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High protein bad for cancer patients?

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So Kelley is saying that high protein is bad for cancer patients,

because it ties up the pancreatin.

Yikes. I've been mixing in about 50 grams of protein via whey isolate

into my Budwig mixes, which already contains protein from the cottage

cheese. Uh oh...

But I want to get the lycene, (prevents angiogenesis) proline,

(prevents angiogenesis), glutamine, (builds up the small intestine),

cysteine (sulphur containing) and methionine (sulphur containing) amino

acids from the whey protein. Besides, Duncan Crowe said it was good


Waddya all think out there?

I'm still waiting on that answer as to whether whey isolate is really

dairy, or if it has had all it's dairy components isolated out.

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I knew I had gotten information in my brain somewhere in the past about high

protein being dangerous. Remember my blog a few weeks ago when I was frustrated

about all the conflicting information? Well, this is where I got the

information. I even have Dr. 's original phamplet, " One Answer To Cancer, "

which I purchased in 1994/95. I went on pancreatin tablets because of his

research and Dr. Bernard Jensen's bowel cleansing program. I had forgotten about

all of this until last night when I read 's blog.


doesn't include nuts as high protein, which is a bit puzzling to me as

nuts have a lot of high protein. But I think says high ANIMAL protein. He

poo-poos dairy as mucus-forming, but then turns around and says " no animal

protein after 1pm. "


I have heard such good things from you and others on this site about the Budwig

protocol that I am considering going on it. I will be taking pancreatin and

salmon oil supplementations per 's blog and your blog about the fish oil

success story of the lung cancer guy. Could you send me the link to that story

and post it here for others to read? I remember seeing that somewhere but forgot



I think you should give up on the whey. It is a waste product of dairy. Others

have posted negative information about it in the past on this website. It seems

that when people first get cancer they believe that the body needs protein to

fight cancer. It is quite the opposite. Pitchford, author of " Healing

Foods, " mentions that protein builds tissue and you don't want to help the

cancer build itself tissue. He advices limiting nuts to 8 almonds a day, but I

can't do this. Nuts are my main source of protein as well as chlorella, spinach

and other vegetables. I hope it is all right. promotes nuts as a rich and

healthy source of protein. It is the ANIMAL PROTEIN that is deadly, according to

. You got it right, Jim. Now listen and follow your gut instincts here. I

think an occasional piece of salmon is fine. But no dairy other then the Budwig

protocol I believe as dairy is a prime promoter of cancer from everything I have

read, especially

breast cancer.


Good Luck,



So Kelley is saying that high protein is bad for cancer patients,

because it ties up the pancreatin.

Yikes. I've been mixing in about 50 grams of protein via whey isolate

into my Budwig mixes, which already contains protein from the cottage

cheese. Uh oh...

But I want to get the lycene, (prevents angiogenesis) proline,

(prevents angiogenesis) , glutamine, (builds up the small intestine),

cysteine (sulphur containing) and methionine (sulphur containing) amino

acids from the whey protein. Besides, Duncan Crowe said it was good


Waddya all think out there?

I'm still waiting on that answer as to whether whey isolate is really

dairy, or if it has had all it's dairy components isolated out.

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> I think you should give up on the whey. It is a waste product of

dairy. Others have posted negative information about it in the past on

this website.

But -- if you do a search on " whey " you will find several posts

that are very positive about it too -- at least undenatured whey

isolate. Even Duncan Crowe himself posted here about it way back in

2005. Given that CC is dairy, why not try replacing some of that CC

with something much less dairy, yet still having the cysteine and


I only consume the whey isolate with a Budwig mix, where I try

replacing some of the CC with whey isolate (per the Crowe suggestion).

And, as I said, I still wonder if whey isolate is even dairy anymore.

Most of the dairy components have been removed.

Mike! Mike! Where are you on this issue? Seems to me that at one

time you were mildly pro-whey, but you have been silent as of late.

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Yes, high amounts of COOKED protein is bad.

You have to eat raw protein.

Dr. Henry Bieler of Food is your best medicine dedicated 2 chapters on

protein and why you should be eating it RAW.

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What about parasites? I bet Hulda wouldn't think eating raw meat

was such a good idea.


> Yes, high amounts of COOKED protein is bad.

> You have to eat raw protein.

> Dr. Henry Bieler of Food is your best medicine dedicated 2 chapters


> protein and why you should be eating it RAW.


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The solution of the Weston Price Foundation regarding those who fear

parasites in raw meat is to freeze the raw meat for 14 days. This they

say kills all parasites.

You then thaw the meat to room temperature and eat it raw.

Quite easily solved.

Best wishes,


jrrjim wrote:


> What about parasites? I bet Hulda wouldn't think eating raw meat

> was such a good idea.



> >

> > Yes, high amounts of COOKED protein is bad.

> > You have to eat raw protein.

> > Dr. Henry Bieler of Food is your best medicine dedicated 2 chapters

> on

> > protein and why you should be eating it RAW.

> >



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Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably superior, but

much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with glutamine and

arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to glutathione

status, it is a good thing for helping to counter cachexia in late stages.

I saw that you were also asking about Blackstrap. There is no worry

there about sugars. It's been used historically for tumors. The

operant factor there may be vitamin k, in which it is high. Look up

vitamin k, particularly k3 with regard to cancer. Blackstrap is also a

relatively safe way to address anemia in cancer patients.


jrrjim wrote:


> > I think you should give up on the whey. It is a waste product of

> dairy. Others have posted negative information about it in the past on

> this website.


> But -- if you do a search on " whey " you will find several posts

> that are very positive about it too -- at least undenatured whey

> isolate. Even Duncan Crowe himself posted here about it way back in

> 2005. Given that CC is dairy, why not try replacing some of that CC

> with something much less dairy, yet still having the cysteine and

> methionine?


> I only consume the whey isolate with a Budwig mix, where I try

> replacing some of the CC with whey isolate (per the Crowe suggestion).


> And, as I said, I still wonder if whey isolate is even dairy anymore.

> Most of the dairy components have been removed.


> Mike! Mike! Where are you on this issue? Seems to me that at one

> time you were mildly pro-whey, but you have been silent as of late.



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The contraindications for animal proteins with regard to cancer are

related to ..1) enzyme demands on the pancreas.....2.)demands on the

detox systems to handle nitrogenous waste products.....3). challenge to

the pH buffering systems due to the high acidic load.

Whey pretty much gets around these things. The only significant

proteins left in it are lactalbumin and lactoglobulin. They are easy to

digest. If you are concerned you can add additional pancreatic enzyme

supplementation. Moderation will take care of the detox situation. As

far as pH buffering goes, whey has much less effect to counter as

compared to other protein sources.

As far as cancer cells using protein...They have a very hard time with

anything other than glucose, as far as ATP production is concerned.

Normal cells can use proteins and fats for energy production. Cancer

cells have a much greater difficulty doing this. Many of them have no

ability to use these sources.

Lactose intolerance aside, the really problematic thing in dairy is cow

casein. This is pretty much excluded from whey.

Jim is on good ground using whey prudently. Everyone is encouraged to

research this themselves.


Dorr wrote:


> Jim,


> I knew I had gotten information in my brain somewhere in the past

> about high protein being dangerous. Remember my blog a few weeks ago

> when I was frustrated about all the conflicting information? Well,

> this is where I got the information. I even have Dr. 's original

> phamplet, " One Answer To Cancer, " which I purchased in 1994/95. I went

> on pancreatin tablets because of his research and Dr. Bernard Jensen's

> bowel cleansing program. I had forgotten about all of this until last

> night when I read 's blog.


> doesn't include nuts as high protein, which is a bit puzzling to

> me as nuts have a lot of high protein. But I think says high

> ANIMAL protein. He poo-poos dairy as mucus-forming, but then turns

> around and says " no animal protein after 1pm. "


> I have heard such good things from you and others on this site about

> the Budwig protocol that I am considering going on it. I will be

> taking pancreatin and salmon oil supplementations per 's blog and

> your blog about the fish oil success story of the lung cancer guy.

> Could you send me the link to that story and post it here for others

> to read? I remember seeing that somewhere but forgot where.


> I think you should give up on the whey. It is a waste product of

> dairy. Others have posted negative information about it in the past on

> this website. It seems that when people first get cancer they believe

> that the body needs protein to fight cancer. It is quite the opposite.

> Pitchford, author of " Healing Foods, " mentions that protein

> builds tissue and you don't want to help the cancer build itself

> tissue. He advices limiting nuts to 8 almonds a day, but I can't do

> this. Nuts are my main source of protein as well as chlorella, spinach

> and other vegetables. I hope it is all right. promotes nuts as a

> rich and healthy source of protein. It is the ANIMAL PROTEIN that is

> deadly, according to . You got it right, Jim. Now listen and

> follow your gut instincts here. I think an occasional piece of salmon

> is fine. But no dairy other then the Budwig protocol I believe as

> dairy is a prime promoter of cancer from everything I have read,

> especially

> breast cancer.


> Good Luck,







> So Kelley is saying that high protein is bad for cancer patients,

> because it ties up the pancreatin.


> Yikes. I've been mixing in about 50 grams of protein via whey isolate

> into my Budwig mixes, which already contains protein from the cottage

> cheese. Uh oh...


> But I want to get the lycene, (prevents angiogenesis) proline,

> (prevents angiogenesis) , glutamine, (builds up the small intestine),

> cysteine (sulphur containing) and methionine (sulphur containing) amino

> acids from the whey protein. Besides, Duncan Crowe said it was good

> stuff.


> Waddya all think out there?


> I'm still waiting on that answer as to whether whey isolate is really

> dairy, or if it has had all it's dairy components isolated out.



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Mike you mean Ms. Lori who is cured of Cancer ?.......AKP


Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably superior,


much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with glutamine


arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to glutathione

status, it is a good thing for helping to counter cachexia in late


I saw that you were also asking about Blackstrap. There is no


there about sugars. It's been used historically for tumors. The

operant factor there may be vitamin k, in which it is high. Look


vitamin k, particularly k3 with regard to cancer. Blackstrap is

also a

relatively safe way to address anemia in cancer patients.


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Hello shipshape45,

No, I mean my wife, Lori.


Monday, February 16, 2009, 6:47:27 PM, you wrote:

s> Mike you mean Ms. Lori who is cured of Cancer ?.......AKP


s> Jim,


s> Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably superior,

s> but

s> much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with glutamine

s> and

s> arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to glutathione

s> status, it is a good thing for helping to counter cachexia in late

s> stages.

s> I saw that you were also asking about Blackstrap. There is no

s> worry

s> there about sugars. It's been used historically for tumors. The

s> operant factor there may be vitamin k, in which it is high. Look

s> up

s> vitamin k, particularly k3 with regard to cancer. Blackstrap is

s> also a

s> relatively safe way to address anemia in cancer patients.


s> Mike



Best regards,

Mike mailto:goldenmike@...

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I think, and this is a big maybe, why Dr. does not promote nuts as protein

is because of the arginine content.   Some form of mycoplasma bacteria are

believed to cause cancer and arginine aggravates mycoplasma bacteria.



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thanks , I have a mycoplasma infection suppressing my lymphocytes and have

yet to the right drugs to cure that , it is longstanding and they hide in the

immune cells too.  So I have stage iv metastatic melanoma.  Makes sense the me.


From: Bag

I think, and this is a big maybe, why Dr. does not promote nuts as protein

is because of the arginine content.   Some form of mycoplasma bacteria are

believed to cause cancer and arginine aggravates mycoplasma bacteria.


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Hello ,

Yet, ironically, arginine feeds many types of virus including herpes.

Arginine itself inhibits cancer cell replication.


Monday, February 16, 2009, 7:57:41 PM, you wrote:

MB> I think, and this is a big maybe, why Dr. does not promote

MB> nuts as protein is because of the arginine content.   Some form of

MB> mycoplasma bacteria are believed to cause cancer and arginine aggravates

mycoplasma bacteria.




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was very much in favore of nuts (page 43 " curing the incurable " ) except

for peanuts (page 50)


[ ] Re: High protein bad for cancer patients?

I think, and this is a big maybe, why Dr. does not promote nuts as

protein is because of the arginine content. Some form of mycoplasma bacteria

are believed to cause cancer and arginine aggravates mycoplasma bacteria.

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No antibiotic can kill mycloplasma bacteria.  An exception is  doxycycline . May

reverse that disease process. It is one of the tetracycline antibiotics, but it

is not bactericidal; it is bacteriostatic--it stops the growth of the

mycoplasma. And if the mycoplasma growth can be stopped for long enough, then

the immune system takes over.   However, there is an alternative cure sent to 

me by an angel poster (unknown) , i hope she/he does not mind my repeating it

here, as follows: 


" Firstly the gentlmen that produed

these nano minerals is named Savage from B.C. you can look it up

on the web. If you wish to get rid of a blood born bactrium it is

strongly advised to you use the beck protocal with colloidal silver I have used

the equiptment from SOTA instruments with some success. When getting rid of a

blood born pathogen like a bactria it is of

prime importance to have a fully functioning ailamentary system. Therfore one

must do nutritional preparation before under taking

this! ie kidney liver cleanse as well as immune boosting regeme. while on this

protocol it is also advisable to take D-Glucarate or d-

Glucaric acid AOR produces a good one to get best results from any cleanse.

Again this advice is for informational purposes only Good

Hunting. "


There is a Sota kit being sold in a website " tools for healing " (i think) that

has the beck protocol machine and also colloidal silver generator. 


Just bought a gallon of advanced colloidal silver from www.utopiasilver.com. 


I understand that this mycloplasma can be acquired from anywhere.  Some

returning soldiers who were vaccinated came back and contaminated wife and

children.  Also present in environment and food.




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I see you are a friend of whey. Doesn't it contain IGF-1,

good for body builders and bad, very bad for cancer patients?

Mike Golden <goldenmike@...> wrote:


> Jim,

> Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably superior,

but much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with glutamine

and arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to glutathione status,

it is a good thing for helping to counter cachexia in late stages.....

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It appears from some web browsing that IGF-1 is mainly contained in

the fat of whey, so whey concentrate has it, while whey isolate does

not. One site I read said that whey concentrate has 800 times the

amount of IGF-1 as whey isolate.

But please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't sell whey isolate. I

have no interest but to figure out what is best for my protocol. Is

whey isolate helping me a ton or killing me? So far from the

evidence I think it is helping a lot. But one little thing like IGF-

1 could convince me otherwise. But I don't think the isolate has it.

> >

> > Jim,

> > Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably


> but much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with


> and arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to

glutathione status, it is a good thing for helping to counter

cachexia in late stages.....


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Now I am confused. I just read the " Say no way to whey " article,

which has made its rounds in this forum before. That article makes

it look like whey is the most dangerous substance on God's green

earth, and you'd be better off drinking straight dioxin. Yet I also

see all these scientific studies where whey has measurably decreased

cancer rates and tumor size where cancer exists.

Totally confused.

> >

> > Jim,

> > Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably


> but much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with


> and arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to

glutathione status, it is a good thing for helping to counter

cachexia in late stages.....


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And now I dig a little deeper and see that this article was written

by a company that aggressively promotes a SOY PROTEIN supplement, and

they say their soy protein supplement is God's gift to humanity,

versus whey protein, which is Satan's spawn.

> > >

> > > Jim,

> > > Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably

> superior,

> > but much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with

> glutamine

> > and arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to

> glutathione status, it is a good thing for helping to counter

> cachexia in late stages.....

> >


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Unless one is estrogen dominant in which case soy is the devils spawn :)


> > > >

> > > > Jim,

> > > > Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably

> > superior,

> > > but much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with

> > glutamine

> > > and arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to

> > glutathione status, it is a good thing for helping to counter

> > cachexia in late stages.....

> > >

> >


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So am I. Let's see whether Mike helps us with this.

Now I am confused. I just read the " Say no way to whey " article,

which has made its rounds in this forum before. That article makes

it look like whey is the most dangerous substance on God's green

earth, and you'd be better off drinking straight dioxin. Yet I


see all these scientific studies where whey has measurably


cancer rates and tumor size where cancer exists.

Totally confused.

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It's just a whey supplement, not a staple part of the diet. Amounts of

IGf1 in moderate supplementation with whey are not a problem. We make

our own IGF1 in our bodies all the time. Whey helps to boost energetics

in leukocytes. Very good for the immune system. You have to follow the

data. Whey, in supplemental amounts, has benefits for cancer patients.

Body builders, ( I discovered and coached the Illinois State Women's

Champion years ago) are excessive about everything they do. Keep in

mind that large amounts of ANY type of protein increases human growth

hormone production. Everything needs to be in moderation.


Magal wrote:


> Mike


> I see you are a friend of whey. Doesn't it contain IGF-1,

> good for body builders and bad, very bad for cancer patients?




> Mike Golden <goldenmike@...> wrote:

> >

> > Jim,

> > Whey is very good. The non-denatured version is probably superior,

> but much more expensive. I've been using whey blended with glutamine

> and arginine for Lori. Besides having benefits related to glutathione

> status, it is a good thing for helping to counter cachexia in late

> stages.....



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