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Clinical Trials

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paoladan@... writes:

> Wondering about the clinical trials, are they free, or the patient have to pay

for them..


If you pay you should get what you want...which means..not a placebo.

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Current time: Friday, 2010/05/21, 19:39

Hello ,

This is just ridiculous. you cannot honestly be saying that we should

'throw the baby out with the water' are you?

Of course, as in ALL areas of human life, there are bad studies,. I would never

try to claim otherwise. There are bad policemen,..there are even bad Dr's and

Nurses. People whose job it is to help! So I am under no illusions about the

human capacity to be 'bad' and to spread disinformation especially in order to

make a profit.

So getting back to the point, just because there are bad studies in NO WAY

effect the result of all those good studies.

That is all I need to say really.

On the logic issue: Of course it IS about logic. If you are faced with a chance

to read some real facts on something but you choose to carry on believing what

you believe then you are not using the logic you have...or maybe not.


Best regards,

Friday, May 21, 2010, 6:11:05 PM, you wrote:

It is not about logic.

Yes, Most drug studies (clinical trials) theoretically are based scientific


But because of politics and agendas often turn out to be self justifying.

I know I have friends and doctors who have taken part in them. I have visited a

clinic in Miami.

Unfortunately basic pure science and medicine are not one and the same because

politics and money and investors and agendas are behind most clinical studies.


It’s a throw of the dice.

Here in Miami there was a converted Marriott that was used as a clinic for

clinical trials.

They advertised for subjects in the Miami New Times. Mostly street people,

homeless and destitute and very poor agreed to be paid trial subjects.

Who in their right mind would want to be a guinea pig!

Then if in the allotted time period they dropped out of the study because of

adverse effects, they were not paid, and their original presence in the trial

was erased.

How reliable can those results be.

How many studies are conducted in this manner?

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Current time: Friday, 2010/05/21, 20:19

Hello Cathleen,

I can totally understand where you are coming from, with this.

I have had bad experiences too, with some 'alternative therapies' for example.

Although it is perfectly understandable it isn't objective and there will always

be bad trials like there are bad Drs etc. this does not mean that all trials are

bad. It just cannot mean that.

On the other hand, I don't automatically dis' any treatment because iot is not

mainstream medical science. I try to always have an open mind and I swear I will

always do the research before making up my mind. My thoughts on trials and on

the vast majority of 'CAMS' is entirely based on this method and I am confident

that I now Know for sure the stuff that is out there is either in the BS

category or not. If I don't know then I try to find out.

What I am saying is that trials are the single most effective way for us to find

out if a substance has any efficacy worth noting. All of the drugs around today

wee the result of this. There have also been mistakes made..but history is

filled with mistakes, we used to do bloodletting on people and actually killed

a few hundred thousand or more because of this. One being a US president!

I still understand why you would not trust all clinical trials because of your

terrible experience, which I sympathise for you and I wouldn't wish that on

anyone. I almost was a member of the trial that went horribly wrong here in

England. It was at a hospital called Northwick Park, in Harrow, London. I'm sure

you can Google it as it was horrific and all over the news here. Not sure if it

hit the headlines worldwide though?

So I can sympathise with you. I think though, if it was me, I would swear NEVER

to be a part of as trial again but I would certainly not extrapolate from that

to the rather unrelated stance of 'not trusting all drugs that have resulted

from trials'. Is that what you meant or am I misunderstanding you here?

I say the above because as I said, trials have got us this far and no one has

came up with a more effective method so I value the scientific method very


I really do wish you well and please don't think I am being personal or nasty, I

just had such a phase of being 'duped' when I was so severely ill and vulnerable

that I woke up at one point and after research I realised about the huge world

of fake medicines and very rich scammers selling things like silver and sharks

fin... I know that I was disillusioned trying one thing after another..paying

out for it too and not getting results. At a time when I needed to be having

support and something positive. I was very ill as I guess everyone is in the

group. I still am very ill but I no longer am willing to take anything blindly

just on what I heard a friend recommending or saw on TV. I will spend a lot of

time gathering information first. since I started doing that I have to tell you

there hasn't been ONE single therapy that has appeared, that after research, has

shown to have any truth to its claims at all. You might be surprised at the size

of the list because of you use Google you will find the fake science and

scamming selling sites all over the results, the first page has more of the bad

fake results on it than good information.

Anyway I'm going off the point.

I wish you well.


Best regards,

Friday, May 21, 2010, 7:50:03 PM, you wrote:

Sadly I know this firsthand. I was in a trial for Lialda for my UC, and when I

started flaring while on the drug, they immediately dumped me off the trial.

Therefore I will not be a part of their 'percentage' since they won't include me

because I was unceremoniously dumped off the trial after falling ill. I don't

trust all clinical trials having experienced this firsthand.


LDN for UC

From: Domin <likethis@...>

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] clinical trials

low dose naltrexone

Date: Friday, May 21, 2010, 10:11 AM

It is not about logic.

Yes, Most drug studies (clinical trials) theoretically are based scientific


But because of politics and agendas often turn out to be self justifying.

I know I have friends and doctors who have taken part in them. I have visited a

clinic in Miami.

Unfortunately basic pure science and medicine are not one and the same because

politics and money and investors and agendas are behind most clinical studies.

http://medtruth. blogspot. com/

It’s a throw of the dice.

Here in Miami there was a converted Marriott that was used as a clinic for

clinical trials.

They advertised for subjects in the Miami New Times. Mostly street people,

homeless and destitute and very poor agreed to be paid trial subjects.

Who in their right mind would want to be a guinea pig!

Then if in the allotted time period they dropped out of the study because of

adverse effects, they were not paid, and their original presence in the trial

was erased.

How reliable can those results be.

How many studies are conducted in this manner?

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