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Liver cleansing -- second day was a disaster

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I had such good results with my liver cleanse that I decided to

continue it for a second day. Wrong decision.

I was already weak from some sort of intestinal bug, which is why I

tried doing it in the first place. I hadn't eaten anything for two

days but two cups of yogurt and probiotic pills, so it seemed like a

perfect time to simply add the magnesium sulphate " flush " then the

olive oil / grapefruit juice.

As I reported, it worked like a charm. So I thought to myself " I'll

just keep this up one more day " .

On the second night I was hit with intense muscle cramps all over my

body. My legs, my arms, even my hands, feet and buttocks. Really

agonizing at times. These went on for well over 14 hours. (I know --

some of you warned me!)

I knew what caused cramping -- electrolyte imbalance and

dehydration. I was pretty severely dehydrated because the magnesium

sulphate had washed a lot of fluid out of me that I hadn't replaced.

I managed to get to the store and look at " Gatorade " only to find

that its main ingredient is sugar -- can't drink that! (Ingredients:

Water, sugar, high frutcose corn syrup, dextrose, other types of

sugar, and a smattering of electrolytes).

So I bought bananas and some potassium chloride. Oddly, a mixture of

potassium chloride and sodium chloride didn't seem to do much. The

bananas helped more. But not quite enough.

I then thought that maybe I had also become severely imbalanced in

terms of magnesium / calcium, due to all the magnesium sulphate I had

taken. I found some calcium citrate and took several of those

pills. I also broke my cancer diet and had several eggs, some

cheese, and a cup of milk.

It also helped that my wife threatened to take me to the hospital,

which forced me out of bed and into activities all day pretend to be

well, which actually did help me get better more quickly.

The cramps are all gone this morning. I feel much better except that

I have pretty severe indigestion from eating such heavy food I am not

used to. But that will pass.

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It is always best to wait at least 10-14 days between liver/gallbladder

cleanses and that is if you are basically healthy enough to perform normal

daily activities. For those who are weak and very ill then one cleanse

every month or 6 weeks is best.

I would also suggest following a liver/gallbladder protocol and not try to

do your own thing. Drinking the apple juice is not the same as taking a

pill. You get much more from the apple juice and you get fluids. Plus

adding some herbs to the juice to help cleanse and support the liver is even


Take your time and allow your body the time it needs to cleanse, repair and

heal. Natural medicine works with time and patience because that is exactly

what the body needs in order to heal itself -- time.

Be Well


-----Original Message-----

I had such good results with my liver cleanse that I decided to

continue it for a second day. Wrong decision.

I was already weak from some sort of intestinal bug, which is why I

tried doing it in the first place. I hadn't eaten anything for two

days but two cups of yogurt and probiotic pills, so it seemed like a

perfect time to simply add the magnesium sulphate " flush " then the

olive oil / grapefruit juice.

As I reported, it worked like a charm. So I thought to myself " I'll

just keep this up one more day " .

On the second night I was hit with intense muscle cramps all over my

body. My legs, my arms, even my hands, feet and buttocks. Really

agonizing at times. These went on for well over 14 hours. (I know --

some of you warned me!)

I knew what caused cramping -- electrolyte imbalance and

dehydration. I was pretty severely dehydrated because the magnesium

sulphate had washed a lot of fluid out of me that I hadn't replaced.

I managed to get to the store and look at " Gatorade " only to find

that its main ingredient is sugar -- can't drink that! (Ingredients:

Water, sugar, high frutcose corn syrup, dextrose, other types of

sugar, and a smattering of electrolytes).

So I bought bananas and some potassium chloride. Oddly, a mixture of

potassium chloride and sodium chloride didn't seem to do much. The

bananas helped more. But not quite enough.

I then thought that maybe I had also become severely imbalanced in

terms of magnesium / calcium, due to all the magnesium sulphate I had

taken. I found some calcium citrate and took several of those

pills. I also broke my cancer diet and had several eggs, some

cheese, and a cup of milk.

It also helped that my wife threatened to take me to the hospital,

which forced me out of bed and into activities all day pretend to be

well, which actually did help me get better more quickly.

The cramps are all gone this morning. I feel much better except that

I have pretty severe indigestion from eating such heavy food I am not

used to. But that will pass.

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Thanks for sharing Jim....

I am glad you have the wife you do.

She loves you.


From: jrrjim

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 8:52 AM

Subject: [ ] Liver cleansing -- second day was a disaster

I had such good results with my liver cleanse that I decided to

continue it for a second day. Wrong decision.

I was already weak from some sort of intestinal bug, which is why I

tried doing it in the first place. I hadn't eaten anything for two

days but two cups of yogurt and probiotic pills, so it seemed like a

perfect time to simply add the magnesium sulphate " flush " then the

olive oil / grapefruit juice.

As I reported, it worked like a charm. So I thought to myself " I'll

just keep this up one more day " .

On the second night I was hit with intense muscle cramps all over my

body. My legs, my arms, even my hands, feet and buttocks. Really

agonizing at times. These went on for well over 14 hours. (I know --

some of you warned me!)

I knew what caused cramping -- electrolyte imbalance and

dehydration. I was pretty severely dehydrated because the magnesium

sulphate had washed a lot of fluid out of me that I hadn't replaced.

I managed to get to the store and look at " Gatorade " only to find

that its main ingredient is sugar -- can't drink that! (Ingredients:

Water, sugar, high frutcose corn syrup, dextrose, other types of

sugar, and a smattering of electrolytes).

So I bought bananas and some potassium chloride. Oddly, a mixture of

potassium chloride and sodium chloride didn't seem to do much. The

bananas helped more. But not quite enough.

I then thought that maybe I had also become severely imbalanced in

terms of magnesium / calcium, due to all the magnesium sulphate I had

taken. I found some calcium citrate and took several of those

pills. I also broke my cancer diet and had several eggs, some

cheese, and a cup of milk.

It also helped that my wife threatened to take me to the hospital,

which forced me out of bed and into activities all day pretend to be

well, which actually did help me get better more quickly.

The cramps are all gone this morning. I feel much better except that

I have pretty severe indigestion from eating such heavy food I am not

used to. But that will pass.

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In all due respect, Dr. L, there are so many liver flush protocols

out there, often conflicting, that I don't see a whole lot of harm in

figuring out your own (unless you almost kill yourself like I

did :) ). I mean one protocol I read calls for drinking Coca Cola!

Another protocol says to skip the Coke, but to take " Ortho Phospohric

Acid " instead. This would significantly throw your whole body acidic,

the same way Coke would! YIKES.

In terms of cancer patients, I don't know if a quart of apple juice

every day for four days is the best thing to do! Seems a little

heavy on the sugar? No? If the active ingredient in apple juice

that softens up the stones is malic acid (as I have read many times)

wouldn't it be safer for a cancer patient to simply take malic acid

supplements with water, or some liquid not containing gobs of sugar?

Maybe there is a better protocol for cancer patients that hasn't been

figured out yet.

But thanks for the good information about not doubling up! The flush

can be pretty darned hard on the system for a few days if one is not

in tip-top health, and if one is in tip-top health he or she probably

won't be doing a liver flush.


> It is always best to wait at least 10-14 days between


> cleanses and that is if you are basically healthy enough to perform


> daily activities. For those who are weak and very ill then one


> every month or 6 weeks is best.


> I would also suggest following a liver/gallbladder protocol and not

try to

> do your own thing. Drinking the apple juice is not the same as

taking a

> pill. You get much more from the apple juice and you get fluids.


> adding some herbs to the juice to help cleanse and support the

liver is even

> better.


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Yes, I am very much aware of all the flushes out there and I know it can be

confusing. The effective ones work on the same premise and that is to give

your body time (at least several days) to prepare for the cleanse. While I

certainly don't advocate the one that uses coke (even though it was popular

when I began flushing) it acts on the same premise as the phosphoric acid

because that is what coke contains. The cleanses do not make your body

acidic in a way that causes harm to the body especially if you are eating

properly while cleansing. I don't really advocate using the phosphoric acid

unless one has been diagnosed (by ultrasound) with definite gallstones thus

causing continual pain or has had a recent gallbladder attack. Super Phos

does help to soften and break up the stones. So for those that need quick

results I recommend doing one cleanse using one ounce of Super Phos 30 (you

must brush your teeth after drinking each glass) mixed into 1 gallon of

organic apple juice and then all following cleanses using organic apple

juice mixed with one bottle of LivaPure. LivaPure contains Organic Milk

Thistle seed, Wildcrafted Chanca Piedra (grown and harvested under organic

conditions), Organic Fringetree bark, Organic Dandelion root, Organic

Nettles root, Organic Marshmallow root, Organic Yellow Dock root, Organic

Marshmallow leaf, Organic Dandelion leaf, Organic Nettles leaf, Organic

Barberry root bark, Organic Blue Flag. The Chanca Piedra is known to break

up stones and to help stimulate the production of bile.

I was a cancer patient (colon cancer) at one time and I have consumed my

fair share of organic apple juice - one gallon over five days. It did not

harm me -- the focus more importantly is to get the body prepared

effectively for the cleanse and then keeping the liver/gallblader cleansed

by performing regular cleansing. If one has had chemo/radiation/drugs then

one will need to perform many cleanses. I have had a lot of clients use the

same procedure with great results.

I do not believe that it is necessarily safer to take the malic acid in

supplement form, again the body needs fluids and there are other components

in the apple juice that are beneficial to the body. It is also a great way

to deliver, over time, herbal support for the liver, which I recommend

adding. I have never had anyone experience what you have described.

Stick with what has worked over time and what knowledgeable practitioners

have found that works effectively. The desired goal is to cleanse and

clean, not to cause the body unnecessary distress. And while pills

(supplements) are certainly more convenient one will never get the full

synergistic effect that the fruit (real food) has on the body.

Also, when one has cleansed the whole body effectively they will usually

find that allergies tend to diminish or disappear all together.

Be Well


[ ] Re: Liver cleansing -- second day was a disaster

In all due respect, Dr. L, there are so many liver flush protocols

out there, often conflicting, that I don't see a whole lot of harm in

figuring out your own (unless you almost kill yourself like I

did :) ). I mean one protocol I read calls for drinking Coca Cola!

Another protocol says to skip the Coke, but to take " Ortho Phospohric

Acid " instead. This would significantly throw your whole body acidic,

the same way Coke would! YIKES.

In terms of cancer patients, I don't know if a quart of apple juice

every day for four days is the best thing to do! Seems a little

heavy on the sugar? No? If the active ingredient in apple juice

that softens up the stones is malic acid (as I have read many times)

wouldn't it be safer for a cancer patient to simply take malic acid

supplements with water, or some liquid not containing gobs of sugar?

Maybe there is a better protocol for cancer patients that hasn't been

figured out yet.

But thanks for the good information about not doubling up! The flush

can be pretty darned hard on the system for a few days if one is not

in tip-top health, and if one is in tip-top health he or she probably

won't be doing a liver flush.


> It is always best to wait at least 10-14 days between


> cleanses and that is if you are basically healthy enough to perform


> daily activities. For those who are weak and very ill then one


> every month or 6 weeks is best.


> I would also suggest following a liver/gallbladder protocol and not

try to

> do your own thing. Drinking the apple juice is not the same as

taking a

> pill. You get much more from the apple juice and you get fluids.


> adding some herbs to the juice to help cleanse and support the

liver is even

> better.



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If you are sugar sensitive, try Hulda 's liver flush, it has no

apple juice in it.

If you want better results next time, please do a parasite cleanse

first, that is the order of things:

- colon cleanse

- kidney cleanse

- Parasite cleanse

- Liver flush

I've done several variations myself and they all work. I decided on

doing different liver flush versions so I can get different results.

- 2 day apple juice fast + liver flush

- Hulda liver flush with epsom salts

- s Moritz liver flush (5 days of 1 liter apple juice per day then

liver flush)

- Egg yolk liver flush by tsetsi

- Super Phos / Ultra Phos + apple juice (3 days) + coke liver flush

Kudos for self experimenting... that is the way to go.

Dr Sutter did a daily liver flush because he felt he needed it

at that time.

Best wishes,


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The Coke liver flush sounds very interesting. I severely miss my 2

liters of diet coke a day. Do you mean that for a day or two I could

suspend this prohibition to knock out the gall bladder stones?

You know, I bet I used to like so much Diet Coke because it DID

relieve pain in my gall bladder area... hmmmm...


> If you are sugar sensitive, try Hulda 's liver flush, it has


> apple juice in it.

> If you want better results next time, please do a parasite cleanse

> first, that is the order of things:

> - colon cleanse

> - kidney cleanse

> - Parasite cleanse

> - Liver flush


> I've done several variations myself and they all work. I decided


> doing different liver flush versions so I can get different results.


> - 2 day apple juice fast + liver flush

> - Hulda liver flush with epsom salts

> - s Moritz liver flush (5 days of 1 liter apple juice per day


> liver flush)

> - Egg yolk liver flush by tsetsi

> - Super Phos / Ultra Phos + apple juice (3 days) + coke liver flush


> Kudos for self experimenting... that is the way to go.


> Dr Sutter did a daily liver flush because he felt he needed


> at that time.


> Best wishes,

> Edwin


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You are being silly!


From: jrrjim

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 5:37 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Liver cleansing -- second day was a disaster

The Coke liver flush sounds very interesting. I severely miss my 2

liters of diet coke a day. Do you mean that for a day or two I could

suspend this prohibition to knock out the gall bladder stones?

You know, I bet I used to like so much Diet Coke because it DID

relieve pain in my gall bladder area... hmmmm...


> If you are sugar sensitive, try Hulda 's liver flush, it has


> apple juice in it.

> If you want better results next time, please do a parasite cleanse

> first, that is the order of things:

> - colon cleanse

> - kidney cleanse

> - Parasite cleanse

> - Liver flush


> I've done several variations myself and they all work. I decided


> doing different liver flush versions so I can get different results.


> - 2 day apple juice fast + liver flush

> - Hulda liver flush with epsom salts

> - s Moritz liver flush (5 days of 1 liter apple juice per day


> liver flush)

> - Egg yolk liver flush by tsetsi

> - Super Phos / Ultra Phos + apple juice (3 days) + coke liver flush


> Kudos for self experimenting... that is the way to go.


> Dr Sutter did a daily liver flush because he felt he needed


> at that time.


> Best wishes,

> Edwin


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I believe it's Regular Coke, not Diet Coke ....no artificial sweetners.


From: jrrjim <jim.mcelroy10@...>

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 6:37:49 PM

Subject: [ ] Re: Liver cleansing -- second day was a disaster

The Coke liver flush sounds very interesting. I severely miss my 2

liters of diet coke a day. Do you mean that for a day or two I could

suspend this prohibition to knock out the gall bladder stones?

You know, I bet I used to like so much Diet Coke because it DID

relieve pain in my gall bladder area... hmmmm...


> If you are sugar sensitive, try Hulda 's liver flush, it has


> apple juice in it.

> If you want better results next time, please do a parasite cleanse

> first, that is the order of things:

> - colon cleanse

> - kidney cleanse

> - Parasite cleanse

> - Liver flush


> I've done several variations myself and they all work. I decided


> doing different liver flush versions so I can get different results.


> - 2 day apple juice fast + liver flush

> - Hulda liver flush with epsom salts

> - s Moritz liver flush (5 days of 1 liter apple juice per day


> liver flush)

> - Egg yolk liver flush by tsetsi

> - Super Phos / Ultra Phos + apple juice (3 days) + coke liver flush


> Kudos for self experimenting. .. that is the way to go.


> Dr Sutter did a daily liver flush because he felt he needed


> at that time..


> Best wishes,

> Edwin


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Some say a 6 pack of beer produces the same results :) kidding


> >

> > If you are sugar sensitive, try Hulda 's liver flush, it has

> no

> > apple juice in it.

> > If you want better results next time, please do a parasite cleanse

> > first, that is the order of things:

> > - colon cleanse

> > - kidney cleanse

> > - Parasite cleanse

> > - Liver flush

> >

> > I've done several variations myself and they all work. I decided

> on

> > doing different liver flush versions so I can get different results.

> >

> > - 2 day apple juice fast + liver flush

> > - Hulda liver flush with epsom salts

> > - s Moritz liver flush (5 days of 1 liter apple juice per day

> then

> > liver flush)

> > - Egg yolk liver flush by tsetsi

> > - Super Phos / Ultra Phos + apple juice (3 days) + coke liver flush

> >

> > Kudos for self experimenting... that is the way to go.

> >

> > Dr Sutter did a daily liver flush because he felt he needed

> it

> > at that time.

> >

> > Best wishes,

> > Edwin

> >


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Hi Jim,

If the yeast component is still active, you may be sensitive to apple

juice... then again, maybe not. http://tinyurl.com/vcodetox will get

rid of your yeast. Then you can do Doc Sutter's Coke Liver Flush.

Yes, he recommends classic coke. Just a little. Here is is protocol:



I will be doing this liver flush beginning tomorrow and ending

Saturday. Care to join me?

Doc Sutter used to liver flush everyday until he felt better. I do not

know what you are feeling or if Doc Sutter's daily liver flush is

applicable to you.

I personally did 4 days of egg yolk liver flushing. That one I can do

daily. No sweat.

But daily Ultra Phos is something to think about hard.

Best wishes,


jrrjim wrote:


> The Coke liver flush sounds very interesting. I severely miss my 2

> liters of diet coke a day. Do you mean that for a day or two I could

> suspend this prohibition to knock out the gall bladder stones?


> You know, I bet I used to like so much Diet Coke because it DID

> relieve pain in my gall bladder area... hmmmm...


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