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Re: Brain Cancer diet?

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I would recommend ANTICANCER: A NEW WAY OF LIFE by Dr.

Servan-Schreiber, a brain cancer survivor.

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:41 AM, flintmission <tchatfield36@...>wrote:



> Can anyone recommend a nutritional book that targets brain cancer,

> specifically to reduce the tumor? I've read so much on the internet, it is

> overwhelming. i am not a cook and don't know anything about all these herbs

> and supplements. just a plain ole list of what to use/eat?




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Indeed! That's a great recommendation!

You can watch a video presentation by Dr. Servan-Schreiber here:


Another recommendation is to read Dr. Beliveau's book " Foods

that Fight Cancer "

Dr. Beliveau is a research scientist at McGill University. He switched

from studying new drugs to studying foods and spices. Here is a link to

his book:


A couple of caveats that you should keep in mind when watching the

videos or reading the Servan-Scheiber and Beliveau books: They are

excellent sources of information and are in very close agreement to what

I think is an ideal diet. But, they do mention that eating meat, dairy

or eggs is o.k., if the animals have been fed an omega-3 rich diet. On

this point, I think they are are wrong, as it isn't only the fat that is

a problem - animal protein also causes health problems and has been

found to promote tumor growth at levels higher thaan approx. 5% or so of

total caloric intake. In time, with more research, I believe they will

come to change their minds about this. Other than that, I feel that

they are pretty well on the mark and the information they present is

very useful/actionable.

Based on what I have read in the scientific literature, I think that for

someone who is not fighting cancer, a small amount of animal food

products will do little or no harm. This has been shown to be the case

in T. Colin 's experiments and also in populations where there

are an unusual number of healthy centenarians. However, as animal

protein consumption increases beyond approximately 5%, it has been found

to stimulate tumor growth, I think it's best to steer clear of it. The

only exception to this may be the Budwig Protocol diet which includes a

small amount of cottage cheese in a flax oil - cottage cheese mixture.

In the Budwig Protocol, if you keep your animal food consumption to just

the cottage cheese required by that FOCC recipe, you will be below the

5% of total calories which appears to be a safe level based on studies I

have seen results for.

If you start your study of what you can do nutritionally with these two

books, you'll be getting off to a great start. There is a lot of

actionable information in both of them.

Kind regards,



On Tue, 24 Nov 2009, Dana Herbert wrote:

> I would recommend ANTICANCER: A NEW WAY OF LIFE by Dr.

> Servan-Schreiber, a brain cancer survivor.


> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 8:41 AM, flintmission <tchatfield36@...>wrote:


> >

> >

> > Can anyone recommend a nutritional book that targets brain cancer,

> > specifically to reduce the tumor? I've read so much on the internet, it is

> > overwhelming. i am not a cook and don't know anything about all these herbs

> > and supplements. just a plain ole list of what to use/eat?

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eat high-oxalic-acid foods? (raw)-- rhubard, spinach, Swiss chard,

romaine/leaf lettuce, watercress, chives, escarole, kale, leeks,

dandelion, asparagus, radish, turnips, carrots, berries, organic

concord grapes; collard, mustard, & beet greens

elderberries and chokeberries

AVOID SUGAR & high-carb, high-glycemic foods, animal products (particularly

dairy, red meat, & chicken) except for fish; avoid and suppress COPPER

(effective w/GBM & other brain cancers; zinc helps inhibit copper absorption)

For more info,

www.nutritional-solutions.net (Jeanne Wallace, PhD, CNC)





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Maybe a calorie restricted ketogenic diet is something to look into. Have a look

at these 2 papers:

Targeting energy metabolism in brain cancer: review and hypothesis


The calorically restricted ketogenic diet, an effective alternative therapy for

malignant brain cancer


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