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Re: Duodenal Ulcer

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Thank you so much for your comments about my stomach. I think I may have

duodenal ulcer or ongoing gastritis with Reiter's. Has any body else has it and

what did they do.

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From: " p d " <painzen@...>

> Has any body else has it and what did they do.

I have had them on and off for over 20 years. The best thing I did was get

away from NSAIDS and even the 2 family of drugs. The newer ulcer

medications seem to work well.

While they do not bother me too much anymore, I always make sure I take my

medications with food. Even if it is only a banana.



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Hi everyone...

I've got RS and have been on Celebrex for 3 years and get constant flare ups

while on this medication. I've been given Medrol Dosepak quite a few times a

year, and/or Depo-Medrol injections about 2-3 times a year.

Has anyone had any luck with Celebrex? It seems I never got flare ups while on

the NSAIDS for 2 years prior, but they gave me severe stomach problems after a

couple of years and the rheumy switched me to Celebrex when it came on the

market. The stomach got better than, but Celebrex just doesn't seem to prevent

flare ups, which I get every 6 months and they last for 3 months and then start

to wane until the next episode.

I now seem to be getting stomach problems (nasty upper abdominal pain) from the

Medrol Dosepak. I now take Prevacid 30 mg 2x a day for the stomach problems and

I'm still having stomach pain. Any suggestions would be appreciated on



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In a message dated 6/9/2003 12:26:25 PM Pacific Standard Time,

Emerica130@... writes:

> Has anyone had any luck with Celebrex?

It works for Adrienne, but she has a few other medications she takes along

with it.

Prozac at 20 mg for pain, not depression, Cyproheptadine, Trazadone as

needed. Other meds for her thyroid.


Adrienne's Mom

Adrienne age 19

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  • 5 years later...
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Comfrey tea worked for me. Cleared up a long standing ulcer in about 2 weeks. It

did flare up now and then, a few more days of comfry and it was all better.20

years later I am still ulcer free.


It took me a couple of years to identify and reverse digestive and other

problems caused by the ulcer drug Tagamet, which in six months did nothing for

the ulcer, except perhaps temporarily put out the fire.


 Comfrey tea tastes a bit like old socks, so add some mint or lemon balm or

anything a bit more tasty.3- 6 cups a day will usually do the job.


Health Canda and the FDA have tried to prove comfrey carcenogenic. Tests on rats

did produce tumours, however the rats  were given powerful extracts of comfry

which were the equivilent of drinking 200 cups of comfrey tea a day for an adult



Comfrey is a biblilcal herb, and has been in use for 5000 years.


I recently had a nasty rash on my scalp. I had booked for a perm, five days down

the road, and realized I would be insane to use perm solution on something that

looked and felt like a bad case of cradle cap. I grow comfrey so I whizzed a

handful of leaves in the blender with water, let it sit for a day, and strained

it. I applied the solution for 3 days which cleared my scalp completely.


I have been asked if it would help with skin cancer. I have no idea,rather doubt

it but  has anyone had any experience with this ?


jrrjim <jim.mcelroy> wrote:

Anyone have any advice for dealing with a duodenal ulcer?

I used to use sucralfate, but this is an aluminum compound, so I don't think it

would be very good for someone dealing with cancer.

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Massive doses of mastic gum would take care of this. Should be tested for h.


Very important!


From: jrrjim

Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:38 AM

Subject: [ ] Duodenal Ulcer

Anyone have any advice for dealing with a duodenal ulcer?

I used to use sucralfate, but this is an aluminum compound, so I don't

think it would be very good for someone dealing with cancer.

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Betaine Hydrochloride may help if the bacteria infection is caused by

lack of stomach acid.

However, the stuff survives well once they establish an ulcer in the

mucus. I read an abstract it takes like 30min at this point in a ph

of 1-3 to kill the H. Pylori. Bacteria uses urease-action to lower

ph to survive in acid, so like the only difference is the type of by-

product it produces making it either a good or bad bacteria.

Like acidipholus byproduct is lactic acid which helps in digesting

dairy; however pylori's is ammonia which is toxic.


>Massive doses of mastic gum would take care of this. Should be

tested for h. pylori. Very important!

> From: jrrjim

> Anyone have any advice for dealing with a duodenal ulcer?

> I used to use sucralfate, but this is an aluminum compound, so I

don't think it would be very good for someone dealing with cancer.

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One of the fastest and most efficient thing you can do is get a few doses of

Bismuth, not from the Pink drink, but bismuth as found in Gastromycin.

39 years ago I was suffering with serious Duodenal ulcers..............and on

the Texas Border an Immigration Officer I was 'assigned' to suggested a product

his wife used to avoid major sugary to remove half her stomach.

I took this for three day and have not had an ulcer attack in these 39 years.

Twenty years after I got rid of the problem I read the Reader's Digest issue

where Bismuth and an Antibiotic was used to successfully treat Ulcers and

especially those caused by H. Pylori. However, it was the Bismuth and no

antibiotic I used. What would you expect from big Pharma? An antibiotic

that's what.

The only product that comes close to what I took is Gastromycin by, I think,

Allergy Research and sold by Vitamin Shoppe and I suppose others. My

'concoction was made by a Compounding Pharmacist and I suppose one could make up

something as well. Bismuth, licorice, water and I think that's it. ??

Go ahead and take the Mastic Gum too, but the specific for Duodenal Ulcers and

possibly H-Pylori is the Bismuth found in Gastromycin. A well-founded

testimonial with the bismuth 'blessed' by the Allopathic system too. Somewhere

in my nest of old articles is the original Reader's Digest that heralded what I

had been introduced to 20 years before. Why did it take them twenty years to

find this? Who found it the first time around?

Joe C.

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I used cabbage juice and cured my ulcer. It is the Juicing for Life book, I

believe it's 1/4 cabbage, 1/2 apple, stalk of celery and 1 inch chunk of

ginger. I did that twice per day and gosh I think it was a week that the

ulcer (longstanding ulcer) was gone.

But as mentioned, you should be checked for H. pylori. If indeed h. pylori,

then manuka honey (UMF 20) should do the trick.

I suppose you could always put the manuka into the cabbage juice and cover

all bases :-).


Toronto, ON


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Cabbage Juice and fresh Aloe are long-standing treatments for ulcers. I

mentioned Gastromycin because it worked. Go do Cabbage juice. Buy some

Organic, if possible, juice a large glass-full and see what happens in a few

days. The body wants to heal..........help it.

Do not fret over H-Pylori because it could be missed when tested for so simply

treat yourself naturally just as if you had it.

If you test for it, and they find it, then what? If it's there and they miss

it? Then what?

Select from the easy suggestions above and run with it. You will know very

quickly if the particular protocol is working. There's nothing that says you

can't do Cabbage Juice and Aloe the same day.

If the more natural way doesn't fit your scheme of things....................go

do the Gastromycin.........It works too!

Joe C.

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I agree with Joe.

I had those and treated with mastic gum, cabbage juice and aloe. It did a great

job! You need 1000 mg of mastic gum three times a day for 6-8 weeks to

completely kill the bacteria. But......it will work.

Our 13 year old son had it a few times the last decade and it took me a while to

figure out that he had this. We went ahead and treated him naturally, had him

tested afterwards and he was free. The doctor told me that only a mother like me

that would be persistent enough could do this naturally. Well, he has a point

but really, the antibiotics just push things in the tissues for a time and the

infection resurfaces when your immune system allows it to. The mastic gum kills

it. There are no side-effects either.

Just consider this.


PS. I have had a nurse with this infection do what I said, then doubted me and

she ended up in the hospital with a perforated stomach. She became a believer

after the damage was done. Her problem is that she did not want to take the

pills three times a day. I am here to tell you that it is best to train yourself

to be disciplined and do it. Oh, the cabbage juice, take 1/4 c. three to four

times a day. It is not bad and the relief is GREAT!

From: JCastron

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 8:06 AM

Subject: Re: [ ] Duodenal Ulcer

Cabbage Juice and fresh Aloe are long-standing treatments for ulcers. I

mentioned Gastromycin because it worked. Go do Cabbage juice. Buy some Organic,

if possible, juice a large glass-full and see what happens in a few days. The

body wants to heal..........help it.

Do not fret over H-Pylori because it could be missed when tested for so simply

treat yourself naturally just as if you had it.

If you test for it, and they find it, then what? If it's there and they miss it?

Then what?

Select from the easy suggestions above and run with it. You will know very

quickly if the particular protocol is working. There's nothing that says you

can't do Cabbage Juice and Aloe the same day.

If the more natural way doesn't fit your scheme of things....................go

do the Gastromycin.........It works too!

Joe C.

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What about saurkraut and saurkraut juice? These seem to help me

quite a bit. Also, barley greens seem to help a lot.

Now, if I do have H. pylori, should I undergo a round of antibiotics?


> I used cabbage juice and cured my ulcer. It is the Juicing for Life

book, I

> believe it's 1/4 cabbage, 1/2 apple, stalk of celery and 1 inch

chunk of

> ginger. I did that twice per day and gosh I think it was a week

that the

> ulcer (longstanding ulcer) was gone.




> But as mentioned, you should be checked for H. pylori. If indeed h.


> then manuka honey (UMF 20) should do the trick.




> I suppose you could always put the manuka into the cabbage juice

and cover

> all bases :-).




> Lennon


> Toronto, ON


> www.Lennon.com


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You choose what you want to do. If you are led to take the antibiotics, then do

it. It all depends on the severity of your condition.

Sauerkraut is great too. Actually, all fermented products are gentle to a hurt

stomach. But..cabbage products are best.

You and your doctor need to determine how severe your condition is. You do not

want to run the chance of perforating your stomach. I must warn you though, the

antibiotics will take care of your problem...temporarily!

If you want to permanently deal with your condition, then what I just described

is best to consider.

You hire the doctors, you ultimately are in charge of your health. Never forget



From: jrrjim

Sent: Friday, August 01, 2008 9:46 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Duodenal Ulcer

What about saurkraut and saurkraut juice? These seem to help me

quite a bit. Also, barley greens seem to help a lot.

Now, if I do have H. pylori, should I undergo a round of antibiotics?


> I used cabbage juice and cured my ulcer. It is the Juicing for Life

book, I

> believe it's 1/4 cabbage, 1/2 apple, stalk of celery and 1 inch

chunk of

> ginger. I did that twice per day and gosh I think it was a week

that the

> ulcer (longstanding ulcer) was gone.




> But as mentioned, you should be checked for H. pylori. If indeed h.


> then manuka honey (UMF 20) should do the trick.




> I suppose you could always put the manuka into the cabbage juice

and cover

> all bases :-).




> Lennon


> Toronto, ON


> www.Lennon.com


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thewfamily@... writes:

> Massive doses of mastic gum would take care of this. Should be tested for h.



There is a wonderful healing honey that might take care of this..you would have

to research and then try it. It's called Manuka.

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jcastron1@... writes:

> Gastromycin.


Is this one of the mycin antibiotic? If so, be very very very very aware

that the mycins are ototoxic. Do not use any ototoxic antibiotic.

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High Doses of L Glutamine in the powder form will cure this.

2 to 6 grams per day spread through out the day wait at least 1 hr

after each dose before eating.

After 1 week start incorporating probiotics.

You need to do this for about 3 months.

From: szukipoo@... <szukipoo@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Duodenal Ulcer

Date: Friday, August 1, 2008, 9:30 PM

You can also try cabbage juice.

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Well my answer would be no to the antibiotics, but I can't imagine what

situation I'd have to be in to *ever* take them.

The UMF 20 Active Manuka Honey will work as an antibiotic for the H. pylori.



jim.mcelroy wrote:

Now, if I do have H. pylori, should I undergo a round of antibiotics?

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jenpopp@... writes:

> The UMF 20 Active Manuka Honey will work as an antibiotic for the H. pylori

I was having terrible stomach pain and I starting using the Manuka Honey and

Bufferzyme and it took the pain away in a couple of days.

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Hi ,

I said the same thing until I developed a UTI that would not go away

using natural means. I finally gave in to the antibiotics because I

thought they were better than losing a kidney. :)


On Sat, 2 Aug 2008 10:27:05 -0400, " Lennon "

<jenpopp@...> said:

> Well my answer would be no to the antibiotics, but I can't imagine what

> situation I'd have to be in to *ever* take them.


> The UMF 20 Active Manuka Honey will work as an antibiotic for the H.

> pylori.



> Lennon

> www.Lennon.com


> jim.mcelroy wrote:


> Now, if I do have H. pylori, should I undergo a round of antibiotics?



> ------------------------------------



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I wouldn't think honey would be so good for you if you have cancer.

It's about 1/3 pure glucose, cancer's favorite food.


> thewfamily@... writes:

> > Massive doses of mastic gum would take care of this. Should be

tested for h. pylori.

> >


> There is a wonderful healing honey that might take care of this..you

would have to research and then try it. It's called Manuka.


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I completely agree.

Like I said before, I did it with mastic gum. I stayed away from honey because I

tried so hard to fight this brain tumor without sugar.

For me, the mastic gum + the cabbage juice did great.

Google this info. You will learn.


From: jrrjim

Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 10:40 AM

Subject: [ ] Re: Duodenal Ulcer

I wouldn't think honey would be so good for you if you have cancer.

It's about 1/3 pure glucose, cancer's favorite food.


> thewfamily@... writes:

> > Massive doses of mastic gum would take care of this. Should be

tested for h. pylori.

> >


> There is a wonderful healing honey that might take care of this..you

would have to research and then try it. It's called Manuka.


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Well that's true, but you'd not need a continued dose of the Manuka honey,

the H. pylori will be taken care of within a week (maximum two weeks).


Posted by: jim.mcelroy10@...

I wouldn't think honey would be so good for you if you have cancer.

It's about 1/3 pure glucose, cancer's favorite food.

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