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Swaysee Interview Depressing

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[:D] I was all excited about waiting to see 's interview with

Barbara Walters last Wednesday night. I couldn't wait to hear about all

the alternative things he was doing. Hadn't I heard he was juicing and

cleansing and trying radical things?

Imagine my shock when I heard poo-poo alternative medicine as

basically unproven. To paraphrase what he said (from memory), I quote,

" If someone already had a cure for cancer, they would have made millions

of dollars. "

AND HE IS STILL SMOKING CIGARETTES even though he replied to Barbara

that smoking was implicated in pancreatic cancer. I couldn't believe


I was absolutely appalled at his interview. I knew when he got thru with

it and saw it on t.v. that he would forever regret doing it. Barbara was

her usual self, so you can't blame her for exploiting the poor guy.

But I just can't believe that a guy with his millions wouldn't have a

team of folks researching the hell out of the internet and coming up

one hell-u-va Cancer Cure Protocol.

Let's see what 1 MILLION could do for me:

I would hire on my ranch:

A raw foods/vegan chef and crew to take care of the organic garden and

the sprouting, wheatgrass, etc.

An assistant to put me on a 30 - 60 day cleanse

I would have an ozone station set up and have I.V. ozone twice a day, as

well as ozononated water, olive oil

I would hire a contruction crew to build a home colonic machine,

infrared lamp sauna and ozone steam sauna.

Oh, but wait, I don't have a million dollars, but I have everything

above already save for the organic garden, but I can step right over to

the health food store or even Wal-Mart for gosh's sakes. Do folks know

that Wal-Mart is now selling Organic Living Lettuce, which is a

hydroponic form of lettuce, with the roots still attached?

I realize has every right to believe or do what he wants. It is

an incredibly horrible thing to wake up one morning and be told you have

pancreatic cancer. Even his wife, who waited two days to tell him said

to Barbara, " always would say that anyone diagnosed with

pancreatic cancer dies quickly. " Hey, I had a couple of bad days earlier

this week, but I worked my way out of it and I am back on board. I know

that I don't want to act holier-then-thou about knowing something he

might have closed his mind to or simply never explored, but I have to

say I lost respect for his journey. He stubbornly, and I believe

foolishly, closed his mind to the one path that might have at least

given extension to his life--alternative medicine. Perhaps he's been

brainwashed? I don't know. Any thoughts out there?

Here's the link to the interview if you haven't seen it. I personally

wouldn't watch it if you haven't seen it. It is depressing. [:(]



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