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Juice fasting

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Could some people please give their opinion on what is the best juicer to

buy, both for regular and for grass juicing? For regular, I have heard that

the Champion and the Olympia are the best. Is this true and is one better

than the other? Also does anybody know where the " best " juicers can be

gotten at a good price? Thank you.


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Haven't had a chance yet to visit the site that was posted but want to

add something of importance.

Whereas carrot juice (and I know this wasn't mentioned specifically) in

small quantities is extremely good for us, it is a well known fact in

both oriental medicine and western medicine that those with liver damage

should drink no more than 10-14oz of carrot juice a day. Too much carrot

juice can and will cause cirhossis.

But cleansing our bodies on occasion is an excellent thing to do....we

need to flush out the toxins. Just please be careful with carrot juice





> > I'd like to know more about your juice fast? What's

> > the intention of > it and what are the benefits.

> >


If we want to cultivate a true spirit of democracy we cannot afford to

be intolerant. Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause.

~Mahatma Ghandi~

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Haven't had a chance yet to visit the site that was posted but want to

add something of importance.

Whereas carrot juice (and I know this wasn't mentioned specifically) in

small quantities is extremely good for us, it is a well known fact in

both oriental medicine and western medicine that those with liver damage

should drink no more than 10-14oz of carrot juice a day. Too much carrot

juice can and will cause cirhossis.

But cleansing our bodies on occasion is an excellent thing to do....we

need to flush out the toxins. Just please be careful with carrot juice





> > I'd like to know more about your juice fast? What's

> > the intention of > it and what are the benefits.

> >


If we want to cultivate a true spirit of democracy we cannot afford to

be intolerant. Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause.

~Mahatma Ghandi~

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  • 7 years later...



Has anyone tried the breuss juice fast to treat an advanced form of cancer.

Can you eat a small amount of food if you are struggling or will it affect the




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