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Re: Which is better? Flaxseed oil or fish oil?

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The research I have discovered is that fish oil is far superior to flax seed

oil. I have had three healthcare professionals stear me away from the flax seed

oil. Ori Hofmekler, author of the Anti-Estrogenic Diet, doesn't recommend flax

seed oil anymore, but raved about the fish oil.  He begged me to take it when I

first got diagnosed in October, but I wanted to remain 100% vegan.


Also, I read 's blog about Dr. Kelley. Very impressive protocol! He warns

people about dairy, yet people are getting cured with the Budwig. I am

contemplating going on the FO/CC, but of course it will be organic. Can I take

the 2/3 cup CC all at one time with the 6 Tablespoons of FO? Or should I have it

am and before 1pm, as says NO animal protein after 1pm in afternoon? Is

on the Budwig protocol?


As for the black strap molasses. I just went down to see my daughter and my step

grandkids this week-end and made a gallon of sweet potato/corn/jalapeno organic

soup, using 2 Tablespoons of black strap molasses for the entire recipe. I

stayed up until 1am this morning reading 's post about . I was

thinking the same thing about the molasses. This morning, before I left Eugene

to come back to Portland, I handed the nearly full bottle of organic

(expensive!) molasses to my daughter's partner and said, " Could you use this? "

So, NO Jim you don't have to get your minerals from molasses. Remember, this

protocol was back in the early '70's. Much more has been learned about the

sugars and cancer. Get the minerals from a good ionic source at www.iherb.com. I

use Oxylife Colloidal Minerals from 72 plant derived minerals. A one month

supply is two bottles at $7.33 per bottle. Of course, there are other sources as

well. But be sure to get them ionic and/or

collodial as these are more readily absorbed and NO SUGAR.


I think I will start taking the fish oils myself. I am going to go off the 100%

vegan diet, but carefully choose the " animal " products I use:

Budwig protocol: cottage cheese/fish oil

pancreatin enzymes 


I am interested in anyone who is NOT on the Budwig protocol to give me your

reasons for not being on it. Also, I will NOT follow the strict " no supplements "

rule of the hard-core, hard-line Budwig folks. But I have heard good stuff.

Would appreciate any thoughts here from the group.


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I am interested in anyone who is NOT on the Budwig protocol to give me your

reasons for not being on it. Also, I will NOT follow the strict " no supplements "

rule of the hard-core, hard-line Budwig folks. But I have heard good stuff.

Would appreciate any thoughts here from the group.


, I used to be on Budwig for about a year-and-a-half. But, things

progressed for me while I was on it. Tumor markers continued to rise and I

developed a 2.5cm node in my neck. After doing MRT testing, I found out that

I'm allergic to cottage cheese, buckwheat, pineapple, and papaya, all of which

are staples on the full Budwig protocol.

Also, I did Johanne's metabolic typing and discovered that I needed a lot of

protein, so switched my diet to reflect that. After being on that particular

diet for a couple of months, I retested and am now more balanced. So, I do

still require protein, but I also eat plenty of fruits/veggies as well. I do

not eat red meat with active disease, but I do eat fish, seafood, turkey, and

game hen.


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---Hello Mellisa,

Flax seed oil, or ligean oil it the best. It's the highest in omega 3's. You may

want to

check into just concentrating on balancing your ph levels. To a more akaline

level. I

consulted 13 patients last year and all turned it around. 4 of which was at

stage 3. The

fact is in a acidic level, cancer thives. And yet in a akaline level, cancer

starves. This is

done because you now have a higher oxygen content within your bloodstream.


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Flax, walnut and fish oils are all high in Omega 3's. The best Omega 3 fats are

those found in Cod Liver and Krill oils because they contain DHA And EPA fatty




From: astonishu

---Hello Mellisa,

Flax seed oil, or ligean oil it the best. It's the highest in omega 3's. You may

want to check into just concentrating on balancing your ph levels. To a more

akaline level. I consulted 13 patients last year and all turned it around. 4 of

which was at stage 3. The fact is in a acidic level, cancer thives. And yet in a

akaline level, cancer starves. This is done because you now have a higher oxygen

content within your bloodstream.


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