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Re: Duodenal Ulcer

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jenpopp@... writes:

> Well that's true, but you'd not need a continued dose of the Manuka honey, the

H. pylori will be taken care of within a week (maximum two weeks).


What is the protocol for h. pylori and how does one catch this?

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It looks like there are a lot of good suggestions in this thread for

taking care of H. Pylori.

H Pylori is bad stuff. It CAUSES stomach cancer. This has been

proven. Not good.

How do you get it? Heck if I know. It's a germ, so I guess you pick

it up the same way you might pick up any other germ, through contact

with someone who has it.


> jenpopp@... writes:

> > Well that's true, but you'd not need a continued dose of the Manuka

honey, the H. pylori will be taken care of within a week (maximum two


> >



> What is the protocol for h. pylori and how does one catch this?


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research team, including two Indian-origin scientists, has discovered that

ulcer-causing stomach pathogen, called Helicobacter pylori, enters the

stomachs inhospitable environment via a novel toxin receptor called

sphingomyelin. . . . the toxin readily attached to the lipid, called

sphingomyelin, which is an important and abundant component of the membrane

of some animal cells.

The link above has a number of links on the page relating to stomach ulcers

and cancers.

Bismuth subsalicylate is part of the conventional therapy, along with a

variety of antibiotics.

http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/hpylori/ H. pylori can be

transmitted from person to person through close contact and exposure to



CONCLUSIONS: Caution should be observed in prescribing CBS (colloidal

bismuth subsalicylate) with gastric acid suppression, and alternative

bismuth preparations should be considered.

There is an ever growing list of natural and alternative remedies.


What is the protocol for h. pylori and how does one catch this?

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