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Can graviola beat cancer?

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In a message dated 9/7/09 4:59:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

robert-blau@... writes:

> Graviola Shows Promise in Cancer Cures and Arthritis

Where is the best place to purchase it?

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Graviola Shows Promise in Cancer Cures and Arthritis

Graviola, or Annona muricata, is a tropical fruit that has been found to

have amazing healing properties. Also called soursop guanababa, or

pawpaw, the Graviola fruit, leaves, bark and roots have been used as

sedatives in folk medicine. Native...


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I have looked at several sources. Reccommend:

www.rain-tree.com. The company is Raintree Nutrition, started by a ND woman who

had cancer herself and spent years in the Amazon researching the herbals to

fight cancer. They also have good sources of Amanu and Cat's Claw, both with a

good background in fighting cancer. She also has an excellent book, Herbal

Secrets of the Rainforest, with good research info. Her own story is amazing.

Another company which offers an oleander GravioIa liquid extract is Alpha Omega

Labs @ www.herbalhealers.com. I am sure the oleander injections are superior,

though you have to find a ND willing to assist you, and I think that is harder,

as it is a substance currently being investigated by FDA (would apparently be

easier to get if this were not the case/know they offer this frequently in

Europe/Mexico--sorry to digress, but both seem important substances after

researching for many years!)

I am not part of either company or in any way profitting from this referral,

just a woman with dx of Stage 4 breast cancer, now with mets to innumerable

spots in spine, liver, and recently lung, but have done fairly well bucking the

system thus far, although I have had some radiation and chemo. Wish I had so

much information earlier, so happy to share with others. Sure alkalyzing diet is

critical with all of these herbals, and like many with cancer have found that

hard to be consistent with. Could use all of your prayers/ healing energy too,

please, and good luck to all! I am a single mom with a 12 y/o boy who I know

needs me! I seldom write but often read. Thank you for much info.



From: " szukidavis@... " <szukidavis@...>

cures for cancer

Sent: Monday, September 7, 2009 4:10:37 PM

Subject: Re: Can graviola beat cancer?

In a message dated 9/7/09 4:59:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

robert-blau@ webtv.net writes:

> Graviola Shows Promise in Cancer Cures and Arthritis

Where is the best place to purchase it?

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Try the aids cure site. More and more cancer cure experiences. Please read the

testimonals on Flax hull lignuins!


I had surgury 2 years ago after 4 months of trying Dr Joanna Budwig's Flax seed

oil. My Tumor grew from 8.7cm to 9.7 before I had surgury. Unfortunately I did

not find out about the flax hulls until later.

Good Luck and hope it helps you.


Re: Can graviola beat cancer?

In a message dated 9/7/09 4:59:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

robert-blau@ webtv.net writes:

> Graviola Shows Promise in Cancer Cures and Arthritis

Where is the best place to purchase it?

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