is able to dock in place of

testosterone thus preventing feeding testosterone driven cancer. Both estrogen

and testosterone are able to dock at the same receptors.

Sorry ar I haven't made a mistake. There are four isoflavones in soy the

isoflavones that mimics Estrogen is Genistein it prevents the estrogen from

binding to it cancer receptor site by taking its place. and the

isoflavones that mimics testosterone is 17B-Estradiol it also prevents the

testosterone from binding to it cancer receptor site by taking its place

cheers Ray


From:joe dennis

I believe you have made a mistake soya is an estrogen mimicer ,not

testosterone .

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Hi and Thank you arlynsg, for your reply The reason I am asking about

fruit in ones diet is. I have advance prostate cancer, I also have hi amount

of vitamin and mineral supplements in my diet. The main one is 6 grams of

vitamin C spread out though out the day. But I found in the pass no mater

what I did , when ever I have any sugary foods bread or fruit my prostrate

would play up, and I would get urine retention, when I went off the sugary

foods, the wheat products and the fruit, it would get better, is this the

same for you Ray


From: arlynsg

Sent: Sunday, November 29,

Hi Ray,

There is simply no way to figure out if my diet slowed my cancer down. Some

days I firmly believe that it did. And other days, I believe that it didn't.

I didn't have cancer when I started the diet, so the amount of fruit I ate

has no bearing on my cancer. In other words, if I had gone on the diet to

fight cancer, I would not have eaten as much fruit.

I'm not a big lover of fruit, so my fruit consumption was limited to one

fruit smoothie a day. Generally, two bananas and something else - oranges,

strawberries, etc.

I ate two salads a day along with the smoothie.


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Sorry ar being new to this group, I'm not use to these post, I should have

notice, I think it was from Joe Dennis still cant under stand why

isoflavones are not used, I take an extract my doctor told me about it

called Trinovin it made from red clover each 40mg tablet contains trifolium

pratense extract equivalent to dry herb 2.5 standardised to isoflavones 40mg

I read about a research doctor with prostate cancer who was doing research

on red clover he was due to have his prostrate out in the following two

weeks so he started taking 4 x 40mg of red clover extract he ask for and

other researcher to have a look at his prostate the researcher found that

the cancer in his prostate had reduce by half. This is why I went on it I

sill say if it works for prostate cancer why dos it not work for breast

cancer. All the best Ray

From: arlynsg

Ray, that wasn't me that said you had made a mistake. That was someone


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Vicki where did you get this from. With what your saying I've been on soy

milk for two years now, I feel better then I felt in years with what you

saying I cant under stand why my youngest daughter did not die. When she

was a baby, form all the soy she had. You see years ago I lost one of my

business, and around the same time we had a little girl. The strain of the

lost one of my business and a new baby was terribly on my wife and I. Then

when my wife breast milk stoped. (my daughter was just two month old at the

time ). We found my daughter could not have formula or milk. So my wife feed

her on soy milk. It look to me like it did her no harm. She grow up to be

a find young lady She was married three years ago. last year they decide to

have a baby. She had a little boy he's 6 weeks old. On Friday. His birth

weight was 9.3lb. My grand son and my daughter look healthy to me. What I'm

saying is, over the many years since the soy milk. Seem to have no ill

effect on my daughter, or my grandson, or me. So where dos this research

come from. Ray

From: ohlyvicki

I hope know one following this diet is eating any soy products. Soy is one

of the most geneticly motified grops along with the following

High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium,

copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary

preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High

phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.

Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause

pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors

caused stunted growth.

Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to

cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism

and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has

been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's

requirement for B12.

Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D.

Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make

soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.

Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine

and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food

processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods.

Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous

system and the kidneys.

Blessings to all, Vicki

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Yes I will thank you Ray


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of jangrth

Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 10:51 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story


By Googling the key words, you can read many articles about soy being

genetically modified and the health problems associated with that. However,

it probably wasn't happening much when your daughter was a baby. It has

happened more in the last ten years.

Here's a link to an article you can read about not only soy but other

genetically modified crops. http://www.soyinfo.

<http://www.soyinfo.com/haz/gehaz.shtml> com/haz/gehaz.shtml


" rjcrossley " wrote:


> Vicki where did you get this from. With what your saying I've been on soy

> milk for two years now, I feel better then I felt in years with what you

> saying I cant under stand why my youngest daughter did not die. When she

> was a baby, form all the soy she had. You see years ago I lost one of my

> business, and around the same time we had a little girl. The strain of the

> lost one of my business and a new baby was terribly on my wife and I. Then

> when my wife breast milk stoped. (my daughter was just two month old at


> time ). We found my daughter could not have formula or milk. So my wife


> her on soy milk. It look to me like it did her no harm. She grow up to be

> a find young lady She was married three years ago. last year they decide


> have a baby. She had a little boy he's 6 weeks old. On Friday. His birth

> weight was 9.3lb. My grand son and my daughter look healthy to me. What


> saying is, over the many years since the soy milk. Seem to have no ill

> effect on my daughter, or my grandson, or me. So where dos this research

> come from. Ray




> From: ohlyvicki


> I hope know one following this diet is eating any soy products. Soy is one

> of the most geneticly motified grops along with the following

> High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium,


> copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary

> preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking.


> phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.

> Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause

> pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors

> caused stunted growth.

> Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to

> cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

> Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism

> and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has

> been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

> Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the


> requirement for B12.

> Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D.

> Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make

> soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.

> Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine

> and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

> Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food

> processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods.

> Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous

> system and the kidneys.

> Blessings to all, Vicki


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I feel you may be right about the hormone driven cancer I have been trying

to find answer to this sugar, fruit, and bread thing, since I first found

out about it from my naturopath in 2007 what I do know is with my prostrate

cancer any sugar, fruit, and bread makes my prostrate play up a few days

later I get urine retention and it effects my PSA you see for the last two

years I've been having a PSA test every three months I know last year when

I went to a few Christmas party's for the first time my PSA only went do

one point normally it go down two to three points the last one a few month

ago it went down 2 so sugar bread and fruit dos have en effect on my

cancer I like to know more Ray


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of arlynsg

Sent: Monday, November 30, 2009 1:09 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

I think that if you have found something that is working for you, then stick

to it! :)

I believe that fruit may cause problems for hormone driven cancers. I do not

have any proof of it, of course, it's just a suspicion that I have. I do not

think that eating lots of fruit will cause cancer. And I also don't think it

has to do with the sugar. I feel there is something going on with hormones

and fruit. But I have no scientific proof. And fruit really is so good for




> Hi and Thank you arlynsg, for your reply The reason I am asking about

> fruit in ones diet is. I have advance prostate cancer, I also have hi


> of vitamin and mineral supplements in my diet. The main one is 6 grams of

> vitamin C spread out though out the day. But I found in the pass no mater

> what I did , when ever I have any sugary foods bread or fruit my prostrate

> would play up, and I would get urine retention, when I went off the sugary

> foods, the wheat products and the fruit, it would get better, is this the

> same for you Ray




> _____


> From: arlynsg

> Sent: Sunday, November 29,


> Hi Ray,


> There is simply no way to figure out if my diet slowed my cancer down.


> days I firmly believe that it did. And other days, I believe that it



> I didn't have cancer when I started the diet, so the amount of fruit I ate

> has no bearing on my cancer. In other words, if I had gone on the diet to

> fight cancer, I would not have eaten as much fruit.


> I'm not a big lover of fruit, so my fruit consumption was limited to one

> fruit smoothie a day. Generally, two bananas and something else - oranges,

> strawberries, etc.


> I ate two salads a day along with the smoothie.


> ar


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Who are they? Is there any report on this?

In a message dated 12/1/2009 12:13:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

bjcody@... writes:

They say 1 cup of red raspberries a day fight prostate cancer

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Raspberries are one of the fruits whose seeds contain B17 in respectable


That could be one of the reasons in addition to the high antioxidant value.


However, NEVER assume one thing is a fix-all...hit it (cancer) with all you've

got, and

make permanent changes to your lifestyle, diet, etc...cause if you don't chances


good it will come back.


Just my perspective, as I am in this battle myself.




From: jpking@... <jpking@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Re: How Cleansing Cures Cancer: One Woman's Story

Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 12:38 PM


Who are they? Is there any report on this?

In a message dated 12/1/2009 12:13:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,

bjcodywebtv (DOT) net writes:

They say 1 cup of red raspberries a day fight prostate cancer

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Here is more on that cheers Ray


* Consuming one cup of red raspberries per day (40 mg of

ellagitannins) prevents the development of cancer cells. At low

concentrations, it slows the growth of cancer cells; at higher

concentrations, it tells cancer cells to kill themselves. For example, cells

infected with the human papilloma virus (which is linked to cervical

cancer), when exposed to ellagic acid experienced apoptosis, or normal cell


* Red raspberry ellagitannins slow the growth of abnormal colon cells

in humans.

* Tests reveal similar results for breast, pancreas, esophageal, skin,

and prostate cancer cells. The ellagitannins also produce a breakdown in

human leukemia cells.

* Another way that ellagitannins protect your body is through

G-Arrest. G-Arrest means that the ellagitannins stop cells from mutating in

the first place. If cells don't mutate, then we don't get cancer. This is

very important when you understand that that every single day of your life

you produce anywhere from a few hundred to as many as 10,000 cancerous cells

in your body as part of your normal metabolism. In tests conducted by the

Hollings Cancer Institute with Ellagic Acid, G-Arrest began in 72 hours in

both breast and cervical cancer.

* Red raspberry ellagitannins prevent destruction of the P53 gene by

cancer cells. P53 prevents mutagenic activity in cervical cells.

* Red raspberry ellagitannins protect human cells against

cancer-causing agents in tobacco smoke, food additives, and petroleum-based

substances. Ellagitannins act as scavengers to " bind " cancer-causing

chemicals, making them inactive. The ellagitannins inhibit the ability of

other chemicals to cause mutations in bacteria. Red Raspberry ellagitannins

also protect DNA by blocking carcinogens from binding to the DNA.

* European medical studies also demonstrate that red raspberry

ellagitannins lower the incidence of birth defects, promote wound healing,

reduce heart disease, and may reduce or reverse chemically induced liver

fibrosis. In addition, the ellagic acid produced from the ellagitannins has

anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties

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