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Re: CoQ10/Serrapeptase

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Hello, here is what I use:




Ge-ProCoQ10-Max is the Powerful, Affordable, Absorbable CoQ10 as proven in the

latest in CoQ10 science - NEW to US Market. May be up to 18 times better

absorbed and utilized than regular CoQ10 and at least twice as absorbable as the

used to be the newest and best quinols.

Human trials show that taking ProCoQ10 results in 18 times higher serum levels

of CoQ10 than standard CoQ10. The solubility and absorbability of the CoQ10 in

ProCoQ10 has been greatly increased through using " ester science " that gets the

nutrients through the digestive system and into your cells. Other human clinical

trials show that at just 30mg a day ProCoQ10 reduced daily DNA damage in humans

by 51%. And shrank human skin wrinkles in 6 weeks.


Each capsule of Ge-ProCoQ10-Max supplies 150 mg of CoQ10. This is equivalent to

2,700 mg of the usual CoQ10. An amazingly high amount. In addition you get 50 mg

of Organic Germanium-132. Germanium 132 is greatly important in Ge-ProCoQ10-Max

because it dramatically improves cellular oxygen levels. Organic Germanium 132

is an oxygen-rich organic form of trace mineral germanium which has been studied

for its antiviral, immuno-stimulative and free-radical scavenging actions, and

for supporting improved oxygen utilization.


In addition, each capsule supplies 450 mg of Soluble Rice Bran Complex (SRBC)

which is 100% usable and absorbable... with a full spectrum and balance of

health-restoring nutrients that man-made supplements can never provide. It is

completely digestible because only the soluble part of the stabilized rice germ

and bran is used. When taking just one capsule you are receiving the equivalent

nutrition 1 pound of ordinary brown rice, without all the starch. This

nutritious Rice Complex strongly supports maximum absorption of ProCoQ10 - and

further enhances its far ranging benefits. SRBC provides a broad range of

antioxidants including tocotrienols, which have been found to be six thousand

times more effective than vitamin E. Also natural B-Vitamins that boost energy

and stamina and help stabilize blood sugar including Pangamic Acid (B-15). SRBS

is a natural source of CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Squalene and IP6 each of which

is a well researched nutrient. For

this reason SRBC is an ideal synergistic ingredient in our Ge-ProCoQ10 blend.


There are 30 capsules in each bottle. I get it from www.gethealthyagain.com.

Their phone number is 800-832-9755 for calls in the US.



From: bk4529@... <bk4529@...>

Subject: [ ] CoQ10/Serrapeptase

Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2009, 11:40 AM

I'm wanting to order CoQ10 along with Serrapeptase,

I know there's been a lot of sights posted on where to buy.

I don't have a lot of time for researsh so I'm hoping that someone will have the

answer so I can just place my order.

I'm dealing with bladder cancer. I'm on 4.5 mg. of LDN.



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A lot of valuable information here. This is really good to know. I tried

clicking on this address but it's not available. Could you please check the

address again. You can send it to me privately.



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Hello, I have Follicular Lymphoma stage 3. My last PET Scan showed no

cancer. However; I have 2 more chemo treatments to go. I take one that

is hard on my heart. I read where CoQ-10 helps protect the heart from

this one chemo. I have been taking 30mg of CoQ-10 2 to 3 times a day.

Will this new Ge-ProCoQ-10 help me more? I am not suppose to take

Vitamin E according to one the chemos I take. I take 4 different

types. I am on the R-Chop treatment. Any ideas would be helpful.

Thanks a

Deborah Lindberg <debannlin@...>wrote:


> Hello, here is what I use:

> Ge-ProCoQ10-Max____#546_all


> Ge-ProCoQ10-Max is the Powerful, Affordable, Absorbable CoQ10 as

proven in the latest in CoQ10 science - NEW to US Market. May be up to

18 times better absorbed and utilized than regular CoQ10 and at least

twice as absorbable as the used to be the newest and best quinols.

> Human trials show that taking ProCoQ10 results in 18 times higher

serum levels of CoQ10 than standard CoQ10. The solubility and

absorbability of the CoQ10 in ProCoQ10 has been greatly increased

through using " ester science " that gets the nutrients through the

digestive system and into your cells. Other human clinical trials show

that at just 30mg a day ProCoQ10 reduced daily DNA damage in humans by

51%. And shrank human skin wrinkles in 6 weeks...........<snip>


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Hi Barbara.


Address is:




Once the web page opens up, click on " Products " all the way down on the left

column.  When that screen opens up, click on CLICK HERE TO ORDER in the blue

lettering inthe middleof the page.  All products will come up, just scroll down

until you find it.



From: bk4529@... <bk4529@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: CoQ10/Serrapeptase

Date: Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 5:59 AM

A lot of valuable information here. This is really good to know. I tried

clicking on this address but it's not available. Could you please check the

address again. You can send it to me privately.



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I'm not an expert, but here is some info that I have on CoQ10:


Coenzyme Q-10, or Co Q-10, also known as Ubiquinone, has become a popular

dietary supplement due to the enormous benefit that it can produce in the human

body. Co Q-10 is known to stimulate the immune system, improve one¢s energy

level, improve blood circulation and reduce visible signs of aging. It also

helps fight against cardiovascular disease, allergies, asthma, obesity,

diabetes, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, periodontal disease, chronic

fatigue syndrome, Parkinson¢s and Huntington¢s disease, migraines and certain


Co Q-10 is a vitamin like substance that is found in all parts of the body. Out

of ten common substances designated as coenzymes Q, coenzyme Q-10 is the only

one that is found in human tissue. Interest in Co Q-10 started to grow in the

early 1970¢s when physicians began to notice what would happen to the human body

when the levels of Co Q-10 were low. Patients with congestive heart failure had

much lower levels of Co Q-10 in their hearts than did people with healthy

hearts. Similar correlations of low levels of Co Q-10 along with the presence of

other diseases, such as Parkinson¢s disease and asthma, have also since been


Research into Co Q-10 has been ongoing but it is clear at this time that part of

the reason for Co Q-10 to be such a helpful substance for the human body lies in

its role in the production of energy. All bodily functions depend on a constant

supply of energy it is the key to a healthy life. Co Q-10 aids in that healthy

energy supply because it is an integral factor in the production of ATP. Fats,

sugars and amino acids are transformed in the mitochondria, tiny power plants

within every cell of one¢s body, into ATP an energy rich molecule which acts as

the basic " energy currency " of the body. Co Q-10 is an important enzyme in the

" electric transport chain " an energy producing process that generates 90% of the

ATP which the body needs to extract from the food that we eat.

The ATP molecule plays a crucial role in many metabolic functions. These include

the synthesis of certain cellular components, such as cholesterol and proteins,

by the liver nerve conduction in the brain and, energy for muscular contraction

for the heart and skeletal muscles. With Co Q-10 playing a major role in the

production of that ATP, it begins to be clear how maintaining a normal level of

Co Q-10 in one¢s body can be such an important factor for one¢s health.

Several studies have been conducted to examine the effect that Co Q-10 has in

aiding the treatment of certain diseases. Those studies have shown promising

results. One 16-year study was conducted by the University of Texas to look into

the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure. The results showed that

Co Q-10 could possibly be a big step forward in assisting such treatments to be

effective. Those suffering from the congestive heart failure that took Co Q-10

along with their conventional forms of treatment had a 75% chance of survival

after three years. Astonishingly, those using conventional forms of treatment

alone had only a 25% chance of survival after three years! Without a sufficient

amount of Co Q-10, the heart simply may not have enough energy to circulate the

blood effectively.

In Japan, where Co Q-10 is widely accepted and commonly used by as many as 12

million people, physicians have already begun to prescribe it for the treatment

of heart disease. They believe that it helps to strengthen the heart muscle. Co

Q-10 is also utilized in Japan for the treatment of high blood pressure and for

the purpose of enhancing one¢s immune system.

Another promising study, published by researchers at the University of

California, San Diego, examined the effects of Co Q-10 on early stage

Parkinson¢s disease. That study found that very large doses of Co Q-10, taken

along with vitamin E, appeared to slow the progression of that disease. The Co

Q-10 reduced the decline in proper neurological function and helped to improve

the daily life of the patients.

Research into the effect of Co Q-10 on one¢s oral tissue has been ongoing since

the 1970¢s. It is not yet established as to why Co Q-10 is helpful in preserving

the health of the gums but it has been shown that Co Q-10 does indeed have a

profound impact on maintaining healthy gums and preventing or slowing receding


Co Q-10 is also a very powerful antioxidant. That means that it helps to

neutralize the effects of cell damaging molecules called free radicals. The free

radicals cause destructive oxidation reactions. Once those reactions cause

damage to cells the healthy functioning of the immune system can be impaired.

Further, that process can lead to various degenerative diseases such as cancer.

Free radical damage is thought by scientists to possibly form the very basis for

the process of aging. All antioxidants, therefore, can play an important role in

the prevention of disease. Some other well known antioxidants include grape seed

extract, vitamin A and the carotenoids, vitamins E and C and also Zinc. But Co

Q-10 stands out from that group as one of the most effective of the


Co Q-10 is one of many substances the amount of which declines in the body as

one¢s age advances. As many as 75% of people over 50 may be deficient in Co

Q-10. That makes it even more important to supplement Co Q-10 in the diet as one

grows older.

But what are the proper amounts of Co Q-10 to take? And which supplements are

the best and the most trustworthy? As research continues, no one definite answer

has emerged regarding a proper amount of Co Q-10 to be ingested by the human

body as a supplement. Most studies that have been conducted have used doses of

50 to 200 milligrams of Co Q-10 per day. But the study that was done on

Parkinson¢s disease tested doses of 300, 600 and even 1,200 milligrams per day.

And it was the largest doses that had the greatest beneficial effect.

Co Q-10 is oil soluble and is therefore best absorbed when it is ingested with

oily or fatty foods such as fish. It can also be taken along with a vitamin E

supplement as that will also aid in the absorption of the Co Q-10. There are

some Co Q-10 supplements available that include a small amount of vitamin E.

That is a good Co Q-10 product to look for as the vitamin E will not just aid in

the digestion of the Co Q-10 but will also help to preserve the Co Q-10 tablets.


The Ge-ProCoQ10-Max is a Powerful, Affordable, Absorbable CoQ10 as proven in the

latest in CoQ10 science - NEW to US Market. May be up to 18 times better

absorbed and utilized than regular CoQ10 and at least twice as absorbable as the

used to be the newest and best quinols.


Human trials show that taking ProCoQ10 results in 18 times higher serum levels

of CoQ10 than standard CoQ10. The solubility and absorbability of the CoQ10 in

ProCoQ10 has been greatly increased through using " ester science " that gets the

nutrients through the digestive system and into your cells. Other human clinical

trials show that at just 30mg a day ProCoQ10 reduced daily DNA damage in humans

by 51%. And shrank human skin wrinkles in 6 weeks.


Each capsule of Ge-ProCoQ10-Max supplies 150 mg of CoQ10. This is equivalent to

2,700 mg of the usual CoQ10. An amazingly high amount. In addition you get 50 mg

of Organic Germanium-132. Germanium 132 is greatly important in Ge-ProCoQ10-Max

because it dramatically improves cellular oxygen levels. Organic Germanium 132

is an oxygen-rich organic form of trace mineral germanium which has been studied

for its antiviral, immuno-stimulative and free-radical scavenging actions, and

for supporting improved oxygen utilization. 


In addition, each capsule supplies 450 mg of Soluble Rice Bran Complex (SRBC)

which is 100% usable and absorbable... with a full spectrum and balance of

health-restoring nutrients that man-made supplements can never provide. It is

completely digestible because only the soluble part of the stabilized rice germ

and bran is used. When taking just one capsule you are receiving the equivalent

nutrition 1 pound of ordinary brown rice, without all the starch. This

nutritious Rice Complex strongly supports maximum absorption of ProCoQ10 - and

further enhances its far ranging benefits. SRBC provides a broad range of

antioxidants including tocotrienols, which have been found to be six thousand

times more effective than vitamin E. Also natural B-Vitamins that boost energy

and stamina and help stabilize blood sugar including Pangamic Acid (B-15). SRBS

is a natural source of CoQ10, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Squalene and IP6 each of which

is a well researched nutrient. For

this reason SRBC is an ideal synergistic ingredient in the Ge-ProCoQ10 blend.


My guess would be that this brand of CoQ10 would protect your heart more because

as it says, it is 18x better absorbed and utilized that other CoQ10s, and each

capsule of Ge-ProCoQ10-Max supplies 150 mg of CoQ10, which is equivalent to

2,700 mg of the usual CoQ10.  I don't know of a more potent CoQ10 - and I did a

lot of looking.





> Hello, here is what I use:

> Ge-ProCoQ10- Max____#546_ all


> Ge-ProCoQ10- Max is the Powerful, Affordable, Absorbable CoQ10 as

proven in the latest in CoQ10 science - NEW to US Market. May be up to

18 times better absorbed and utilized than regular CoQ10 and at least

twice as absorbable as the used to be the newest and best quinols.

> Human trials show that taking ProCoQ10 results in 18 times higher

serum levels of CoQ10 than standard CoQ10. The solubility and

absorbability of the CoQ10 in ProCoQ10 has been greatly increased

through using " ester science " that gets the nutrients through the

digestive system and into your cells. Other human clinical trials show

that at just 30mg a day ProCoQ10 reduced daily DNA damage in humans by

51%. And shrank human skin wrinkles in 6 weeks....... ....<snip>


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