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A Fresh Start

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I just returned to Portland tonight from the Cedar Springs retreat

center, nestled in the mountains of northern Washington state. It was

a wonderful experience. I came home filled with peace and harmony. I

learned a lot about the mind-body connection and engaged in several

Socratic dialogues with Mchaffey, co-director of the center

and co-author with Cherie Calbom of the " Complete Cancer Cleanse. " I

made a friend and have been invited to continue e-mail Socratic

dialogues with on any issue that may come up. He is a

wonderful human being. was given 30 days to live 25+ years

ago. He had advanced leukemia. The thing I loved about the center is

that no one pretended to be all perfect. eats meat (10%

animal protein in his diet) and the other co-owner, Meg, hasn't been

to an oncologist in 10 years and eats white sugar. Yet, they are

thriving in their lives and according to Meg, is living a " purposeful

life. "

I came back feeling at peace within myself. I don't know much about

the mind-body connection, but it is going to be something I am going

to get deeper into. At the least, it is making me a happier and more

content person to let go of all the " sicko pathos " (as and

his partner Nan explained in our group Socratic dialogue sessions at

the retreat this week-end). " Sicko pathos " is all of the negative

beliefs we hold on to that hold us back and make us unhappy and

could, according to cause our cancer.

Cherie Calbom will be teaching classes at the center in April and

May. Contact me if you are interested in learning more about this

great juice woman. Her first book on juicing was my first book I ever

read on juice therapy.

I am feeling a bit discouraged and overwhelmed on the physical level

with all the cancer alternative therapies. I am still scared to give

myself the I.V. ozone injections. What freaked me out was making sure

I was getting ozone in the syringe and not air, even though my nurse

told me that you wouldn't die of air in a vein (in an artery you

would). And I bought a used ozone machine and then was told it didn't

have the knobs to control the gamma output, so you wouldn't be sure

what strength of ozone you are getting. Also, I read somewhere that a

Dr. is promoting that anti-oxidants cause cancer? Huh? Does

this mean I shouldn't do Vitamin C? And then someone else says that

protein promotes cancer?

Isn't it about time that we get out of the guessing game and figure

this stuff out? I am weary of all of this, as I am sure Jim and

others are as well. Time is something none of us have to waste.

I am still going to fight hard as before, but now I feel I can temper

it more with a more relaxed attitude and not the frantic, desperate

approach as before. There is only so much I can do. I am tired of

running all over the country. I think if I just apply what I have

purchased and learned from this website and from my own research, I

will give myself the best chance. I admire in particular Jim's hard-

core questions and research and wanting to get to the bottom of

things. Jim, this is what I did when I beat it in 1994/95. With this

kind of passion and determination, as said in an earlier

post, you are a WINNER. Keep on fighting!

Once again, thanks for all of the support I have been given on this

site. I can never repay all of you for your time and care.



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