Guest guest Posted December 11, 2009 Report Share Posted December 11, 2009 What does this mean? " If they are so concerned about the radiation-cancer link, then why in the world do they drown you in the stuff after diagnosis? " Who is the 'they' in both of these instances? Some of 'them' would not irradiate every woman and the others would radiate every woman. The above statement does not give credibility towards justification for having mammograms. As said many time before, it is difficult telling a woman that was diagnosed, or was told she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, found by a Mammogram, that she should not have had a mammogram. That is not at the heart of the issue going on right now. The issue is, thousands, multiple thousands of women are being exposed to cancer-causing radiation, admittedly so by all experts, and many thousand of those women will be 'incorrectly' diagnosed with Breast Cancer thereby getting more and more 'heroic' and increasingly dangerous procedures/scans, and whom will never develop cancer. Many experts agree that the most dangerous and fast growing cancers are too often 'missed' by mammograms as happened with my daughter-in-law whom, within a month of her exam, A MONTH, discovered a 'search-light' size tumor she thought was a cyst because it was so quick and so obvious. It was breast cancer! This is not an isolated case because these are exactly what brought about this controversy. That being said, everything we do is a decision.......right or wrong.........a decision. What we should not do is try to convince everyone that our decision is the right decision. In fact, we do not know if our decision was right in the first place. Another statement, " By the time it is palpable, it is usually an invasive cancer " is obviously not correct either. Most of us do not have enough knowledge to make such broad, all-encompassing statements. We are not speaking of an isolated 'exposure' to radiation and forced manipulation of a breast that might, in itself, create 'seeding' problems, we are speaking of 15-20 years of Mammograms that when examined in the light are not resulting in extended life. Survivability has barely changed during the past 40 years and most of it simply the manipulation of statistics. In fact, the early detection is misleading because the 'extra' years they found the tumor/cancer, are added to the old survivability and it makes people think they are living longer. Ex: If there is a percentage of survivors living 5 years after diagnosis, and they now find those people's cancer's 2 years earlier..................those two years are added to the five and guess what? They just say survivability is now 7 years. It isn't. Nothing has changed but the numbers. Medicine is and always has been a manipulation of the numbers. How often have we read the terms, 'Absolute' and 'Relative' when discussing their statistics. Too often. When the 'Relative' figure is thrown at patients, they are completely being misled and there is no denying it. Let me repeat, it is difficult telling the person that was diagnosed correctly, if that was the case, via the use of any screening procedure, that they should not have had it. It isn't difficult for me because I would not say it. I simply said it is a decision one has to make but a decision others should make based upon all the facts not just one's emotions. You hear professionals heralding the benefits of screening for cancer but never disputing what the opposition is saying. They use the emotional arguments and the letters from a few people saying, " I would not be alive today if it wasn't for the Mammogram " . Have we not heard of people that have never had treatments and have survived cancer......or people that have survived using Alternative methods exclusively and it wasn't very long ago the 'establishment' admitted that there are 'spontaneous remissions' for which there is no explanation and because of that, some professionals think more 'watchful waiting' is in order. In the case of Prostate Cancers this is already becoming accepted...............slowly, but more and more. It is difficult giving up the Cash-Cow of surgery, medication, screenings, and all that goes with cancer. Joe C. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 11, 2009 Report Share Posted December 11, 2009 If more mammograms would discover more cancers, then perhaps they should be had monthly? There is no evidence but a belief system, in place, that a particular DCIS would turn into cancer, in fact, there is more evidence it is not the problem they once thought it was. We have the right to drink and smoke too. Nobody is taking anyone's right away or even suggesting a right be taken away. That is nothing more than propaganda to assault Health-Care Reform. They jumped from the 'Pulling the Plug on Grandma to Taking away a woman's right to have a Mammogram. Beliefs, whether in religion or health-care, one of the strongest religions in the world often speak to issues with little evidence.........look at the fervor being generated by this subject and by people like us.............people that spout their beliefs with little evidence beyond a 'feeling' or a 'suspicion' which I guess is the same thing. I am sorry to dispute your entire thought that this is 'taking away' a right you claim you have. Show me where that is? Perhaps, if the people pushing mammograms, chemotherapy, surgery, perhaps if 'they' wanted an alternative, there would be one. Do not blame those offering their evidence regarding the benefits or lack thereof of mammogram screening for not pushing some alternative. That's the Conventional system and the power of a corrupt system that kill more people than they save. If we did not believe this to be true, there would be no Cancer-cured list. There is no evidence, and I'll repeat that, that any particular treatment any of us have had, is the reason we are here today. What would you have had my daughter-in-law do? Get a mammogram every two weeks? Wasn't the once enough and the doctor's exam enough so that a fast growing cancer could be detected or do we simply say, " that was just an unusual case " . The facts are in, this isn't an unusual case..........mammograms tend to miss the more serous cancers and mammograms also lead to heroic and unnecessary treatments for millions of women. Millions, not just a few. Every decision we make is not the right decision. It is simply a decision .......but it is a right that one can make themselves..........sometimes. I say sometimes because Conventional Medicine can force you to be treated or have your children be treated and sometimes you cannot stop them. Anyone wanting a mammogram has the right to have one and if they have one, that is their business. By the same token, this is an Alternative Cancer list and while there is freedom of speech there is also freedom to dispute statements that are over-reaching such as, once a lump is found, it is probably invasive or, that DCIS will become full-blown cancer. That is not backed up by evidence. On the contrary, the thinking about DCIS has come to be very different from what it was just 10 years ago. It is no different from Heart-by-pass surgery. How many people that have had it believe their lives were saved as a result of that surgery? An entire section of Cardiology believes that most of the surgeries could have been avoided and people treated medically and that the life-span of people undergoing the surgery is no better than those not having it. I'll give you another one. The 'Filter' people have inserted in their groins when a blood clot is found because of the inactivity/trauma they suffered. A big study now finds that there is no measurable benefit because of this procedure. However, tell that to someone that had it inserted. I wouldn't dare tell a person that believes their life was saved by chemotherapy or radiation that it wasn't. I could not prove it wasn't so why would I? However, they cannot prove it was. It's a belief, nothing more. I am particularly concerned when statements are made regarding " rights being taken away " or " treatments to the elderly being denied " because I am very involved with the need for health-care-reform. I am an insurance professional and it is my opinion that the propaganda machine needs to be countered. People are being spoon-fed nonsense about rights and treatments being taken away when it is the Insurance Industry that is denying coverage and is the cause of high premiums. We need to stop buying into sensational statements like " pulling the plug " or " taking away my rights " . Too many on this list do not even have insurance and still they argue the insurance industry talking points. There are enough lists available for people that want to pursue conventional practices without this list turning into one of them. People join this list, sometimes not realizing it is an Alternative oriented list while others are well aware of it. I do not need to belong to a list to hear about conventional practices on a regular basis because all I need to do is go to my regular physician for that. Any women can go to any Gynecologist or Oncologist and get The Full Works without any help from this list. The subject line is correct, the evidence is clear and it comes from the very profession that started it in the first place. To deny the subject line is foolhardy. To deny there are variables? Just as fool-hardy. Mammograms done routinely, the way currently done, do more harm than good. This does not mean the person that 'falls into the 'good' should be sorry she had one, it is simply looking at the entire picture and people right now, defending screening, are not, not taking into consideration the many thousands that are going to develop cancer that would not have but for the excessive radiation received over a lifetime. Do not forget the dental or other X-rays exposed to over the years. Joe C. 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Guest guest Posted December 12, 2009 Report Share Posted December 12, 2009 Cheri, not only did the mammogram miss my daughter-in-law's most aggressive cancer, the physical exam a week later also missed it. If it had not 'jumped out' and stood out like a beacon, she would not have known it. The very same argument being made in defense of mammograms or against its overuse, because that is what is being discussed, applies to other diagnostic efforts, such as biopsy. It is established medical fact that biopsy, like mammograms, can either 'seed' cancer cells or in the case of mammograms, cause cancer. People are using " minimal " amount of radiation as if it is of no consequence but it is also fact, indisputable fact, that mammography, done for many years, results in more women developing cancer than would have. The decision one makes to undergo the risk to 'catch it early' is a personal decision. For us, however, to urge women to subject themselves to this risk, using faulty and personal experience, is questionable at best. Nobody is addressing the very strong evidence being presented that many thousands of women are going to get cancer because of having regular mammograms. Another thing not being addressed is that the supposed survivals of early detection include those, whether breast cancer or prostate, that would not have killed them in the first place. To accuse the professionals that are looking at the overuse of mammograms of wanting women to get invasive cancer is quite a stretch. This is not a new controversy, but only new because it has been picked up by conventional practiticioners and researchers. Many in the Alternative field have known about this 'screening game', be it breast, prostate, or other types. It is only hitting the news because it is being used by proponents of 'status quo' rather than Health-Care Reform. There are other methods, not approved of course, that can be used to detect cancer and don't expect them to ever be approved because the cash-cow of chemotherapy, radiation, Mammograms, Biopsy and extensive surgery is more important to medicine than truth. Obviously not all conventional practitioners think that way but those in power, they do. Big Pharma the driving force. How many women undergo chemotherapy? Lots. Yet a review of the very extensive study by the Australian Oncologists, studying theirs as well as the U.S. records, proved to them that only 2% of the women undergoing this form of treatment benefited. If a doctor told me that I would have to undergo this often dangerous and life-threatening treatment but only 2 out of 100 benefit and many actually die from it, do you think I would be willing to accept it? No. However, some would and there is the decision process. When I refused a biopsy of my entire bladder because of the 'seeding issue, the Urologist thought I was foolish and that he would take precautions against it. When I asked what would be the course taken if what he was looking for showed up, he said, " then everything come out " . Everything meant, The bladder, the urethra, ureters, and prostate.................none of which guaranteed no spread of cancer. I elected not decision and not the one others would make, However, if I had not been involved with Alternative thoughts most of my life, I might have done everything 'they' wanted to do. There are those in the conventional field that believe that early mastectomy for any woman whose family has a history of breast cancer is appropriate. I supposed they could do this at birth and that would be as early as one could protect against breast cancer. Perhaps all men should have their prostates removed when reaching their 30s, Screening is being examined by many researchers because the numbers relating to survival do not add up to prove screening works. It is no accident that screening is under fire.............researchers are looking at the numbers. As for survival? Without trying to be negative, but this is negative, the game isn't over for any of us. Being in 'remission' or 'cured' as some would prefer to say, for a number of years, does not mean we are going to stay that way. I don't call that 'negative's but to me, realistic. If some want to ignore the fact that some cancers will not kill them or that many are dying because of the very treatments they get, that is their decision and that is what life is all about. Just be assured I am not 'attacking' anyone for their decision because as 'J' (I think) suggested, it is one scary thing to be hit with.............the diagnosis of cancer. I shed many a tear that my grandson of only 2 would not remember me............but then common sense and my many years of 'flirting' with alternative health caused me to use the Internet. (he's now 9) I found this list. A wonderful former member whose son also had bladder cancer suggested I seek out , Director of The Center for The study of Natural Oncology and he made some suggestions and my spirits lifted. Eventually I met him on his office day off and he graciously devoted more than an hour of his time, gratis, and the following year as well. Even had the luxury of seeing his lab. When I discussed treatments with the Urologist I had 'support' now............but under no circumstances was I going to undergo chemotherapy but did accept immunotherapy. Thanks to this list I was able to have the support needed. Thank goodness I was not 'pushed' into getting things, such as the entire bladder biopsy or chemotherapy by some well-meaning, sincere, but uninformed member of this list. One final thought on how these 'professional think'. When I was having difficulty getting catheterized the Uro said, " well, perhaps it is time to consider Chemotherapy " . I said what would you use? He said, " Mitomycin " I happened to have researched that earlier and I said, " I researched that and it isn't all that effective " .................he responded....... " you're right " . That was the end of that. This doesn't make me a genius but it tells me we can be 'up-to-speed' on anything doctors are by reading and searching what they read and search. We do not know the physiology or anatomy they know...........but we can be up on everything else because they often do not have the time or take the time to stay up on things. Haven't we read that some doctors have never heard of Thermography? When I told my Uro that the Lidocaine they use to 'deaden' the invasive Cystoscope pain was Carcinogenic, he got annoyed and said, " everything is carcinogenic " . A year later they no longer used it. I knew it before his office knew it.............not because I am smarter than them............I read it in a study and they didn't. Talk about a long-winded digression. That's the story of my life. Sorry, but this thread has produced other long passages but this one is my last on the subject because we are beating it to death........bad word. ONCE MORE: I am with each and everyone one of you and will defend your right to do whatever you want. I will also, however, point out what I have read and learned from both Alternative and Conventional sources but most importantly, will always throw in a 'monkey wrench' when 'absolutes' that are not proven are being thrown at new members. These are the most vulnerable and few of us are in a position to know what we had done or are doing for ourselves is why we are alive. The game isn't's not necessarily Half-Time yet or the 7th. inning. Keep an open mind but not so open our brains fall out. Now, off to 'down' a couple of supplements that have been 'proven' to have a positive effect on bladder cancer. One of the people most influential, I believe, on whatever success I have had is and he himself is battling for his own life right now. , to the horror of some, would not hesitate to use some conventional protocol to 'stop' something that is progressing so quickly that something needs to be done in order to give the body time to heal itself. We do need balance and if, someday, the studies do prove that early detection is so superior to waiting, then I'll jump on that wagon and ride it. Until then, and because of experience, I'll withhold judgment garnered over 60 years (boy am I old). Joe C. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 12, 2009 Report Share Posted December 12, 2009 Thanks for your post, Joe. This has needed to be said for a long time. When I first joined, more than several years back, it was very pro alternative medicine, but it seems within the last year or two it has become more mainstream in nature. Not sure why this is and it's difficult to get answers since the moderators/list owner choose to remain anonymous. When people have believed a lie that has been presented to them over and over and over, it is very, very difficult to get them to believe the " truth " because that " lie " becomes a safe haven. Conventional medicine and its " fix everything with drugs, surgery, radiation " philosophy has become a huge safety net (full of unsuspecting holes) that gives people the idea that they can live and treat their body however they want to so that IF they become sick or develop a disease conventional medicine will be right there for them to get them well. I wish members of this list could see some of the people who " roll " into the offices of natural medicine clinics. I say " roll " because they are usually in wheel chairs. Why? Because they trusted conventional medicine with their cancer treatment. They allowed (yes, it was their decision) surgery after surgery, radiation upon radiation and drugs beyond the wildest imagination and never ONCE did they do any research on their own. They totally and completely BELIEVED a LIE. They now want alternative/natural medicine to fix the results of scientific medicine...medicine that is supposedly backed by clinical trials and peer reviewed journals.....medicine that has lied over and over....medicine that relys soley on sickness and drugs to make their money....medicine that never tries to get to the root of the concern. These people, who have been used as lab rats, want a miracle from natural medicine and yet when that doesn't happen, many blame natural medicine.... " see, it doesn't work! " Again, misplaced beliefs. Mammograms do NOT catch breast cancer early. By the time cancer is even detectable, it has already been there for more than several years....some believe up to 7-10 years. And the reason we BELIEVE mammograms catch cancer early is because this is what we have been told and also because we believe that all cancer kills -- something else we have been " taught " to believe. We have not been told that everyone has cancer cells in their body, that everyone develops cancer in their lifetime but many, if not most, of these cancers resolve themselves without intervention.....but most importantly that conventional medicine treatment, when used TOO EARLY, can cause a cancer that would most likely dissolve to actually GROW. Again, we have been told a lie and now it is difficult to believe the truth. Our system is broken. We have doctors that are lying in research papers for pharmaceutical companies; pharmaceutical companies that are using billions of dollars in advertising their drugs on nightly TV; cancer centers such as MD that are advertising on the weekends with 30 minutes to 1 hour worth of TV time (wonder how much of the research dollar goes into this?); runs and walks, etc. that raise millions of dollars every year, med schools that allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise in and buy books for med students....yet, we are no closer to a cure than we were in the 70's. Supposedly just more " scientific " medicine that costs more. Still....people flock to places like MD for a is their safety net because MD has set themselves up as the premier cancer treatment center. The reason that I say this is because I used to think in the same manner....until I had a month of chemotherapy....did anyone offer me the information that chemo is almost never curative for colon cancer? NO! My very short dealings with the cancer industry in Houston was very eye-opening. It is an INDUSTRY that wants every medical dollar it can get -- whether through insurance or personally. We have oncology centers (more than several) in very bedroom community and all around Houston. For a while it seemed they were popping up everywhere making it convenient for everyone to get their very nice of them! Arlyn asked about thermograms and why there is not more information or more availability. When you buck the conventional medical system or go against a cash-cow (mammograms are a HUGE cash cow), especially the CANCER INDUSTRY, you will pay a huge price. They will do everything in their power to disprove and I mean everything. This was played out recently on TV when Suzanne Somers and several alternative doctors were on Larry King. The conventional cancer doctors were smug and absolutely ridiculous in their answers; yet, their purpose was NOT to give out good information (because they have NONE) but to make the alternative MDs and Suzanne Somers look foolish. However, in this case, I think it backfired tremendously. As a side note....everyone really should have a copy of Suzanne Somers book, Knockout, and should be giving it to loved ones for Christmas. Information Empowers! Until we decide to stop believing the lies...until we start holding doctors and the FDA accountable for their treatments and drug recommendations, there will be no change, just more of the same. You see, they are coming out with these changed mammogram recommendations because, again, it is a money thing. Just as they did with synthetic HRT several years ago when they were literally " caught " in their lies. Alternative medicine has been screaming about all of these things for a long, long, long time; however, it is thought of as quackery with no " scientific " proof or backing. Big medicine is once again trying to correct something that it has known about for a long time.....they have been found out and they understand that people are beginning to believe the truth thus, in order to save face and money, they are trying to look like the " hero " in saying mammograms are really not needed until later in life. They have known this for a long, long time -- I am sending in an article from 2002 that will prove this. I could tell you story upon story....true stories that would curl your toenails. List, things are not as they seem in the cancer industry. It is a dog-eat-dog world and conventional medicine is not about finding a real cure, it is about finding synthetic drugs that will " manage " your cancer so you will keep coming back. If there is no money in a treatment, they will make it look suspect. Did any catch Ralph Moss' blog about Coley's Toxins this week? ource=twitterfeed & utm_medium=facebook Radiation causes cancer. Chemotherapy causes cancer. Lab testing is not always reliable and in fact if one doesn't have a baseline then lab testing becomes every more unreliable. Yet this is all conventional medicine has for cancer patients. FEAR freezes people and is controlling (all governments know this and practice it) which is what the industry wants and, most often, decisions that are made quickly and out of FEAR end up causing regret. . Read " Politics In Healing " by Haley....things have not changed and they will not change until people start hitting the cancer industry in the money-pocket thus making them become responsible for using people as lab rats. That means holding them just as accountabile as you would if they botched-up a treatment that caused harm. Like, Joe, I defend the right of individual choice but I will yell at the top of my lungs asking people to PLEASE do their RESEARCH and EDUCATION BEFORE they consent to ANY form of treatment. I draw the line when personal experience, mine or anyone elses, is construed as a " this is the way it always happens " type of thing. Treatment should always be very individualized because every lifestyle is different. We are not cookie-cutters just because we may have the same type of cancer. Conventional medicine fails to recognize this. In closing.....My Mother did everything " right " . She was put on synthetic thyroid medication in her 20's because she felt " tired " ; synthetic hormone SHOTS after a hysterectomy when she was 38; mammograms every year after 50. She ate a very healthy diet, exercised, was never overweight, never smoked or drank. A very lovely lady. The mammogram that she had every year NEVER picked up her breast cancer....she died two years after a lump came up under her arm. In her lifetime, she did all the " preventatives " and testing that conventional medicine suggested. She declined chemotherapy and lived an extra two years doing natural therapy and did not want to deal with the devastation of chemotherapy since she had watched me go through one hellacious month of it. That was her choice and I don't think she regretted it other than she often wondered WHY those wonderful mammograms never picked up the cancer. For those who don't know, I am a stage 3 colon cancer survivor of nine years. I did have surgery to remove the tumor and 1 month of chemo -- they wanted me to do six months of " preventative " chemo. After the one month of chemo I ended up in the hospital with severe dehydration -- to the point where my life was in danger. Stopped conventional medicine and began an alternative medicine protocol. Well within seven months and have stayed well. My testimony is at I have walked the path....I don't offer my testimony as a " this is the way it should be done " but I do offer it as a testimony that natural and alternative therapies can work. Be Well Dr.L -----Original Message----- If more mammograms would discover more cancers, then perhaps they should be had monthly? There is no evidence but a belief system, in place, that a particular DCIS would turn into cancer, in fact, there is more evidence it is not the problem they once thought it was. We have the right to drink and smoke too. Nobody is taking anyone's right away or even suggesting a right be taken away. That is nothing more than propaganda to assault Health-Care Reform. They jumped from the 'Pulling the Plug on Grandma to Taking away a woman's right to have a Mammogram. Beliefs, whether in religion or health-care, one of the strongest religions in the world often speak to issues with little evidence.........look at the fervor being generated by this subject and by people like us.............people that spout their beliefs with little evidence beyond a 'feeling' or a 'suspicion' which I guess is the same thing. I am sorry to dispute your entire thought that this is 'taking away' a right you claim you have. Show me where that is? Perhaps, if the people pushing mammograms, chemotherapy, surgery, perhaps if 'they' wanted an alternative, there would be one. Do not blame those offering their evidence regarding the benefits or lack thereof of mammogram screening for not pushing some alternative. That's the Conventional system and the power of a corrupt system that kill more people than they save. If we did not believe this to be true, there would be no Cancer-cured list. There is no evidence, and I'll repeat that, that any particular treatment any of us have had, is the reason we are here today. What would you have had my daughter-in-law do? Get a mammogram every two weeks? Wasn't the once enough and the doctor's exam enough so that a fast growing cancer could be detected or do we simply say, " that was just an unusual case " . The facts are in, this isn't an unusual case..........mammograms tend to miss the more serous cancers and mammograms also lead to heroic and unnecessary treatments for millions of women. Millions, not just a few. Every decision we make is not the right decision. It is simply a decision .......but it is a right that one can make themselves..........sometimes. I say sometimes because Conventional Medicine can force you to be treated or have your children be treated and sometimes you cannot stop them. Anyone wanting a mammogram has the right to have one and if they have one, that is their business. By the same token, this is an Alternative Cancer list and while there is freedom of speech there is also freedom to dispute statements that are over-reaching such as, once a lump is found, it is probably invasive or, that DCIS will become full-blown cancer. That is not backed up by evidence. On the contrary, the thinking about DCIS has come to be very different from what it was just 10 years ago. It is no different from Heart-by-pass surgery. How many people that have had it believe their lives were saved as a result of that surgery? An entire section of Cardiology believes that most of the surgeries could have been avoided and people treated medically and that the life-span of people undergoing the surgery is no better than those not having it. I'll give you another one. The 'Filter' people have inserted in their groins when a blood clot is found because of the inactivity/trauma they suffered. A big study now finds that there is no measurable benefit because of this procedure. However, tell that to someone that had it inserted. I wouldn't dare tell a person that believes their life was saved by chemotherapy or radiation that it wasn't. I could not prove it wasn't so why would I? However, they cannot prove it was. It's a belief, nothing more. I am particularly concerned when statements are made regarding " rights being taken away " or " treatments to the elderly being denied " because I am very involved with the need for health-care-reform. I am an insurance professional and it is my opinion that the propaganda machine needs to be countered. People are being spoon-fed nonsense about rights and treatments being taken away when it is the Insurance Industry that is denying coverage and is the cause of high premiums. We need to stop buying into sensational statements like " pulling the plug " or " taking away my rights " . Too many on this list do not even have insurance and still they argue the insurance industry talking points. There are enough lists available for people that want to pursue conventional practices without this list turning into one of them. People join this list, sometimes not realizing it is an Alternative oriented list while others are well aware of it. I do not need to belong to a list to hear about conventional practices on a regular basis because all I need to do is go to my regular physician for that. Any women can go to any Gynecologist or Oncologist and get The Full Works without any help from this list. The subject line is correct, the evidence is clear and it comes from the very profession that started it in the first place. To deny the subject line is foolhardy. To deny there are variables? Just as fool-hardy. Mammograms done routinely, the way currently done, do more harm than good. This does not mean the person that 'falls into the 'good' should be sorry she had one, it is simply looking at the entire picture and people right now, defending screening, are not, not taking into consideration the many thousands that are going to develop cancer that would not have but for the excessive radiation received over a lifetime. Do not forget the dental or other X-rays exposed to over the years. Joe C. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Joe C. I have advance prostrate cancer. It was in my ribs, and my lower back, the cancer is gone now, but the pain still remains, from where it once was. it getting better though, For about two years I have had no treatment but high dose of vitamin and minerals, and also, a no simple sugars, no bread, and a no fruit or fruit juice diet, I've been on this for about a year now, my psa been dropping a few points every test I've had from when this first started. I believe that the damage from smoking and drinking is only part of the process of cancer. One part is the damage cause by pathogens, the other part is feeding cancer with an excess of simple sugars. I know of smokers, and drinkers, who live well in to there eighties, and nineties. All there lives there diet lacks the simple sugars cancer needed to make cancer tumours. Smokers and drinkers who do this no simple sugar diet, do die, but they die of other things, then cancer. The reason I also stay away from bread, and fruit, is bread, is turned into simple sugars, in the GI track. Just one Apple has a tea spoon of fruit sugar in it. the way this works is our immune system is quit good at destroying cancer but it cant keep up if were feeding it with excess simple sugars Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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