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Cancer Spreads Through Body Long Before Tumor Develops

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Dear NaturalNews readers,


Did you know that cancer tumors are actually the LATE stage of the

disease, and cancer cells spread throughout the body long before a tumor

gets diagnosed?  

Today's story reveals why it's crucial to prevent cancer with nutrition,

using superfoods and medicinal herbs to halt cancerous cells on a daily

basis. Read the details here: http://www.naturalnews.com/025517.html


Did you know that mixing milk with blueberries effectively

suppresses nutritional benefits of those blueberries? And it's not

just milk, either: Proteins apparently interfere with the antioxidant

properties of blueberries, binding them up in a way that suppresses

assimilation. Read the details in today's feature story:


I also have a technology update for you on my private research library,

which has grown to 1200 books and is now serving as a

lightning-fast research tool for NaturalNews stories. Read up on that,

if you're curious about it, here: http://www.naturalnews.com/025514.html


Today's Feature Stories:

Cancer Spreads Through Body Long Before Tumor Develops

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Milk Destroys Antioxidant Benefits in Blueberries

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Health Ranger's Health Research Library Grows to 1200 Books; New Books

Welcomed from Authors, Publishers

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